Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1330: Purpose of the survey

"Very good, you go back first, I have a few more things, I need to tell Cai Ling."

Kumiya Shiji nodded with satisfaction and blasted her out mercilessly.

Alas, what's this called?

Because of Cai Ling's arrival, today's palace family is particularly lively.

However, Xun didn't want Gongwu to help move things out at night, so Lien Xing sent someone away.

I don't know what happened, but it seems that the person's eagerness must be something tricky.

As soon as Nian arrived at night, her baby was delivered by Miyaji.

小 This boy is different from his father, he is very cute, and it is very rare.

Don't look at the elder brother's fierceness towards his father, but the child, he deplores it.

"It's only been a day. How do I think we are more fat?"

I put the child in my arms and weighed it, Gong Si said with a smile.

Ninger has now recovered her white weight, exquisite facial features and tender cuteness. His character is very similar to Lin Mengya. Everyone sees with a three-point smile, which provokes Bai Su and 纭 儿, and it hurts her bones.

"Well, it's just like every day. Who brought you back today?"

The only drawback is that this child doesn't like to talk.

But even if I did, I would just say some particularly simple words.

Zhe Lin Mengya had checked his vocal cords before and there was no problem at all.

It seems that it should not be a physical cause of the child.

As soon as she thought of everything the baby had suffered before, she had the urge to kill.

But more, it's the blame for not protecting your baby.

别 "Don't mention, how irresponsible the person is? It's only been a few days, and I won't send Ninger back in person. Well, if I say, take the child over, our family can't afford it."

I was just fine. When I mentioned my child's father, Gong Si was not angry.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya has not revealed the situation of the child's relatives, and although Ning Er looks more like Long Tianyu, she is still a snow dumpling and can't see anything.

It's really hard to imagine, if the baby looks like his father in the future, what will the elder brother look like.

"There must be something delayed, baby, come and take a bath for you."

She went to the inner room with her baby, and Miyaji consciously exited the room.

After the mother and the son rolled into bed, they heard the sound of water behind the screen.

"You wait here first, I'll see what happened to your father."

Her house, no one except him could come in unconsciously.

What's more, after the blessing of small medicine, she was more keen and prosperous.

I stuffed the baby into the quilt and after he crawled around, Lin Mengya turned around and got behind the screen.

Sure enough, it was her man who was taking a bath.

"You didn't tell me in advance, the water is cold. I'll ask someone to burn a bucket of hot water for you."

"Anyway, you go away first, I'm afraid it's bad for you and Ning'er."

Gao Linmengya noticed a little bit of rancid smell from him.

I want to come, this man came home after changing clothes first.

"This medicinal powder can be sterilized, and it can also remove the meaning."

She turned around and fetched a bottle, so she asked Bai Su to bring in a bucket of hot water.

After waiting in bed for a while, Long Tianyu wore wet hair and turned away from the screen.

The man was wearing a robe at will, and his strong chest was left with water marks.

Lin Lin Mengya only glanced at her, and her face became involuntarily red.

I couldn't help but curse in my heart, how could I be so unproductive, how many times have I seen it before?

念 As he chanted the Qingxin mantra, looking away from his eyes, he took out a clean cloth and wiped his hair.

I didn't want to, the guy who guilty of crime actually hugged her waist!

Auntie! If you can't help it, can you really blame her for cutting it?

"Is there still a smell of corpse?"

Sunda's tone was exhausted.

Lin Lin Mengya sniffed carefully. Fortunately, she was washed away by her medicine powder.

Over there, Ning Er widened his eyes curiously and looked at his father and mother.

"Close your eyes and don't look at your mother, she is mine!"

Chen Long Tianyu said arrogantly that Lin Mengya could not help but angered and pushed him so that he would not talk in front of the child.

I didn't expect that I didn't know if the baby was too sleepy or he listened to his father too much. So, the baby actually closed his eyes.

"What kind of medicine did you give Ninger?"

Lin Lin Mengya asked curiously, but Long Tianyu's mood improved a lot, and she hugged her and fell to the bed.

"Ninger may live with you temporarily these days."

嗯 "Well, I can't ask for it. But what are you really busy with? How can you make it smell sour all over the body?"

In the past, although Long Tianyu was an informal person, in the royal family, he usually paid great attention to appearance.

Even though he has become Murong Xi now, his previous habits have not changed much.

"Do you remember, those family members who died inexplicably on the winter solstice?"

当然 Of course she remembers that if she wasn't smart, she would probably be one of them.

"Although we found the bodies of these people at that time, because there were too many people who died that day, and their families will definitely claim them back afterwards, they were temporarily placed in a snow field outside the city. These few Some people came to claim one after another. But what was unexpected was that many bodies were missing. "

Zhe Lin Mengya was a little surprised that there were indeed many corpses on the winter solstice.

I put it on the snow, and I was afraid of the decay of the body.

But who wants this thing?

"Lian Xing invited my five brothers out today, is it also for this reason?"

"Well, this should be the responsibility of the Guards. Presumably Lien Xing is also to help his brother."

Streak's body has improved a lot, and it should be able to return to normal soon.

"Have this happened before?"

Xiao Long Tianyu hesitated a little before answering her question.

"In fact, the theft of corpses is not uncommon in the Patriotic State. Unfortunately, for so many years, there has been no conclusion."


Gao Linmengya felt even more strange. Although this kind of thing happens from time to time, it is driven by interests.

She knew that Wei Guo didn't seem to have any weird customs. It had something to do with the body.

"I'm not very clear, because after that, the stolen corpses are rarely recovered, so there is no fixed number of this matter. Although every household will be guarded, but this kind of thing, It still happens from time to time. I don't know where the body was taken. "

Lin Longyu's words made Lin Mengya think a lot.

"Is there anything in common with the lost family?"

"Most of them were stolen when the corpses were intact. I also heard that in some places, the corpses had not been buried yet and were lost the day before they were released.",

Actually, there is such a thing?

But Lin Mengya was even more surprised that a guy who didn't even remember his wife and children knew how to understand this matter.

因为 "Because I'm actually responsible for investigating the matter thoroughly."

Xiao Long Tianyu said a little embarrassedly. After he said that, he also pleased his own wife's hair.

"Is that the Royal Emperor?"

"No." Long Tianyu shook his head and said, "It is my master, the current saint."

"The temple is actually going to investigate this?"

I did not expect that Long Tianyu shook his head again.

"It has nothing to do with the temple. My master asked me for help in private. He also told me not to let others in the temple know."

This is strange.

The loss of a corpse is useless even by a reporter.

After all, the dead are no better than the living. If others are hiding, the search will not be found.

But what made her even more incredible was why Wei Guo, such a thing would happen.

"Apart from these, do you know what else they have in common?"

After hesitating for a moment, Long Tianyu shook his head.

Lin Lin Mengya could see that he was not sure, so he couldn't say anything.

"It's okay, just say what you have, maybe I can help you."

"I discovered this a month ago. However, I didn't even say it to my master."

"What do you think."

Xiaolong Tianyu hesitated a little before he lowered his mouth.

"I have looked at a lot of files, and the frequent theft of corpses started over forty years ago. It was not until more than two decades ago that there was a gradual decrease. Unexpectedly, these years Actually got up again. I think there must be some reason for it, but unfortunately, it has never been found. "

At this point in time, it's strange.

But Lin Mengya couldn't say why, this problem, but both of them were stumped.

"We are so big, the loss of corpses, I am afraid it is impossible to count. But I think if you want to find out, you can first investigate the common features of these stolen corpses. Except that the corpses have not been damaged In addition, I think it has something to do with it. Also, you can start with those corpses that have recently been lost. Although they can't represent the total loss of the Patriotic Power, they can be used as a sample. "

This kind of thing is not only difficult in the vast area, but also in a large number.

既然 Since the bodies are all lost, this time, if it is related to the previous one, then it is the best entry point.

"You mean, let me focus on investigating the situation of these people, right?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and then said.

"If you think about it, the corpses died so strangely, it means that there was a premeditated plan. Maybe the thing on the day of the winter solstice actually exists to cover up this matter."

"But, did the Emperor say that, is this a lesson for them?"

所以 "So, this is the most questionable place!"

Lin Lin Mengya lay in his arms and said seriously.

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