Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1274: Host a banquet

I was afraid that her sister would pick up a little monster this time!

It was fun at the dinner table, but not long after, Lin Mengya received an invitation to settle in.

Uncle Rong was in charge of the reception, which was ordered by Lin Mengya early.

No matter who is coming, there is no way to see any of them.

She just wanted to let the other party understand that it was easy to meet them yesterday, but after that village, there was no other shop.

"Settling home, it really is climbing up high branches."

After looking at the invitation, the palace looked a little unsightly.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at him, and asked her to lead the child down.

"What kind of patience is that, if you really have the ability to let someone come to attach yourself. It's OK, you should be angry, anyway, we know what's going on, and we can't afford to have general knowledge with them."

She was restless and calm, without any surprise.

"What do you say on this invitation? And what did you do to live up to our previous hospitality, and hereby set a banquet to atone for your sins. So nice, why did you send only one down? Even Uncle Mao and Uncle Kun They haven't come, I see, this clearly doesn't take us seriously. "

Hei Gongwu is right, so-called reparations must be sincere.

It seems that the family is really perfunctory to the palace family.

"What does it matter if they don't put you in your eyes? We are not alive by An Jia's face. In my opinion, let's explore the situation first. It is also time for the palace family to clean up these old accounts."

The time of the banquet was nailed to the night.

The house of the Zhao'an family is not far from the palace family, so it's across the street.

In the past, this also meant that the two were close.

When the three of the palace family arrived, the place was full of friends, and the car was full.

Fortunately, the Anjia did not do much, the uncle Mao I had seen before was waiting for them at the door.

"Uncle Mao, why are you alone, Uncle Kun?"

Wu Gongwu just asked one more sentence, but Uncle Mao showed a regret.

"Originally, it's our brother who should be waiting for you. But just now, His Royal Highness Xi arrived, and the old man was afraid that he would neglect to take His Highness, so I let you Uncle Kun go."

Murong Xi, here too?

The three men in the palace family looked at each other, and it seemed that Anjia was not as simple as atonement.

无 "Well, let's go first."

After saying that, Lin Mengya and the three of them followed Uncle Mao to the house.

In the dim lights and candles, Lin Mengya saw a familiar figure.

She stopped immediately and wanted to see what happened.

I did not expect that the figure turned a corner around the corridor and disappeared.

Gao Lin Mengya tried to chase him, but was pulled by his sleeves.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Gong's doubts made Lin Mengya sober.

Here, I settle down.

Immediately lowered his eyes, covering his mind.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw an acquaintance. It turned out that I was wrong."

Perhaps she was wrong.

But Lin Mengya's heart beat suddenly suddenly, it must not be.

The dinner at the Lu'an family was much more lively than they expected.

Their location is arranged in a more prominent place, but before them, several houses have been seated.

Gao Lin Mengya glanced at it, and it seems that the current home has long taken the Gong family as her partner.

But this is also good, it also saves her to get started, but also to worry about those previous feelings.

Sweeping her eyes for a week, strangely, isn't Long Tianyu here, why isn't she here?

"You guys, I'm so sorry, we're late."

After they were seated, the people who settled in were long overdue.

Although I have seen it on the portrait several times before, this is the first time that I have actually seen a real person.

From the outside of the banquet room, three people came in.

He is headed by an old man with gray hair and a beard, but in fact his spirit is not bad. A pair of eyes are shining with light. At a glance, I know that he is definitely not the old man who lost his fighting spirit.

Behind him, there are two middle-aged people with a vermilion and a purple.

They look a bit similar, but the man in the 绛 purple shirt is significantly younger than the man in the scarlet shirt.

They all have the same smile on their faces, but one looks restrained and steady, and the other looks smart.

I presumably they are the two heirs to the home, but now it seems that the four masters of the home are better.

Maybe it's because they have a good daughter.

As soon as the three of them appeared, someone immediately stood up and shuddered with each other.

The three Lin Lin Mengya still sat there silently, seeming out of place.

She saw that the sight of Siye and Jiye also accidentally ignored them.

I just didn't express further.

In my opinion, they were indeed abandoned.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and narrowed her eyes.

Then, where does she start?

The old father of the Lu'an family took the main seat, while the four grandfathers and nine grandfathers sat on both sides.

Because it is only a private banquet, the atmosphere is actually quite relaxed.

But since they are all family members, who will come here to eat and drink.

"You are very pleased to be here. Thank you for your disapproval. It really makes the old man ashamed."

The grandfather of Lu'an's family sounded like a bell, full of vitality, and looked really good.

The family I was invited to naturally wanted to be polite with them. Everyone was touting a business, and then it was time to eat, drink, and connect with feelings.

In the crowd, someone familiar with Anjia asked.

"Are home owners, aren't you saying that His Royal Highness Xi, and the King of Yue and the Lord of Xianghua County are also here? Why, but they are not visible now?"

各位 "Everyone, His Royal Highness Yue and Xianghua County Lord also came, but unfortunately, Lord Xianghua County is unwell and has returned. As for His Highness Xi, everyone knows that His Royal Highness and Xianghua County Lord.

I was in charge of answering Siye. He deliberately didn't break the point, and made his words extremely ambiguous.

Everyone immediately noticed that the fiancee was uncomfortable, and as a fiance, he naturally took care of it.

But they do n’t even know that the ‘fiance’ sweetheart is here.

Lin Lin Mengya put down her tea cup and squeezed her clothes corner.

It seems that somebody is going to be unlucky.

听说 "I heard that the young lady from the palace family also came. I don't know, where is it?"

许多 Many of them have just arrived in the past few days, naturally I haven't seen Lin Mengya.

But she could not hear the tone of the words, she clearly regarded herself as a rarity.

Mr. Lu'an's family glanced at the direction of the palace family and hesitated a little before he said.

"Miya, come over and let the elders see."

This tone is full of intimacy.

But just now, why didn't you see me?

The four palace palaces and the fifth palace palace were unhappy, but Lin Mengya heard the words, but stood up and walked in front of the owner of the home.

After limping, he said calmly.

"I don't know, which ones want to see me."

Everyone's eyes brightened and they only saw the woman in front of them.

I didn't feel it in my seat just now, but now it is more and more dazzling, like a pearl of night.

"Is this the young lady of the palace family? Sure enough, she is different. I don't know, Miss Gong, have you ever been married?"

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at the man lightly, and raised her lips.

"Never married, first, the elders in the family never spoke, and second, they waited for the rest, and still couldn't accept the burden. Besides, they wanted to marry me?"

The implication is that the aging mother is too good to be worthy of.

But the man didn't seem to understand. Instead, he was posing as an elder and wanted to educate her.

"Although the house rules are not ordinary, a woman is a woman after all, but a man is needed to stand up to the house."

Zhe Lin Mengya is most annoyed by this kind of statement, why must he be a man from another family, better than a man from a palace family?

If she doesn't want to be the head of the family, she will naturally have to choose someone to inherit from.

Don't even think about others!

"Unfortunately, the palace family training can not be violated. It is also ashamed to say that all the family owners of the palace were women, but they also earned this huge family business. I wonder if it was a man? I read your family history and learned the good skills of men. "

Lin Lin Mengya raised an eyebrow and left calmly.

The group of men behind him couldn't say a word.

The palace families are women, but they were so famous that even the royal family did not dare to ignore them.

Their family was not even a p at first, but I'm so sorry to come here and teach her!

After I returned to my seat, Miya fourth and Miya five could probably guess what happened.

"A bunch of cowards! When the old owner was still there, they dared not say a word. What awesomeness is there now!"

Wu Gongwu took a sip of them and said angrily.

But Lin Mengya knows that she is not officially recognized as a homeowner now, and she is indeed not at a disadvantage in her seniority.

I said, people would say, just to mention the junior.

So, to make up for this, she prepared a secret weapon.

"Lian Master, even Mrs.—"

Outside, Xiao Xiao hurried in and informed.

The status of the Qilian family is second to none in the Longdu family.

The arrival of them made Anjia extremely important.

A joy on the main face of the home of Lu'an, he went to meet him in person.

Soon, Master Lian and Mrs. Lian arrived at the banquet.

The homeowner of Lu'an stood next to Master Lian, talking and laughing, but from beginning to end, even Master's face was serious.

On the contrary, he seems to be an old homeowner, and has the suspicion that he has posted a cold face.

After Mrs. Erlian arrived here, she looked away from the crowd and swept out without hesitation.

Until, saw her in the crowd.

"Yaer, why are you here first?"

In the eyes of a failed attempt, Lin Mengya greeted her with a smile.

"Blame me, Ya'er met 婶婶, uncle."

I didn't expect that Master Lian, who had always been cold, ran at him with a slight smile.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised. It turned out that Master Lianjia couldn't laugh!

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