Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1352: Headless body

收回 Before someone intently saw it, he retracted his hand again. . . p

Together, it's so natural. p

He even knew what he was doing afterwards. p

But after seeing the twilight, the hidden worry in her eyebrows, he couldn't care anything. p

I just felt that there was no more important place in her heart. p

"Don't worry." He tried his best to comfort him gently, letting her heart gradually get better. p

"I'm fine." P

Waiting for her to speak, Long Tianyu continued. p

"You don't like escaping, neither do I. In any case, the teacher has a life-saving grace to me, and I can't help but report. No matter what the past is, the teacher is like you, it must be someone who has something to do with me. I can't let You are disappointed. "P

Lin Lin Mengya tried to persuade her, but she was stuck in her throat. p

怎么 How could she speak to make him a ungrateful person? p

She ca n’t do what she wants, but she ca n’t do it, let alone him? p

"So cunning." P

She murmured softly, but was heard by Long Tianyu. p

Alas, the guy seemed very happy, and nodded seriously. p

夫人 "Mrs. said I'm cunning, then I'm cunning." P

I couldn't control her mouth, and Lin Mengya didn't know what was going on. Since this encounter, after this initial tangle, this guy seems to have changed his personality. p

However, before thinking of him, in fact, he is the same, he will put down his body, and desperate to make himself happy. p

I don't find it strange in my heart. p

"Come, hold me." P

Huaihuai, the little guy who was looking around just now, fell asleep unknowingly. p

Nine Dragons Tianyu picked up the child, wrapped it in a big salamander, and placed it in her arms properly. p

The small town at the foot of Laoshan is not big, but it is very prosperous because it welcomes the distinguished guests of the family every year. p

The night blurred the boundary between the mountain and the city, and it seemed that there was no mystery and unpredictability seen during the day. p

Some things are like this. Only in the dark can we see their true appearance. p

At the beginning of Lu Huadian, the two took the little guy to roam the long street. p

Because he is still in the year, the sound of lively firecrackers sounds from time to time. p

Someone kept coming in and somebody leaving. p

Unconsciously, her little hand was surrounded by his big hand. p

With wide sleeves, no one can see their holding hands. p

With five fingers of thin cocoon, she rubbed the shape of her fingers thinly, her ten fingers intertwined, revealing a sense of ambiguousness. p

Zhe Lin Mengya only felt that he was with him, and it seemed not bad to walk like this for a lifetime. p

"His Royal Highness, Miss, Mr. Cai asked you two to go back. Say yes, there are important things to discuss with you two." P

来人 is a powerful assistant beside Li Xian. p

Since Li Xian didn't come, there must be something stuck. p

The two immediately returned to the inn where they were staying. As soon as they entered the door, Long Tianyu handed the child over to Bai Su and hurried Lin Mengya to Cai Ling's room. p

"You are here, sit down first." P

Cai Ling was looking at a page of stationery under candlelight, and frowned after seeing them. p

"But what happened to the palace family?" P

It is obviously urgent for Cai Ling to call someone back immediately. p

Also, it must have something to do with her. p

"This is a letter sent by Brother Gong to us. The letter said that the aunt who had settled inexplicably disappeared." P

Lin Anjiarong disappeared, which surprised Lin Mengya. p

But she thinks that this is not the main reason yet? p

"Is An Jiarong also at the temple?" P

Only so, big brother they are so anxious. p

The result was not the same, Cai Ling nodded. p

"After you left, An Jiarong was safe and secure. Because you arranged everything for the college before you left, Brother Gong wanted to finish everything and set off early. He rushed back to Fengdi. Who knew that An Jiarong was suddenly out of business? Yitong said that he was going to ask someone to take charge of her. Brother Gong was really furious and had a big fight with her. Who knew that An Jiarong disappeared that night. Later, Brother Gong went to find home and found that they had left overnight. . "P

So, I'm afraid the older brother thinks something is wrong. p

Because the family settled, they could walk with integrity. p

I ran like this all night, as if I was avoiding something. p

Since She Anjiarong wants to get things done, the temple is a great opportunity here. p

It's just that the guy was afraid that he didn't know yet. He just wanted to sacrifice her. p

"It turned out to be this, you can talk to my elder brother for me. Everything is fine, all right, don't miss it." P

In any case, it is just that the house wants to be black in the temple. p

自然 She is naturally not afraid of this kind of thing, and if the An family is safe and secure, if they dare to come out, the little account book of 纭 will be proof of reimbursement. p

She is still worried that these things are too expensive. Someone posted them, how can she not? p

"In fact, there is one more thing to tell you, this year, the three kings will also come. But they are coming menacingly, you and your highness must be careful to deal with it." P

The three kings came to do what they did, and they did not need authentication from the temple. p

Even so, Lin Mengya knew that Cai Ling was out of kindness, so they all agreed. p

After saying goodbye to Cai Ling, Long Tianyu sent her to the door. p

She wants to go in, and he gently pulls his sleeve. p

"What's wrong?" P

She turned her head, her eyes flooded into the water. p

"Nothing, just a little afraid to miss you." P

"What's terrible to me? When did you, my Highness, learn to be so pretentious?" P

"Just learned." P

He didn't care to say, put her hand to his lips, and dropped a light kiss. p

"When I haven't seen it before, I just want to meet every day. Now I can meet every day, but I think I can keep you by my side all the time. You said, why would I change Are you getting more greedy? "P

家伙 Is this guy's romance skills full? p

Why did she always stir up her spring heart? p

"Well, I promise to my heart. When these things come to fruition, I will remarry you. At that time, we will never be separated for life." P

He laughed, the cold eyebrows at this moment, spring blossoming, bright like the sun. p

好 "Okay, let's make a decision!" P

"Well, one word!" P

She stood at the door and watched the guy return to his room three or three times later, Lin Mengya could not help but shake her head. p

I'm dying, I'm dying. This guy's wife-wielding skills are simply heavenly. p

I patted her flushed face, it's all my wife and wife, shouldn't she be immune? p

What a pity, she had insomnia tonight. p

On the second day, when she appeared in front of everyone with a **** eye, even Bai Su and Yun Er were startled. p

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" P

Xu Er asked with concern, and Bai Su was also worried. p

"Nothing, I just recognize the bed. Alright, let's go." P

She doesn't want to be known to others, she was made into what she is now by Long Tianyu's love words. p

Xiao Long Tianyu smiled at his wife, quickly got into the carriage, and couldn't help showing a smug smile. p

Look, only he can make her so careless. p

蔡 And Cai Ling was on the side, but it was covered by clouds. p

Look at Gongya, and look at His Highness Xi again. What happened to them two last night? p

Although there is only one road in the Holy City, it is very spacious. p

The road is separated by a tree, and the left and right are orderly and unobstructed. p

When they finished verifying their identities, Lin Mengya realized that why those people would rather pay so much money, they had to go this way. p

It turned out that in addition to this road, other places are more and more dangerous. p

There are cliffs, strange rocks, and everything. p

If you are not careful, people will fall off the cliff, and in the end you may just fall into a broken body. p

抱着 She hugged her baby and meditated in the carriage. p

"Master, drink saliva." P

Bai Su handed the water to Lin Mengya, who drank only a small sip and wet her mouth slightly before returning the water bag to her. p

"Master, are you worried about the safety of the little master, right?" P

She knew what Bai Su said, but because of the previous events, Lin Mengya understood one thing. p

Until you are sure that the situation is completely safe, it is better to take your child with you than to give the child to someone else. p

Maybe it's not necessarily that safe, but one thing is certain. p

At least, when the danger comes, she can stand in front of the child and shield him from the danger. p

This can't do anything, but can only look at it with eager eyes, but it is a lot stronger. p

Laoshan Road is not easy to walk, but it is not rough. p

He followed the buttocks of the front car all the way, and they also walked more than half way. p

I didn't want to, the car in front stopped suddenly. p

The ones behind me also had to slow down. p

He didn't wait for her to speak, Long Tianyu rode on his own and leaned forward. p

Cai Ling also came to her carriage and talked to her softly while looking at the situation over there. p

Soon, Long Tianyu returned to her side. p

"Nothing serious, I just heard that the carriage in front saw a corpse that rolled off a cliff." P

He said indifferently, but Lin Mengya felt a little strange. p

If it was really just a corpse, why was it so long before? p

So I sent Li Xian to go. p

"Miss Hui, there is indeed a headless corpse in front. Just because there is a lady sitting in the carriage in front of me, this is a shock. I have already asked and said it would be okay for a while. Don't worry. "P

Headless body? p

Lin Lin Mengya frowned slightly, her doubts became more prosperous. p

I suppose this is a holy place. If so, how can I see a corpse? P

Alas, why is the body's head gone? p

Alas, none of this is what she should consider now. p

After a while, the team started to move again. p

I just passed by the place where the corpse was found, except for the slight **** smell in the air, there was only a trace of the smell. p

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