Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1358: Snow 师 Adult

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"Well, there is another lady, why don't you introduce. Watermark ad test Watermark ad test"

There was a woman's voice after clearing the veil.

The sound was like the medicinal fragrance in the room, with a sense of elegance and nobility.

When the woman in white heard this, she immediately bowed her head to admit it.

"It was Xunzi's negligence, this one is--"

She looked at Lin Mengya, her eyes were only polite and she did not see much respect.

Gao Linmengya checked her words, knowing that this person was inexplicably hostile to herself, so she was sobered.

I smiled slightly, but didn't speak.

Xun Long Tianyu also felt that the woman in white was not doing well. Moreover, since he and Lin Mengya re-loved each other, naturally, the wife said what it is.

The atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

A few minutes later, the woman in the veil said softly.

"Please forgive this lady, it is my niece who is not sensible. I will accompany you for you."

"No, Master Xue. It is the negligence of Xunzi, this lady, Lan Xiang is wrong, please punish him."

My sister-in-law named Lan Xiang, in addition to respecting Xueshi's attitude towards Xue Shi, also has a heartfelt worship.

Seeing her so sincerely apologizing to her, Lin Mengya didn't want to offend people too deeply.

"Anyway, everyone has a moment of negligence, the next time you pay attention. In Xia Gongya, the first time you meet, I also ask Master Xueshi to take more care."

She doesn't have a good opinion of this snow teacher, but for the time being, it has not yet been disgusting.

"Oh? So you are Gongya."

There was a bit of surprise in Xue Shi's tone behind the sacral veil, and then Lin Mengya saw a sullen figure coming out from behind the layers of veil.

Finally, after Lan Xiang opened the veil, a beautiful lady in white appeared in front of them.

If you look at the appearance, Lin Mengya can be described as stunning.

But the Xueshi is of a superb temperament, like the mysterious girl above nine days.

When I saw her, Lin Mengya suddenly thought about it when she saw the Holy City for the first time.

Quiet, elegant and not stained with fiber dust.

The woman in front of me really looks like a fairy.

She smiled and nodded at Lin Mengya, neither cold nor warm.

Xuan is not too indifferent, perfect and not false, just like the fairy Buddha in the temple.

Seeing that, Lin Mengya could not help but praise a wonderful word in her heart.

This is what it should look like in the holy city.

"I've heard about you, and it really looks like the former owner of the palace. I'm Xuerou, just a doctor."

He said he was a doctor, but from the words of Long Tianyu before, he was definitely not an ordinary doctor.

"Master Xue Shi is humble."

She smiled. She didn't have a bad feeling for this snow teacher, but at the same time she didn't have any good feelings.

"I wonder if Ms. Gong came to the Edelweiss Hall, but is there anything uncomfortable?"

In my opinion, she took her for medical treatment.

"Master Xue Shi is polite, I am only accompanying His Royal Highness."

She swears her sovereignty silently, and she can't understand anything else, but she can see clearly the attitude of Xue Shi and her maid.

If the personality of a person like Mr. Xue Xue is not related, how can he wait for someone here?

She could hear it before, Master Xue Shi, but ‘specially’ is waiting for him here!

"Oh, I see."

Master Xue Xue lowered her eyes and said lightly.

Lin Lin Mengya noticed Lan Xiang's eyes, but she did not hate her like those women's nieces.

On the contrary, he seemed to be anxious to their owners.

"I was here with His Royal Highness, and I deserve to be entertained. But my Highness has some discomfort. I have to help my Highness first. Your Highness, please follow me."

She smiled sorry at Lin Mengya and wanted to take someone away.

Wu Ke Long Tianyu didn't mean that, and he knew that his wife was also good at medical treatment.

"My body is no longer in trouble, this time I just want to see the teacher. Since the teacher is not here, let's go first."

He said, there is no nostalgia to want to leave Lin Mengya.

From beginning to end, his attitude towards Xue Shi was faint, not even the closeness of his friends.

Originally, Lin Mengya also worried that this guy wouldn't mess with her while she was having amnesia.

Now it seems that the goddess is deliberate, and King Xiang is ruthless.

虽然 Although she doesn't want to show off, Long Tianyu's attitude is too different.

"Yaer, let's go. Next day, we will visit the teacher again."

He smiled gently at her, his tone was extremely gentle.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, originally thinking of leaving with him, but could hear behind him, Lan Xiang said a little eagerly.

"His Royal Highness, Master Xue Shi is also worried about you. It is better that your body is tight. Let Master Shi Shi take a look!


Suddenly, she didn't respond, but Xue Shi scolded Lan Xiang lightly.

Lin Lin Mengya can see that Lan Xiang is a good niece with a single heart.

But the Xueshi didn't understand Lanxiang's hard work.

Nine Dragons Tianyu's attitude has not changed in the slightest.

Gao Linmengya knew his temperament, but he was afraid that in his heart, Master Xue Shi didn't leave a shadow.

But after thinking about it, she still tugged Long Tianyu's sleeve secretly.

The latter bowed his head and looked at her with some doubt.

"I think Master Xue made a point. Your health is not good. You should take a look."

After saying that, she blinked at Long Tianyu.

I hope the latter can understand her meaning.

"I don't believe anyone's judgment except you."

His eyes were clear and unreserved.

Qi Lin Mengya's heart was indescribable. When did this guy start to become so cute?

"I know, but you have to give someone a face."

She whispered softly, she knew that because of the memory loss, Long Tianyu's trust in the people around her was a little more alert.

He was a prudent person. If he didn't know it, he would never give them another chance once he knew it.

Looks like, Xue Xue had previously conditioned Long Tianyu.

So Yu won't believe her, right?


Her persuasion is always more effective than anything.

Seeing that Long Tianyu changed his attitude, Xue Shi and Lan Xiang were a little surprised.

Alas, his eyes fell on the woman.

Is it because of her?

Lin Lin Mengya stood behind Long Tianyu, watching Xue Shi stretch out a white hand, and put it on Long Tianyu's wrist across the handkerchief.

In my heart, I was a little dissatisfied.

I wasn't because she had contacted her own man, but because she didn't think it was professional enough.

Since he is a doctor, when facing patients, he should abandon the distinction between men and women, and think only for the patients.

As it is now, if I have a handkerchief, I'm afraid it will have many effects.

This point, when she was just studying medicine, both the school teacher and the teacher Baili told her seriously.

雪 This Xueshi, a bit arrogant.

"His Royal Highness is intact, but the old wounds are still a little worn. Maybe I will prescribe a few medicines for you to adjust.

For a short while, Xue Shi retracted his hand, but threw the **** aside.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her silently, but her nose was keenly aware of what she prescribed.

I could not help but shook my head in my heart. Fortunately, she is here today. Otherwise, Long Tianyu will be destroyed by the snow master.

I talked about some precautions. After listening to Long Tianyu, I wanted to leave with Lin Mengya again.

Master Xue Xue delivered them to the door. Lan Xiang seemed a little dissatisfied, but he was brought back to the second floor by Master Xue.

Obviously, this niece has more courage than her owner.

"Give me some medicine."

As soon as she got in the car, Lin Mengya reached for her medicine.

Chen Longtianyu trusted her very much and took out the medicine without asking.

She opened it according to the package, and then carefully picked out a few medicines.

Finally, pack the medicine again.

"What's going on? Snow Master, are you hurting me?"

Chen Longtianyu looked at her movements, surprised.

But Lin Mengya shook her head, so that he wouldn't be so bad, it's just the Master Xueshi, I'm afraid it might be dazzled.

"Your physical condition is very good, but you have left some old injuries because of practicing all year round. Therefore, what you need more is gentle guidance, the enemy, but she still told the truth.

"I don't think it's her. We met before you lost your memory. At that time, you seemed to have made this decision, so you informed me intentionally. You gave me poison that would also make me amnesic, but You already knew that I was innocent, so you made it on purpose. "

虽然 Although the situation was urgent, she remembered everything clearly.

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