Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1317: Old things

Counting the age of the third brother, you know that the palace family at that time was pretty good.

Although there is a faint decline, but at least there is a big family's shelf, it is not too ugly to say it.

"When we first passed through the door, we felt that these three ladies were really terrible, but at that time they were still the first lady and the second lady, and the family was not controlled by the third lady alone. Later, when the third lady had a body, San Ye had a sickness. Well, it was a half-life to take a chance. Fortunately, it got better, but who knew that Madam San had no reason to abandon San Ye. As soon as she had a child, she returned to her family. "

Mother-in-law's words let Lin Mengya gradually understand the events of that year.

Everyone in the family also mentioned that the grandfather Gongjia and the second grandfather were both brave and fierce. Although the fourth grandfather was young, he had a great strategy.

Although San Ye was clever, he was depressed because of his weak constitution.

"But, is n’t our family and Anjia a close friend? Why didn't Auntie San disappoint me when she passed the door?

Lin Lin Mengya asked curiously.

The wife smiled reluctantly, and hesitated for a long time before speaking.

"Isn't it difficult for the current owner to convince the public after the death of the old owner. Later, the family also tried to let men inherit the owner. However, the ancestor did not agree that this was the storm."

Mother-in-law didn't elaborate, but she also roughly understood.

She Anjiarong is very proud, and she grew up in front of the wife of Anjia, so she is extremely keen on these things.

The reason why she chose to marry Sanbo is because she thinks Sanbo is in control.

If there is a secret help from the home, isn't the position of the owner the right thing to catch?

It's a pity, where are the people in the palace family so easy to be manipulated.

I'm afraid it's for this reason that An Jiarong returned to his home with anger.

However, the details of it are only clear to the parties.

But it can be seen from this incident that the Anjia cannibalization of the palace family can begin at that time.

Suddenly she came to realize why she would send those people when she sent someone to pick her up.

If it weren't for An Zichen, he would have been more ferocious.

"It's okay, it's all my family, don't speak so restrained. By the way, do you know, my third uncle, what kind of illness is it?"

The mother-in-law was relieved to hear her say that.

After thinking and thinking, I shook his head.

"I don't really know about this. I only know that San Ye seems to be suffering from wind and cold, and has had a high fever for several days. At that time, I asked for a lot of doctors, but there was nothing to do. But later, it was San Ye Jiren. Slowly, I'll be fine. I'm just a body, and then I'm empty. "

Zhe Lin Mengya felt a little regretful. If the third uncle can survive to this day, the palace family will not be insulted.

She wanted to continue to ask about this topic, but today is New Year's Eve, and mentioning these sad things is not a special situation.

After washing the dumplings in the kitchen, she washed her hands and returned to the living room.

Inside, everyone was sitting around guarding the New Year.

Sui Ning'er was afraid that this was the first time he had lived in such a lively year, and his little face was flushed, staring closely at the snacks in everyone's hands.

My grandmother also loves to tease him. If Lin Mengya had repeatedly ordered him to forbid him to feed the baby before leaving, I am afraid that he is already full of things.

Xiao Xiaoer seemed to be able to hear her footsteps. Before entering the door, she twisted her body and looked at her.

He gave his mother-in-law a big smile without any hesitation, so cute that he just wanted to pick him up and kiss him again.

Lin Mengya, naturally will not let your baby down.

He lifted the baby, stuffed a sweet and sour orange in his mouth, and the baby narrowed his eyes immediately.

"Come on, come on, your great ancestor said just now, why can't I see your figure for such a long time."

Kumiya Shiji immediately got up to greet her, and the family enjoyed it more fun than watching Spring Festival Gala.

"I still have to wait for the dumplings to cook again. I heard that the snow sculpture lights of Mancheng are all lit tonight. It would be better to have a fun and go check it out."

When they went out that day, they didn't see it completely, and some of them didn't light up.

I heard people who went out in the afternoon said that the outside world was as beautiful as a fairyland.

The ancestors of the palace palace originally did not want to make up this lively one, but the family was so full for the first time, everyone wanted to lively and lively this New Year, so naturally nodded and agreed.

"Great, let's get ready and let's start in a little while!"

Fangong Wu is the happiest one. Originally, his temperament was lively, and he loved to play, laugh, and lively.

But Gongsan looked a little unhappy, and while everyone was going out, Lin Mengya whispered.

"Brother, let's go out together."

"Forget it, I don't have that mood."

Nowadays, the most complicated thought in the family may be Miyazo.

After all, the man was his mother-in-law, who said he didn't care, but how could he be relieved easily.

"Today is New Year's Eve, how can you leave you alone at home. Let's go out and relax with us, maybe, there will be surprises!"

She blinked, Gong San sighed and nodded.

After all, he didn't want to disappoint his only sister.

The Nian family walked up the street in a serious dress. As soon as she went out, she was fascinated by the outside world.

If the last time was the world of ice and snow, then now it is the wonderland of snow.

A variety of snow sculpture lights, in this night, dazzling brilliance.

No matter how big or small, they are pinning new hopes for the coming year.

Lin Lin Mengya held her baby in her arms, pointed at the lamps, and explained to him those fairy tales that brought modernity.

When Xun just talked about the Little Mermaid, she stretched out her hands behind her and took her in her arms.

Zhe Lin Mengya stopped and felt the man's warm and even breathing at the neck.

The whole world, only when that person arrives, he cannot perceive it.

Because they are too familiar, even sophisticated systems recognize them as a whole.

"It's so cold, you don't know how to wear more."

Nostalgic, his low voice came.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help smiling, and rested her back on the man's chest.

"I'm not cold with you."

The man smiled happily and finally held the baby from his arms.

Lin Lin Mengya turned around, but saw the man's face covered with a mask.

"You are this"

"I came out with Emperor Zun, I don't want to be discovered by them, lest I go back and teach me again."

This complaint is really enviable.

Lin Lin Mengya gave him a white look and said softly.

"You really do n’t know how to be in the blessing. How many people have sharpened their heads, I am afraid that they will not get this opportunity."

Actually, she felt it from his attitude before.

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not hate Emperor and Emperor, and even brought some respect in it.

This is extremely rare for a person like him.

"okay, I get it."

Xu gently dropped a kiss between her foreheads, but let her shut up.

This guy, why do you know how to deal with her more and more?

Suddenly remembered, the family seemed to be around.

I immediately panicked in a panic, but found that I did not know when I was separated from my family.

"It was done by Miyaji."

There was a hint of pride in his tone.

Gao Linmengya was relieved, it seems that the fourth brother is a hard-hearted person.

I was afraid that she would be found out by the family, so she led everyone away.

I'm afraid he can justify it.

嗯 "Well, I'd like to thank him a little bit later."

"Thank him for what he did, if it weren't for his troubles, why wouldn't I see you every day."

Where is this resentful tone, like the wise and mighty Highness Xi of their family?

I'm clear, it's a grudge.

"Okay, don't sell it cheap. If it weren't for the elder brother to help us, I'm afraid you and I would have been found out."

I remembered that the two of them were daring.

Who knows, that person doesn't care.

"I found it, I wish I could marry you early."

Lin Lin Mengya's heart was as sweet as honey, but in the blink of an eye, she was cast a shadow again.

"We two still have to be careful, after all"

"I know what you are worried about."

Xi Murongxi took her word and said lowly but firmly.

"No one can manipulate me, rest assured, now I can let anyone know that you are my woman."

She moved her heart slightly, and she felt her heartbeat a little nervous.

"What do you know?"

He lowered his head and looked into her eyes seriously.

虽然 "Although I know nothing about the past, but I know that I can seize the present and the future. I and Liangyu, I will protect them."

This sentence contains too many things.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but her eyes were red. Although he didn't say anything, she heard his efforts.

"Don't cry, be good."

Unconsciously, tears fell and were gently wiped away by his free hand.

Zhe Lin Mengya leaned gently into his arms and sighed quietly.

谢谢 "Thank you, but you also need to protect yourself, you know?"

This time, she finally understood the taste of fear.

So, no matter he or Ninger, she cannot lose.

Tong Mu Rongxi embraced her in her arms and smiled lowly, which she promised.

"Yes, do you know that someone is called Prince Yu?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked up from his arms and looked at the man suspiciously.

"Of course I know!"

"Who is he? Where is his prince?"

"He's Ning'er's father, Jin's prince."

After a moment of silence, Murong Xi's face became a little weird.

"What's wrong? How do you think about this person?"

"I might kill him."

Lin Lin Mengya slammed her thigh fiercely, barely laughing.

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