Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1295: Go to see the snow sculpture

刚 She just wanted to close the window, but when she saw downstairs, she didn't know when to stand.

that is not--

"I want to go down and walk around, ventilate, drink first!"

Everyone thought she was going to the first floor, so she didn't send someone to follow.

Today is a family banquet, so there are not many buddies who come to help.

Zhe Lin Mengya quietly took out her cloak from the locker room, and ran out secretly while nobody was there.

"Why are you here?"

At the entrance of the alley, Long Tianyu, dressed in a **** jacket, was holding a small thing that seemed to be crying.

"He has to find you, so we are here."

These words were pushed to the child.

"Only he misses me?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and asked with a smile.

Tong Mu Rongxi turned away, and then two words came flutteringly.


She knew it!

"Well, it's so cold here, let's go back. You guys wait for me here first, I'll tell my family."

I have this big and small, she just feels full of heart, as if everything else is no longer important to her.

别 "Don't worry, let's go and see."

Wu Murongxi took her hand and whispered.

Lin Mengya, who had no interest at all, looked at the eager little guy and nodded happily.

不少 Many people watch snow sculptures, and from time to time, there are also playful children rushing to them with a smile.

三个 The distance between the three of them is getting closer and closer. Naturally, in the crowd, Mu Rongxi embraced her with her left hand and picked up the small thing with her right hand.

"This sage, your wife and your child are really beautiful. Buy a velvet flower, put it on your wife, and ask for a good look."

On the roadside, an old woman holding a basket for sale along the street said with a smile.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the velvet, and suddenly remembered the past.

When she returned to God, a rose-like velvet flower appeared in front of her.

东西 The little thing was holding her hands, and her eyes were smiling.

"This is, is it for me?"

Xiao Xiao nodded heavily, and from the arms of Murong Xi, forward hard.

Gao Linmengya thought he wanted to come and hug herself, but she didn't expect that she reached out her hand and shook her head.

Then, pointed her head with a little finger.

Gao Linmengya understood the meaning of the small things, smiled, and put her head in the past.

Holding her small hand, she gently pinned the velvet flower between her hair.

He heard the man's deep laughter and said.

"It's not good to wear like this, boy, learn well."

Then, with a big hand, she gathered her hair back again, and the velvet flower was pinned on her head again.

"Are you ready?"


She looked up, looked at the little things happy, and couldn't help laughing.

Mu Rongxi's eyes, which were cold in both directions, seemed to be infected by them, with a lot of tenderness.

"looks good?"

"good looking"

I was very hard, and the little thing just popped out.

Zhe Lin Mengya was particularly surprised and kissed the little face of the little thing gently.

"Thank you."

I did not expect that the usual high and cold adult, but complained lowly.

"I paid."

I didn't think about it, she stomped her feet and put a light kiss on Long Tianyu's forehead.

"Is that all right?"

的 Her clever smile Qianxi has already become the most beautiful appearance in his heart.

"Not enough, but go back."

Lin Mengya gave him a hand. When did this guy learn, why was it so unscrupulous?

Speaking of them, snow sculpture is still a folk creativity, much better than the official family.

In addition to the traditional lanterns, there are even some characters in mythological stories, or very cute little animals.

Xiao Xiaoxi likes it very much, and sits in Mu Yangxi's arms.

Fortunately, Murong Xi's arm strength is amazing, but it's nothing.

"I remember, the first time I met a small thing here, he climbed up to the snow sculpture. Little thing, what do you do?"

Zhe Lin Mengya asked with a smile, but the little thing that was still very excited just now was crooked her head. After thinking about it for a long time, it seemed like it.

"Finding a Mother"

Are you looking for his mother?

Lin Lin Mengya's mind sank quietly.

Speaking, she also wished to stay with her.

I didn't even consider what his father and mother thought.

How can you do this yourself like a trafficker?

Hold back the sourness that slowly overflowed in her heart, Lin Mengya looked at the child frankly.

"Do you miss your mother? Do you want to come back to them?"

Xiao Xiao didn't answer immediately, confused and clear eyes, looked back at Mu Rongxi, and then looked at her, nodded gently, and shook his head again.

Suddenly, Lin Meng Ya Ya's heart turned into a pool of water.

I reached out and touched the child's little head lovingly.

"I know, you can't bear us, right?"

Small things this time, nodded quickly.

"We can't bear you anymore, but after all, you have to come back to your parents. But I won't let them bully you, so wait for this uncle to find out the truth. If your father and mother really don't want you , I'll leave you with me at all costs, okay? "

I probably understood the little thing, a smiley face, and immediately fell down.

I held out my little hand and asked her to hug.

Gao Linmengya took the child over, and An Xiaoxiao's weak body became her greatest comfort in this period of time.

As if through him, he can feel his own Ning'er, still like him.

"Child! Give me back my child!"

Suddenly, a heartbreaking sound came from behind.

Lin Lin Mengya felt that there was someone in the back, who just wanted to flash to the side, but she was slightly dull because the child was still in her arms.

Mu Rongxi also subconsciously wanted to protect them both, but the crowd became restless at this moment.

The two of them were instantly separated by the crowd.

When she wanted to walk with her to Mu Rongxi, she had a strong effort to **** the small things from her arms.

"What are you doing! Give me back the child!"

Lin Lin Mengya was anxious, and at this time Mu Rongxi immediately got out and rushed to the two of them.

Alas, at this moment the little thing was in the hands of a woman in a tattered dress.

"It's shameless! This is my child. You kidnapped my child and killed me, because I was struggling to find the child. Today, I bumped into you.

The woman was dark and thin, but her eyes were not normal.

The little thing is probably terrified, even forgetting to break free.

"Don't worry, I didn't abduct your child. Look at it clearly, is he your child?"

To be honest, Lin Mengya had no idea.

After all, she had never seen the child's biological parents, and heard that the child's biological parents were the slaves of the main government of Chonghua County.

Judging by the woman's dress, it looks a bit like.

The key is, does Xiao Xiao recognize her?

"Oh, don't be afraid, mother is here for you. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid"

The look of the woman was a little abnormal.

There were a lot of lively people gathered around me, pointing at them.

But these Lin Mengya don't care. She saw that woman's hand holding the small thing was too hard, and the small thing was obviously a little uncomfortable.

"Be light, don't hurt the child. He is still young and can't hold him so hard. Whether it's your child or not, please don't hurt him!"

Her heart was hurting as if it were tightly tightened.

At first the little thing was 懵, so there was no response.

But now, she saw that the child was obviously held too tightly and could not struggle.


The little thing that I never cried, suddenly burst into tears at this moment.

He kept waving his thin hands and feet, struggling hard in the direction of Lin Mengya.

"Don't cry, don't cry! Mother took you to find your father, your father, waiting for us!"

女人 The woman seemed to cry and laughed again.

Lin Mengya had already mentioned her heart to her throat. At the same time, Murong Xi frowned, but found something strange.

周围 Around them, there seemed to be a few people who didn't seem to be busy.

At this time, Lin Mengya had no time to take care of others.

Regardless of whether this crazy woman is the mother of a small thing, she has to rescue the child.

"Look at him, the child is crying. Shouldn't the mother-in-law coax him? Otherwise, how do you meet his father, don't you?"

The environment is noisy, and she can't get close, so the appeasement is limited.

But she tried to make her facial expressions easier.

The woman seemed to let go, but the cry of the little thing did not stop.

"Yes, that's right. Don't get excited. I just saw your husband. He's waiting for you at the street. I'll take you and see him, OK?"

Take a small step, a small step closer to the woman.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that she could not panic or be anxious.

The woman seemed to believe her words and stood still, still holding the child in her arms tightly.

"I'll take you here, come and give me your hand."

She reached out her hand and tried to appease the woman.

But I didn't expect that the woman suddenly smiled madly, with a little bit of evil in her eyes.

"Child, it's mine!"

The woman raised her hand violently, raised the child's thin body high, and got used to it.

Lin Mengya rushed out at this time, but did not expect that the woman was more sinister, holding a dagger in her hand and inserting it towards the child.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't even think about it, using her arm, she blocked the woman's knife and hugged the child.

Suddenly, the woman was subdued by Murongxi who almost arrived, and the dagger flew out.

He didn't want to, but at this moment there was a flying knife flying out of the crowd.

The angle of the flying knife is extremely tricky. Lin Mengya cares about the child and does not care about others.

Fortunately, Murong Xi was there and opened the flying knife, but I did not expect that the flying knife had cut through Lin Mengya's cheek.

A drop of fuchsia blood fell quietly.

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