He was wrapped in a **** cricket, and Qing Jun's face was like the best picture.

The long black hair was scattered casually on the side of the face, Lin Mengya's eyes were drawn from his eyebrows.

Unconsciously, with a smile on her face, she sat so quietly, watching his rare sleeping face.

The carriage swayed slightly, but he was motionless.

Lin Lin Mengya knows that he is not asleep now.

As long as the danger strikes, that person will immediately jump up to meet the enemy.

But she would rather let him rest for a while, even for a while.

"looks good?"

Su Xing's eyes opened suddenly, and her appearance fell into those dark pupils unconsciously.

Lin Lin Mengya did not hide, and did not feel much shy.

Instead, he nodded generously, complimentingly.

"It looks good, it looks the best in the world."

It wasn't that bad at all, it made him so happy.

I couldn't help carrying a smug smile on my lips, he sat up and motioned to move to his own side.

I didn't expect that as soon as Lin Mengya sat down, the person put her head on her lap and continued to sleep with her eyes closed.

Lin Lin Mengya did not make fun of him, but just gently cut open his hair to make him sleep more peacefully.

In the carriage, Mu Rongxi sniffed the distinctive aroma of the man, only to feel the essence of spirit, not disturbing at all.

"What fragrance do you use?"

Gao Linmengya's eyes flickered. His favorite thing in the past was also the scent of his medicine,

In my opinion, this habit has not changed.

"It's the smell of herbs and spices."

"Ah, very good."

人 This person's answer is still so concise and do what I do, but this time, she has a lot of adults, let him go.

The car ran for a while, Lin Mengya glanced, and she was almost out of town.

Since He is his righteous son, shouldn't he be kept in the house?

But soon, she followed Long Tianyu into the unremarkable courtyard.

As soon as I entered the door, someone greeted me.

The man must be his confidant, even if he saw himself, he turned a blind eye.

"Where is Honor?"

When Luan mentioned the child, Long Tianyu didn't see how gentle he was.

Lin Lin Mengya felt a bit strange. After all, wasn't it for Xun'er's sake that he had allowed Chonghua to take the bell from his car?

"Little Master is studying in the backyard. Would you like to ask for it?"

"No need, I'll check it out."

I took Lin Mengya, and the two passed through the front yard to the more quiet backyard.

Before I entered the door, I heard a little lively.

After waiting for them to go in, they found that a boy in the age of six or seven was riding on a child much younger than him.

Alas, he kept blaming in his mouth.

"Useless thing! Not even a horse, tomorrow I will let the righteous father kill you and throw it out to feed the wolf!"

Zhe Lin Mengya had a hard time imagining that these words were actually spoken from the mouth of a child.

Now she froze.

Walked quickly, pulling up the arrogant child.

"How can you bully the weak?"

She gave the blue-eyed child a glance, then squatted down, and pulled up the one on the ground.

I didn't want to, the boy who was curled up in a tattered dress was actually the little boy I saw in front of the snow sculpture that night.

"Are you all right? But where did you hurt?"

The little boy seemed a little more embarrassed than that day.

The dark and thin face was covered with scars, and even the clothes were covered with dust.

"Where do you come from the shameless fox spirit? I tell you, Master Ben is the righteous son of His Highness Xi! You dare to control me, be careful I will let my righteous father kill your whole family!"

Little children, do n’t know where thoron comes from.

Zhe Lin Mengya glanced at the child, her blue pupils, her white face, her tall nose, and she looked like an alien.

But she felt that, fortunately, the child was not Ning'er, otherwise she would be upset.

"Whether it is your Highness Xi's righteous son or the emperor's prince, bullying the weak is wrong. You are only relying on His Highness Xi's righteousness, who would listen to you without this status?"

She doesn't hate children, because as a mother, she has a little more motherly care for the children in this world.

But this does not mean that she will tolerate irrational bear children indefinitely.

"You! You are so brave! You dare to speak to me like this, you are all blind and you are not happy to tie her to Master Ben!"

Pu Xun'er eyes widened, and he politely shouted at the people next to him.

But behind him, Murong Xi's face was gloomy, who dare to move?

Finally, Xun'er found the abnormality. He looked at everyone's eyes, but suddenly he was shocked by electric shock.

"The Righteous Father"

Wu Xun'er was startled and stunned on the spot.

Then, all of a sudden, he ran to Mu Rongxi in tears and yanked his clothes.

"Father, they all bully me, you have to avenge me!"

With a good idea of ​​two sides, Lin Mengya picked up the little boy and watched coldly.

I have said that the child's heart is like a pure and flawless white paper, but it is obvious that this child named Xuner has obviously been spoiled.

She doesn't care how old the child is, if he doesn't teach him since he was a kid, I'm afraid it will be harder to teach him later.

"I told you to look at him, but didn't let you stand by him. Lock him in the room and let Mr. Strictly educate."

Wu Murongxi looked cold. He had a little affection for the child who was smart and sensible.

He didn't want to, since he entered his own garden, he cried all day and let himself punish those who took care of him.

At first he was patient, but later he also felt that this child might not be suitable for his own garden.

I didn't expect it to be completely understood today, why those people dare to anger and not speak up.

"My Highness, I want to borrow your place for a use. This child is so pitiful."

The little guy in Lin Mengya's arms had almost no weight.

The pair of eyes that she saw that day were quite stunned, but now they look a little dumb.

The frostbite on Xiao Xiao's hand was not good. She found that the child had too many frozen places on her child's body through a short cotton coat with a hole in the hole.

Who knows, when he first hugged the house, Lin Mengya wanted to help the little guy unbutton his cotton jacket, but the little guy frequently dodged.

She had to stop and explain softly to the little guy, she wouldn't hurt him, and could help him look at the wound, so that he would not be uncomfortable.

But the little guy refused to live or die. Lin Mengya watched him keep looking out the window, and then he came over.

"Where are the parents of this child?"

Wu Rongxi, who was always behind her, immediately asked.

After a while, the news came.

"Back to Grandpa, this child is the child of the slave of the main family of Chonghua County. The chief of the county was afraid that Master Xun had no playmate, so he sent someone over to relieve Master Xun."

I'm Chonghua again!

When Lin Mengya heard this name, she was furious.

既 "That being the case, then I will take this child away. 80% of my children will not be their biological parents."

She is a little angry, even if this child is a child of a domestic slave, can't she be treated like this?

Wu Mu Rongxi saw that she was so angry, and her heart was a little tired of Chonghua.

"Just do what you say. Since it is the person sent to our house, it is up to me to decide what to do."


Her Majesty led her away, but Lin Mengya took the child into her arms again without fear of being dirty.

"Hi lord, this child is not doing well. I have to go back and take care of him and say goodbye."

She looked at Lin Mengya angrily. The child was right. The fault was the education of the adult.

Wu Xun'er was spoiled to look like this, Long Tianyu, the righteous father, has an unshirkable responsibility.

But Mu Rongxi was a little puzzled. She wanted to stop her and asked her a few words.

I was thrown away by someone.

"Xuner is your righteous son. Since you recognize him, you should be responsible for his future. If something happens, you can't blame the child. I'll go first, think about it yourself."

Xi Mu Rongxi was a little bit wronged. Xun'er hadn't had much contact with him. He was like he hadn't expected.

I watched Gongya go further and further, but Murong Xi's eyes grew more gloomy.

"Look back and send the details of Xun Er."

"Man, do you mean?"

He called his most trusted deputy and whispered.

"I want to know if he is my righteous son."

The deputy nodded and left, and faithfully carried out his orders.

But Mu Rongxi's heart had a very weird idea that gradually surfaced.

Is there any Honor in his lost memory?

I don't know at all, because of this small episode, Long Tianyu has begun to doubt other lives that have been reorganized.

Lin Lin Mengya hugged the little boy and rode the carriage all the way back to the palace house.

"My lady, have you become accustomed to picking people up?"

She hurried to see the little thing in her arms, and could not help expressing a bit of emotion.

"Well, I'll explain it to you later. Go and ask your sister Bai Su to come and bring her the frostbite cream and the medicine that I prepared before. Also, go to the kitchen and steam a rock candy, remember, Just stew the rotten soup, don't take the rest. "

"it is good."

I hugged the child back to his room, but the child seemed unresponsive during the whole process.

I just, but no longer resisted her approach, and let her take off her clothes.

Fortunately, this child is only more severe with frostbite on his hands and feet. There is no other scars on his body except for some dirt.

Lin Lin Mengya washed him clean, and carefully gave him the frostbite medicine, looked up, and the child actually fell asleep.

The child covered the quilt crappily, turned around, and took her son and Bai Su to the front yard.

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