Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1357: Palace situation

"In addition, the palace family has not been to the first moon festival for three consecutive times. If there is one more time, the qualifications of the top ten families will be at stake."

The words of Chen Longtian Yu also let Lin Mengya thoroughly understand the plight of the current palace family.

No wonder, those people need to do something to the palace family so urgently.

"If the palace family doesn't come again this year, the qualifications of the top ten families will be replaced naturally. But they didn't expect that I would come, so they wanted to steal the bar. In order to ensure foolproof, they bought the hunter and wanted to stop halfway kill me?"

Looking at her all guessed, Long Tianyu nodded despite being helpless.

If possible, he really wanted to isolate all dangers behind her.

"Hum, they really tried to deal with me."

Pouting, the corners of his lips were bent, revealing a smirk.

Even though she knows better than anyone, how tempting power can be.

But how many people can see clearly, what about the danger of **?

Well, maybe they don't care.

These things are not difficult to understand.

"Today's affairs, we can take the lead. But we must be careful everywhere in the future. The news of your coming to the holy city should now have spread. But don't be afraid, we come early. The holy city is no better than Longdu, they have some concerns about what they want to do. "

This is why, when she went to the temple to report, the person who had been bought did not dare to force her to pass.

Because of their special characteristics, the dragons cannot even fully grasp the emperor.

But the holy city is different. Even when the three kings come, they have to be humans with their tails.

What's more, it is a top ten family.

"His Royal Highness."

The two of them were talking, and Long Tianyu's men suddenly reported.

看到 After seeing Lin Mengya, she stopped her footsteps and stood there waiting for orders.


Except for some things, Long Tianyu did not want to hide anything from her.

He did not dare to neglect, and immediately returned to him.

"His Royal Highness His Royal Highness will reach the Holy City in five days. I don't know what His Royal Highness will do."

Grandma is here too?

Su Lin Mengya suddenly remembered the rumors I had heard before, although the relationship between the royal family and the temple was a bit complicated.

But both Prince and Long Tianyu have inextricable relationships with the temple.

The Prince is here now, but it makes her feel less surprised.

"Well, I know. Clean up the place you prepared before. Remember to ask Xueshi to come over."


She waited quietly for his men to step away, but Long Tianyu did not immediately explain.

Alas, in the look, there was a touch of dignity.

Lin Lin Mengya waited for a few minutes before Long Tianyu seemed to suddenly remember her by her side, and smiled apologetically.

"The Prince came to cure the disease. The Xue Shi was a friend of my teacher. He had a high degree of medical skills. The Prince's body had always been her conditioner.

I nodded, but Lin Mengya was a little surprised.

According to Long Tianyu she knew before, he should not have been to the temple.

Even if I have been here, I will not be so familiar.

And there are some things that people can't do just once or twice.

有 There is something in her heart, she looks slightly distracted.

伸出 He reached out his hand and gently touched her head.

"What are you thinking?"

Gao Lin Mengya smiled suddenly, still asked her own doubts and asked.

After listening to the dragon, Yuyu Tianyu paused, and then said carefully.

"You said that I grew up in the Kingdom of Jin. I have nothing to doubt about this. In fact, I have no sense of closeness to Dragon and Wei Guo. They said how I grew up, I also think It ’s like listening to the story of someone else. But here, it gives me a natural sense of familiarity. Maybe I ’ve been here before you and I became married. ”

Yuan Lin Meng Ya Mao set off, by the way, why didn't she think of this?

"I heard people around my mother-in-law mentioned that when you were young, you went out to worship the teacher. You also told me that you went out with Master Ye Ye, and whether your master was your long-lost master, Is that the owner of my temple? "

She widened her eyes and felt a little weird.

Now it seems that everything seems logical.

But in some places, there are still things that she hasn't figured out for a while.

I can tell her intuitively that this January festival will definitely have some unexpected gains.

"I don't have the memory of that time, and I don't know much about it. But if it is what you said, I am afraid that my master, even if he is not the master, has something to do with the master."

After all, Long Tianyu is Long Tianyu, and he won't make any conclusions about anything.

Lin Mengya also felt that there were a lot of doubts about this matter, but after all, she had some eyebrows.

"I have nothing to do today. Would you like to follow me to visit the holy city?"

突然 He suddenly proposed that Lin Mengya didn't want to refuse.

After waiting for the two to go out with his men, Long Tianyu was on the carriage and started to explain everything about the Holy City for her.

The so-called tour is false. It is true that she is familiar with her surroundings.

The pure white holy city has actually looked too long, and will feel too indifferent.

She doesn't know what the people in the temple think, a good mountain city has turned into such a cold ghost.

She looked around in the carriage, and it didn't take long before she became bored.

Bian Long Tianyu mentioned that she just looked at it.

"Presumably when I first came, I was like you."

There was a laughter from the man's head, Lin Mengya pursed her mouth and gave Long Tianyu a white look.

What does he mean? Are you talking about being naive?

"It's really meaningless here, but if we are related to life, even if it's boring, I hope you can remember it well. Mengya, I don't want you to be here to be hurt in any way."

Relying on the carriage, others could not see it, and he put her hands on his face.

Unlike ordinary women, her hands are flexible and slender.

He knows the power of these hands, and knows how powerful the owners of these hands are.

即便 But even so, he would still be worried and afraid.

"I know, don't look at me like that, I will write down wherever I go. Do n’t believe me, you test me."

She said with a smile, in fact, her messy look was not all because of boredom.

虽然 Although the range that the Shennong system can detect has expanded a lot, its range is still limited.

So, she will use her eyes to make the system remember the location of the entire holy city as much as possible.

In this way, as long as a week around the holy city, she will get a most detailed and accurate map.

I raised my brow, but Long Tianyu thought it was quite interesting at this time.

I didn't expect that after asking her several questions in a row and getting the correct answers, he had a look of unpredictable expression on his face.

"What secrets are you still hiding?"

His ecstasy hid in his heart, and rubbed her little head with a big hand.

Lin Lin Mengya pretended to take a deep look at the man, and was very proud.

"I won't tell you, I have the ability to dig myself!"

He did not expect that these words were ambiguous.

By the time Lin Mengya reacted, Long Tianyu's eyes had already turned into a gloom.

"Okay, I will marry you at the door as soon as possible, and live up to your expectations."

Zhe Lin Mengya was speechless for a while, I don't know how to answer well.

It's one thing to tease Long Tianyu, but being drunk by this man is another thing.

"I don't want to marry you so early!"

She murmured a little arrogantly, but was not prevented from being held by the man and was forced to pull him in front of him.

"But I want to marry you, I think I'm going crazy."

He said this seriously and affectionately.

Even though she didn't want to marry, Lin Mengya couldn't help but burst into a heart.

This guy is too

She blushed and smiled, and slipped away from the corner of her mouth.

"Count your acquaintance."

Looking at her rare coquettishness, Long Tianyu loves like pearls.

This is his lover, his wife?

到底 What did he do well in his last life before she fell in love with him?

"Miss, Your Highness, you have arrived at the Edelweiss Hall."

The driver's voice came from outside the carriage.

Xiao Long Tianyu was not very satisfied with being interrupted, but here was what he had ordered before.

"Let's go."

He got out of the car first and reached out her hand.

Lin Lin Mengya looked out of curiosity, only to see a small white two-story building.

On the door, three large black characters of Xuerong Pavilion were written.

It's strange, just now they walked all the way, but they didn't see any shops or anything.

做 什么 What does this edelweiss museum do?

Before I entered the door, she smelled a scent of medicine.

And the medicines here are very rare.

作为 As a poison doctor, she is very familiar with these things.

才 As soon as they entered the door, a woman in white greeted.

"Your Highness has arrived, and the Snow Master is upstairs. Please come with me, please."

Ye Xueshi? Isn't that the one Long Tianyu told people to invite before?

"Don't Xueshi go to Zhenlong Pavilion?"

Ji Long Tianyu motioned for her to follow, while asking the woman.

"Master Xue Shi said that you would definitely come, instead of waiting for you to run to Zhenlong Pavilion, it is better to wait here to come down."

The woman was only seventeen or eighteen years old, with a simple temperament and a little pride.

At first glance, I know that she is a woman who has seen the world.

But Lin Mengya noticed that she glanced vaguely at herself.

But she remained still. What battles have she never seen before? Are you afraid to see them?

I said, the three went up to the second floor.

There was a faint scent of medicine in the house.

Smell that taste, it makes people feel kind of relaxed and happy.

Zhe Lin Mengya also usually uses medicinal fragrance, naturally it is clear which flavor it comes from.

However, although this taste is light, it can be costly.

Even she felt that using these medicines as spices was a huge waste.

Alas, for the host family, I'm afraid I don't care.

"Master Xue, Your Royal Highness Xi has arrived."

The space on the second floor is not small, but there are several layers of gauze in the middle.

The white woman stood reverently standing outside the veil and turned back.

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