Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1343: The crowd dispersed

"Don't be busy."

Lin Lin Mengya stopped the guard and did not rush to let him take the body out.

"But is there something wrong?"

The guard asked carefully, but in their opinion, there should be no problem.

"Can you lend me your knife?"

The guard immediately held up his hands, but Lin Mengya took it carefully and cut the neck of the corpse.

Sure enough, things were exactly the same as she imagined.

The corpse's skin is very thick, almost the same as the bark of a tree.

But there are hardly any muscles and blood vessels in it.

On the contrary, it was full of things similar to the previous cocoon silk, but it was only under the skin, making people feel more creepy.

"Miss, everyone outside is clamoring for His Royal Highness to give them an explanation. Look, what should I do?"

The guard was anxious, but did not dare to urge her.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the corpse. If you take it out now, I am afraid that the abnormalities in the corpse will be exposed, but this is not the most important thing.

Mainly, these corpses are responsible by Long Tianyu. If anyone is found, then who is responsible can be imagined.

"The most fierce one, you know, who is it?"

"It seems that it was the Zhang family in Huaiyang House. None of the people who had died were family members of the family. So the family didn't care much about it, but although the person was a relative, they were quite capable, so they came here to make a noise . "

There is some contradiction between the side and the side, sometimes.

But such a thing, my family certainly will not ignore it.

They are only killed because they are watching the excitement.

How did this matter leak out?

"No matter, if you bring that person first, say that His Royal Highness allows him to come in alone. If he doesn't dare to come in, you say to those people that he has personal grudges with His Royal Highness, so he came to make trouble. ,understand?"

Persecuted by public opinion, Long Tianyu couldn't help paying attention.

But they can also use public opinion to shift the goal of the matter.

I didn't expect that after a while, Long Tianyu took a person and came in one after the other.

"His Royal Highness, don't you say I can see the body of my nephew?"

The man's tone was very rude, and he looked very nasty.

Xiao Long Tianyu's face was not very good-looking, but he still brought people in according to Lin Mengya's request.

"This, should be Master Zhang?"

She greeted with a smile on her face, her eyes turning slightly, showing a touch of affection.

"His Royal Highness, why is there a woman here?"

Zhang Mao glared at the woman in front, without any respect in his tone.

"Master Zhang, leave me alone. I just ask you a word, Zhang family, do you want to keep it or want to give it up?"

Her attitude left Zhang Mao unconscious.

He told him intuitively that this woman was never simple.

But unfortunately, he didn't recognize that the dragon was almost unknown to all Miss Gongya Gong.

"What do you mean by this? Threat me!"

"Don't dare, then, if I threaten you, what good will it not do? The Zhang family has no interest with us. The reason I ask this is to remind Master Zhang. Don't do that Forget where this is. "

He Huangzun, no matter in name or in fact, is the supreme commander of this country.

Although the prestige temple is more prestigious than the emperor, it is because the imperial power has been changed several times.

Today's emperor has not only strategy, but also means and courage.

Consolidation of imperial power is only a matter of time.

Therefore, some people are naturally reluctant to see all this.

The most direct way is to stir up the relationship between the family and the emperor.

"The dragon here is not fake, but here, you have to make sense, right? My nephew died tragically for no reason. Okay, because he was unlucky, we recognized it. But we want to get back to the body, which What's wrong? "

Zhang Zhangmao's emotions were very excited, and her eyes were rounded, it seemed that she was really angry.

Lin Lin Mengya saw that he didn't seem to pretend, and then looked at Long Tianyu and had an idea.

"Don't you want a corpse? OK, I'll take you there. But there's one thing you need to understand."

She said quietly, with a little deterrence.

"If you want to know, you have to pay a certain price. And if there is half a word of the things in it, then you and the Zhang family will be finished together."

It wasn't alarmist. The weirdness of this matter greatly exceeded her imagination.

If you really want to completely crack, it will take more than just time.

Zhang Zhangmao looked at her so seriously and couldn't help taking a sip of air. She looked suspiciously at the woman in front of her. Her attitude seemed as if he could not tolerate her disbelief.

She led someone to the depths of the snow cave, where the lights were dim, and there was almost no panorama.

Zhang Mao narrowed his eyes. He only saw long silhouettes, but it was not until he came to his eyes that he widened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.


The transparent human cocoon made Zhang Mao instantly lose his ability to express.

In my opinion, Lin Mengya guessed right.

"This is why His Royal Highness did not return the body to you. You don't want to go back with something strange."

It is instinct of people to seek benefits and avoid harm.

What's more, Zhang Mao had never seen this thing, and after seeing the nervous and serious expression of the people around him, he couldn't help but be a little nervous.

But fortunately, he is a man who has seen strong winds and waves. So far, he has not been scared to incoherence.

"What the **** did you do? Why do these corpses become what they are now! I understand that you want to use these things to scare us so that we won't hold you account of your corpses because of fear. right?"

Imagination is quite rich, but unfortunately, it is useless to the place.

"So, you can choose everything. If you can dig up the body, then we will bear all the blame. If not, you can choose to talk to us. Your Highness, let's go out first."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, leaving only one who was helping, and one who was holding the light source.

龙 With Long Tianyu, he withdrew from the snow cave where the body was parked.

"Aren't you afraid, is he the spy sent by those people?"

Chen Longtian Yu asked curiously, he was still a little nervous.

But after seeing Lin Mengya's freely reacting, he gradually calmed down.

"He shouldn't be a spy, just being used by someone. Why can't we use it since others can use it?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her brow, pointed.

"You are so brave, everyone dares to calculate."

This matter is either related to the temple or to the three kings.

But no matter who it is, the emperor is an enemy.

Regardless of whether or not he can restore his memory in the future, since he is now on the side with Huang Zun, I am afraid it will be the same.

So she must give him and eliminate those unstable factors.

"To blame, you must blame them for not being authentic."

She smiled indifferently. She looked a little fox-like and cunning, which made her irritable.

But her mind was not as easy as it seemed.

That thing is too weird, and I don't know why, my blood can work.

Isn't this thing related to her?

Unfortunately, it is too late to explore this matter.

There was a continuous stream of sounds inside the puppet. It seemed that Master Zhang was working very hard to break through their lie.

But soon, the man walked out with a somber face.

怎么 样 "How about, Master Zhang, can we have a good talk now?"

She greeted her with a smile, and this result was as expected.

Zhang Mao didn't say a word, just stared at her coldly.

The latter was very generous and gave her a smile.

"Okay, what are you talking about!"

Master Zhang Zhang extruded a sentence from his teeth, Lin Mengya smiled, looked at Long Tianyu, and it seemed that the opportunity came.

The crowd outside, because the leader left, so no longer as excited as before.

Everyone is watching, waiting for the result after Master Zhang enters.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't see the person out. Someone in the crowd was anxious.

Fortunately, Zhang Mao finally came out.

"Everyone listen to me!"

The puppet crowd, after seeing Zhang Mao, revived.

Zhang Zhangmao said loudly immediately.

"His Royal Highness is indeed in trouble, so no matter how many times I ask, he refuses to let me see my nephew's corpse. In this case, let's go to the Emperor and say something clearly."

相比 Compared with the time when he went in, Zhang Mao's attitude seemed less positive after coming out.

Everyone has some doubts. What exactly did Zhang Mao go through?

"Brother Zhang, let's go to the Emperor, can you give us a satisfactory answer?"

In the crowd, there is naturally some doubt.

But Zhang Mao shook his head and looked at the crowd inexhaustible.

In the end, he still took someone away.

"Just tell him, is it really okay?"

In the snow field, Long Tianyu looked at the scattered crowd and asked softly.

"That's a smart person, naturally knowing what to do is the best. He didn't fully believe what we said, and thought that it was something you did, so he should come to see it for yourself tonight. Or let yours Pay more attention. The weirdness of this snowy field is not clear in a few words. "

Lin Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed. In fact, she and Zhang Mao had only repeated the facts before.

I just know what this ghost is, and she knows nothing.

"Well, I see. It's getting late, you go back first. If it's okay, I'll see you tonight."

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