Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1283: Qingwei Club

The man behind him was about forty or fifty years old, with a beard on his face, and a pair of bull's eyes, and he looked at it like a fire lick.

Alas, the only shortcoming of this man is probably his height.

Among the three of Lin Mengya, Bai Su is the tallest, but that person is not yet Bai Sugao.

In the winter, I only wore a worn out shirt, and I also had a big tattered fan in my hand.

How do you say, this person is not like a bad person.

I just looked at it suddenly, it was really scary.

"I don't know how to call this senior?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and down and knew that this person was unusual.

But the man ignored her at all, but fell to the haystack beside him, suddenly flashing a large Pufanwu to take advantage of himself.

"Sister, what's wrong with him! Let the second sister hit him and see if he says it!"

I thought I was scared by this person just now, I cried my teeth and said angrily.

But the black man glanced at them scornfully, and snorted coldly.

"Oh! You dare to hum us! Second elder sister, Shang, don't beat him for teeth today, he doesn't know how powerful this girl is!"

Her son rolled up his sleeves and was ready to incite Bai Su to fight.

Wu Ke, the black man, said.

"In the world, few people really dare to do something to me. It's because you are women. Today, this man will not do it. Leave quickly, this is not where you should come."

Hey, you're welcome.

I was so angry that Lin Mengya did not respond to Bai Su.

"In this way, the seniors know what is this place?"

The dark and strong man continued to shake Pu Fan, sneered at them, and never answered her words again.

既 "So, let's go. Anyway, this is not the place we are looking for."

Gao Linmengya pulled Bai Su and Jiuer to leave, and she was clean and neat, without any hesitation.

Suddenly the black strong man couldn't sit still, and jumped up to them.

"Aren't you asking for help here? Why did you leave like this?"

Lin Lin Mengya deliberately pretended to be innocent, and looked at the back.

"No ghosts come here, what kind of master can live in? Forget it, let's go."

They were going to bypass the man, but the man reached out and stopped them.

"Of course there are some Supreme Masters. You look at you. If your mind is so unsteady, how can Supreme Masters appear?"

Tong Er glanced at the man and was ready to pull Lin Mengya and his party away.

I didn't expect, but the man blocked their way again.

"Little girl, what can you do this way? Otherwise, you can stay a little longer, maybe the superior will come out!"

"Get up! I tell you, if you don't dodge, I'll be polite to you!"

丫 This girl came up with great energy, even Lin Mengya couldn't help it, let alone other people.

I thought this brave man could make way for him. Who knew the man, he just sat on the ground and burst into tears.

哎 "Oh, it doesn't make sense, you can't live longer."

I was crying and noisy, even more bitter than the vixen.

My son-in-law is sick, right?

She looked at Lin Mengya for help, but the latter was a face but smiled.

He immediately understood something, and coughed gently, said.

"It's not difficult for us to stay. You have to tell us where the Supreme Master is. Otherwise, we'll leave immediately. And when someone sees them, they will say that there is nothing here, and a big rogue and a big liar are here how is it!"

The dark man did not cry all of a sudden, in fact, there were no tears at all.

He narrowed his eyes and went back and forth, finally speaking in a consultative tone.

"Little girl, seniors and seniors also have to eat, don't you see? How much does this show?"

The man's fingers twisted, the meaning was very clear.

Yuner gave him a scornful look, and it seems that the masters here are not much higher.

However, Lin Mengya held down her son's hand to take silver.

"Senior, I can't think of the rules in your Qingwei Hall. It's so unique. We are here to talk about business, so the joke is avoided. Little girl is not sensible, don't care about her."

The dark man laughed "Hey" twice, but heard the sound of "Bang Bang", and the yard door was completely closed.

"Little girl, what do you mean, I don't understand."

However, the eyes of that man were no longer lazy.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and said calmly.

"Qingwei Hall will be four days, four will be, four ghosts will be. I think the predecessor is Yurong Taoist, one of the four will?"

The Weiqing Guild Hall is the most powerful intelligence dealer in Longdu and even David.

Here, it is also known as the intelligence black market.

As long as you pay, there is no news that you can't buy it here.

However, I heard that the owner of the hall is very weird, and the cost varies greatly, so no one will come here to 'talk about business' when it is absolutely necessary.

However, Gong Shi told her something a few days ago. With this matter in hand, it is not worried that the host will not help her.

It is not easy to see the Lord, the four of them will be very powerful. Everyone who comes here to do business must recognize his identity before he can proceed to the next step.

As soon as they came in, the black and strong man put on a crazy look.

Twenty-four of them will have a person named Crazy Star, in all likelihood, someone will guess it is him.

But the legendary Yurong Taoist heard that it was a beautiful person with a beautiful appearance and a clean, clean jade.

I suppose no one would have guessed him, not to mention, he also revealed a small flaw.

"The girl has good eyesight. I wonder where the flaws are exposed?"

The sound changed instantly, and the rough voice suddenly felt a bit cold and round.

Lin Lin Mengya pointed to the Pu fan in his hand.

"Presumably, Dao Chang must like to hold Fuchen, right? This thing is completely different from Fuchen's holding method. I just saw that when you put away the fan, you subconsciously used the same method as you put away Fudan. Although it is uniquely dressed, the hay under you is extremely clean. It only snowed a while ago. Most people's hay, unless it is well placed in the house, the other regardless of whether it is placed in the open air It will still become a little damp when placed in a simple wooden shed. In your current role, it doesn't look like someone who can have such fresh and clean hay. "

刚 As soon as she spoke, an insane laughter came out immediately.

"Old fourth, I said you were poor and particular. Now, let's be seen!"

I do not know when, from behind Yurong Tao people, even came out a red man.

It wasn't that Lin Mengya didn't feel it, it was just that the speed of this person was too fast, so fast that she couldn't react at all.

"Well, it's not your 馊 idea yet. Wait, see how I can pack you next time!"

Qi Yurong said with a cold snorting, and immediately took off the camouflage on his face.

An extremely beautiful face appeared in front of them instantly.

清 This man's clear show is not entirely elegant, nor is it all the handsome show brought by the five senses.

He is like a jade hidden in a deep mountain, but Wenrun is also somewhat unfriendly.

"I can pack it first and put it in the back, but these three little girls, I find it extremely interesting."

The red brawny man looked at them with a smile, and asked Ruohong Zhong.

"Little girl, who sent you here?"

When Lin Mengya heard it, her brows frowned slightly.

She always feels that the atmosphere is not right.

"Seniors we just came to 'talk business', not who sent them."

壮 The strong man in red still smiled and looked at them three, but the smile saw Lin Mengya's hair fluffy.

既然 "Since you don't admit it, well, the old man can only take your life first!"

He couldn't help but say that the man approached the three of them in a flash.

Wu Baisu immediately reacted and moved the two of them behind him.

Suddenly, both sides took a few steps back.

I ca n’t beat Bai Su, and he is even more embarrassed.

Lin Mengya also smelled a little **** smell from Bai Su.

It seemed to Bai that Su was vomiting blood, but she refused to give in, so she swallowed stiffly.

"Senior, you really misunderstood! Who did we send from!"

However, the brawny man in red turned a deaf ear to her words, with a faint smile on her face, and went straight to the three of them.

Wu Baisu did not show weakness, and rushed to rely on his own body dexterity, so he dodged extremely quickly.

But Lin Mengya can also see that the martial arts of the strong man in red is far above Bai Su.

What's more, the strong man in red has a companion!

"Little girl, I advise you to take it by yourself. This evil star is going crazy, be careful that your bones are gone."

Sure enough, this person is the crazy evil star in the four.

Zhe Lin Mengya knew that Bai Su could not last long, but the doors around them were closed, and they were like a sampan in the middle, with no hiding place.

I saw that the crazy evil star and Bai Su were getting more and more fierce, but the people of Yurong also slowly buffered them over.

"You two, you can only live one. Go back and tell your master, Qingwei Club is not where he can touch his fingers."

Uncle did not hesitate to protect her behind her.

"It was me who provoked you just now. I want to kill you, I will listen to respect and let my sister go!"

Zhe Lin Mengya said, holding her tightly, said that none of them could be less.

Looking at the white soda there, he became more embarrassed, and Lin Mengya ignored it.

"Let them go, otherwise I will let you die without all corpses!"

She really kills her heart!

Pu Yurong said hesitated for a moment, because although the girl did not raise her eyes very much, but those eyes had a stern look that made him feel a little surprised.

As the legendary beast awakened, as long as she gave her a bite, she would die without a whole body.

I could not help but wonder, who is this person!

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