The expression of Kuimiya Shi is slightly subtle.

I can't stop seeing her enthusiasm, however, after seeing Gong Ya's preparation for a long time.

He and his party boarded immediately, and soon reached the destination of this trip.

"Well, let's go down."

Hei Gongsi jumped out of the carriage first, but Lin Mengya was slightly surprised when she saw the mansion of the so-called 'Hermit' in front of her.

She thought it would be an ordinary small yard, there was only a thatched house, and there was an outsider who did not mingle with the Soviet Union.

He is also an ingenious mansion, which carries the master's knowledge and aspirations. There is great Confucianism in laughing and talking, and there is no white dice.

I was in front of her, but it was a high gate house.

From the gate, she could see that she was very generous.

I just, not so exaggerated.

"Four youngsters are here with Miss, our shopkeeper has been waiting for a long time, please come inside."

The people who came to meet them were like housekeepers in this house.

I just smile a little more than Uncle Rong.

Speaking of it, it was like the shopkeeper guy in the store.

Gao Gong nodded at four and took Lin Mengya into the house.

It is no different from other people's houses, but there are many more people.

人 These are very orderly in and out, and each person has a booklet in their hands.

After seeing the housekeeper and the two of them, at most it was a smile, as a greeting, and then continue to do their own thing.

It's not so much a private house as it is an orderly and ancient company.

The fourth palace of the palace was familiar with the light traffic, and took Lin Mengya to the backyard.

Everyone with a booklet will end up in a room in the backyard.

Suddenly, Gongsi took her and walked to the small house next to her.

It's not big inside, just a few chairs and a small table.

Lin Lin Mengya saw a very young man sitting inside, pale and slender, with a touch of immatureness on her face.

Alas, he was sitting in a chair, listening to the people next to him, and reporting the numbers.

"Chengxi Silk Satin Village"

"Seongnam Tavern"

She heard the names of many familiar businesses, and almost all of them would sound three to five people at the same time.

The numbers they quoted are different depending on the names they reported.

She usually feels very cluttered, and she will not be affected because of the relationship recorded by the Shennong system.

But I didn't expect that the thin young man would answer immediately after their words fell.

"The account of Satin Village is not correct. Check again. The tea house and the wine shop are right. You can go."

Wu Wenyan, Lin Mengya also hesitated.

According to the calculation results of the Shennong system, the account of Silk Satin Village is only three pennies. The tea house and the wine shop are not bad.

Did this man do it by his own mind?

He was skeptical of this.

But what was unexpected was that in the next ten minutes, she realized what a genius was.

Everyone talks with three to five people, and it is not just the accounts that are reported, and some come to ask for some things.

But the youth gave results after their words fell.

Moreover, after Lin Mengya's verification, there were no errors.

In terms of human brain, this person is almost a genius among geniuses.

Finally, all the people had finished their accounts, and the talent stood up and took a sip of the tea that was already cold at hand.

"Cai Xiandi's skills are really getting better and better, Gongmou admire."

The man seemed startled, and the tea bowl in his hand was almost beaten. Fortunately, the four hands in the palace had a quick eye and caught the tea bowl.

The young man looked like a frightened bunny, opened his big innocent eyes, and looked at them both.

"When did you come?"

This voice, why is there a little crying?

I didn't expect Gong Si to put down the tea cup in his hand and immediately said gently: "Don't be afraid, we have already arrived. It just happened to catch up with the people under you. How about it, feel comfortable now?"

what? Why is the conversation between the two of them a little weird?

The young man nodded and patted his chest, revealing a wry smile.

"Much better, thank you for your concern. Let's go to the front yard."

Zhe Lin Mengya followed those people to the front yard in a fog, but on the way, she found that the young man had been peeking at her.

Occasionally, when two people's eyes collided accidentally, she would give each other an innocent smile.

Uncle did not expect, but the man turned his head quickly, and after a while, the ears turned red into cherries.

This person is really innocent enough.

They walked all the way to the front yard and into the sitting room, which was considered a seat.

"Treasurer, I'll go down first."

He asked with their housekeeper, the young man nodded and watched him leave.

In the hall, only the three of them were left, and even Bai Su and Yuner, who were always with her, were left outside.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, because none of the three people spoke.

Lin Lin Mengya did not know what to say, and the other two people had their own reasons.

For a long time, Lin Mengya glanced at them both and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Nian Gongsi looked at her sister with some blame. Cai Lingben was a few extremely shy people. Yaer smiled. I don't know the guy, so don't let it go.

"Nothing, I think, the three of us are very boring. I do n’t talk to a girl, you two, don't you know what to say?"

The young man crimsoned his face, but he smiled a little.

"I'm not very good at talking, so Ms. Gong laughed."

Niangong Fourth looked startled and looked at her friend in surprise.

Oh my god, when was Cai Ling, a big girl, even able to talk to women?

Alas, the man is still his sister!

"Nothing laughs. Since you are my fourth brother's friend, that should also be my friend. I haven't consulted this friend yet, respect his name!"

The man looked at her embarrassedly, then whispered.

"Next, my name is Cai Ling."

"Cai Ling, really a good name. Mr. Cai's talent is really admirable."

Lin Lin Mengya really admired it. For her, if there is no help from Shennong system, she wants to catch up with Cai Ling, I am afraid that it is only possible to re-born.

Cai Ling's face turned redder. Even when Lin Mengya wondered whether he would die because of congestion of the brain, Gong Si finally spoke.

"Cai Ling is indeed a rich student, but today's events are unexpected."

When Lin Mengya heard this, there was a hidden feeling.

He quickly set his gaze on his brother, hoping to get some answers from him.

I do not want to be at this time, Gong Si is a conservative person.

He didn't speak, but looked at Cai Ling with regretful eyes.

The latter sighed, and there was a helpless expression on Qing Xiu's lovely face.

"Let the lady laugh, in fact I have been different from ordinary people since I was a child. If I don't use my mind every month, I will lose my mind. It is not like the lady has any special talent. To say, this is more like It's a disease. "

Lin Lin Mengya did not show a particularly surprised look, in fact, this extremely special case, she had heard of it before.

I just haven't seen it.

I thought for a while, and she also knew that it was about this time before the elder brother wanted her to win the genius.

清 Such a handsome and handsome brother, if there is such a problem, it is not good.

I never thought of anything else, Lin Mengya said naturally.

"I don't know if I can look at your situation. I've been outside before and I saw a disease like this, and I just got a good recipe at this time. If I can use it, I'm lucky."

The excuse for hitting her is really lame.

It's a pity that Cai Ling's brother's simplicity is beyond her expectation.

I saw the man looking at her with grateful eyes, and there were some tears in her eyes, and Lin Mengya's guilty feeling rose up.

However, in the end, she was still active, for Cai Ling.

In addition to the pulse, Lin Mengya was also searching for information stored in the Qingzheng spectrum.

I never thought that after coming to the Wei Kingdom, she became more and more convinced that Qingzheng spectrum is a highly practical medical book.

There is a special article in it, which is about pulse.

She thought for a long time, and finally met.

After Xin Min had her initial thoughts, she looked at Cai Ling's back neck again.

Sure enough, there was a bright red line that stretched from his neck to the inside of his clothes.

When she wanted to continue to look away at her clothes, she found that Cai Ling had already faced Hongxia, and she was so charming.

I made her feel a little embarrassed to start.

"I don't know. Okay."

Cai Ling's voice is thin and weak, making people very want to bully him.

But Lin Mengya still resisted her temptation to sin, guilty, guilty, others are patients!

"Well, don't be afraid. It doesn't matter. These are the things you talk about, but your psychological effect. Your usual stress is too great. This is probably the kind of thing that can become a channel for you to relieve stress. Very good, energy saving Environmental protection and outstanding contributions. "

Qiong Gongsi knew Gong Ya and knew that she said that there must be something wrong.

I just couldn't, and told Cai Ling directly.

After hearing the words of Lin Mengya, the man also showed a little peace of mind.

He seemed to be a little cautious, staring at the cat, and asked her with Shui Lingling's big eyes.

这 "That said, I'm normal, nothing wrong, right?"

In a sense, this is indeed the case.

So Lin Mengya nodded.

But I don't know why, Cai Ling looks a little moved.

Lin Lin Mengya could not see his pair of Xing'er eyes, so she had to say in advance.

"I see your family's business. You manage it well. I don't know what the trick is? You also know that there are some small businesses in our family. I just want to learn from you!"

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