Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1268: The Way of Kings

"So, I need a navigator in the palace family. You don't have to be involved in this matter, but you must know it. Brother, if the truth is really like what I said, then you remember that once you pass, you can put the palace family At the tipping point where everything is lost, you must lead the palace family to completely break away from me, you know? "

She can only entrust Miyoshi, because he is a smart person.

Only smart people know how to grasp this critical point and how to protect the entire palace family.

But Palace 4 is the best candidate.

"I understand, did you ask me to check behind Ai Lin's boss because she has something to do with it?"

Nian Gongsi wiped the sweat on his forehead. Even if he knew what Gong Ya said, it might be only a speculation, but he still couldn't carelessly.

现在 Now all he can do is to assist Gongya as soon as possible, so that the power of the palace family will be greater.

Only in this way can he have the ability to protect himself and others in the storm.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and shook her head again.

"I want to check Ai Lian, not only because she may have a relationship with those people who have lost memory. More importantly, she should have a very close relationship with the assassination of Emperor and Emperor."

Even if she knew that she might be involved in a larger vortex, the only thing she could do now was to make her more important.

"Assassination of Emperor Zun and Hou Zun, in fact, I want to know who did it. We are now carrying Ai Lian out. I am afraid that Emperor Zhuang may not be able to appreciate it."

Some struggles, even if they are well known, cannot be said so clearly.

But Lin Mengya shook her head, not necessarily.

"Before, the post has expressed the intention to win over our palace family. But now the palace family has nothing to make the royal family move except money. I need a heavier bargaining chip for the palace family to get More benefits. With the support of the Emperor and the Emperor, within a few years, I can make the palace family the first of the top ten families! "

Shigemiya thought for a while, and finally understood her meaning.

"You just want to ask me in private, don't you want to use the power of the palace family? In this way, even if the people behind Ai Lian become aware of it, they will not be able to track down the palace family. And my fake identities, Even after being traced, everything I do is fake. It is impossible for anyone to trace a thing that does not exist in this world, is it? "

Lin Lin Mengya saw that Gong Si had completely understood her meaning, and could not help showing a smile of appreciation to him.

"Yes, I know that when the power of the palace family has grown, some of your old identities can no longer be used. That being the case, why not let them play their waste heat? Those of you can also be bright and upright in the future. After entering the palace family's college. After all, there are many people in the college who come from all corners of the world. No one can find out. But whether they can do it all depends on the elder brother. After all, that is everything you painstakingly manage. Go back as many times now, and even if I am, I will probably be distressed. "

Qiong Gongsi looked at Lin Mengya, but finally sighed.

"Where can I be reluctant? In fact, I also want to use the identity of the palace family fairly. Unfortunately, I had to use the identity that made me feel uncomfortable. You can rest assured that I should do both of these things Yes, but you have to promise me one thing. If there is something in the future, you can't hide it from me. You must tell me, you know? "

Lin Lin Mengya smiled helplessly, then nodded and said.

"You turned out to be the navigator of the palace. After that, I have to discuss something with you. After all, only you can grasp this degree. I know this is difficult, but only you can come do."

The look of the fourth palace is a bit complicated. He knows that Gong Ya is right, in this world, it is the most important thing to preserve himself.

But he just didn't understand, why did Gong Ya subconsciously think that the palace family couldn't protect her well?

"Sister, I understand that you don't want to drag the entire palace family, but have you ever thought that a person's power is always limited. If things really are as you guessed, why don't you want the palace family to expand to That kind of situation is enough to shake each other? "

I listened to him, but Lin Mengya was choked.

Why don't you trust the palace family? It's not that she didn't believe it, but that she wasn't sure.

"There is no king who is alone, and there is no general who can win without soldiers. You want to fight alone against the other side, but when there are thousands of troops, what do you do?"

She didn't think about it.

I may be because of all the things she experienced before, in fact there are many people around her who can help her.

Whether it is Sanjuetang or Lieyun and Jin, there are countless people who do everything for her automatically.

She even didn't know how to use the power around her effectively. Once she encountered something, the first thing she thought of was how to solve it herself.

今天 But today, the words of Gong Shi made her fall into thinking.

She is really confused about how to use these powers.

"Stupid girl, you are not a lone ranger, nor is the other person alone. If you really want to resist, you might as well learn the way the emperor is governing the world. Look at the emperor, who is above the chapel, and even the dragons. They did n’t step out, but they also allowed all parties to check and balance and maintain the stability of the entire defending country. If you want to be like yourself and do everything yourself, are n’t you exhausted? ”

This is, she still admires the Emperor.

After all, not everyone can manage such a large country.

Don't look at each other in the ground, but this seemingly fragile balance is actually difficult to break.

I looked at her in a daze, and Miyaji patted her on the shoulder.

"Tomorrow I will take you to visit a teacher. If he can help you, then I will be relieved."

"What teacher?"

Xun Gongsi deliberately sold Guanzi and said mysteriously.

"Someone once predicted that if you have this person, you will have the world. But he is too weird. Even the Emperor invited him, he did not give face. You can only see if you have this opportunity. Now. "

what? Is there such a great person?

Lin Lin Mengya was very curious and wanted to know who this person would be.

"That being said, but you promised me something that you must not forget. Even if I learned the way of emperor's governance, I can't take the palace family to go against it."

Seeing that she was still so persistent, Gong Si could only agree.

"Since I promised you, I will never forget it. Well, you go back today. We will meet here early in the morning. Don't let Gongwu find out. If he knows, I don't know what the noise is. Now, my friend, I hate making noise the most. "

Since I am a friend of Miyaji, it is not so difficult to get along.

After Lin Mengya returned from the contact base, she has been unwilling.

I made Bai Su and my son think that there was something uncomfortable in their bodies.

"Miss, stop feeding."

Hold your hand and be caught.

Zhe Lin Mengya stared blankly at Zhe Er, who had a little face with a little difficulty.

"what happened?"

刚 As soon as she asked, she saw small things bulging, like a little hamster.

I was just presumably because she was feeding so quickly that he couldn't chew.

The whole person looked at his spoon pitifully, probably thinking, how to eat the next bite safely.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention. Spit it out, don't stop."

She immediately picked it up to pick it up, but the little one avoided her hand and turned her head into a small bowl brought by 纭 er.

"This boy is nothing like a child in a small door."

Xuan Er praised, but Lin Mengya did not continue.

Now, her heart was full of the news that Miyaji told her.

She never thought of the way of emperor.

In fact, until now, she just felt that she was just an ordinary person who had some chance encounters.

She never thought of a salvation hero or a history.

But the words of Miyaji today gave her head some new thoughts.

Why, she had to break free from the fate that others had set for her?

If she can control her own destiny, can others control her without breaking it?

I was like before, if she was strong enough, she would not be afraid of those forces who defended the country, and left her relatives and friends here.

She doesn't want to be the master, she just wants to be a person who makes her own destiny.

除了 In addition to her own strength, those powers she can control are also very important.

Su Linlin Mengya suddenly understood why the four brothers would say that.

Perhaps, she really should be thinking about how to face today's difficulties.

In the midst of a long sleep, Lin Mengya ushered in the rising sun the next day.

The reclusive hermits have a little quirk.

I should dress more pure and simple, so as to arouse the resonance and favor of the other party.

So, Lin Mengya is wearing white all day.

I didn't even bring any golden jade on my head. After all, it would be bad if people felt that they were tacky.

I thought of her like this, and only combed a simple hair bun, and even Bai Su and Jiu Er held a very complex expression.

When she met Gong Si, the other side was on the carriage, clutching her clothes, dumbfounded.

"Sister, are you going to condolence?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her dress and said slightly proudly.

"You don't understand. These hermits don't like gold, silver and money. If I dress too richly, I will look cheesy."

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