Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1253: Winning streak

I sat in the front room, Lin Mengya sat there quietly, her brows locked.

Ji Baisu and Jiuer knew that she was a rare person who would show such an expression.

Probably, something is wrong.

It is true that Lin Mengya is now full of heart and is worried about her children.

I just chose to send someone to look for it.

From Long Tianyu, Qinghu, to Zhu Yan, Shangguanhui.

The people around her appeared one by one, but with completely different looks.

If Ninger also fell into the hands of these people, what would he be tortured into?

Zhe Lin Mengya did not dare to think about it, because the more she thought, the more urge to kill in her heart, the more intense.

As a mother, she must forcibly calm down.

Because no one saves her child except herself.

"Sister, I heard you picked up another kid and returned?"

Xun Palace entered the house with great interest. Although it was snowy outside, he looked like a steamed bun just out of the pan, braving the heat.

I saw at a glance that I had just returned from the training ground.

Xuan Er winked at him, but unfortunately, Miyako was not a keen person.

纭 After seeing 纭 er's gesture, she also thought that her eyes were faulty.

"Why, what's the matter with you?"

I almost didn't control the urge to roll my eyes, but I was clever and rubbed my eyes and said.

"Probably because I just went to the medicine and smoked my eyes. The little thing was really miserable. I looked at it and felt that I was not in a good mood."

She has made this clear and plain. If Gongwu doesn't understand it, then it will be stupid.

Wu Gong's five hearts understood, thinking that Gong Ya felt sad because of seeing the child, and quickly comforted.

"It's good luck for him to meet you. In the future, we won't let him suffer anymore. Those martial arts are also loyal to our palace family. Alas, in fact, the only thing we can believe here Yes, they are. "

Zhe Lin Mengya heard the words, and her mind moved quietly.

In the patriotic state, slaves have no human rights at all.

No matter what happens, the Lord can kill the slave, but the slave cannot sue the Lord.

Even if it really hit the court, the words of the slaves could not be proved.

This also led to the slaves, very few defections.

Because of being a fugitive slave, everyone in the Patriotic War won it.

After killing the fugitive slaves, the civilians can even go to the host's house to receive the reward.

This also led them to have to show their unwilling loyalty to their enemies.

But Lin Mengya has one more advantage than them.

She has a team of men and women on Yanxia Mountain.

The people there did not care about her aristocratic status, nor did she care about the source of her life.

For her, only by holding on to these people can she get everything she wants.

Lin Lin Mengya had a plan in her heart, but people were not so anxious as before.

After all, relying on others is unsafe, and in everything, it's more reliable to rely on yourself.

Don't look at her now in Longdu, but it's not difficult to remotely control the Yanxia Mountain thousands of miles away.

The former inn of the palace house will be reopened one after another.

At that time, no matter whether they can go back or not, they can use the commercial line of the palace family to pass on the message without knowing it.

However, she couldn't help asking about Ning'er's news.

I thought about it, Lin Mengya thought of a suitable candidate.

"Brother Five? Hey, where is Master Five?"

She ran out immediately and hurriedly called 纭.

听说 "I heard that I went to Lianjia, Miss, is there anything urgent? Otherwise, I'll call for you?"

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head and searched for herself.

两家 Anyway, the two are not too far away, they will be there right away.

For the first time in Lianjia's new government, Lin Mengya glanced casually. Although not as elegant as the former residence, in fact, don't have a warm feeling.

The pattern looks a bit more compact than before.

I want to come after experiencing many things in the past, so that even family members realize that only family is the most important thing.

The concierge at the gate of Lufu also recognized her. Now Lianjia and Gongjia are as good as a family. The family members go in and out of Lianjia, and they are almost at home.

"Ms. Gong, are you here to find your wife? Madam is in the backyard, why not take you there?"

Qi Lin Mengya shook her head and asked softly.

"May my fifth brother be at your house?"

哎 "Oh, this is not a coincidence. Master Gongwu just went out with my young master and said he was going outside the city to relax."

Lin Mengya's face was embarrassed, and Lin Mengya was also a little disappointed.

"Well, I'll go back and wait for him. If he comes back, tell me for him."

The yamen room promised, but heard a voice inside.


Lin Lin Mengya heard the words and looked up.

But Xun saw that the winning streak was sitting in a wooden wheelchair. He was a lot thinner and paler than before, and even carrying people looked different.

But the whole person's spirit is still good, at least Lin Mengya, did not read from his face, frustrated.

"It turned out to be Brother Lien. I haven't seen you for a few days. How about your body?"

Now that I have met the owner, Lin Mengya is not good enough to leave.

I turned and went into Lianjia, standing in front of Lian Sheng.

Lian Liansheng covered his chest subconsciously, and his pale lips smiled.

"I have no regrets to be able to retrieve a life. I have heard what they said about you, thank you."

The winning streak is naturally a matter of Mo Xiangxuan.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled embarrassed, in fact, she should not participate in this kind of thing.

After all, family ugliness cannot be advertised.

But at the time, if Lian Xing continued to make trouble, or if Xiao Bailian continued to play tricks, it would be Lianjia who was disadvantaged.

"Nothing, 婶婶 I mean, Mrs. Lian is so good to me, naturally I can't see others bullying her."

Li Liansheng listened to her and said lightly.

"You still call 婶婶, mother said, this is a kind name to listen to. I still want to ask you something, I wonder if you have time now?"

Forget it, the little guy in the family is probably going to sleep for a while.

And even where Xing and Gongwu went, she didn't know much about it. It was better to listen to what happened to the winning streak.

"That bothers me."

Streak nodded and took Lin Mengya to the backyard.

"Well, let's step back first."

连 In a gazebo in the backyard, the winning streak waved and let the subordinates back away.

Waited for the next person to retreat far enough before winning the streak.

"Do you know who Ellen is?"

Hearing his tone, did the original streak know Alene's existence long ago?

It's strange, now that you know, why do you still have tolerate it for so long?

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and decided to listen first.

Lin Liansheng looked in the direction of the courtyard. Although his face had not changed much, Lin Mengya could feel that there were many things hidden in this man's heart.

"Actually, I didn't know it very well. From an early age, my father regarded me as the heir of the Lianjia family. So in some places, there was no defense at all. I first discovered it in my father's case This is the existence of Ai Lian. "

For the winning streak, he had been eagerly expected since he was a child, in fact, he has experienced much more than Lian Xing.

So, often, he keeps his thoughts in his heart.

虽然 "Although my mother said that this man was his father's love. But only I knew that she had written to her father, and her father had never seen it a second time."

I said, Lian Sheng glanced at Lin Mengya.

The latter rolled his eyes and understood the meaning of his words.

"So, isn't that the relationship between Uncle and Elaine?"

"My father is upright. Even before he got married to my mother, he had such a long history with Ai Lian. I think he will give Ai Lian a satisfactory account. He must not, aggrieved that he truly loves himself woman."

Alas, Lin Mengya will not express her opinion for the time being.

Uncle Qun Lian is a good person, she admits, but there are some things that I am afraid are not so simple.

The more you have such a personality, the more likely it is to abandon your beloved girl for the so-called home country.

Sometimes, his children's private affairs are not so important to him.

但是 "But that Elaine, she told me she was Elaine, but to others, she was Mo Tan. Perhaps my father didn't know this, but I was very clear."

It ’s no wonder, even if the winning streak is in charge of the entire Guard City, what can he do to hide it?

"And I also know that this Mo Tan, in fact, has close personal relations with the royal family."

Bian Liansheng glanced back and cast her eyes on her.

Zhe Lin Mengya was shocked. If that was the case, wouldn't that even Mrs. Poison's--

"However, isn't it more than doing this? Even the family is originally the princely family, naturally sharing the same glory with the royal family. If the royal family really chooses to control you in this way, it is not to push you more and more Far away? I don't think they are so stupid. "

Fan Mingjun must be entrusted.

Sometimes the use of benevolence can make the three generations bow for them. If it is not controlled by insidious means, it must be a tree falling down and being beaten down by water.

"This is something that my father and I have secretly discussed. Huang Zun is actually a brilliant man. For so many years, my mother's illness was also thanks to the fact that Huang Zun sent doctors to give medicine. But there are some things I can ask, some But I ca n’t ask. I have read the letter that Mo Tan wrote to my father, and accidentally revealed some information, presumably that she was also forced. Besides, I secretly researched the medicine in my father's hand. This medicine is not available to the average person. According to legend, only the inner court of the palace can have such a secret recipe. "

This amount of confidence is great.

All the clues they have now show that the pusher behind the scenes is Emperor Zun.

Anyone who is a normal person is expected to be so skeptical.

"But what can I do to help Brother Lien?"

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