Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1284: Kind reminder

Don't keep it!

Qi Yurong said that there was a certain amount of murder in his heart. No matter it was wrong or right, if this person did not die, he would be afraid of endless troubles.

"Little girl, this can't help you!"

Qi Yurong said that when his face changed, he rushed at them in an instant.

But Kemeng Mengya pushed her aside, and people were exposed to the sight of Yurong Tao.

When squinting at the man's hand, when she was about to break her slender neck, she could hear the woman's extremely cold voice.

"do not move."

Qi Yurong said that the body of the man was stagnant.

Because he saw something in the woman's hand.

"I know that people in Yurong like to use dust dust as a weapon. Fortunately, my brother said that the material of Buddha dust is not suitable for weapons. In fact, it is the hands of the user that can kill people. Therefore, you will definitely break with your hands. Our neck. Because this is the most effective and easiest way. But Dao Chang thinks, is your hand fast or the dark crossbow in my sleeve fast? "

A very delicate little dark crossbow was caught under Lin Mengya's wrist. As long as she pressed lightly, the crossbow that was ready to go would immediately pass through the heart of Yurong Taoist.

"You just did it on purpose."

没 "Yes, if this is not the case, how can the Taoist solve us in person. Let your comrades stop, otherwise, we will all die together!"

Lin Mengya is now very cautious when going out.

In fact, she still has a lot of gadgets on her body, but it is only necessary as a last resort, she won't use it.

Even before leaving, the four brothers told her that even if the Qingwei Club could not negotiate business, there would never be any danger.

I didn't want to. They didn't know what was going crazy today, but they didn't listen to people's explanations, they killed them.

No business spirit at all, bad review!

"I don't even think about it. The lunatic is going crazy once he sees no blood."

Pu Yurong doesn't seem to be worried about being restrained by others, and it seems that Bai Su will die under the hands of Mad Shaxing.

But Lin Mengya beside him, but revealed a smile of unknown meaning.

"Second sister, use your means when you can't stand it. You are not his opponent."

I didn't expect that the woman who had been beaten over there, but found a medicine powder in her arms, and when the other party couldn't react, she spit it out.

The crazy star is on the rise, where there is no time to dodge.

He only heard the sound of “噗通”, and the person fell to the ground, unconscious.

咳 "Cough, martial arts is good, but my brain is not very good."

Xi Baisu spit out the blood in his mouth and turned back to Lin Mengya.

The clothes she carried were all poisons made by Lin Mengya.

Don't say it's a strong man, a cow can fall down.

Pu Yurong said that his eyes widened and he looked at the three sisters.

They are sacred in the end.

"Look, you guys just don't listen well to others. I repeat, we are just talking about business, not those you think. Now, do you understand?"

Lin Lin Mengya is a little impatient, but what can Yurong Taoist do? Life is still in the hands of others, only to nod first, but his face has become extremely ugly.

"Okay, then you let us go now, and when we go out, I will let you go."

"Little girl, since I have believed what you said, you let me go now, and I will send you away."

Qi Yurong Taoist tried to talk about the conditions, but changed to a bit of ridicule by Lin Mengya.

"Do you treat me as a fool? I will let you go now, and you will turn around and let someone kill me. OK, it looks like you don't plan to let me go. That's fine, anyway, I'm not here yet If you can do it, you can't walk, then you, take me to see the owner. "

Pu Yurong is a little dumbfounded, and it is estimated that he has never seen such an aggressive rival.

"You want to see our owner?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, the dark crossbow in her hand tightened.

"Yes, I understand the rules of your club. Although you are rude, you still have to do business, don't you?"

Pu Yurong looked at the three women in front of him, and it was estimated that he did not expect that he would plant them in their hands.

好 "Okay, I'll take you there. But don't regret it."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Yurong Tao's eyes, and knew that this person had a heart to kill himself.

In fact, she was helpless, and she was very wronged.

The dark crossbow in his hand was closed, and in the eyes of Yurong Tao's surprise, Lin Mengya took a step back.

"I'll say it again at the end, you really recognize the wrong person. Maybe someone wants to work against you, but-"

She turned her eyes and looked around.

"Usually, are you two alone here?"

Xi Yurong said that the man shook God, and then shook his head.

"Your librarian is not here? You should go back now, your librarian is in danger!"

Tong Yurong raised his eyebrows, he didn't know why this woman turned so fast.

"Don't you think it's strange? Since you two didn't ask, we decided that the three of us are enemies, which means that you got some news in advance. And this news can make you convinced, It can only be someone you trust. Are we enemies? We know better than anyone. Even if we are enemies, why are there only two of you here? That wo n’t work. Do you think you can resist? "

Lin Lin Mengya's words made Yurong Tao frown deeply.

But apparently, he still had no reason to believe her.

也许 "Maybe you can think of me as a clever word, just to find out where your curator's hiding place is. Belief, unbelief, it's all between your thoughts. Second sister, go wake up the crazy star."

When Bai Su heard the words, he immediately took out the antidote that had been in his clothes, opened the mouth of Mad Shaxing, and fed him.

Pu Yurong said that while they were staring at them tightly, they were watching the situation at Mad Shaxing.

I saw the man, waking up, and he immediately walked over and helped his partner.

"Old lunatic, are you okay?"

The crazy star shook his head, as if he had just woke up from a hangover.

"It's a great drug, even I can put it down, little girl, you are really good at it."

While listening to this sincerely, who knows what it means.

I saw that his companion was okay, and the expressions of Yurong Tao on Lin Mengya were a bit complicated.

Because of their behavior, they don't look like those people.

I looked at each other for a while, and Yu Rongdao said coldly.

"If you are really innocent, wait here for us to come back."

"It's unfair to us, isn't it? If you keep us here, what happens if you leave?"

Chen Er is still not afraid of him, said Zhenzhen eloquently.

But Ke Mengya pulled the girl back and said loudly.

"The two of them are long-established heroes. How can it be that we are deceived? Two of you, you can leave as much as possible, I will wait for the two."

The two people looked at each other, and finally Yu Rongdao nodded and said.

"Okay, if you prove that you are right, then I and the old lunatic will come to pay you for your sins!"

"Two walk slowly."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and nodded, watching the two of them leave.

"Miss, if they are gone forever, how can we go out?"

Min Er tugged at her sleeve and said in a low voice.

I don't want to, Lin Mengya is like an old god, she touched her little head.

别 "Don't worry, they will be back soon."

If that's right, I'm afraid they will come back soon.

三 The three of them sat on the haystack, and it didn't take long before the two of them appeared in front of them again.

Lin Mengya, who was closing her eyes and raising her eyes, opened her eyes and looked at the two people who suddenly appeared.

This yard should be authentic, otherwise they wouldn't come and go like this.

"Girl, please worship me both."

The mad mad star immediately worshiped, but the Yurong Taoist stared at Lin Mengya.

The latter was not polite at all, just suffered like this.

Helpless, Yurong Taoist can only worship lightly, there is a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

"Knowing it is wrong, I will correct it in the future. You two are elders in the rivers and lakes. Do things in the future, don't be so reckless. Today you met our sisters. If you encounter other people who are difficult to talk with, you will not say You have no rules. "

Zhe Lin Mengya is the type that has something to say, but nothing can hurt people to vomit blood.

The people of Tong Yurong and Mad Shaxing must both feel a little embarrassed. It is one thing to recognize the wrong person, and Lin Mengya's reminder can be a big help to them.

Therefore, these two people came to thank her.

"Hey, what the girl learned is. My host said, this time it's the fault of the two of us, I hope you have a lot of adults, don't care about us. By the way, my host also said, if you are convenient, It's better to go to the house. "

Lin Lin Mengya got up, and she had enough of her music. It really was time to do something serious.

"Okay, then go with you. But this time, don't think of any bad intentions. Don't be afraid to tell the two, I have no good habits, only one point. If you want to harm me, you must take your own life."

She showed a row of bright white teeth, and her smile was a little grim.

Xi Yurong said that the person and the mad evil star could not help but feel that the back was a bit cold, this girl was a little bit worse.

"Girl is joking, we will never be like this."

He raised an eyebrow, Lin Mengya looked at them both.

"That would be the best, let's go, you can lead the way."

Qi Yurong said that she was led to the backyard with a crazy star.

Is still desolate, but a ball looks like a grave in the backyard.

Although it is a bit abrupt, but there are few people here, the front is scary enough, I am afraid few people dare to run to the backyard to lie.

"Girl, please."

The people of Qi Yurong stepped forward, tapped on the tombstone gently, and then a tunnel appeared suddenly in the grave.

The lunatic evil star walked in front of Yurong Tao, and behind him was Lin Mengya.

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