Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1331: Meet again

"We are all guessing, this is a warning to the emperor from the temple. But, what is the evidence? Where is the evidence related to the temple about this matter? If you can get it, there must be no?"

Sui Long Tianyu suddenly understood her meaning, and said after a moment of thoughtful contemplation.

所以 "So, do you suspect that someone has borrowed the name of the temple and acted on them?"

Although it is very close, it still has some discrepancies.

She thought for a while before tentatively speaking.

那 "Well, what if the temple is informed. But their purpose is not to teach the Emperor as simple as that."

"You mean this, how is that possible? Even if the temple needs a corpse, there is no need to do this kind of thing, as long as"

Alas, when it comes to the back, there is no movement.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed and looked at Long Tianyu.

"As long as they speak, the defenders will definitely help. But if this cannot be known by the defenders, then they can't say it, right?"

In terms of the ingenuity of her man, it is easy to figure it out.

现在 But now, his thinking is Murong Xi, His Highness Xi, who belongs to the patriotic kingdom, in his ears, he has a little awe of the temple.

He was also able to wake up quickly because he was Long Tianyu in essence.

But this inexplicable tearing feeling was a bit painful for him.

Lin Lin Mengya hugged him tightly, hoping to give him strength.

"I'm fine, you don't need to be nervous."

I was almost subconscious, so he tightened his arms and held the woman who belonged to him tightly in his arms.

"I know, I'm just worried. In fact, now I'm just guessing. What the end result is, I'm not sure at the moment."

He said so, but both of them knew very well.

The matter of the winter solstice did involve the temple.

And these strange people died, and now the body is lost again, it is definitely not an accident.

"Fool, in this world, I just need to believe you, others, it doesn't matter."

Although it is not important, it must be uncomfortable.

Lin Lin Mengya was very distressed by him, but there were some things that they could do nothing about.

They hugged and hugged, although there were thousands of thoughts hidden in their hearts, but at least at this moment, there was nothing but each other.

Early in the morning, Lin Mengya let the baby wake up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the little guy sitting happily on his pillow, with a cherry-like mouth, one by one, and printed saliva marks on his face one by one. After printing, he also smirked cheerfully.

Zhe Lin Mengya smiled and wanted to turn around and grab the baby, but a pair of iron arms tied her firmly.

Afraid to wake up Long Tianyu, she turned over carefully, but didn't want the movement she had just had, so she let the man hug her back again.

别 "Don't bother my woman! Sleep a little longer, it's early."

The previous sentence is a bit irrational, but the latter one is gentle and watery.

Lin Lin Mengya looked helplessly at the guy who closed her eyes pretending to sleep, but still held the baby between the two.

乖 "Good, don't bother your father, shall you sleep a little longer?"

She said tenderly, and the baby seemed to be aggrieved, and he could not defeat his father's hegemonism, so he had to close his eyes and nestle in his mother's arms.

The family of three enjoyed a rare and warm time. Lin Mengya fell asleep before she knew it.

In his sleep, it seemed that the man got up, kissed her forehead gently, and touched the baby's little face before leaving reluctantly.

It wasn't until three shots in the sun that she completely woke up.

At this time, Bai Su and Jiuer were lying on the bed and glaring at the baby with big eyes.

"Miss, this little fellow, are you leaving now?"

I'm probably used to sending my baby away every day, and once in a while, it makes the two girls happy.

I nodded and she pushed the baby out.

Ning Er, who was bored at first, immediately smiled, but after seeing Er, she twisted her fat short body and pointed her with a small butt.

"You little conscience! I send you every day!"

Menger was so angry that Ke Ninger quickly climbed into Bai Su's arms.

It's weird to say, this kid likes Bai Su quite, and he especially likes to tease him.

"Believe it or not, I hit you fiercely!"

Chen Er's eyes widened and threatened, but Ning Er was not afraid at all, and she was sitting honestly in Bai Su's arms.

Bian teased him and wanted to give him a slap, but who knew Bai Su was blocking it.

"Okay, okay, you have a lot of adults, don't get angry with him."

Lin Mengya, who had been watching, realized it immediately.

Affection, her son has long seen clearly.

Bai Su's force value is higher than 纭 Er, so he can rest easy as long as he smiles with Bai Su.

I could not help but sigh, who is this boy?

The existence of Su Ning'er cannot be known by too many people. Fortunately, no one dares to enter her yard except Bai Su Xuan'er.

After thinking about it, he decided to say hello to his great ancestors.

Alas, the four brothers had to figure out how to do this.

Fortunately, although Gong Si hates baby's dad, he likes baby to be important.

Twenty-two words said that Mu Rongxi couldn't concentrate on taking care of her children because she was too busy with official duties.

宝宝 And the baby has a relationship with the palace family in the end, it is more assured to take care of it.

The family of the Kunimiya loved this child and recognized the relationship between Gongya and his life-saving grace. Therefore, without any doubt, he accepted the baby's care in the house.

Alas, nothing was told to anyone other than what they knew.

"Miss, my sir is here."

Xun Ninger's education cannot be loose.

At this point, she maintains a high degree of consistency with Long Tianyu.

And Long Tianyu trusted this gentleman very much, so people were also sent over.

"Well, come in soon."

For the baby's teacher, she naturally needs respect.

I immediately invited someone to the flower hall, but as soon as he didn't want that person to come in, both of them stopped.

After a short while, the two resumed as usual, but the atmosphere was slightly wrong.

"You, your gentleman, is that your gentleman?"

I came to Gongsi together and asked politely.

The man, whose nickname was Wen Nan, was also modest and courteous.

"A gentleman who dare not be Your Excellency, but His Highness does not give up, so we can have the opportunity to enlighten Your Highness.

Qiong Gongsi has a good opinion of this Mr. Wen, who is as gentle as a jade, unlike Mu Rongxi at all.

"Sir, please sit down quickly. I wonder if His Highness had ordered you before you came."

"Please rest assured that Wen Nan, being his lord's gentleman, will definitely consider it for his lord."

Seeing others is pretty good, and he knows that he is very satisfied.

After talking a few words casually, I was asked to take Mr. Wen to his study.

After a while, the baby will have classes in his study.

"Sister, I see why you are a bit distracted, what's wrong?"

Gao Linmengya slightly hesitantly glanced at his four brothers, then shook his head.

But the waves set off in my heart will not be calmed down so easily.

He remembers himself!

This makes Lin Mengya like an ant on a hot pot, and anxious turns.

He may know more than the hope that was sent out before the incident.

But she can't be too anxious now, whether it is for the other party or for herself.

She must, to create a reasonable opportunity to speak.

All day long, Lin Mengya was sleepless.

The other person is obviously the same, but it is a coincidence that the people in the palace family visit the gentleman because they like the baby too much.

Wennan also had to work up to deal with it.

Until the night Wen Nan left, Lin Mengya did not get this opportunity.

After washing clean, she got into the quilt with the baby.

Bai Su took her away and sat by the bed to talk to her.

"Master, that person is Xiao Yi, right?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded. She never dreamed that Long Tianyu found the enlightenment teacher for her baby.

Suddenly, a lot of bad guesses emerged in her mind.

她 Before she left, Xiao Yi was the court official of the Jin Dynasty.

Now, he has become a teacher in Longdu.

But looking at his appearance, although he lost a lot of weight, he did not treat people as slaves or the like.

Is n’t Xiao Yi also a defender?

Whatever it is, he must confirm it himself.

According to the rules, Mr. Zhengyue is going to rest, so he doesn't have to come to teach students.

But Xiao Yi is probably the same as Lin Mengya's. He came early the next day.

After two months of embarrassment in front of the people in the palace family, they were ready to let the baby go to the study.

But this time, the baby was sticking to her and couldn't let it go.

Even when Gongsi came to hug him, he twisted his body to avoid it.

既然 "That being the case, Xiaoya, then go to class with your Highness."

In the end, it was Zengzu who spoke.

Lin Lin Mengya really wanted to hold the baby and kiss her. This kid is just a maggot in her mother's belly!

When two people arrived at the study with a small bun, Bai Su naturally had to accompany him.

确定 After confirming that no one was around, Lin Mengya lowered her voice and asked.

"You, but Xiao Yi?"

Wen Nan's whole body shook, and a few shocked expressions appeared in her eyes.

"Mengya, you, you still remember me!"

She choked a little, after all, this is an old man.

嗯 "Well, Brother Yi, how did you get here? What happened to Jin Guo? What about my dad? My brother? I have to slap them, are they all right?"

I was a little excited. If it weren't for the baby, she would have no control over herself.

Xiao Xiao Yi sighed and reddened his eyes.

However, it is the man who does not cry easily.

"I can see you in this life without regrets. Mengya, our country is dead."


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