Lin Lin Mengya was shocked, Jin country, why

"Since you left, a force suddenly appeared within the court. They demanded that the new emperor abdicate and return to the throne and return to the throne. His Majesty naturally refused to show comfort and repression. But we never thought The thing is, these people actually collude with a group of rebels! "

When Xun said here, Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and wished to bite the flesh of the enemy himself to relieve his hate.

"Reverse thief? What kind of rebel?"

"I don't know where they will come from, but they are extremely powerful and not afraid of swords and guns. Our army suffered heavy losses. Later, they blood-washed the whole of Kyoto. The new emperor accidentally rioted to protect the people. Among them, they are missing! "

奕 Xiao Yi's hand was clenched tightly. Only by holding back tightly could he keep his tears from falling.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him in disbelief, Long Qinghan died?

Do not! This is impossible!

If that's the case, I'm afraid Gu Pan will die and die!

"and after?"

"Later, we fought and retreated, and finally fled to Lintian Kingdom. However, the situation of Lintian Kingdom is basically similar to that of the Da Jin Dynasty, as is the case of Dongxia Kingdom. Only Lieyun is a little better. Withstanding the pressure, we accepted the exiled people of our three kingdoms. Later, it was the Lord Witch who directed us. "

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him, and for a while, it was difficult to accept the news.

"Three nations fall into civil strife at the same time. How can this happen? Who is it, has such a powerful force, or are there collusion among these three nations?"

I think of everything I have experienced, Xiao Yi just feels shaking.

"I don't know where those people come from, those people are hiding under the black robes, driving those strange people to attack us. Once we also captured a few people, but those people were very strange. They were human, It ’s not human. It has breathing, heartbeat, but no consciousness. It can also attack others to distinguish their companions. Until now, I do n’t know who did it. ”

The news is the worst news she heard in the beginning of the year.

This weird scene has never been heard before, let alone Xiao Yi.

"Are you sure they are living people, not corpses?"

Xiao Xiao Yi nodded heavily, seemingly unwilling to remember these things.

"Their wounds will heal, but after their heads are cut off, they will die, but not immediately. Once they pierce their chests, they can be fatal. But unfortunately, their chests are difficult to pierce. Our army is always at a disadvantage. "

This is really strange.

She Lin Mengya has never seen such a situation, and similar situations encountered before have not played much role.

Before she saw it, she couldn't make a conclusion.

"What about my dad? How did you find it here?"

Xiao Xiao Yi's face was even worse.

"Uncle Lin and Brother Nan Sheng were arrested by those people. We heard that they had arrested many people there. Ah, we searched there and we didn't see any of these people. Later, the witch followed We said that someone had told her in the past that if something changed in the future, they would come to the sea to look for the result again. Later, we found a large ship in an abandoned fishing port in Lintian Kingdom. . There is a brand new map on the ship. I came here to find you in accordance with the guidelines on the map. But Mengya, why did your Highness not know us? The map must be reserved by Your Highness. "

The barge should be left by the mother or grandmother.

But the map

Isn't Long Tianyu aware of it earlier than her, is Longdu this place?

But now his memory has not been restored, and asking is nothing.

"My father, they were arrested here. Are you sure?"

He knows the news of his father and brother, although not so good, but much better than before.

What's more, she had a hunch that her father and brother should be alive.

"I'm not sure, until one day, we rescued a man at sea. The man was from Jin State, and when he died, he said that he was taken to a large ship after he was captured by them. Lin Uncle father and son were on that boat. Later, we successively rescued several people. Without exception, they all died of illness. Because of this, they were thrown away. In the end, our boat Docked in an unmanned port. It was just, but the ship was not seen. "

Lin Lin Mengya didn't know what to do. She kept praying that her father and brother must be fine.

如今 But now, she is more anxious.

Because she has no clue, how can she save her father and brother?

"Don't worry, I heard those people say that the people on board seem to value your father and brother, so they should be fine."

Xiao Yi naturally understood her mood, but now Lin Mengya obviously cannot be comforted easily.

She desperately wants to know the specific news. She wants to know where the father and brother are now and how the situation is.

But reason told her that if she was impulsive, that would be the biggest trouble for her father and brother.

"Okay, I see. I'll check these. What about everyone else, how is everyone?"

"Well, it's okay. After those people caught someone, they left the others alone. The Baiyou under you is very capable, not only has prepared a shelter for a long time, but it can also make everyone worry-free. Now, those in your family, as well as some ministers in the North Korea, have been accepted by her. By the way, she also asked me to bring you a message, saying that you can rest assured that she will take care of everyone. "

Lin Lin Mengya desperately held back her tears, and she couldn't cry, because once she cried, it means that she conceded.

Now, father and brother are still waiting for her to save, men and children are still waiting for her to protect, so how can she admit defeat.

"Good girl, everyone is okay, then I will rest assured. But brother Yi, you just said you, who else is here besides you?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yi's face was more prosperous.

"There are not many people in me. After all, we have gone too hastily. By the way, your two cousins ​​are here. Unfortunately, we are scattered."

Gao Linmengya's heart fluttered with anxiety. Here they are not familiar with each other. In case they were discovered by their origin, wouldn't it

"Mengya, I'm not provoking your relationship. But I think that your two cousins, they seem to know what happened here. The night before they disappeared, I once heard them mention the palace family. Now It seems that this is the palace house. "

Poke them, even know the palace family?

But then I thought, maybe my grandmother told them.

"I will let the people in the palace family pay attention. You must be careful here. Although Long Tianyu lost his memory, he still believes in you. Ning'er gave it to you, and I feel more relieved. By the way, Gu Pan follows the officer Hui is also here. Sister Hui hurt her head by accident, so she does n’t remember the past. If you have a chance in the future, be careful. ”

This tells Xiao Yi that he will take care of himself.

还有 "Also, it seems that Yue Qi is also there"

"What? Yue Qi? Brother Nan Sheng, the sister of the wife who hasn't passed through the door?"

She nodded her head slightly, but the situation was a little difficult to say.

But she found that the expression on Xiao Yi's face was subtle.

"Yue's house, was destroyed."

what? Extinction!

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Xiao Yi, because the news was too incredible!

"Since the day when the rebels appeared, we have lost the news of the Yue family. Later, I sent people to see it. All the people were dead, but this Yue chess was not found."

"But now Yue Qi is the master of Xianghua County, the daughter of King Yue!"

This time, Xiao Yi's turn was silly.

"It's impossible! Yue Qi, how could it be Yue Wang's daughter? She, she's not."

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head. She also couldn't understand this point.

However, the reality is such that she can't tolerate her disbelief.

"You are still far away from this Yue Qi. You know, Yue Qi originally entered the palace voluntarily as a concubine. Unfortunately, she was rejected by His Royal Highness. Later, she forcibly moved into the quilt because she missed you. Prince Yu's Mansion. If your Highness hadn't looked at you in the first place, I'd be afraid to kill her three times. "

I didn't expect such a thing.

It seems that some things can be taken for granted.

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, this Xianghua County Lord was once His Highness Xi's fiancee."

"His Royal Highness, it's not like someone who can be deceived by her."

"This is natural, so Yu called for the Emperor to dissolve this marriage. I was still guilty of her, but if I knew these reasons, I would have been rude to her."

She treats Yue Qi well, and I'm afraid that because of her reason, she only endured Yue Qi several times.

There are things that are not as simple as she thought.

She thinks it's pretty good, maybe it's perfunctory in others' eyes.

So, where is the truth?

"Yue Qi, a young age, has a lot of imagination. She relied on your name for a while in Kyoto. At that time everyone thought that you had passed away, so she always advised her Royal Highness to choose a concubine. Rejected, but after a period of time, those women who were originally candidates for concubines will be surprised. I have seen with my own eyes a good-looking girl with a thin face , I can no longer see anyone, and finally committed suicide in anger. Later, I followed up and found that the women had contact with Yue Qi. I went to inquire about the situation, but Yue Qi was in front of His Royal Highness and accused me of She wants to be wrong. Huh! She is like a poisonous scorpion, and I don't even care about it! "

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