Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1267: Unknown danger

But obviously, Long Tianyu's information source is more detailed than she expected.

"Eileen has taught Chonghua for a few years, and their relationship is also good. Xuner was sent to me through Chonghua. The communication between them is still very close."

Wu Zhonghua has something to do with the assassination of the winter solstice, which was unexpected by Lin Mengya.

Judging from her previous relationship with Chonghua, the girl's IQ is still barely online.

So I'm afraid there is a fraud.

"Can you arrange for us to meet in private?"

Wu Mu Rongxi looked at her with a little doubt in her eyes.

"I remember, the relationship between you and her was not so harmonious, why did you suddenly want to see her again?"

Fortunately, his man wasn't really stupid, and knew he couldn't get along with her.

"I don't want to see her, but I always think she seems to have misunderstood me. By the way, has she told you anything recently? For example, to marry you?"

Wu Murongxi shook her head, feeling that this woman's imagination was a little too powerful.

"I won't marry her."

Although I knew this answer long ago, Lin Mengya still had a little joy in her heart.

"It's not important whether you marry or not. What's important is, has she mentioned this to you?"

Chen Long Tianyu shook his head, but Lin Mengya felt that it was as true as she suspected.

"Then, she should have no reason to hate me. So, you still help me arrange and find a chance to meet her in private."

If Wu Zhonghua is really deep in Long Tianyu Yongqing, in this case, she should at least ask Long Tianyu for help.

Let him marry himself or something, for example.

When a woman is helpless, she will inevitably ask for help from her favorite person.

But she didn't, which shows that she has clearly realized that Long Tianyu can't help her.

Of course, maybe when Chonghua finally lost his way, he might also ask Long Tianyu for help.

Sui Zhonghua's hatred for her, some came here to make people feel wrong.

好 "Okay, I'll help you arrange it. But you have to promise me, you must be careful in the future, do you know?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and nestled in his chest.

A rare person in life spoils herself like this. Although she is accustomed to face everything herself, if someone supports herself like this, she may have more powerful power.

However, Lin Mengya did not fully listen to Long Tianyu's words. After all, she was not a weak woman without the power to protect herself.

What the teacher gave her before, she brought it back again.

Who can think of this weak-looking and slim-looking woman, the things hidden on her body are enough to make the entire dragon into a dead city?

But she won't do it easily.

On Princess Xiao's side, she did not plan to go again for the time being.

However, Gu Pan missed her very much, always sending someone to inquire when she was free.

If Lin Mengya stayed at home, she felt sorry and looked forward to it. It would be better to go out and do some business.

Small things were carried by her. He was very well-behaved and never cry easily.

Lin Lin Mengya took him, and when he arrived, it was an elegant tea house.

The person in charge of the shopkeeper was a man who looked very kind, but after seeing Lin Mengya and his party, he immediately arranged a smart guy to take her to the backyard.

The backyard is much quieter than the front yard, but there are many people.

Here is a secret base for transmitting messages newly established by the palace family in Longdu. There are ordinary people, merchants, and even government troops, and beggars asking for food.

But no matter who they are, they all come and go in a hurry, not even looking at each other more.

Zhe Lin Mengya walked straight to the main house of the backyard, where the four smartest masters of the palace family were processing all the news brought back by their men.

"Four brothers."

She stood beside Gongsi for a moment, and saw that the matter on his hands had been dealt with for the time being, which made people feel bad.

Kumiya Shiji looked up unexpectedly, and after seeing her, he looked at God a little.

"You wait for me for a while, I'll be fine."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and sat quietly with little things waiting.

发现 She found that Gong Si's treatment method has her own set of methods. All things are divided into four categories according to their priorities.

The first priority is to deal with it. Miyaji always gives feedback in a timely manner. The rest is glanced at, and then seems to be set aside randomly.

But Lin Mengya knows that all his actions are thought, not accidental.

I looked for a while, Lin Mengya did not regret it.

The four elder brothers of his own family, even as prime minister, can't be overstated.

I was just trapped by family restrictions and had to be the big steward of a small family.

"Wait a long time, I will take you to rest later."

她 For her, Gong Shi always speaks in harmony and is gentle and polite.

Lin Lin Mengya got up and followed Gongsi to the back hall.

Very simple layout, but you can see the personality of the owner.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around, but felt that his fourth brother was too harsh on himself.

"Otherwise, you still live with me home. Now the fifth brother does not come back all day. If you are at home, I still have someone to talk to."

Wu Gongwu was completely let go of her. Although she refused to draw the Emperor and the Emperor, she did not stop her.

Because she must not only show ambition and stubbornness, but also make the Emperor and the Emperor feel that she and Gongwu can still draw together, and only need a suitable condition.

I believe that, Gong Wu also understands.

How many of the people in the palace can do loss-making trading?

"Your elder brother, that's the way of thinking. I don't want to go back, but it's not the right time. When things are arranged properly here, I will naturally go home with you. However, the old five There is something in your heart that you must not be like him. "

After hearing the words from the palace, he could only helplessly smiled, but he was not quite assured to order his brother and sister.

"I know this, I'm here to ask the elder brother to help me find out something."

"You said."

"I want to know who the boss behind Elian is."

Now, all the people in Longdu are dispatched by Gongsi.

Lin Mengya is ‘king’, and Gongsi is ‘general’.

With regard to her order, Miyaji never refused, nor would she refuse at all.

今天 But today, I don't know why, she would make a special trip to ask about it.

"I have something, I can only tell the fourth brother."

Bai Su and 纭 儿, automatically left with small things.

Suddenly, Gong Shi's face was involuntarily, showing a little nervous and serious expression.

Gao Lin Mengya thought for a long time, but only felt something, she could only tell Gong Si to know.

"The fourth brother should hear the third brother they mentioned, saying that I was frightened in the mountains, so what did I forget?"

Kuimiya nodded at four, but he didn't feel that there could be anything that scared his sister.

"Actually, I don't have amnesia. It's just that for someone who is very important, it's the calculation of others. The fourth brother, actually knows what I'm testing, right?"

Sugimiya hesitated for a moment, but nodded with a bitter smile.

He knows everything about her, she knows she once married and gave birth to a child.

But he still chose to keep all the secrets for her.

I just because she is herself, the most important relative.

"My husband and friends all appeared in Longdu. I know that something must have happened over there, but now I can't go back, and I completely broke the news over there. For various reasons, They all forget me now, forget the past we once had. Brother, can you understand that feeling? "

Nishinomiya also did not expect that this would turn out to be the case.

But as an onlooker, he is easier to smell the conspiracy hidden in it.

"So, I must find the willingness to make them lose their memory. In this way, I can completely recover myself. But I know this is not easy, and it may even kill me. I ca n’t It dragged the whole palace home in, so I hope you can be a leader. "

"Sister, I don't quite understand what you mean. The palace family is your home, how can there be any drag and no drag. In the future, you don't have to say such outliers!"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head desperately, then sighed, her frown slightly.

"If it's just these things, then I don't need to ask the four brothers. The appearance of them these days has made me feel something vaguely. Maybe my arrival was not accidental."

Alas, even Gong Shi was a little confused.

But from the beginning to the end, she remembered everything that she had experienced clearly. Now that it is connected in series, she feels even more terrible.

"The decline of the palace family was actually started by my grandmother, so my return became inevitable. Why did the palace family have only had a baby boy for so many years, but no girl came. Maybe someone else can think of it Providence is so. But when I take a look at myself, I have a surprisingly terrifying coincidence. What if this is not an accident, but someone, intentionally? "

Sui Gongsi suddenly covered Lin Mengya's mouth.

两个 Both of them were startled with a layer of cold sweat.

"This thing, except you and me, can no longer be known by a third person."

Gao Linmengya heard that his voice was a little trembling, which was due to the fear of unknown danger, and it was also one of the only instincts of humans that did not discard.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and opened Gongsi's hand.

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