Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1314: Good luck ball

"Little girl, in fact, I just want the peace of our family. As for the rich and rich, I believe that neither I nor my great ancestors care about them."

The tone of the four palaces is somewhat pessimistic.

But Lin Mengya shook her head and said.

"Brother Four, if it is in the heyday, then I also want to be a rich idler. Unfortunately, only with all our strength can we protect everything we care about. Therefore, this kind of thinking is still necessary, or I don't know how to die. "

Speaking out, she knew she might seem a bit too realistic.

But there is nothing bad in reality, it is better than living in fantasy.

Only carefree sleeping has the power to dream. People like them do not have this qualification at present.

Hiromi Miyazaki was a bit lost, and nodded and left her room.

Although Lin Mengya feels a little unhappy in her heart, this is a necessary step for growth. If you experience it earlier, you can mature earlier.

"Bai Su, go to Qingwei Hall and do the second thing for me."


"Through the details of Mr. Baihe, if someone asks you why I want to do this, tell him that I want to run a college and would like to invite Mr. Baihe to teach."

"it is good."

Wu Baisu will naturally get things done, Lin Mengya **** next to the baby, watching her increasingly sophisticated features, could not help but a little faintly worried.

It seems that Long Tianyu is more thoughtful.

孩子 This child really can't show up.

A kiss gently fell on the baby's little face, and no one can hurt the soft little guy again.

Every morning, she still sends the baby away.

On this day, before the night, the baby returned to him again.

"Miss, Xi Dian came down!"

Min Er looks a little excited, this little girl is a face-control.

He treats handsome men with a pure appreciation.

In her words, people who look good are gifts from God to others, and she can't bear to waste.

Even when Xiao Xiao was so young, he had cultivated the nature of a idiot, and Lin Mengya sometimes felt extremely speechless.

I waited till she was packed, and when she hurried to the front hall, Mu Rongxi had been talking to the people in the palace for a while.

"Have seen His Royal Highness Xi."

一 As soon as she entered the door, the man's too hot eyes locked her.

Lin Lin Mengya could only lower her head to avoid the hot sight of this person.

"Come and come, Xiaoya, Your Highness is here today, there is something to tell us."

The ancestors of the Xun Palace family seemed very happy, for fear that it was Mu Rongxi, the reason for this modest appearance in front of Zeng Zu.

"I don't know, what's the matter, Your Highness? Looking for us?"

He saw that he grabbed a small hand and pulled out a small figure.

"Liangyu, see you uncles."

Qi Liangyu? Who is this

But look closely, that clearly is her Ninger!

Alas, the little guy was wearing a big red dress and looked very different.

Nian's face faded, and it was not just a color number. Lin Mengya was also worried that Ning Er would be recognized like her when she grew up.

Now it seems that the longer it is, the more it looks like his father.

I'm so angry, but still keep smiling.

I can be like anyone, anyway, not the next king.

Su Ninger saluted like a decent figure. His small body has become more and more round recently, so he is even more cute.

The ancestor of the palace family, who likes children, smiled for a long time, and immediately greeted him. From the fruit tray next to him, he grabbed a golden orange and stuffed it to the baby.

好 "What a delicate little baby, I don't know whose little boy it is!"

"My house."

Her home!

Two people thought of it almost at the same time, but one was speaking out and the other was sulking.

I saw him so frank, but the palace ancestors were startled.

Isn't He saying that His Highness Xi has not married?

Is this baby

"This is my son and heir to my title."

Wu Murongxi said frankly, but a group of people around them exploded.

义 子 嗳! Who has heard that Yoshiko can inherit the title?

Even Lin Mengya looked at that man, dead man, what tricks did he use?

Suddenly, Murong Xi still said nothing.

"This child has been renamed Murong Liangyu, and I have played the Emperor. In the future, this child can go to the Murong family's jade robe and be my heir.

Compared to other people's surprises, Lin Mengya's inner emotions are actually somewhat complicated.

In the current situation, 80% of the dead man did not know that Ning Er was his biological son.

But just for her, she did it. How could she not let her heart beat?

Sui Ninger endured for a long time, and with a pair of big eyes pitifully went to her mother.

Finally, I still didn't hold back, and took a small step to my mother's side, just a small step.

When Lin Mengya saw her baby's careful appearance, her heart was almost broken.

"Liangyu, come, aunt hug!"

Leave him alone, baby is the most important now!

When Xiao Xiaoyu heard it, she immediately spit it into her arms.

Lin Lian took several sips before Lin Mengya calmed down her mood.

But after seeing the slightly weird eyes of the family, Lin Mengya smiled immediately.

"Where's Your Highness the Future! Make a relationship and start with the baby, you know?"

Well, they really don't know.

But it was also a good thing to see His Highness Xi's righteousness as good as Gong Ya.

He was the ancestor of the palace, and asked with some confusion.

"How do I think this child is familiar?"

Xi Murongxi looked away from the mother and son and said with a smile.

"Liangyu is the little thing you picked up. Now I have found out that he is not the son of the female slave, but the young master who was lost in the Fengcheng Qin family."


All the Gong family are stupid!

This cute little creature is actually the same dry little thing they saw before?

让 "Let me see! No! This is obviously not alone!"

Wu Gongwu's eyes widened. Why didn't he know that this little thing could turn into such a cute look.

I must be deceiving!

"It's a little thing, it's just a little bit fatter, right, little thing!"

She nodded her son's forehead and said intentionally.

But the palace family is basically stupid except Gong Si.

咳 "Ahem, that, if that's the case, congratulations to His Highness Xi."

Kuimiya coughed, only to feel that his family was really difficult to say.

"Well, thank you very much. So I am here, in addition to bringing Liangyu to thank everyone, I also hope that everyone will come to see our banquet on the first day."

This is to completely determine the identity of the baby.

Lin Lin Mengya listened, only feeling happy in her heart.

"That's a good thing, naturally it's going to go. Thank you His Royal Highness Xi personally for inviting us."

The tone of the four palaces towards His Highness Xi has always been faint.

After all, in the face of a pig that has been the only Chinese cabbage in his house, it is strange that his attitude can be good.

"It's better, Liangyu, we're gone."

As soon as he greeted him, the little one reluctantly jumped off Lin Mengya's knee.

再 "Again, play for a while."

站在 She was standing at the door, and she almost did not bite a small handkerchief with tears in her eyes.

怎么 "Why don't you see me thinking so?"

Wu Mu Rongxi had a taste, and said softly in her ear.

Lin Mengya immediately stood there with a smile on her face, waving her father and son hard.

"Bye bye, come back tomorrow!"

Murong Xi smiled, this woman, really

Lin Lin Mengya watched the disappearance of her father and son's figure, only feeling that her chest was full of emotions.

I came back to God, but saw the old and five young men at home, all looking suspiciously at myself.

"That ha ha ha ha, I'm happy for the little things, right, brother four!"

She gritted her teeth and said, even if people were confused, what kind of energy did he pretend to be?

But it is clear that today's Miyaji does not intend to stand on her side.

"Sister, wouldn't you just look after this young talent?"

Rare second gossip in the palace, but looking at his frowning look, he thought it was ordinary and sturdy, barely covering the core of the gossip.

"Second Brother, what are you talking about? Really, why are people like that?"

故 She pretends to be calm, but her eyes are inadvertently turned around.

The six men in the house suddenly sounded an alarm.

I think, pig, is coming.

How about this cabbage?

梦 Since knowing that the baby will be adopted by his father, Lin Mengya is a little worried.

Now it looks like the baby's previous appearance is the perfect camouflage.

And she can almost conclude that it was not naturally formed, but after manual intervention the day after tomorrow.

The only sister Hui who may know the inside story is still ill, and it may not be remembered for a while.

同时 But at the same time, once the baby becomes Murong Liangyu, then Long Tianyu's protection of the baby is more justified.

This is a double-edged sword. It depends on how the couple are using it.

There was the news she wanted from the Weiqing Hall.

However, what made her feel a bit surprised was that despite being the Qingwei Club, what she knew was only the content of the past three years.

"Bai Su, they didn't say, why is there no other information about Mr. Bai He?"

In the past three years, there is actually a lot of content, but Lin Mengya summed it up, almost speaking about Mr. Baihe's experience in teaching.

I saw that, in just three years, she had spared half a patriotic nation.

This person is really a great person.

"They did say, this Mr. Baihe's experience is not so easy to deal with. It seems that something happened on their side, so I can't get it at the moment. I asked, they were all indifferent. What's inexplicable. "

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and raised her eyebrows.

Wu Qingwei Hall is not too bad, not to mention that she knew before that the other party was probably in an inner conflict.

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