Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1351: All the way

先 Li Xian said with some sighs, while Lin Mengya looked at the incense candle and narrowed her eyes.

If you say that the temple she knew before is only the spiritual trust of the defenders.

Then, the temple hidden in the truth is very secretive.

The Sanctuary of Sanctuary controls almost everything that protects the country, whether it is political, economic, or religious worship.

All things and their roots cannot be separated from the control of the temple.

In addition to madly gathering money, the temple is even madly gathering people.

Then after these madness, what kind of truth is hidden in the end, Lin Mengya does not know.

But she has a hunch that once these things are revealed, I am afraid that the entire Patriotic State will fall into a turmoil.

"Why buy these things."

Chen Longyu's voice floated from behind, Lin Mengya turned and saw his dismissive expression.

也是 "Also, if you go with your Highness, these things will be avoided."

Cai Ling smiled, and didn't seem to care much.

"However, the rules still have to be observed, and we do not want to make His Highness too difficult."

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes turned faint, just nodded at Cai Ling, and went out to straighten the team.

Lin Lin Mengya looked surprised at the strange interaction between the two people.

Sting them, what are they hiding from themselves?

"Cai Ling, you"

"I'll go and set these things up first, and you and the little Highness get into the carriage first."

Cai Ling deliberately avoided, and she was not good enough to catch up with the crowd, so she had to hold the baby and get into the carriage with Bai Su and Yuner.

The road was also considered smooth, but the closer to the holy city, the more trouble.

But after all, these troubles are just for a penny.

He said that the king was provoked, and the little ghost was difficult to entangle.

Exactly how many checkpoints along the way are set up by the temple, or those below are wanting to fill their pockets, in fact they do not know.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also did not seem to want to reveal his identity, and gave it along the way.

I just saw Lin Mengya, his face was getting worse and worse.

He seemed to be enduring something.

"This is the temple, it is clearly a robber, bandit, shameless scum!"

Xuner cursed as he wrote down the account book according to Lin Mengya's request.

"It's not spending your money, what's your pain?"

She teased the little thing in her arms, Lin Mengya tuned her little girl.

"Who's money isn't brought by the strong wind! Didn't the lady just see the rogue of the guy who wanted the money just now? If we were in our house, I would have slapped it already. silver."

The child said more and more excited, this little girl was already brave, but now Lin Mengya is used to teaching, even more powerful.

"Yes, yes, your sister-in-law is naturally terrific. So, adults don't remember the villain's life. You should have heard of it, Qianglong does not suppress the snake. If we don't give up this money, I'm afraid trouble will keep coming. "

She pinched her face, jokingly.

I want to say that she suffers, but Lin Mengya never had this interest.

There are too many little ghosts here, and it's hard to get too tight.

Rather than bothering with one by one, it's better to lower your head temporarily and break your fortune.

"Miss, this is nothing like you."

Xiu Er collected her account book, and her big eyes flickered and looked at her.

如何 "How is it not like me anymore?"

She bowed her head and looked at herself, everything was as usual, except for a little guy in her arms.

"In the past, you couldn't afford even a little bit of loss. Now, how can you bear this breath?"

"It used to be before, it's now, but who tells you I have to swallow it?"

She raised an eyebrow and smiled quite deeply.

哦 "Oh! I see! It's called a little intolerance, right?"

She was clever, and she did not hesitate to praise her, making the little girl narrow her eyes with joy.

所以 "So, I have you write them down one by one, it is convenient for you to come back one by one in the future. If you do well, these two banks will be your private houses in the future, will you?

At this moment, I remember being more diligent and more competent than Mr. Tsang.

I soon reached the foot of the mountain.

The holy city was built on the sacred mountain. Except for their powerful and powerful families, ordinary people may not be able to enter even if they can afford the high amount of passing money.

Because in the holy city, there is the temple that the thousands of people all yearned for.

Everyone who is qualified to set foot in the temple is indispensable for power and wealth.

"Is this the Holy Mountain here?"

At the foot of Laoshan, it was their last stop.

When they reached the mountain, they had to work hard to reach the holy city before sunset.

I looked at it from a distance. The mountains and clouds were like a fairyland above Xuantian.

I heard that under the conditions of weather conditions, you can see the outline of the holy city and the magnificent scenery that complements the glow of the rays.

He also added a little sacred color to the holy city.

Holding the baby at the foot of the mountain, even Lin Mengya couldn't help feeling.

Regardless of the temple, at least the people who built it must regard it as their yearning.

He can build the holy city in his heart only with true reverence.

He just, if that person knows what the temple looks like now, he doesn't know what he will think.

"Let's take a rest here first, and go to the holy mountain tomorrow morning."

After Li has been busy, everything has been properly prepared.

"Brother Li has been really hard these days. After going up, Brother Li needs to be mentioned a lot."

Gao Linmengya said politely that although Li Xian is only a martial arts master, martial arts is one aspect. Most importantly, he is very knowledgeable.

I used to visit the holy city several times with the palace family, and later happened to visit several times while guarding other families.

Therefore, the elder brother will send him over.

"Miss, what's the point? If it wasn't the gentleman who passed by, I was rescued by my pity. I'm afraid I'm starving to death by the road now."

Li Xian raised his life-saving benefactor, and was a little emotional.

The gentleman who stabbed him was Gong Sanye.

That year, Li Xian was just a little beggar on the roadside, and his legs were broken and thrown on the roadside in heavy snow.

The third grandfather is kind-hearted and can't ignore it when he sees it.

Therefore, there was later the loyalty and loyalty of the liver.

Even if there is a life-saving grace, who can help one's benefactor with his modest strength for years?

So the Gong family believed him, and Lin Mengya believed.

"Let him pass the past. Brother Li is also a benefactor of our palace family. We will only talk about affection, regardless of affection."

She has a good opinion of this man with a lot of affection, so I just talked a few more.

I never expected, but there were always two inquiring eyes behind.

In the end, even the thick-lined Li Xian felt uncomfortable and found a reason to leave.

She didn't turn her head, but smiled at the corner of her mouth, but she was full of treacherous energy.

"You have ignored me all day, but here, joking with the man next to you."

This mournful tone really doesn't look like that guy's usual style.


She walked on her legs to walk, but the man behind her suddenly stopped her.

怎么 "What's wrong, Your Highness?"

Turning her head, she raised her eyebrow and smiled a little falsely.

I can see her look like this, even if Long Tianyu is full of resentment, he will not show one or two.

What's more, he knew what she meant.

"Don't be mad at me, okay?"

"Don't be mad at His Highness."

"I and Cai Ling didn't mean to hide from you, I was just afraid of you worrying."

"Ok, I know."

"Knowing that you still ignore me on purpose, I want to compensate, it is worse than you tonight"

"Your Highness, please take care of yourself."

"My wife, don't take care of yourself."


Lin Lin Mengya was a little speechless. When did this guy learn to be so cheeky?

At the foot of Laoshan people came and went, after all, Long Tianyu couldn't do anything to her.

Two people holding their children, walking slowly on the street, strolling.

"What do you want to know, just ask me directly. Even if Li Xian has been to the holy city several times, he may not be able to enter the temple."

This guy, knowing what he wants to inquire with Li Xian, even came here to eat flying vinegar.

I could not help but feel a little funny, and my heart was a little sweet.

"But you said, haven't you been here?"

At least during the last Yuanyue Festival, he was still Long Tianyu.

怎么 How can he know what happened here.

"I don't know, naturally someone knows it. Silly girl, do you understand what I mean to the temple?"

In fact, Lin Mengya also considered it.

First, Long Tianyu is now the nephew of His Majesty the Emperor, so it also represents the royal family.

Secondly, he is also one of the disciples of the current emperor, which means that he may become the temple of the temple.

Nothing else was clear to her, but for one thing she understood.

That is, in any case, these two identities cannot overlap.

Otherwise, all power in the world will belong to one person.

因为 "Because of this, the people in the temple should not welcome you?"

So, Cai Ling went far and near, and spent money on disaster relief.

"Really, nothing can be hidden from you."

A gentle smile poured out on his handsome face.

The servants around me felt a little incredible, always unsmiling, Your Highness, who was a little bit colder than the iceberg, when did you learn to be so gentle?

I don't know, there are some things that you don't need to learn at all.

As long as that person is present, it will come out naturally.

This is the peculiarity of feelings.

"But why do you want to go back to the temple? I said, I can do it alone, you don't have to take risks with me."

Even though it was Longtan Tiger's Cave, she was not afraid.

But it is clear that the crisis facing Long Tianyu is much greater than her.

Chen Long Tianyu raised his head and gently lifted the broken piece that she accidentally ran to the cheek, not behind her ear.

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