Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1296: It was him

She even made her think that the blood drops fell on the lips of the little thing.

"do not move!"

Her inexplicable want to wipe, but the tongue of the little thing is faster.

Suddenly, he licked the blood beads.

"Spit it out, hurry up, spit it out!"

Gao Linmengya almost collapsed, she was always cautious, and she carried medicine powder that could neutralize medicine almost all the time.

I didn't want to, but let the least resistant little thing win.

Her blood poison, kill it!

For a moment, Lin Mengya felt that her whole blood was frozen.

I didn't expect that, next second, she widened her eyes and looked at the little guy in her arms in amazement.

Xiao Xiao was still sobbing, but because she felt the breath of safety, she kept digging into her arms.

Gao Linmengya's eyes, but for some reason, shed a tear.

Then, drop by drop, fell on the little thing.

She was weak, hugging her child tightly, and slumped on the ground.

"Miyaya! Miyaya!"

Bian Mu Rongxi commanded the people to search and arrest, but he turned around, but saw the appearance of Gong Ya, could not help but feel a pain in her heart, and hugged her body tightly.

"I found him, found him, Long Tianyu, I found our son"

She seemed to be taken out of her consciousness and just murmured.

Suddenly, Murong Xi heard the words, but her heart was shocked.

It turned out that she had already married and had a child with that man named 'Long Tianyu'.

For a moment, he hated and despised the irresponsible man.

Why, he didn't protect his wife and children?

As it is, he will take care of them both.

"Okay, it's okay, I'll take you back."

She lifted up Gongya and the little things, and Murong Xi hid her face under the grandma.

Xu turned around and walked past the position where he had just jumped out. Seven or eight black martial arts masters had already lost signs of life.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

His most powerful men hurried over, but did not expect, but got the warning of one of his coldest eyes.

"Find out who did it, kill!"


The man had to lower his head to hide the fear in his eyes.

His Highness just came down like an evil god.

I didn't even think about it, Mu Rongxi held their mother and son and returned to the palace.

The room was still warm, but the woman's body in his arms trembled gently along the way.

He touched the woman's forehead in distress, but saw a slight scar on her cheek.

**** it!

He was a little annoyed. Although he rushed out at the same time at that time, at that time, there were seven or eight black martial arts masters rushing out and tangling him.

She pinched her hand and tried to touch the wound on her face, but was caught by a cold little hand.

"Don't touch it."

I thought she was sad for disfigurement, but Murong Xi wanted to tell her that she didn't care at all.

没 "It doesn't matter, even if you leave a scar, in my heart, you are still the most beautiful woman."

Zhe Lin Mengya eased from shock, could not help but hug him.

"Do you know? The little thing is our Ninger! I should thank God for making our family happy!"

The complex emotions in Wu Murongxi's heart gradually disappeared because of her embrace and words.


But he just wanted to respond. The woman who had held him tight just now went back and kissed his son's face.

The little thing that Fang just was frightened, now giggles again and laughs.

I looked at the sweet mother and son. For the first time, Murong Xi tasted being left out.

"Ninger, I am a mother, he is your father, we are your biological parents, do you know?"

Sui Ning'er cried tired and cried, but nodded.

Lin Lin Mengya distressed her son, and he didn't care about that daddy, humming the song in his mouth, coaxing Ning Er to sleep.

Wu Mu Rongxi sat beside the bed with an air bag, looking away, still thinking hard.

After hearing the song full of love, I could not help but turn back, and finally hugged my beloved woman.

Yes, that's right.

Although she was a woman who was married and gave birth to a baby, he fell in love with her without a second thought.

After Lin's son fell asleep, Lin Mengya turned back and wanted to share with her child his father the joy he had recovered, but saw that he closed his eyes and was already asleep.

"Good night, we love you."

I sang a chapter for one big lover and one small lover. Lin Mengya lay contentedly in her man's arms and hugged her son.

Maybe happiness, that's it.

Mu Rongxi thought it was worth it last night, but today he regretted it.

The woman who squinted at him had been lingering for half an hour with that little thing.

He also kissed his little face from time to time, and he felt a sense of sourness, involuntarily twitching from the bottom of his heart.

"Can you not take him away?"

I hugged my son, Lin Mengya begged pitifully.

Although she also loved small things in the past, her mood was completely different from now.

Now she is even more anxious to be tired with her son every moment.

What a pity, that **** man is too hardhearted.


Stubbornly forcing himself to say what she refused, holding up a child who knew nothing, Murong Xi was ready to leave.

"Come back early in the evening."

Lin Lin Mengya lay on the window, watching Mu Rongxi holding her child, disappearing in front of her a little.

Unconsciousness is actually extremely happy.

"Master, are you awake?"

Outside, a question came from Bai Su.

Lin Lin Mengya closed the window and put people in.

She and Bai Su only know about what happened to Xun Long Tianyu at her house.

So last night, Bai Su should have helped her over.

After finding the good news of Ning'er, she also hoped that Bai Su would know it first.

"Bai Su, do you know? The little thing is Ninger!"

She brought Bai Sulai in, just after finishing speaking, but the latter stared at her with a complex look.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy for me?"

"Master," Bai Su sighed, and then said, "I know, you are worried about the little master. But the little thing is really not Ninger. I know you hurt him, but you can't go into the magic?"

Lin Lin Mengya understands, so she likes Bai Su who always thinks about her.

"Okay, silly girl, look at your master, like the kind of person I think is eager to get, and I get frustrated?"

How about this

Bai Su carefully looked at the owner. Although it is usually the same, it is hard to say.

"I'm not crazy, things are like this."

She pulled Bai Su to sit down and told the other party what had happened last night.

"But, is your blood really only solved by the little master?"

In fact, let Lin Mengya determine that the little thing belongs to her son. It was the detoxification process detected by the Shennong system after her blood poisoned into Xiaoli ’s mouth last night.

Yun Ning'er was born with her pregnancy in October. She has more blood than anyone else.

孩子 The child's blood is invisible. Only when it is excited will it show detoxifying properties.

This is also captured by the Shennong system.

So she was sure that the little thing was her Ninger.

"Yes, this is what the teacher said, absolutely not wrong!"

I saw that her answer was decisive, and Bai Su exhaled a long breath.

"It's the little master, the little master really reunited with you!"


姐妹 The two sisters hold each other's hands tightly. Over the years, they have shared the same pains and griefs. Only the two of them know each other best.

"No wonder, you hurt him this way. Everyone in the government said that even if the master has his own child in the future, he's afraid it can't be more small."

Actually, before Lin Mengya, he was closer to small things than his own.

Now that she knows that the child is her own son, she is not so worried.

I was with his dad anyway.

After a while, she no longer needs someone, and will take away her child.

"This matter must not be told to anyone. Ning Er's body is a bit abnormal. I think it must have something to do with how he got here. Before we weren't sure, how we were before and how we are now. "

Bai Su nodded and wiped away the tears in his eyes.

Although her son was found back, Lin Mengya also saw the score in the crisis.

She used to guess that the reason why Shangguan Hui would become like this was because she couldn't get in touch with Ning'er.

Now, although Ning Er returned to her, no one knows what he experienced.

But one thing, dare to attack her son, can not help but let her, and there are more reasons to uproot people.

对 "Yes, how did you tell your brothers last night?"

I met my son last night. After that, Lin Mengya has vague memories.

"Several young masters found that you were gone and immediately looked around. Later, it was Master Cai's family who said that they saw you coming home. Later, everyone rushed back. I opened the others and went ahead. I saw you in the room with Your Highness. Then I went out and told everyone that you had returned safely. "

This girl is really getting smarter.

He was talking, and there was another knock on the door.

"Sister, are you awake?"

Here comes Gong Bin.

The two men immediately exchanged their eyes and dried the tears in each other's eyes before Lin Mengya changed her clothes and got out of the bedroom door.

"Brother, there was an accident last night that made you worry."

Lin Lin Mengya went out and said regretfully.

Suddenly Gong Bin saw her safe and sound, and finally relieved.

I just wanted to speak to comfort her, but saw the scratch on her cheek.

"Who did it!"

Lin Lin Mengya froze, and then in the eyes of Gong Bin, she realized that she still had injuries on her face.

It just healed, and it did not leave a scar.

"Nothing, I accidentally scratched my nails."

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