"Either way, we can't be tough."

Looking at Mr. Bai He's resume, she always felt a strange feeling.

"Master, the people at Qingwei Club said, if you are free, can you go there. They have something and want to discuss it with you."

Lin Lin Mengya raised her head and looked at Bai Su. When they reached an agreement before, Qingwei Club mentioned it, hoping she could help.

In my opinion, this is the thing to say.

告诉 "Tell them that I was not available years ago. After the first day, I will visit again."

Xi Baisu nodded and left, Lin Mengya continued to look through.

发现 She found that the students received by Mr. Baihe basically had nothing in common.

In addition to accepting female students, she will also accept some younger male students.

I have to say that they have something in common, I am afraid they are all their children.

There are very few babies, and there are children who are next to each other.

Gu Pan is the same. She and Qi Ranxin are both the daughter of Wang Ye. Even if it was not a mother, Mr. Bai He accepted it.

Wouldn't it be impossible for these people to be of ancient origin?

However, this matter, but there is no way to continue the Qingwei Club to investigate for her.

After all, if it wasn't for Gu Pan's friendship with Mrs. Lian and her, I'm afraid she won't know.

After all, let's write down these lists first.

Maybe in the future, there are other uses.

After having the connection that I saw by accident, Lin Mengya asked the people who stared at Mo Xiangxuan to focus on recording those Mo Xiangxuan customers.

What I didn't expect was that most of these people appeared on the list of students that Mr. Bai He had taught or was teaching.

It seems to me that this is a coincidence.

Mu Rongxi also sent someone to use these days, but those people are staring at Lusheng Yuan.

Ai Lin went again, but did not see Mr. Bai He's trace.

But Mr. Bai He took another student a few years ago. The ones he took were just the first few days when he went to Moxiangxuan to buy things.

I think in Mo Xiangxuan, it should be the place that really decides which students Mr. Baihe will accept.

As for why this scale was not discovered, presumably because Ai Lian's popularity in Longdu is very high. Almost all the women in the family will patronize Moxiangxuan.

Sometimes, the more obvious this kind of thing, the less likely it is to be discovered.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but sound, the medicine hidden in the sachet.

Although Gu Pan can discern the ingredients inside, the trace amount of poison will not cause much damage to the human body.

什么 样 What secret is hidden in this medicine?

Despite what happened this year, New Year's Eve is still here.

The year of the dragon capital was a lively one.

Coupled with snow sculptures this year, even if the tragedy happened on the winter solstice, people still have to celebrate the new year.

Gao Lin Mengya looked at the palace home and outside is busy living this day, with a different feeling in her heart.

This is the first year she has spent in the Patriotic State, and after returning here, she has had the third year.

"Miss, Liangyu Hall is down!"

Last night, the baby didn't come back.

Brother Si said that it meant Mu Rongxi. He wanted to stay with him for one more night and then sent him back to the palace to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

She didn't sleep much all night. After hearing her voice, she immediately ran out wearing shoes.

Carrying her baby, the little soft little guy, is raising his head, following the great ancestor who greeted him, saluting with a smile.

"Miss Gong."

A middle-aged man who looks like a housekeeper, he kindly told her.

"My Highness entered the palace early in the morning. Today is New Year's Eve. He is afraid of wronged His Highness, so he wants to let Miss Gong take care of it."

Lin Lin Mengya suppressed the joy in her heart and nodded gently.

The steward brought a lot of gifts in, and said a little sorry.

"His Highness said, New Year's Eve, it really shouldn't bother Ms. Gong. So I apologize for these things."

Lin Lin Mengya knew that the person was not afraid to trouble her, but felt that she could not come to accompany herself, so she felt sorry.

However, this is also no way to do things, after all, Murong Xi is no longer Long Tianyu.

"Thank you for your trouble."

The steward put down his things and left, but Lin Mengya couldn't hold back anymore, picked up Ning'er, and quickly returned to his yard.

Kissed his little face fiercely, and saw that little guy smiled with a blind eye, and she had a real feeling.

娘 "Mother"

An extremely clear word, called out from Ning Er's mouth.

Although it was only small, weak, and soft and waxy with milk, it was enough to make her cry like rain.

"My baby"

Bai Su and 纭 Er looked into the eyes, followed by distress.

小姐 "Miss, yes, since the baby can come back, that's the best thing. For the Chinese New Year, what are we crying, we should laugh!"

Zhe Lin Mengya wiped two tears, and also felt that Zheer was justified.

"Okay, let's post the Spring Festival couplets and blessings!"

She happily posted the couplets written by the third brother who had the best calligraphy at home a few days ago with the Fu word.

Zhe Weiguo does not yet have such a custom.

But every family will put some new year pictures on the door.

Vigorous and powerful font, with hope for the new year.

She even praised her great ancestors when she saw it.

After posting the Spring Festival couplets, Zengzu will bring his family and say hello to the ancestors of the palace family.

Lin Lin Mengya knelt at the front, looking at the tablets, one by one, her tender but tenacious names, she was a little emotional.

If it was n’t for all the female princes of these palaces, who were in a weak position and held a heavy responsibility, and used their Huairou policy to appease and confuse the wolves outside, I ’m afraid the palace would have fallen.

Nothing else for her today, just to show her respect for these women.

The female head of the palace family is really in power, not just an empty shelf.

No matter what, she must continue this tradition.

After the palace, regardless of men and women, only based on talents!

"Miss, that pesky aunt is here again."

After the priests had finished asking for help, Lin Mengya could whisper to her before she went out.

"What is she doing here?"

Frowning, these days, isn't this guy much more honest?

"She said, I hope to please the ancestors, and they will forgive my past mistakes."

That's a good reason.

He turned his head and Lin Mengya glanced at Gongsan.

The latter apparently heard 纭 er's words, but not much excited.

I thought for a while, nodded and agreed.

After all, An Jiarong was also the daughter-in-law of the palace family.

This time, An Jiarong obviously did not have the last arrogance.

She wore a very clean gown, and her hair was also curly, and she just brought a sandalwood mule.

He looks like a layman eating fasting Buddha.

It is said that after being cleaned up by Lin Mengya the last time, she broke the red dust and spent the whole day in the room, intending to accompany the ancient lantern of the green lantern.

梦 For Ms. An Jiarong's changes, Lin Mengya is watching her changes.

Regardless of her idea, at least for now, An Jiarong couldn't escape her palm.

After rude salute, An Jiarong got up and knelt before Zengzu.

"Grandfather, Jia Rong used to be ignorant, and lived up to Xianggong's intentions. He also asked his grandfather to forgive Jia Rong."

Qiangong Qianfeng's face was complicated. At first, the children grew up watching him.

In spite of such a thing, in addition to being distressed, he also hated this grandson-in-law.

But the Gong family never wanted to trap themselves with aversion.

"Forget it, the past, the past is over. In the future, you will take care of the third child. If you have the right person, don't delay yourself forever."

I am not close, but there is not much indifference and alienation.

Lin Lin Mengya sneered silently, this An Jiarong is really a good student.

I know that even she must respect the opinion of her great ancestor.

曾 Also, Zengzu was very open-minded and would not care about a woman.

As long as the great ancestor accepted An Jiarong, then the palace family accepted An Jiarong.

This guy, it seems that the trick is to be upgraded.

"Yes, Jia Rong knows. This is the Buddhist scripture that Jia Rong copied in the past few days. I also asked my grandfather to show me whether to send it to Xiangong. In the past few nights, Jia Rong can dream of it every night. So Jia Rong thinks that this Buddhist scripture should make Xianggong better. "

Luan Jiarong lowered her eyebrows, and her voice was a bit sad.

Lin Lin Mengya thinks that this person has really grown up.

A soft knife cuts the heart of the great ancestor.

"Oh, the youngest is nothing, you are husbands and wives after all. Maybe it is the youngest who really entrusts you with dreams. In that case, please trouble you and copy more Buddhist scriptures."

"Yes, Jia Rong understands."

After finishing talking, An Jiarong exited the shrine.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at her back with a cold smile on her lips.

"Little girl, when did you say that the tigers did not eat meat, but changed to grass?"

A few people walked out of the ancestral hall, but Gongsi slowed down, stopped intentionally in front of her, and whispered.

老虎 "Tiger? I think it is a cat who wants to play at best. Look at it, it won't last long."

眯 She narrowed her eyes and didn't care.

"Also, even if An Jiarong's temperament is to be strong all her life, even if she pretends to be low-browing and pleasing to the eye, I'm afraid she won't be able to pretend for long."

The two of them glanced at each other with a tacit understanding, and they understood each other. Maybe this year, they will not be bored.

After the obituary comforted the ancestors, the rule of the palace family was to eat a very rich reunion dinner at noon.

Today, there is no difference between master and servant.

What I have is just family members who reunite together and eat a reunion meal comfortably.

I have already found my wife's palace family in Longdu, and have taken over my wife and children.

My grandmother sat at six big tables full of excitement.

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