Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1291: Old complaints

"Thank you for your great ancestors!"

Gao Linmengya smiled. With the guarantee of her great ancestor, other problems of adopting this child can be solved easily.

"Okay, it ’s your child, but Yunying is still unmarried. The child has raised a few. You know, there are many people in our family who come to give you a few brothers a match, but it ’s better to mention you The matchmakers must be kept aloof. Although our palace daughters don't hate marriage, what can you do with this reputation. "

Compared to Zengzu's concerns, Lin Mengya herself felt that it was not a big deal.

Anyway, whoever she wants to marry in her life is her own choice.

There is no matchmaker at all.

"Well, even if they are going to marry, they still have to be worthy of our little sister!"

The idea of ​​Eriya Gongji is very different from the ancestors of the palace.

In the eyes of several of them, I am afraid that Jade Emperor is not worthy of Gongya.

"The great ancestors, the young and the orderly, the brothers haven't married yet, so I don't have to worry so much. By the way, there are a lot of Miss Family members who have celebrated the New Year in Longdu this time, should you, some of you, also consider some personal issues Yeah! "

Twenty-five people glared at her. They were just talking for her just now, and they were sold by her.

"Yeah! You listen, Yaer said it makes sense. You are all older and older. I look like you had a wife and children at your age. I did n’t force you because of our family. The situation is bad. Now you should consider it. "

No one expected that Zeng Zu's words turned so fast.

I look at Lin Mengya and great ancestor again, the two of them are indifferent, apparently they pitted them together.

Hey, they jumped into the pit by themselves.

曾 "Great ancestor, now the palace family is in ruins, we few of you, don't worry"

"Can you do it in a hurry? When Yaer did n’t come back, you would n’t find it if you did n’t find it. Now Yaer is back. There isn't even a **** who can speak sweet things. What can I do, a girl? "

Older gingers are more spicy.

撒 Say this one, and suddenly the five young men in the palace family looked at her with a bit of miserable filter.

Zhe Lin Mengya made a weak, pitiful and helpless appearance in a timely manner, and it was enough for the five people in the palace family to be distressed for a while.

"It makes sense, then, we have no other requirements, only a little can do it. We must hurt the little girl and get along with her. The most important thing is that we must pass the little girl first. Only one level is allowed. "

Looking at Gong Bin's so serious look, Lin Mengya almost missed it.

哪 What kind of condition is this?

I also married them, but not her. If this condition is said, I'm afraid no matchmaker dares to come.

"Well, that makes sense. After all, after our family, we still want your sister to take the helm. Then let's go, other things, let's talk about it later."

After watching Zeng Zu throw her a slightly restless look, Lin Mengya shook her head helplessly.

She said so, but if the brothers like it, she will not block it.

Regardless of the others, at least in their house, marriage can not be combined because of love, but at least, it must be their own choice.

既 "That being the case, then I will take care of this errand, a few brothers rest assured, I will definitely choose a few beautiful and beautiful women for you, and promise to make you and Hemei beautiful, white-headed."

A few people looked at her happy and smiled.

This is the family. Although there will be differences and misunderstandings, in the end they all love you.

After a few elder brothers came to her house, she didn't need to worry about everything.

Lin Mengya, who was idle, actually didn't have much free time. Even with the condition of her family, she didn't tell the truth to a few brothers.

He only said that Mrs. Lian was ill, and she had a cure, but now she was helpless.

宫 Everyone in the palace family is just like her, thinking about Mrs. Lian's condition.

I just now people are getting sick, they are not good at home to disturb.

I will do it for her.

"What's the situation today?"

The heavy snow in the dragon capital made the snow sculpture tour go on in full swing.

Although Lian Sheng and Lian Xing both deliberately avoided these things, they still couldn't help but stay busy outside.

At home, even the master finally has time to be with his wife.

"It's still like that, boy, you tell me the truth, if you hit her, can you survive it?"

I hadn't seen him in just two days, and even the master was obviously thin, and I lost a lot.

Lin Lin Mengya looked in her eyes and naturally felt distressed.

"Uncle, rest assured, 婶婶 吉人天相, must be able to survive, isn't there me?"

Master Lin Lian sighed slightly, took his wife's hands, his eyes were full of affection.

"You are like a warm and lively woman like you. She always thought that it was me who she saw first, but I did n’t know. When I first visited her house, I only glanced at her, and never again Can't forget her. "

In those days, it was a miracle to have few love books at first sight, and to be able to love each other.

This is the case for his own parents, so even if the mother has passed away for many years, her father's eyes are only her.

The old master in front of him reminded her of her father.

"Actually, I don't think I understand."

Master Lin Lian looked at him with a little doubt on his face.

"In love, the person who is more loved can be petted and proud. 婶婶 has deep feelings for you, so she has given you this right."

Selfishness is human nature.

爱情 In love, who doesn't want to take the initiative, let the other party bow their heads to themselves, in every possible way.

But not even Mrs. She always put herself on the side of dedication.

Master Lin Lian, why not?

"Yes, I actually understand it. But if she can wake up, I will tell her everything."

Master Lin Lian gently stroked Mrs. Lian's hand, which he held for a lifetime.

There is only one person who can go from green silk to white hair.

Su Linlin Mia suddenly understood her father's feelings.

She is like she and Long Tianyu. In the world, no one except her is right with her.

He is the only one, only him.

"Uncle, I believe 婶婶 will definitely be a good man. But this time, I don't think we can take care anymore."

In fact, even the family, the most unfathomable person is the master.

He has been an official for decades and is loyal to Emperor Zun, knowing and thinking, is not comparable to ordinary people.

For this incident, she always felt that even Master was informed.

Even though I don't know everything, there are still clues.

Sure enough, even the master looked at her with sharp eyes.

"I do know who wants to fight against you, but what I didn't expect is that he is so unbridled."

"Can your uncle tell me who this person is? Why does he have to deal with him?"

Master Lilian's expression became cold.

This is her first time, seeing this serious but tender man, with this expression.

It seems that he is an enemy who doesn't share the sky.

"Do you still remember, how did you get this disease?"

I nodded, and she did not forget.

At first, there was 歹, and in the presence of Mrs. Lian, she murdered her young son.

Madam Lin Lian was so distraught that this was the root cause.

Is it--

"I originally planned to rot in my stomach and never mention it again. But who knows, he has a haunting spirit, and has repeatedly attacked you! I have to report this hatred."

Men are **** and can be suppressed for the sake of their country, but they cannot be trampled on by others.

"In the beginning, Your Majesty asked me to do one thing. I thought that this matter would not leak any news, but I did not want it to be known to the enemy. But at that time, he had no way to stop me, so he took advantage I'm not at home and killed my son! "

I really do.

"Is this incident related to your enemies?"

"I and Ai Lian met at first, but I saw her being tricked by the wicked and couldn't help but help them. To say that the feelings between men and women are not even half. But in these years, he used Ai Lian to come Threatening me. And the medicine that Elian gave me was also given by that person. "

I didn't expect that there was such a relationship.

The other side was holding Master Lian's mind, even if Ai Lian wasn't even the master's sweetheart, he couldn't just watch her die.

Therefore, his temporary reconciliation and compromise have become what he is now.

"Who is that person, uncle, can you tell me?"

But this time, even the master didn't say it, just shook his head.

"It's all of our generation, you a child, it's not good to know these things. You can only heal you 婶婶, other things, and me."

Grandpa did not say, she would not ask again.

"Well, it ’s also good that I ca n’t wake up now. I want to take this opportunity to completely remove the root cause of Ill. In this case, this thing can no longer torture us. Other things, uncle, please be careful .After all, I'm still waiting to grow old with you. "

In fact, she is not incapable of treating this disease.

As long as she is attached to poison, there is no way she can't solve it.

Mrs. Kelian's condition was a little strange. The symptoms were like poisoning, but no matter how much she tested, she didn't see any new toxins.

Well, there are only two results.

First of all, Mrs. Lian is not poisoned, but her old disease really recurs. The second is that these things are beyond the detection scope of the Shennong system.

Is this impossible?

Even if the name of the medicinal material is incomplete, the ingredients are fixed.

And since she got here, she hasn't encountered this situation.

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