Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1313: No coincidence

These families all bought paper ink pens in Mo Xiangxuan.

Is this just a coincidence?

"Isn't it that this Mr. Baihe accepted his disciples, wouldn't anyone know?"

"This young lady has no idea. Although this Mr. Baihe will not mention it actively, all the family members who can be selected by Mr. Baihe in Longdu are proud of it. Therefore, they often go in At the close of the year, they raced to express themselves, and wanted Mr. Baihe to select them as students. This is almost a scene in Longdu! "

Speaking of this incident, Uncle Qi Rong was right, apparently for some time.

"So, does the selected family member have anything in common?"

Uncle Qi Rong shook his head and looked very envious.

"Probably they are all talented and intelligent people, otherwise, they will not be looked after by Mr. Bai He. By the way, would you like to visit Mr. Bai He as well! I heard that she is a talented person Practical. "

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head. It wasn't that she was too proud, but that this white crane really had a big problem.

In the evening, after everyone returned to the palace house, Lin Mengya was again invited to the hall.

"Little sister, you don't sleep this big night, what did you call us for?"

Wu Gongwu stretched a lazy waist, his face was reddish, and he knew at a glance that he did not drink less at the banquet.

"Come to you, of course, it means business. By the way, if you go to dinner today, what can you hear? Are there any anecdotes about Mr. Baihe?"

He did not hear the words, so Miyaji said.

"This Mr. Baihe seems to be really talented. Today I saw a word she gave to the students with my own eyes. The words are beautifully written and the mood is better than me."

Of course, there is a bit of modesty in the palace.

But he can get such praise, Mr. Baihe is obviously not an ordinary person.

还有 "And there is, I heard, she teaches students to be weird. When teaching, no one can see it. Just heard that all the students taught by her will have some earth-shaking changes!"

Wu Gongwu shook his head and said cheerfully.

你们 "You guys, can you see the true content of this Mr. Baihe?"

Lin Lin Mengya became more and more curious. Does this person really have such ability?

Alas, several people shook their heads at the same time.

"It seems that these students invited Mr. Baihe, but she didn't go anywhere. I think it would be bad no matter where I went."

Xi Gongbin groaned before he said slowly.

This Mr. Baihe is quite human.

"Yes, you called us, wouldn't you just ask us about Mr. Baihe?"

Hagiya Wu pulled open his collar and looked a little bit unscrupulous.

But afterwards, he incurred four eyes of his brothers, and then fastened the collar silently.

"Oh, I went to visit the teachers today. The others didn't say much, but Qi Yue seemed to be interested. But he only said that if we could build the college, he would come. I think Generally, such people have a very heavy promise. Probably, they will not come. "

After hearing this, several people in the palace family looked different.

The ancestor of the palace palace squinted his eyes for a moment, then spoke.

齐 "Qi Yue, why is this name so familiar?"

"Back to the ancestors, Qi Yue was the young master who was kicked out of Qi's family ten years ago."

Xi Gongbin is familiar with this matter.

"Oh, yes, that's him! Whoops, that's a clever kid. Why is Qi's family so cruel and kicks this kid out of the house!"

Speaking of Qi Yue, the ancestor of the palace said regretfully.

Gao Lin Mengya and Gong Si secretly looked at each other, they did not investigate the matter clearly, the ancestor was actually clear.

In my opinion, sometimes I really can't underestimate the amount of memory of my ancestors.

曾 "Zengzu, do you know what happened to Qi Yue being kicked out?"

Heiguchi asked tentatively, and the ancestor of the palace also nodded.

"Well, I'm clear about this. There was a young lady in the Qi family. When she heard that she was going out, she was a well-known hot temper. At home, it was the same role. After she got married, Qi Yue's The mother entered the door. Qi Yue's mother was also a talented girl, but she was not of high stature. Therefore, the aunt and grandmother of Qi's family never looked down on the younger sister. Qi Yue's father died when he was seven Qi Qi mother and son could have lived safely in Qi's house, but this Qi's aunt and grandmother were too overbearing. Instead of saying Qi Yue's mother did not abide by the woman's ethics, they kicked them out Qi Yue's mother died, and this Qi Yue became an orphan. "

身 This life is really embarrassing.

No wonder, that day, when Qi Yue mistakenly identified herself as Qi's family, she would resist so.

If it was her, it would be the same reaction.

"But today, it seems to me that the Qi family wants to take Qi Yue back. What is going on?"

齐 That Qi Ke doesn't look like he hates Qi Yue very much.

Sure enough, what is inside the high door is really difficult for outsiders to understand.

"It should be a pity, after all, Qi Yue's knowledge is extremely famous throughout the dragon capital. If he can come, our college will be even more powerful."

Zeng Zengzu seemed to appreciate Qi Yue very much. Also, the only difference between their palace family and other people's homes is their talent and quality.

There are many important positions in the house of the grandmother, all of which are slaves.

And their slaves are more like employees than their slaves.

With such advanced thinking, why worry about the palace family?

"I came here for you today. I want to arrange tasks for you."

Time is a little urgent. After the New Year, she will go to the temple to participate in the first moon festival.

Chen Longtian Yu could go with her, after all, he is a disciple of the saint, and it is justifiable to rush back.

But these people in the palace family, she doesn't want to take any of them.

It is on the one hand that the college wants to employ people, on the other hand it is the January Moon Festival, I am afraid it is a battle of dragons and tigers.

Although the people in the palace family are all good, they have insufficient experience in fighting the enemy and can easily suffer.

"Sister, you said that."

The second palace is still the same bold, she always puts her first.

Lin Mengya nodded, and quickly assigned the tasks.

I only wait for the spring to bloom in the coming year, and the palace family will come out like a spring seedling.

"Yaer, can I come in?"

After returning to her room, Miyaji knocked on her door again.

Ninger was taken over by Bai Su today, and now he has big dark eyes, why he refuses to sleep.

"Well, come in."

I thought for a moment, she still let the baby lie in her arms.

最近 This little guy is getting smarter and more spoiled recently.

When the palace entered the door, she could not help but smile when she saw the little guy lying in the arms of her sister.

Although they have n’t touched much, this little thing really attracts people.

"Brother, why haven't you slept?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him curiously and asked, Gong Si converged on his face with a relaxed smile.

"Is there something wrong with you, hiding me?"

Lin Lin Mengya wants to pretend to be innocent, but unfortunately, Gong Si is smarter than she thinks.

"Don't hide me. Although I'm not as smart as you, you always like to think about him. Today, you weren't in a hurry to divide the college affairs, but you hurried us all Come here. So, you should be wondering about Mr. Baihe, right? "

She didn't show a surprised look, or that she didn't need to conceal Miyazo.

"Hey, hold your baby in."

Min Er took over immediately, and the little one fell asleep.

"You guessed it well, but you still don't want to get in there. Maybe for the palace family, this is a bowl of poison."

What happened today made her cautious.

If things are not accidental, but all have a connection, then this thing, I'm afraid it has something to do with the temple.

As for the details of Mr. Bai He, she naturally has a way to investigate.

Once it is determined that this matter has something to do with the temple, then the palace family must get out of it.

"What do you mean? Is it you, can't you trust our family?"

宫 四 Sometimes, stubbornness really makes Lin Mengya feel a headache.

不 "No, I never thought of it like that. Brother Si, I ask you, who do you think the current palace family, even the palace family in its heyday, could not offend?"

Gao Linmengya tried to be as euphemistic as possible, but Gong Shi thought for a moment, and her face paled immediately.

"This is impossible! As far as I know, the temple has never easily interfered with the family and the royal family, have you made a mistake?"

Lin Lin Mengya sighed, this is a deep-rooted thought that inconveniences people.

"If the temple is really so extraordinary, how can the ten families be identified in the temple?"

Maybe in the eyes of the defenders, the role of the temple is more like a church, a spiritual yearning.

But what she saw was the ubiquitous control of the temple.

The puppet royal family realized that it was a pity that even the royal family could not resist.

How can one not be scared when a big patriotic nation is being applauded by the temple.

Hei Gongsi didn't speak, and after a long time, he sighed.

"Looks like it's the frog at my bottom."

But Lin Mengya didn't think so, just said lightly.

"This is not to blame you. If you were educated from an early age and said that the color of the sky is red, then you will think that color is red in the future. The fourth brother, I think the luckier part is that I grew up Great. But isn't that definitely about you, your insight is a bit shallower. "

Sometimes, although awakening can bring about huge changes, awakening itself is very difficult.

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