Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1293: As an excuse

I thought for a while, Lin Mengya felt that it was still necessary to give Long Tianyu's arrival and find a suitable reason.

Moreover, in her own mind, she also wanted her family to know his existence.

After all, they are going to spend their lives together. No matter who she is, she wants to tell others that this is her man.

I ’m just a pity, not now.

After hearing her explanation, a few people in the palace family settled a fragile heart that was frightened a little.

"If there is such a relationship, that would be great. Just a little girl, I think you still, don't go too close to Xi Temple."

Xi Gongbin thought it out before persuading her.

"It is self-evident that His Royal Highness is valuable, but he is still one of the disciples of the Lord. Perhaps he will stay in the temple in the future. But my little sister, even at the peak of our palace family, we will stay away from the temple. . So, look at the noble ladies in Longdu who love and hate His Royal Highness Xi. You are a smart girl, and you must not make a mistake. "

I went about this problem again. In order not to worry the family, Lin Mengya nodded and agreed.

But what made her sadder was that Long Tianyu's condition in Weiguo was actually far from what she thought.

This man always hides his mind deeply.

"Yes, what's going on with Lian Xing. Why suddenly, noisily marrying you?"

Probably the topic is too heavy, Gong Shi turned the topic to Lian Xing.

"I'm not sure, he just said that the winning streak made him do it. However, winning streak is not so boring."

Lin Lin Mengya really didn't know, but the people at home looked at her with a very ambiguous look.

"You are not you, don't get me wrong, I and Lian Xing are impossible!"

The men in the house suddenly showed a look of continued disappointment.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help crying and laughing. Where did these guys learn the chaos?

In my heart, I could not help but think of the guy.

There is a tacit understanding between them. When he comes and when he doesn't, she seems to have telepathy.

Sure enough, just as it was getting dark, she hummed the unbalanced lullaby and coaxed the little thing to sleep.

"Come back, there is hot porridge I left for you on the table, drink and sleep."

Without looking up, Lin Mengya knew that he was coming.

I am afraid that no one knows now, in fact, Long Tianyu has a very serious stomach problem.

But every time I commit it, I grit my teeth and go through it.

All of this, only she knew.

I conditioned for a while, and it was almost cured, but I was not too hungry.

I barely heard any sound, only a faint smell of porridge.

After that, the man took off his shoes and coat and climbed into bed.

"Did you come here to visit me today?"

I kept the little thing on her chest, although she revealed it to him a little bit today, but the keen little guy grabbed her sleeves even in her sleep, making her extremely reluctant.


I answered very neatly, just holding her green silk in her hand, but she seemed more and more gentle.

"I don't want to give the child to you, but you must have your own reasons, I want to know."

Tong Murong Xizai carefully looked at the woman in her arms, her heart softened into a pool of water.

"Chong Hua's unscrupulous attempt to stay in Longdu, so she has secretly reached an agreement with her father. As long as his father helps her to stay in Longdu, she will secretly help her father and murder the Emperor."

This makes her a little bit unclear. If you want to stay in Longdu, why should you continue to murder the Emperor?

"Chonghua's goal has never been just me. She stayed in Longdu, in fact, to achieve greater ambitions."

"Why did she want to be with you like a cockfight before that?"

Wu Murongxi touched her long hair and whispered.

大概 "Probably because I can be her stepping stone."

He doesn't hate people who have ambitions, but he hates people who are so arrogant and self-righteous.

"What stepping stones you are the best in the world. No one but me can take you away."

Her slightly overbearing little declaration made Murongxi laugh for a long time.

"That kid"

"Rest assured, I brought the little things back, just to give Chonghua a chance."

"Opportunity? What opportunity?"

"One, can re-approach me, and also sell me a chance for humanity."

Gao Lin Mengya thought about it, but buried her head in his arms, her voice seemed a little dull.

"How long will you take him away?"

"one day."

"one day?"

"Well, we will come back together at night."

Suddenly, Lin Mengya's worry slowly dissipated.

"Well, then I promise you. But you have to guarantee that no one can bully him."

"Well, I swear."

一 In the early morning of the next day, Lin Mengya wore a small piece of soft cotton for Xiao Xiao, and rode in a carriage in person, to the house where Long Tianyu now lives.

I said it was Beyuan, but it was actually about the same size as the palace, but it was more compact.

She whispered to Xiaoli for a while this morning and told him that after someone secretly sent him back at night, Xiaoli finally put a little snack on.

The guard at the entrance of the gate must have been ordered by the man. After seeing them, he led them over.

Alas, but did not expect that he still has guests at this time.

"Miss Gong, please wait a moment, my Highness will be here soon."

The guards sent them to a small flower hall to wait. The place was warm and floral, making the little things very happy.

However, this flower hall is not large, it should only be used as a temporary meeting place.

Study is right next to the flower hall. She has outstanding ears and faintly heard some conversations.

But, piecemeal, not very true.

"Xi, why are you doing this to me?"

Outside the yamen, a cry came from a woman.

When she was thinking about whether to avoid it, Long Tianyu's long legs came in.

After seeing them both, Frown's frowns were slightly relieved.

But the woman behind him was still in tears, not resigned.

"I can ignore why you didn't return all night last night, and I can also ignore your sudden remorse. But at least, you and I are still friends?"

Lin Mengya frowned last night, it seems that Long Tianyu's side is not as clean as she imagined.

And who this woman is, she was a bit unexpected.

"Xi, the marriage contract between you and me, I know you are unwilling. But this is set by the elders, and I can't help it. But at least, we ca n’t be husband and wife, can't you be my brother?"

Alas, it's really unrelenting.

The little thing was a little curious, but Lin Mengya kept holding him, and the little thing had to obediently put her head on her lap, with big bright eyes, and looked at her silently.

Either woman or man.

爱情 In love, I will only be low on the bottom, if you are wronged, then in the end, you will only get the bitter fruit.

"Come, drop off."

Xiao Long Tianyu's voice did not hesitate, not even impatient.

"Xi, you can't do this to me, you can't!"

Sound, getting farther and farther.

Lin Lin Mengya did not think of it, after all, it was not her business.

Xiao Xiaoli lay on her lap, looking at the man at the door, there was nothing to worry about.

In fact, several times, he woke up from his sleep and all met the man briefly.

Just every time, the man will let him not disturb, wake up aunt carefully.

孩子 "Children, I have already delivered them. If your Highness has no other orders, Gongya will retreat first."

Wu Ming didn't shine tomorrow, so she told him indifferently. After meeting now, she would pretend to be unfamiliar.

的 Every day when she performs like this, she feels like she has become an acting school.

"Well, I know."

Although Mu Rongxi couldn't bear it, Lin Mengya told the child to leave after a few words.

But as soon as she went out with her front feet, her hind feet were staring.

"Miss, is anyone following us, do you want to shake them off?"

Who is staring at her? Lin Mengya knows.

After thinking and thinking, he said.

"No, go to Yuqing Museum."


The current Yuqing Pavilion, Lin Mengya seems to have become the second boss.

However, everyone here has been ordered by her, and she must not let others know the relationship between her and Yuqing Pavilion.

And Cai Ling is the boss behind the scenes, other than the position of the shopkeeper, other people are not clear.

I waited until she had just settled down on the second floor, and there was a dude who came up and knocked on the door.

"Miss Gong, someone is looking for you outside."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at the wagon hidden at the corner.


Before Zheng Zheng's son came down, she wanted her to move first, didn't she lose her identity.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the guy to go down, and there was an unobtrusive carriage stopped at the entrance of Yuqing Pavilion.

There was a smile on the corner of his lips, and it seemed that the master had arrived.

"Hello Cheung Hwa, Lord, sit down."

She looked up and looked at the woman who broke in just now without a buddy notification, smiling gracefully.

Now, she can be sure that this person is not Yue Qi at all, or that this person is definitely not the Yue Qi she knows.

Yue Qi, who she is familiar with, is naive and lively. Although sometimes a little wayward, she is still a cute girl.

The Xianghua County Lord in front of him, even though he has the same face, can be of different qualities.

Her Yue Qi, who never met her, would never look at her with such a cold look.

"Thank you."

She Xianghua County lord still maintained her arrogance, at least not rushing up, we must ask her or something.

Zhe Lin Mengya signaled that some embarrassed guys at the door could step down, and Zhe Er and Bai Su stood beside her.

Here, but her home.

"I don't know why the county master came here."

Her smile was shallow, but Wan Wan was also alienated.

The latter's eyes flickered slightly, and finally, he smiled.

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