"Okay, be careful yourself. By the way, this one is for you. If Zhang Mao comes at night, you will let your people look away. As for the slaves, if you can, please transfer them all away. "

There was a very bad hunch in her heart, but it wasn't specific.

In short, it has something to do with this weird human cocoon.

I came home from the snow field, this time she took a short cut, so she came back earlier than those who were in trouble.

I waited until she arrived at the house, just in time to catch up with my fifth brother and went home.

"Where did you go again? Good girl, what's the matter?"

Rarely, Brother Wu will bring out his brother's shelf, but Lin Mengya is really tired today, nodded and promised, and asked smoothly.

"Why did you come back so late today?"

别 "Don't mention, those who disappeared are back. I followed Lianxiong for a day, and only asked a handful of people. We have all the rest in mind so that we can pass it on later."

Suddenly she remembered, weren't these people all attracted away by the corpse dragon dance?

So, is it related to those things?

"Brother Five, are you still going tomorrow?"

Kunimiya nodded at five, and it was natural to go, but he was a little disturbed to see her face lighted up.

那 "Well, can you take me with me? I promise, I just watched next to it, it definitely won't affect you, okay, brother five!"

After she used her pampering method, Miyako nodded.

"You girl, this is not a good thing. What are you doing so actively?"

"I'm just curious, you know, I like this kind of strange hunting story, then tomorrow, we have an appointment to go together! Goodbye, brother 5 rest early, good night!"

I did not give the other party time to repent, Lin Mengya quickly returned to her yard.

Nian Gongwu looked at her back and shook her head.

I really have no way to take her.

As soon as I entered the night, Long Tianyu came.

I just, his face was a bit tired, lying on the bed, and kissed her forehead gently.

"Why not come up and rest together?"

She rubbed her eyes and waited until he was sleepy, so she took a nap just now.

今天 But today, the baby has some unexpected spirits.

After seeing his father, I even laughed endlessly.

"I still have something, I have to leave in a while. What happened to this boy today, what happened, so happy?"

Chen Longtianyu touched the baby's head. He naturally loved this little thing.

Lin Lin Mengya also felt strange. Usually at this time, the baby slept soundly and deeply.

How come today, this stinky kid doesn't sleep anymore?

"Ninger, but can't get up to sleep?"

She rubbed the child's belly, it was soft, and it didn't look like accumulation of food.

Ke smiled at her, and her little hand was still waving.

"I don't know what's going on, just fine. Just go, if you have something, go quickly, don't delay time. Go early and return early, your body is important."

Chen Long Tianyu nodded at her, and reluctantly left.

She played with the baby in the middle of the night, and it was almost going to light up, and then the baby fell asleep.

She also quickly slept for a while, then hurried to find her five brothers.

"Did you fight with someone last night?"

Lin Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed, but after seeing the reflection in the tea cup, she realized how serious her dark circles were.

"Nothing. I slept late with my baby last night."

"You really like that kid, but remember that you did the same to Mo Yan. It seems my little girl really likes these kids."

She casually hit a haha, and passed it over.

With her five brothers, she didn't take long to go to a house in the city.

姓 The name of this family is Chai, and there is only one young girl of 16 years old in the family.

I heard that the lady has been sullen since she returned.

No matter how the family asked, she didn't say a word.

Of course, a big man in Wugong Palace couldn't ask anything, so this time, fortunately, Lin Mengya followed.

"My lady is in the backyard, please come with me, Miss Gong."

Lin Chai's parents are grateful, Lin Mengya dare not neglect.

After the maid went to the backyard, she smelled the smell of burning sandalwood in the air.

Alas, the taste was light and not pungent at all.

"Does your lady still believe in Buddha?"

"I did n’t believe my lady so much, but I do n’t know why. After returning this time, I told my wife to pray sincerely. The lady did n’t think it was necessary for a girl ’s family, but she could n’t hold her back, so she put her in the backyard to burn incense. Read the Bible. "

No wonder, when she just came in, Madam Chai looked at her with a whisper.

It seems that I hope she can help persuade me.

"Miss Gong, please here."

The servant girl led her to a very nicely furnished yard.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around, and you can roughly see how much the Chai family cares about the daughter.

But there should be no extravagance, otherwise there would not be such an elegant dress here.

"Miss, Miss Gong Ya Gong came to see you."

"Well, please come in, Miss Gong."

After the servant girl knocked on the door, a very quiet voice came from inside.

After the two men opened the door and went in, Lin Mengya saw only a thin voice, lying under the shrine, and bowed her head religiously.

"Miss Chai, take the liberty to bother you, and please forgive me."

She tried to say hello to Miss Chai, but that person didn't like to be reasonable.

Xu Jingjing stood there silently, looking at this Miss Chai. After worshiping the Buddha statues, Lin Mengya only thought that this Miss Chai was stupid?

"Where is there anything to bother and not bother, monks naturally want to follow, Miss Gong, please sit down."

This is something that makes Lin Mengya difficult to understand.

Ms. Wu Chai turned her head, it was a clean and beautiful face.

Although not as delicate as a rose, it is very beautiful.

She is just her eyes, but not like a flowery girl.

That was the calmness of the ancient well, as if anyone's affairs could not excite her enthusiasm.

"Miss Gong, may I ask why you are here this time?"

声音 Her voice was soft and soft, as if feathers felt across the heart.

For this Miss Chai, Lin Mengya is not disgusted.

I just think she's weird.

When I was young, why did I have the idea of ​​converting to Buddhism?

"Actually, I came here this time to hope to know what happened after you disappeared. No matter what you hear and what you see, I hope you can tell me originally."

She tried to soften her tone as much as possible, hoping that it would not cause Ms. Chai's resentment.

"In fact, it's okay to tell you, because I saw the deity."

Hey, what?

God? Isn't this kidding?

"Excuse me, what kind of deity is it?"

"Miss Gong, do you believe that someone can be resurrected after death?"

Miss Wu Chai asked suddenly, but this question was not very good for Lin Mengya.

She believes it, because she is like that.

However, in front of Miss Chai, she still kept silent wisely.

"I know that if I say it, you all think I'm crazy. But I tell you, there is a **** in this world. That day, I saw the direction of the gods. He told me that he knew I could be him The most sincere believer, he will be able to fulfill one of my wishes! "

I was still calm just now, but now my eyes were shining with a little excitement.

Lin Lin Mengya felt that this man must be crazy.

"Ms. Chai, since it is a god, why don't you tell your parents? You know how worried they are."

"You don't need to tell them, because they will also see the deities. You can also see it, Miss Gong. You can all see it."

Sui Chai laughed suddenly, and that smile made Lin Mengya feel abnormal.

She was a little nervous, for fear that Miss Chai would do something radical.

What I didn't expect was that instead of not having Miss Chai, she sat back on the futon and started a new round of worship.

"When did your lady, like this?"

She pulled over the maid and asked softly.

"It's like this after coming back from the outside, you don't know, the master and his wife are crazy. But I didn't expect that after the lady came back, she said a lot of things that we didn't understand. It was strange."

Can you not infiltrate? Opening your mouth and closing your mouth is what deity, resurrection, and so on.

It's because the Chai family's parents really hurt her, otherwise, they would have been locked in a small black room.

Squinting at Miss Chai's side, nothing could be asked. Lin Mengya followed the maid back to the living room.

五 The fifth brother of her family was telling something to Master Chai. When she saw her coming in, she immediately got up and greeted.

"How's it going?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him, then shook her head.

After seeing her response, the two elderly people in the Chai family couldn't help sighing.

After all, still useless.

"Master Chai, Madam Chai, don't be discouraged. Maybe, Miss Chai will be fine in a few days, and you can't say for sure."

知道 She knows that this statement has no comforting effect, but chat is better than nothing.

"I knew it, this kid would have one day, and I knew it."

As Miss Chai's mother, Mrs Chai is even more sad.

But what she said caught the attention of Lin Mengya and Gongwu.

"You said, you already knew that there would be a day like this, is there any sign of this?"

"It's true that on the day of the child's tenth birthday, a monk from Youfang said that the child was not mortal. And in the year of sixteen, there was a calamity. If you can survive it, it will be great luck. It's safe and sound. If it doesn't work, just slap me, blame me. If I hold her that day, it won't happen. "

Madam Yun Chai regretted her regrets and was sad. Lin Mengya looked at it, and she couldn't bear it.

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