Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1316: Employment relationship

Lin Lin Mengya they all sat at the main table, while Ning Er sat in her arms.

The little guy looked at a table full of dishes, and had already enjoyed it.

"This year, everyone has worked hard."

Lin Lin Mengya raised her glass and said to the servants sincerely.

她 Since she arrived in Longdu, the head of the family thanks to the care of these people.

I also lost money to them, so that the palace family can be like a copper wall and an iron wall, and no one can intervene to do things.

"Uncle Rong, I respect you for a drink, and do it first."

She drank a low-grade sweet wine, but despite that, her face turned red.

"Miss, how can this be done!"

Uncle Wu Rong followed with a drink, but his face seemed a little embarrassed.

The big butler who was never calm, now seems a little helpless.

"Since everyone entered this door, they are all from the same family. I discussed with Zengzu a few days ago. I decided to return everyone's deeds.

In addition to some of the children of the palace family, there are many people who are slaves and servants bought by the palace family.

Although the palace family treats them well, no matter how the club is held, they are still subject to others.

"Miss, what do you want to do? Big guy, but there is no intention to leave."

Uncle Qi Rong is a little puzzled. Compared to those slaves who are not seen as people, these people in the palace family are already very good.

"Uncle Rong, don't get me wrong. Let's listen to me first. I know that many of you here have left the country and came to defend the country. Although our home is different from other homes, you are after all just slaves. I want to change that, so I think, at least, I should be in charge. "

I came to Weiguo, and for the first time, she felt the oppression and cruelty caused by the compulsory social stratum.

He is also a person. Why do they just become the object of being squeezed and exploited just because they were not born in a patriotic country or forced by life?

Those who come from the family, even the dregs, will enjoy the glory and status brought to them by their birth.

For such things, she has never been used to it, and now it is even more prosperous.

She is not enough to liberate the entire Patriotic Power by her ability, but she can be turned into a kind of tinder to sing a prelude to Hagiwara.

"Miss, but even if we have a physical contract, we are still domestic slaves, and nothing can be changed."

These words made those who were domestic slaves somewhat frustrated.

Even if he has a charity, he can only be a free slave.

I went outside and still looked down on.

"It's good to say that the hero doesn't ask about the origin. Is your ability necessarily worse than those of the family? I don't think that's necessarily the case. So, I discussed with Zengzu. In the future, you can choose The palace family works. Presumably our family wants to open a college, do you all know? "

Everyone nodded, Lin Mengya continued.

"You can choose to work in the college. However, we are equal. I am the treasurer. You are the guys I have hired. You are no longer domestic slaves, but this family, or the school. One part. This measure will be implemented within the scope of the entire palace family. How you choose, it is your own business. In short, I hope you can raise your chest and no longer need to humble yourself. "

The slaves looked at each other and looked at each other, but did not react much.

Lin Mengya knows that this is a very difficult beginning.

After all, this has never happened before.

好 "Okay little girl, you let the big guys think about it well. Don't worry about it at this time, if you don't worry, everything will stay the same. But you are always welcome to make your own choice."

Horimiya stood up and said gently.

Actually, he was the first to vote in favour.

In the years when the palace family was in trouble, he also experienced hardships.

I often wonder if it would be better if one day we could not see our bodies, look at the doorkeeper, and only look at our personal abilities.

Alas, the thing that touched him most was the little girl said.

If you can't change others, change yourself first.

I believe that in the future, more and more people will be driven by them.

"Okay, let's talk and talk, everyone, let's eat quickly. No matter how big or small, let's enjoy ourselves today."

Xi Gongbin's face was a little excited, after all, this is the best year the palace family has had in recent years.

Lin Lin Mengya held Ning'er, but her nose smelled a special fragrance, as if it came from the outside.

After a while, a few maids appeared at the door.

"Old ancestor, this was sent by Aunt An to say it was a little bit of her heart."

The servant girl opened the lunch box in her hand, and the scent made Lin Mengya curious.

On the plate, only some red bamboo shoots were filled, but the taste was only drilled into her nose.

"This isn't it, isn't it our hometown?"

The fifth year is the youngest, and the nose is the most spiritual.

Thirty-three bamboo shoots are a practice of their hometown, because the materials inside are processed three times each, so they are named.

It tastes tender but not firewood. It has no residue and no lumps.

They have been here for so long, and they miss the taste of their hometown more and more.

After looking at Gongsan's face, Zeng Zengzu just heard that Gongsan said when he wanted to ask someone to take it down.

"Okay, put it on the table and let everyone taste it."

He was relieved, and everyone felt relieved.

Lin Mengya raised her brow secretly. The third brother of her family could not be moved by a plate of bamboo shoots.

I turned and looked, but saw Gong Sanyi's face quiet.

Is she thinking too much?

"It's a family reunion, but let her come over for a meal."

Zeng Zengzu is very gentle now, no matter how unpleasant it was before, at least now, An Jiarong is showing his initiative.

As an elder, he can't turn a blind eye.

Sannomiya San said nothing, and the others couldn't say anything because of their self-heating.

He didn't expect it, but the maid said.

"Mrs. said, she wants to eat vegetarian fast, so it won't disturb everyone's Yaxing. Now that we have delivered the dishes, we should go back."

San Gong San snorted, and his face eased a lot in the end.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the plate of bamboo shoots, and the dishes were fine, mainly this man. What tricks were he playing?

After eating reunion dinner, the family members at home were busy making dumplings in the kitchen.

They have a lot of family members, only a dozen kinds of fillings, but Lin Mengya coaxed her baby to sleep, and brought her to the kitchen.

"Miss, why are you here?"

The kitchen is Uncle Rong's daughter-in-law, Gui Yan is in charge.

Gui Guizhen was tall and strong, and at first glance he was a capable and cheerful person.

She admires Lin Mengya very much, and therefore she has to work outside.

"I'm just here to make some dumplings for Your Highness. You are busy with yours, I will do it myself."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and walked to the edge of the chopping board alone.

It is not difficult for her to cook.

She has been an orphan for more than 20 years and has already cultivated good cooking skills.

I just haven't done much in the past few years, and I don't know if I'm unfamiliar.

Boil the vegetables, squeeze out the juice with natural color, and let it cool outside, then live inside the noodles.

A bunch of colored dough was divided into several equal parts by her.

I was a little rusty at first, but I became more and more proficient.

The big girls and little daughters who helped in the kitchen straightened their eyes.

呀 "Yeah, this is a wonderful way. Why didn't we think of it before?"

There are a few learners in Baoli, and they learned from Lin Mengya on the spot.

Lin Lin Mengya was also very patient and instructed one by one.

Su Ninger was still young. She usually told Long Tianyu about eating normally. It must be natural, tender, and not too oily or salty.

今天 Today, she even feels that this is the first year she spent with her baby. It ’s very meaningful to eat something special.

After a while, she pinched dozens of small dumplings.

There are cabbage dumplings, and bunny fish.

Everyone saw her so clever and could not help but get closer to her.

"Our young lady is really amazing. Not only can I keep a house, but I can make a good meal!"

"What do you know! The more expensive the better, the better the lady. The young lady, you will leave these rough people to us to do it."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and packed dumplings with the big guy.

"Women, no matter how you live, you have to live for yourself. I know how to cook, but it doesn't mean that I must cook. This is my interest, not my duty."

Everyone in the kitchen looked at her with strange eyes.

Uncle really couldn't stand her, and tore her clothes secretly.

Both she and Bai Su could almost hear cocoons in their ears. Why did the young lady talk here again?

"Although I don't understand what the young lady said, it's always right. But young lady, that aunt, what are you going to do?"

This is the gossip among women.

What's more, it was Lin Mengya's faithful presence on the topic.

"Go and go and chew what tongue."

Fang Guixiong said that he was afraid of offending the taboo of the young lady.

But Lin Mengya waved her hand, pinching a few good-looking folds for the dumplings.

"I'm young and I've been outside since I was young. I don't know what's happening at home. At first, what was this an aunt like, do you know?"

I mentioned this stubble, and someone immediately took it.

"Oh, speaking of this an aunt, when you got married, it was a real sight."

He talked about a 40-50 year old woman.

The Jain man stayed in the palace's old house for a few years, but later came to Longdu with the man.

Naturally, it is the most clear thing of the year.

"She is of good origin. Although she is not the biological daughter of the father of Anjia, she grew up under the wife of the host's wife since she was a child. At that time, there were several cars just for the dowry. Our family also values ​​it, and it is not small."

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