Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1282: Looking for the black market

But Gongsi obviously didn't think so, and he put the invitation in front of her.

虽然 "Although I don't know what the idea of ​​Cheung Wah County's main idea is, we must not lose the courtesy. If you are really unwilling to go, then leave it to me to handle it. What do you think?"

What Lin Gao Mengya could do, nodded and promised.

Alas, she still felt the need to remind a few words.

"I don't want to go, and it's not all because of the previous incident. This Xianghua County Lord doesn't feel very good to me. If you go, you have to be careful. At the beginning, your fifth brother had been calculated by Liu Jiao. . "

Hagiya Fourth stowed the invitation, and he also knew that his sister was definitely not a person who held personal grudges.

"Speaking of this matter, what is happening with this Liu Jiao, can you still pay attention?"

"Of course you have to pay attention, but Liu Jiao doesn't have to worry about it. The worry is to count the Liu family and those in our family."

"But you aren't saying that the Chonghua County Lord who counted the fifth child, didn't offend the Emperor and the Emperor, and is about to be sent back to the fiefdom? So, how can she make waves?"

With a sigh, it seems that Gong Si is not very clear about the intricate relationships in Longdu.

"It is true that the Lord of Chung Hwa County will be returned to her father's territory. But, with her mind, can you think of such an idea of ​​killing three birds with one stone? I am afraid that giving her two more brains is not enough . "

In this remark, Lin Mengya did not look down on Chonghua.

I have some tactics, definitely not something like her can come up with.

And, even if it was all her designs, why did she implement it herself?

The best way is to find an agent to isolate everything, including the suspicions you might get from time to time, out of your own scope.

Only in this way can he completely elute his suspicions.

"Maybe she did it on purpose?"

Of course, there is no shortage of such things.

But Lin Mengya thinks, isn't such a scheme more superb?

If Wu Zhonghua can do this, I'm afraid that he won't end up in one and be sent back to the end.

"I always think it's not that simple."

I probably think that they mentioned something before them, which was a little embarrassing.

From the beginning, Hagiya five got up and went outside.

Lin Lin Mengya took the opportunity to lower her voice and said.

"The fourth brother still remembers the thing I told you."

Hagiya nodded slightly, he naturally remembered.

其实 "Actually, this Zhonghua County Lord may know my past."

It is not without reason for her to think so.

From the first side, Chonghua has been inexplicably hostile to her.

Whether it was that time at the gate of the city, she had to take off the bell on her carriage, or many of the things that followed were actually directed at her.

To be honest, in order to be safe, she and Long Tianyu are already extremely careful.

Until now, even the family did not see what was between them.

And in public, she controls herself, even the eye contact is extremely hidden.

How did you see that Zhonghua?

Except, she simply knew the relationship between them!

After hearing this, Miyaji immediately became nervous.

"Well, I'll find someone to test her?"

Lin Lin Mengya hesitated for a moment, or shook her head.

"I always feel that she now hates me very much. Even if you try to find someone to test, and you are unknown, you will definitely be suspicion. We better be careful."

His face looked a bit unsightly. After all, not many people knew what happened to the younger sister.

Even their brothers know very little.

If anyone here really knows, I'm afraid, it's prepared.

"You did it right. In the future these banquets or something, you better still participate less. After all, the Zhonghua County Lord has been in Longdu for so many years, and the network is not you and I can compare. If she really wants to treat you What we do is still passive. "

She knew that the palace would be clear at four.

所以 "So, I want to thank the person who injured me. Without him, how can I be justified and healed at home?"

Raised his corner of his mouth and smiled like a little fox.

She was moved all over her heart. She always did this. Obviously it was against her, but she could turn around and become a favorable condition for herself.

"Yes, it's time to thank him. Or else, shall we give him some thanks?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows and looked at Gongsi.

"The fourth brother means--"

"He is a domestic slave, and every move must be ordered by the master. Since‘ he ’has helped you, we ca n’t help but thank his master, do n’t we?”

Although Lin Mengya was a little disliked, who was the slave of Qinghu, but her fourth brother's proposal made her very enthusiastic.

Moreover, she also wanted to know whether the master of Xianghua County was Yue Qi.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. But remember, ten thousand people have been killed. I'm now healing."

Of course, this is also a joke.

I want to know what kind of gift Miyagi will give to the owner of Cheung Wah County.

"Brother, don't forget to settle down!"

I do n’t know when Gongwu turned around and walked in again.

As soon as I heard that both of them wanted to ‘give a gift’, they immediately reminded them.

"Remember, rest assured, even if I forget who I am, I cannot forget to settle down."

Hagiya was smiling on the four faces, but there were many things hidden in the smile.

Gao Lin Mengya looked at Gong Shi, and looked at Gong Wu again.

In fact, the two brothers have similarities.

For example, when calculating people.

Although she is at home, Lin Mengya still has a lot of things.

After Xun pushed off the banquet of Xianghua County Master, she also officially changed from light to dark.

Yemen still has to come out, but he will always disguise himself.

After she removed the halo of Miss Gongjia, she heard more and saw more.

"Sister, where are we going to play in a while?"

Lin Mengya, who disguised as three sisters, was sitting in a teahouse where Nine Dragons was the most inconspicuous. They were drinking tea in the teahouse, and they were still clearing the booty.

"In a moment, I want to go to the black market."

Now, the three of them are unremarkable.

作为 As a 'big sister', she also has spots on her face.

‘Second Sister’ Bai Su has a dry, black and yellow face, and ‘San Mei’ 纭 Er, a tooth with a very fresh and refined mouth.

三个 The three of them are walking on the street, and few of them dare to look at it with serious taste.

"Black market? Is there another kind of place in Longdu?"

Min Er's eyes widened. She had heard of it before, but hadn't seen it before.

Bai Su lowered his voice to explain.

"There is indeed a black market in Longdu, but this black market is different from others."

"What's so different? Isn't it all the same, sell something you can't see?"

Lin Lin Mengya and Bai Su stared at each other, then each smiled very mysteriously.

"Go, you'll know by then."

In fact, in Longdu, there are three so-called black markets.

The first is an ordinary black market, with three religions and nine streams, and there is extremely chaos there.

From the slave to the killer, he sold everything for a price.

But there are also incidents of killing and overstocking.

In short, it was a place where ambition and forces could run rampant. She didn't have enough life, so why didn't she go there?

The second black market belongs to families around the world.

Zhe Weiguo has many families because of its vast size.

Some things can't be brought to the surface.

But if you come and go in private, if one side repents, the other side can only do nothing.

He didn't know which genius he was so daring to play up the ideas of these families.

They provide this family with this black market, so that they can form a very strong and reliable alliance there.

I'm not saying that those people in the family are lacking in eyesight. Obviously, this kind of handle is in the hands of others. Will they not let others rub them round?

But this black market is the most credible.

Zhe Lin Mengya is not very interested in this black market and is not interested in it.

Hey, let's talk, aren't they relying on the relationship of these people to restrain each other?

Everyone knows this thing, but there is no way to resist it, the benefit this thing brings to them.

As for the third black market?

The trio of Lin Mengya finally arrived at this place, but is this three-storey small building with trembling and plaque crumbling in front of it? Is it really a black market?

Alas, don't you go wrong?

"Master, this should be it."

Wu Baisu whispered in her ear, but Lin Mengya could also hear the doubt in the girl's tone.

"Yes, that's right. Otherwise, let's go in and see."

If it was learned from someone else's mouth, Lin Mengya may doubt it.

But this was told to her by Gong Shi personally.

She is a very reliable person. Even if she doesn't believe it is a black market, she has to believe in it.

A few people walked in, and the inside was even more broken than they thought.

It used to be a very prosperous place, but now it is dark and gloomy.

If you want to make a horror movie, you can come to the scene directly.

The three of them walked around and searched every room in this place. He didn't find half a living person.

She is also daring, but still can't help pinching her hand.

"Sister, no one here or here!"

As soon as the voice fell, he could hear behind him a man's movement.

"Who said no one here? Am I not human?"

"Wow! Ghost! Sister save me!"

Sui's voice appeared too suddenly, causing Suier to smash into Lin Mengya's arms, and her little head was like a drill.

Fortunately, Bai Su's eyes were so fast that she quickly hugged her.

Otherwise, her injured tail bone would be injured again.

"Who are you?"

Bai Su whispered coldly while protecting both of them.

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