Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1275: Meet by accident

"Family, what matters."

Mrs. Lin Lian patted her hand, her face petted.

I deserve to be a famous lady in Longdu. You do n’t need to say anything to understand it.

After seeing such a scene, the homeowner of Lu'an was slightly surprised.

However, he is also considered a personal essence, and soon reacted, said with a smile.

"It ’s true that Gongya is a favorite, or is the blessing of the family."

Lin Lin Mengya sneered, if not even Mrs. Li and Mr. Lian arrived, the homeowner of this home may not know how long to support the elder's face and try to press her.

嗯 "Well, my niece is of course blessed."

The more intimate Mrs. Lin Lian is with Lin Mengya, the more conscientious those who try to be themselves as elders.

The owner of Lu'an family asked for nothing, but for the sake of dealing with each other, they had to arrange the two of them together.

However, this seems to pay little attention to Lianjia.

After all, except for Yue King and His Highness, there is only their house here.

The couple of the Lianlian family didn't mind, they came for Lin Mengya anyway.

When the two people took their seats, Master Lian naturally wanted to talk to Palace Four and Palace Five, while Mrs. Lian secretly pulled Lin Mengya's sleeve and asked.

"Those people, is it easy for you?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head. In fact, even if his wife didn't come, she could not let those old guys take a little advantage.

I just, it's not the time yet.

"Why didn't Brother Lien and Lien Xing come?"

When I mentioned this, even Madam was angry.

"You talk about them. When they are about to celebrate the New Year, they are all reunited with their family members. These two of our family are good, every day, even the personal shadows are invisible. If it were not for Xiaoyue, I'm afraid I would not even There are no speakers. "

I complained and complained, but both of them knew that more and more people came to Longdu. As the leader of the Guards, winning streaks naturally required more vigilance.

And the situation inside the palace does not have to be much stronger, even the stars are naturally too busy.

"Blame me, I've been busy with other things these days and have forgotten to visit my wife."

Where is Mrs. Lin Lian willing to blame her, and even the wife is clear to anyone, as the facade of the palace, what Gong Ya has to do is hard to lose their two sons.

无 "Anyway, you young people, it's better to be busy with business first."

Between two people talking, there were several people walking in outside.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up subconsciously, but froze.

I saw that Long Tianyu was still in a dark-colored shirt, and next to him were several people.

One was a middle-aged man, about 40 or 50 years old, who was thin but not overly expensive.

And behind the middle-aged man, followed by a man and a woman.

Although the man is extremely thin, the dazzling golden color highlights the cold temperament of the man.

That face, with its gorgeous male and female indistinctness, was hiding endless indifference at the same time.

It seems that he doesn't care about everything in this world.

The woman who was walking by his side wore a white dress and set off that lovely face, innocent and pure.

what happened! Why are Qinghu and Yueqi?

Glancing at her eyes, she accidentally stared at Qinghu, but the other side didn't stay there or change at all.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed. She subconsciously sought help from Long Tianyu, but saw that the smile on the man's face did not exist for her.

For a moment, Lin Mengya seemed to feel that she had lost something very important.

Quietly holding her sleeve, she did not let anyone notice the abnormality.

"Have seen His Royal Highness Xi, His Royal Highness the King."

The homeowner of Lu'an greeted him and politely gave a few people into the house.

Wu Mu Rongxi's attitude towards him was aloof, his eyes pretending to search casually, and finally he found the little woman with her head down, and her expression on the face could not help ease.

Actually he didn't want to come, but he knew that she would come.

Wherever she is, he always wants to participate involuntarily.

I just don't know why, but the girl didn't look at him.

Is it jealous?

Mu Rongxi, who was a little bit proud of her mind, immediately felt that it was not useless to accompany these people to do these boring things.

"Several please, I don't know how the Cheung Wah Lord's body is?"

The homeowner of Lu'an put them in the best position. After the initial encounter, Lin Mengya gradually recovered her sense.

No matter what happened, no matter how Yue Qi became the master of Xianghua County.

In short, their presence may not be a bad thing for her.

But she was keenly aware of the situation of Qinghu, something was not right.

Even if that guy forgot her, he shouldn't have become so indifferent.

Hey, what happened?

"Please bear in mind, I am much better."

Qi Yue chess, no, it should be called Xianghua County Master now.

丫 Compared with the last time Lin Mengya met her before leaving, the girl also picked a lot.

I used to know that she was a little girl who knew nothing about the world, but now every move, she has the style of her elder sister.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't dare to look at it for fear that it would attract the attention of others, but her mind was changing.

说 Although there is the example of the Fanghua County Master, Gu Pan has been mysterious since his appearance, and his life experience cannot be inspected.

Qi Yueqi and Yue Ting are sisters. What is going on?

He was upset here, but there was a harmonious relationship there, and the guests and hosts were happy.

King Yue Yue is a very talkative person. In addition, the owner of An An intends to please him.

This banquet also adds a lot of active atmosphere.

雅 "Yaer, where are you uncomfortable? How come you look so ugly?"

Lin Gongsi's attention has always been on Lin Mengya.

I saw that she became confused for a moment, and then frowned, and a little sadness in her eyes, always feeling a bit uneasy, she couldn't help asking.

"I'm okay. I probably didn't sleep well last night. Don't worry about me, just go out and blow hair."

She got up and wanted to leave, but didn't want to be too hurried, and accidentally knocked down the candlestick behind her.

Everyone hadn't waited for the reaction, but saw a dark golden figure suddenly came, and hugged Lin Mengya.

"Ah-be careful!"

The exclamation from Mrs. Lin Lian shocked everyone, and everyone saw it.

Suddenly, when Lin Mengya was shocked, she could only subconsciously hug the man's neck, but it felt a bit scary where she started.

"What's going on? Yaer, are you okay!"

Mrs. Lin Lian was so pale that if the candlestick arrived, she had to light up Gongya's clothes.

She just thought it was okay, but she was suddenly dropped on the ground.


Sting her waist! Buttocks!

Suddenly, she was hurt by a fall, and gave her a pack of tears.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Gong, I'm a mirror slave who is not sensible and only listened to my order to save you, but I really don't know how to feel pity for you. I hurt you, I will help you up."

I don't know when, the Lord of Xianghua County actually came to Lin Mengya's side, and stretched out her hand to help her gently.

There are so many people, Lin Mengya rubbed her wounds in a bad place and had to wipe the corners of her eyes.

Then I saw her clearly, and it was Qinghu who saved her.

However, at this moment, he had reached behind the Lord of Xianghua County, standing silently, like a piece of wood.

"It's okay, it's because I'm not careful. Thank you for the trouble."

She looked at Yue Qi, but the latter just smiled politely at her, and never showed any more.

Bian took the fox and walked back to his place.

Xiao Xiao's accident was resolved immediately. She was not injured anyway, and everyone quickly turned her attention.

However, a lot of praise and speculation were added to the master of Xianghua County and the quiet slave with high martial arts around her.

Xia Gongya didn't dare to move any more, she could only slowly sit back in her chair.

It's a pity that the chair was a little stiff and just touched her affected area.

She was upset at this meal.

He finally came to an end, and even his wife wanted to talk to her, so she shared a carriage with her.

As soon as she got in the car, she couldn't help but whispered pain while rubbing her waist.

"You girl, how can you bear it so much? Come on, I'll rub it for you."

Mrs. Lin Lian looked at her with distress and helplessness. Anyway, Lin Mengya knew she had a face, so she didn't dare to rub her.

But it couldn't bear the insistence of his wife, Lin Mengya had to do it.

I lie on Mrs. Lian's knee. Somehow, Lin Mengya really felt the pain and disappeared little by little.

"Are you still in pain?"

Mrs. Lilian was very careful in her movements, as if she was rubbing some porcelain.

"It's not painful anymore, thank you 婶婶."

"Well, it scared me. I usually look at you as a very stable child. Why is it so frizzy today."

In fact, Lin Mengya knew the reason herself. Qing Fox and Yue Qi had too much impact on her. Therefore, she was lost for a moment and almost overturned the candlestick.

"I'm sorry to worry you."

"You're all hurt, don't say that. It's the quiet slave next to the Lord of Cheung Wah County. Although he saved you, he should also put you down. If you throw it, throw it."

Mrs. Lin Lian's complaint was actually what Lin Mengya was thinking about.

She still remembers this reunion with Long Tianyu. Although Long Tianyu lost her memory, she clearly felt that Long Tianyu still had some familiarity with her.

But there is no clear fox.

Because they used to go out for adventures before, there was a little secret signal between the two people.

暗 Those passwords, even if they saw them, they would never understand them.

However, she didn't feel any secret sign just now.

Even, those toxins on Qinghu have been completely eliminated.

You must know that his powerful martial arts originated from this. If the toxins were completely removed, his martial arts should also be affected.

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