Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1353: Human body simulation

之后 After processing here, headless corpses no longer exist.

Gao Lin Mengya twitched her nose, but her gaze swept across the direction.

"Miss, what's wrong?"

Xiuer coaxed Ninger and asked curiously.

It seems that Miss pays special attention to the situation there.

"Nothing, you are optimistic about Ning'er, I'll wait for a while."

Min Er nodded, and after Bai Su also arranged her mats for rest, Lin Mengya closed her eyes as if she had a lunch break.

But she sank down and saw the interface of the Shennong system.

The puppet system seems to be slightly different since the little medicine came.

If it used to be that neat computer style, now it seems that it is more agile and humane.

Overall, it feels better to use.

"Master, the results of the analysis have come out. What the system detected just now should be a body fluid. There is a trace amount of toxins, and the human body can metabolize by itself if ingested in small amounts. If taken in large amounts for a long time, it can cause irreversible effects damage."

When she discovered it, she asked Xiaoyao to analyze it.

After seeing the results of Xiaoyao, she is even more confused now.

小 The toxic component of this thing has been detected. It is a poison that will make people's bones and muscles soft and deformed if they are taken for a long time.

"Are there any simulation pictures of human bones and muscles after taking the medicine?"


For a moment, a holographic picture appeared in front of her.

内 In the picture, she saw all kinds of weird human figures.

"Small medicine, is this something you simulated using the system's built-in data?"

"Yes, although this medicine can change bones and muscles, because of the limitations of the human body, the results that can be simulated are limited."

It is true that no matter how it changes, the human body is the human body after all.

Lin Lin Meng Yazai carefully looked at the content in the picture, could not help but think of another thing.

Before, when she was in the country of Lie Yun, did she not meet someone who was specifically used as a weapon for killing?

She searched carefully, and sure enough, there are experimental simulation results similar to those of them.

"So it is."

She had doubted Xin's technical source before, if everything started from here, it would be logical.

After all, the Patriotic Power passed down from the ancient Patriotic Power for more than a thousand years.

It is not unbelievable to have access to this technology.

But why do such people appear on the holy mountain?

Wouldn't the temple support such people?

In my opinion, this is really not easy.

Exiting the system, Lin Mengya really closed her eyes and rested in the carriage for a while.

The more I walked up, the quieter the outside.

Before the evening came, they finally reached the holy city.

Qiu Xiaguang reflected the white walls and refracted the gorgeous halo.

From a distance, she saw the white holy city.

I had to sigh again, how the artisans who built the holy city reproduced the fairyland in their hearts.

Here is indeed the ability to make people yearn for it.

"Miss, persevere a little bit, and when we enter the city, we will have a place to rest."

For a whole day on the mountain road, she felt exhausted sitting in the carriage, not to mention the people Li Xian had hurried outside the carriage.

I nodded, whether she could take a rest was the next thing, but after arriving in the city, she had to take good care of everyone.

There was a long line at the gate of Wucheng. Everyone was anxious, but no one dared to make a loud noise.

Soon, several people in white robes came to their convoy.

"Captain, this is a list of people in our family, please look over."

Li Xian is indeed the old oiler who has been here a few times. Everything is familiar.

After seeing those people, I greeted them with a humble smile.

The man was so tightly covered by a white robe that he could only see a pair of eyes.

When Lin Mengya felt strange, she bumped into one of them.

After the man saw her, he seemed a little excited.

After yanking the front captain's sleeve, he lay in his ears and didn't know what to say.

Captain Yun Wei talked to him for a few words, and their voice was too low, and they were not close, Lin Mengya heard only a few words.

I was like, "Is she?" "Are you sure she is?"

Cao Xinsheng is wary. This place is not Longdu, so be cautious and appropriate everywhere.

"You guys, the family of the palace?"

Captain Ye Wei closed the roster and asked knowingly.

Li Xianxian immediately and respectfully answered.

"Yes, my car is sitting in the car."

进入 Because entering the Holy City requires strict verification of identity, Long Tianyu and Cai Ling are not with her.

But they have made an appointment to cooperate in the holy city and the house belonging to the palace family.

If something unexpected happens right now, I am afraid that Long Tianyu will have no time to save.

"Since it is a palace family, that should be fine. But it should be the first time that Miss Gongjia has come to the Holy City. You also know the rules of the Holy City. People who come for the first time cannot enter by car. In this way, you Waiting for you, how about sending some of your young lady into town? "

This is not honest at first, so Li Xian is a little embarrassed.

Even if you want to walk in, you don't need to **** them.

But the captain is responsible for verifying the identity of entering the city. In case of offense, I am afraid they will not be able to enter the city today.

At night, the holy mountain is not allowed to stay.

In other words, if they can't get in, they have to rush down the mountain overnight.

This puts Li Xian in a dilemma.

"In this case, you can only trouble the captain."

When Li Xian was anxious, Lin Mengya sitting in the car suddenly spoke.

"Miss, you are still sitting inside, and leave everything to the younger."

Li Xianran and whispered, Lin Mengya shook her head.

"You look at Your Highness for me. Don't let him make a mistake, you know?"

Their purpose should be her.

What's more, like the people in the palace family, when Long Tianyu left, he left a lot of people to protect him.

Su Ning'er's safety, don't worry about it for now.

"But Miss, I have never heard of such rules before, will I?"

先 Li Xian worriedly said that with his keenness, he could notice that something was wrong.

But Kemeng Mengya took Bai Su out of the car as if she hadn't heard it.

"It's okay, don't worry."

After speaking, she lifted her feet and walked in front of those people.

"There is work."

The woman in front of her eyes is noble and generous, with a very beautiful face, with a light smile.

Nuo guard read countless people, naturally know that some people are not easy to mess with.

I immediately became more polite.

"Miss no wonder, we are not bad people."

The voice of Captain Yun Wei was very low, and it was estimated that only she could hear it.

He nodded secretly, and left as the captain left.

I said it was an escort, but in fact it was just sitting on the carriage with the guard's logo and carrying it to the holy city.

Along the way, she saw many carriages from other families.

They all line up obediently and undergo inspection.

Xi Baisu was sitting beside her, always alert.

I didn't realize until the gate of the city that it turned out that there was not only the inspection of the guards, but also another group.

But the white robes they wore were rolled with a line of golden edges.

There is a large table at the gate of Wucheng. Behind the table, there is a bulging figure.

After seeing them, I said.

"Isn't this the captain of the guard? Why, your inspection is complete today?"

Everyone who wants to enter the holy city will put a lot of silver on the table.

这些 These things were all put away by that person.

At this moment, he didn't get up, just asked with a smile.

嗯 "Well, it's done, what can the saints say?"

The so-called saints in the temple mean senior management members.

There are hundreds of saints in the entire temple.

But it is not easy to be able to hold such an important thing as managing the city gate in your hands.

"Okay, you are working hard today, it is better to go back to rest early."

This is obviously a good thing, but it can be a bit sloppy taste when you say it from the fat man's mouth.

I am probably because the saints are higher than the guards.

But the captain of the guard was probably accustomed to it and did not refute. After nodding his head and saluting, he led Lin Mengya's carriage away.

He did not want to be stopped by the saints.


Zhe Lin Mengya jumped in her heart, even though there was a curtain blocking her, but she still felt the look of An outside.

"How come there are outsiders in your car? Captain, don't you know the rules of the holy city?"

Alas, this brings a little threatening meaning.

Ji Baisu clenched the sword in her hand, while Lin Mengya held her hand and shook her head gently at her.

If the captain wants to transport them in, it should be a perfect solution.

They ca n’t tell the difference between the enemy and us. What they can do now is to wait and see what happens.

"I am naturally clear, but in the car are the first ten family members who came to the holy city for the first time. According to the rules, the guards will personally welcome them. Lord saint, please check.

The captain of the guard is not humble or overbearing. He is also justified in speaking.

After the Saint snorted, he waved impatiently.

"It seems that you know the rules all over the world, let's go, don't delay the time of the people behind."


She can't wait to leave.

He passed over the saints, and as soon as he entered, they saw not far away, and a group hurried in.

After I passed by, she heard only one of them.

"Sir, where is this going?"

I was the fat man's voice. Compared with the proudness of the captain before, it now looks more charming.

"Go out and perform your official duties. You are here to watch carefully. You cannot let anyone in question come in, you know?"

"Yes, I see."

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