Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, others she didn't know, but the master of Xianghua County could never become His Royal Highness Princess Xi.

At this point, she is more confident than anyone else.

"Okay, they won't come, then we will eat it ourselves. The fourth brother must not have eaten anything today, this Yuqing Museum, but the most famous restaurant in Longdu. Come, let me and the fifth brother give you wind and dust."

As soon as she narrowed her eyes, she smiled again and again.

But both Gongsi and Gongwu felt that just now, she was indeed angry.

"Okay, you can't waste your kindness. Our family is always more comfortable."

The meal was awkward, but Lin Mengya's performance became more and more normal.

As a result, Gongsi and Gongwu became increasingly worried.

Until they got up from Yuqing Pavilion and returned to the palace house, Gongsi and Gongwu secretly poked behind her, communicating with eyes.

But the whole journey was under Lin Mengya's eyelids.

"Don't worry, I won't be so stupid, I will go to the trouble of Anjia and King Yue. Brother, when you were there, how did you feel about Anjia's reaction?"

In fact, Lin Mengya was not angry because the Anjia approached the Yue King. She was angry because the Anjia didn't keep the palace in her eyes.

The friendship between the Clan family and the family was not maintained by the so-called first sight of the two.

There is too much entanglement of interests and desires in it. You can settle down, but the palace can't be too small.

So there are some things that she has to endure temporarily, but only temporarily.

The fourth palace was also carefully observed. Although I finally found a reason to come back, but I should not forget one thing.

"Father Anjia looks happy, but it may not be true. The four grandfather Anjia is ambitious. This time, he also agreed to the invitation of the Yue Wangfu without permission. Presumably the old grandfather is unwilling to make an appointment. After all, he and the outside world Zu is also an old acquaintance. He should be able to think of these little things. "

This point also confirmed Lin Mengya's speculation.

如果 "If this is the case, then the motivation of the four grandfathers is very obvious. Anyway, I guess tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the grandfather of the family will definitely come to invite us to pass. When that happens, we will find our face again."

Even though Grandpa Anjia did not shirk the invitation of King Wang, he also sent his henchmen to report.

However, if Father Anjia really pays attention to her appointment, at least she will show up at night.

She insisted on waiting until that night, also depends on the attitude of home.

In the end, she was disappointed.

Everyone wants to climb Gao Zhier, but they also score ways and methods?

"I see, Anjia looks down on us, and how can we despise them. Well, who would care for them if it was not for the sake of the ancestors. Don't think about who cried and shouted to be good with our palace family. We treat them as our own when we are brilliant, but now they treat us as outsiders. If our ancestors knew it, they would scold them for their ingratitude. "

Wu Gongwu was open-minded, not to mention his family, and naturally he did not need to be patient.

Although Miyazaki said nothing, she certainly thought so.

Lin Mengya lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Well, we will have the opportunity to return these things. Yes, Yaer, the second and third brothers have all gone up the mountain, and the situation there is much better than we thought. Now, there are even escapes around. Slave, come here to join them. By the way, I also heard that they gave themselves a name, 'Yanxia Mountain Rebel Army'. What do you think of this name? "

Yanxia Mountain has now become a sacred place of freedom, relying on natural barriers and the secret assistance of the palace family, the situation there has developed very well.

"It seems that this kind of thing is really addictive. Let everyone take a good rest first, and wait until next spring, we will have a blockbuster."

The Yanxia Mountain Rebel Army is a cluster of flames on the vast land of this country.

All those who have been in the upper ranks for a long time always have the illusion that those who are despised by them cannot do anything no matter what they do.

However, she has to tell the world that the fire of stars can be ignited.

Even if there are only two thousand warriors, this land can still be turned upside down.

"Okay, yes, after a while, brother, they will be there."

Xionggong smiled, and finally said one that could make Lin Mengya show a true smile.

"Four brother, you are so true! Brother said that, this matter must be kept secret, how can you not stand the test so much!"

I did not expect, as soon as the words were finished, Gongwu began to complain.

"Big brother, are they coming back? What about their great ancestors? And Mo Yan, will they all come?"

Alas, she really didn't know it.

Gao's eyes widened, and her heart was a little excited.

Kuimiya nodded at four and said with a smile.

"They didn't let me tell you, Zengzu said, this is your first year at home. How can you not be a member of the family? Although they won't let me tell you, whoever tells me wants you Smile. Our family has never allowed outsiders to bully our young lady. "

Lin Lin Mengya's face moved, this is the family.

When she needs help most, she will always face her all with her.

She wants to protect them, and they feel the same way.

"Everything is good for you to say, but the little girl is happy."

Looking at the smiles on the faces of Brother Si and Brother Five, Lin Mengya only felt warm.

"Well, thank you."

I want to say too much, but when it comes to the end, she finds that in any language, there is no way to accurately describe her inner feelings.

That night, she fell asleep with a small object.

In the dream, all the people she cared for came together, and everyone was happy.

That's all she wants in her life.

Wonderful dreams wake up, Lin Mengya just feels full of energy.

Seeing her in a good mood, Xiao Xiao relied on her arms, rolling like a little meat / worm.

The two laughed for a morning, until Gongsi and Gongwu both urged her outside, and then they reluctantly, dressed, and brought out small things to meet people.

"Is this the kid you said in the letter?"

Seeing the small things holding Gong Ya's hand tightly, Gong Si was actually a little curious.

小 This little thing doesn't look good. Compared with the mo Yan like a jade doll at home, it is no different from a little black monkey.

However, this child has very deep eyes.

I don't know if it's his illusion. He actually felt that this little bean may be hiding a lot of thoughts.

嗯 "Well, we all call him little things. Don't look so good-looking, you have more eyes!"

My son came to invite a few people to dinner, and squeezed his eyes at the small things by the way.

I am strange to say, this little thing is extremely clever and very human-looking.

To Lin Mengya, he is in every possible way, like Xiao Mianyu intimately.

He treats Bai Su as he is not as intimate as Lin Mengya, but he is obedient.

But treat 纭 儿, he looks like a full devil.

I didn't say a word, but I was so angry that I could yell.

He treats Miyagoya very politely, but always with a bit of alienation, but it makes Miyago this adult, there is no way to find faults.

This little thing is too smart.

After listening to her complaining, Gong Si felt bright.

I squatted down and said gently to the little thing.

"I'm Xiaoya's brother, just like Mo Yan, call me four uncles, do you know?"

The little thing was silent, but he nodded nicely.

Hei Gongsi touched his little head, raised his head and said to Lin Mengya.

"This child is so clever, I think it is a fate given by God. If I can, I hope to enlighten this child in person."

In my opinion, Gong Shi valued the children quite seriously.

It's no wonder that the little guy under the age of two showed extraordinary intelligence and was amazing.

What's more, the rise of the palace family may still be completed by these children.

"It must be the best, little thing, salute your uncle quickly. He will be your teacher in the future."

Xiao Xiao looked at Gongsi, then looked at her, but shook her head.

怎么 "What? You don't want to?"

Lin Lin Mengya felt a little surprised, she could raise children, but not teach children.

The child nodded and shook his head again.

Everyone is confused, finally, Miyaji tentatively said.

"Do you think that I am not qualified to be your teacher, or"

The stunned thing happened. After listening to the first half of Gong Shi, the little boy actually nodded seriously.

He then smiled at Gong Shi, and looked at it, and felt how apologetic.

Lin Lin Mengya did not hold back, and took the lead to laugh.

By the way, I dare to love this little thing because I dislike her brother's knowledge is too low.

"Don't underestimate your four uncle, his knowledge is great. If you learn from him, you will definitely become a talent in the future."

Lin Lin Mengya whispered softly, but the small thing still insisted on shaking his head, firmer every time.

I watched Sibo's reaction secretly while trying to continue to persuade small things.

But Ke finally stopped her.

"Okay, let's go on, it's me who is ashamed."

The four palaces couldn't help crying and laughing.

多少 How many people used to hold the Xiu Yinzi, and sincerely asked him to go to school to learn the house, but he found various reasons for rejection.

I did not expect that for the first time, I was disgusted by other students.

It's true, Feng Shui is taking turns.

"Brother Si, don't get angry, little boy, he knows something. Look back at him and understand, cry and regret it."

Lin Lin Mengya hurriedly rounded the field, and then greeted everyone to walk towards the dining room.

Wu Weigong Palace, looking at the child's back, fell into meditation.

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