"Miya? What's wrong?"

Bian Liansheng came in from outside, and when she saw that she seemed to be thinking something, she asked softly.

"Nothing, just thinking about something."

"But is there anything wrong with my mother's condition?"

Although the streak seems to be calm, in fact, the tone is a little more tense.

After all, the status of Mrs. Li is now the first.

"It's fine, 婶婶 the current situation is very stable. Even brother, let's take a step to talk."

Before the bed, even Master still looked at his wife with affection.

Fate is actually too harsh for this couple.

Bian Liansheng invited her to Lianjia's study room, which is more spacious than most people's homes. Presumably the three men in Lianjia often discuss some national affairs here.

"sit down."

I nodded, Lin Mengya sat down, but the glances of the winning streak were a little doubtful.

I groaned a little, and Lin Mengya opened her mouth first.

"Lian Brother, he wanted to ask me, does this incident have anything to do with Ai Lin, right?"

Even winning streak does not tweak, after all, she is not an outsider.

"My people have been staring at her these days. If she did, then my people must have noticed. So I think this time, it should not be her."

"But who, besides her, knows my mother's condition and has reason to kill her?"

Xuan's winning streak is a little exciting, and it is no wonder that as a man, even if others have hatred for their family, that should be vented to him.

But this time and again and again to deal with the female dependents, is it too pretentious?

"Some things are not as simple as they seem. By the way, your son's father, what are your findings?"

I brought this up, and the winning streak is full of doubts.

"I sent someone to the children's house, but their neighbors said that the father and daughter did not return home. The yard was shabby and it didn't look like someone lived in. The big dragon It ’s too difficult to find someone. However, I naturally have my own ways. "

交给 The matter was given to the winning streak, and she had nothing to worry about.

"It's okay, it's almost New Year, these things should be done too. By the way, my great ancestors have come here. If you are free, you might as well sit in the past."

For the invitation, she nodded slightly in a row.

之间 The two of them don't need those lavish gifts.

After saying the right thing, Lin Mengya was sent to the gate by a winning streak.

I happen to catch up with Lianxing who just returned.

"Lian Xing, please take Gongya home."

Pian Lianxing glanced at her and nodded at his brother.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at her door a few steps away, and looked at the two brothers who were obviously not quite right in the atmosphere. Finally, she had to silently swallow the refusal and swallowed her belly.

Although she didn't take a few steps, she was accustomed to the lively and lively Lien Sing, but now this dumb Lien Sing made her slightly uncomfortable.

"Brother, what can he tell you?"

Looking at Lian Xing's eyes turning around, she seemed to have a dim look.

Lin Mengya didn't think too much, but just felt that today's Lianxing looks like a shy mimosa?

"No, what is he going to tell me?"

"Since you didn't say anything, then it's nothing. Listen to Gongwu saying that your great ancestors are all here."


The atmosphere was sinking again.

Lin Lin Mengya really did not know how to speak, and was afraid that she would increase the psychological burden of Lian Xing. After thinking and thinking, she had to say something.

"Then, I'll go back first."

After speaking, people stepped into the gate.

Li Lian, behind him, didn't know where the impulse came from, said loudly.

"My brother said, your best woman in the world, I hope I can marry you through the door, can you marry me?"


Lin Lin Mengya almost didn't let saliva suffocate, oh dear, where did this come from?

Before Kei could wait for her response, several people rushed out of the house.

"Lian Xing, what did you say?"

Like the fierce god, the second palace stared at a pair of bullseyes, threatening the youth in front of them, trying to take away the most precious treasures of the palace family.

"Second brother, my brother said, I hope I can marry Gongya through the door. I will know Gongya, please complete me."

Xun usually is a clever person, but at this moment has made a fool.

Xun Gong Er was even more frowning and was about to hit someone immediately.

Where did Lin Mengya let them fight on the street, and the two were subconsciously blocked in front of them.

Xu Gang just wanted to turn his head to comfort, but saw not far away. Long Tianyu, who was a **** cricket, seemed to be several times colder than the ice and snow.

"His Royal Highness."

With four sharp eyes, he saw him not far away.

But Lin Mengya felt clearly that the man was under great pressure.

"Two brothers and three brothers, this is what I mentioned to you, Zuo Cheng's only son, His Royal Highness Xi."

There is a lot of people in the nest, and his status is high.

The fight was not up, but Lin Mengya always felt that this guy's gaze made her creepy.

However, she is really a good gun for lying down, who knows where Lian Xing is crazy.

Oh my god, how come all this has arrived?

"No need to be polite."

The man spit out four words from his thin lips, but he kept his eyes on her.

"Have Your Highness Passed By, Or"

"I'm here for her."

She Zheng, who didn't know how to explain the situation in front of her, immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and looked at everyone with different expressions.

He unconsciously showed a dry smile, but what could she do besides laughing?

In the end, Long Tianyu, Lian Xing, and the first five men in the family all appeared in her living room.

In a large living room, she used to think that walking dogs was too big, but now she feels a bit inexplicable.

Everyone has a standard smirk on their faces, and I'm afraid that they have already staged a big show.

But she can't run as the protagonist, but wants to retreat to her room regardless.

This atmosphere is even drier than the Sahara desert.

那个 "That, everyone drinks tea, tea."

I have always had a slick mouth, but now I can only laugh.

He gave the four brothers a wink, and the man finally understood her meaning.

"I don't know if His Royal Highness is here this time, what's the matter with looking for my little sister?"

In his heart, he gave his fourth brother a thumbs up, and he was the only one who could smile so kindly and naturally.

Wu Ke Long Tianyu did not answer his words, but instead looked at her.

"What's the situation with that little slave adopted in your house?"

She didn't say where the child was picked up before, but now he was mentioned by him, Lin Mengya screamed.

嗯 "Well, the situation with small things is stable."

As he frantically signaled him with his eyes, what was the little thing, he knew better than anyone.

I didn't expect the signal to fail.

I saw the other side drinking tea slowly and quietly.

既然 "Since it was fostered in your house, now this child is no longer in trouble, I naturally want to take him back. After all, he is a man of great importance."

In a word, Lin Mengya understood Long Tianyu's intention to visit today.

"Your Highness doesn't say, I'm about to forget it. It's just a little slave. In this way, I pay a high price and buy the little things back. I wonder if I can trust my Highness as a lobbyist."

What does this mean?

Zhe Lin Mengya had a feeling in her heart, and her tone was naturally not much better.

Since Wu Zhonghua wants small things, he'll do it himself.

Why did he come out of this head, dead man, he would turn his elbows out.

Look how he packed him when he came tonight!

Nine Dragons Tian Yu did not agree, but frowned slightly.

"It's not difficult to buy, but now the Lord of Zhonghua County asks me for someone. People, I have to be here, so I can help you talk."

Lin Lin Mengya subconsciously wanted to refuse, after all, the last little thing was miserable enough.

Uncle did not expect, but was stopped by her older brother and fourth brother.

既 "That being the case, that would be better."

Xi Gongbin smiled openly and glanced at her to make her calm and restless.

"Little things are still used to living in our house, and I want to come to have a relationship with our family. If His Royal Highness can accomplish this, then the palace family will be grateful. However, the child's body is already weak. Suddenly changed The place must not be used to it. It is too little to worry, and it is too big to get sick. Otherwise, Her Royal Highness allows us to slow down for a few days, wait for the little things to adjust, and then send it to His Royal Highness. However, Your Highness still has to work hard. "

Xi Gongbin's words made people unable to refuse.

Wu Murongxi thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

But Lin Mengya, don't overdo it, don't want to look at him.

I resisted the anger in my heart, and Mu Rongxi reminded herself to wait until the night to settle accounts with this woman.

"Little girl, how does this child have a relationship with His Royal Highness Xi?"

Xu sent away Murong Xi and Lian Xing, and the Gong family closed the door and questioned her.

I was shocked even by the ancestors of the palace family. He must have never imagined how his own great-granddaughter could cause trouble.

"In fact, it was an accident. I was bored before, so I went out for a walk. I didn't expect that it happened to be the righteous son of His Highness Xi, who was scolding and cursing small things. I was out of breath, so I took the child back. What happened is what it is now. "

After hearing her words, several people in the palace family were even more shocked.

"Little girl, young girl, you know, that's His Highness Xi's righteousness. You are so bold, aren't you afraid to annoy him?"

Wu Gongbin and Gong Shi could not help but have a layer of white sweat on his back.

She was taken by the righteous son of others.

I now want others to deal with the clan leader for her.

What a foolish thing they did.

"In fact, you don't have to be so panicked, His Highness Xi, I still know something about him. The reason why he helped me was because of the confusion on the Winter Solstice Day, I once helped him."

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