Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1359: Insert eyeliner

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't say much to her at that time. Part of the reason she thought was because someone must be watching him at the time.

But it seems that Long Tianyu's position is already solid.

He Huangzun and Houzun's emphasis on him did not seem to be fake, and she also felt that Yu didn't seem to care about Huangzun's status and strength.

In this way, Yu's amnesia may not have much to do with the royal family.

But if Yu had been to the temple when he was young, why would they still have Yu amnesia?

Lin Lin Mengya felt that she seemed to be caught in a dead end.

"Then I must have a very urgent reason to want to see you then. Otherwise, how can I lead danger to you when I can't be completely safe?"

A seemingly sighing sentence made Lin Mengya seem to have captured any information.

However, she was too fast, and she couldn't find the feeling just now.

"I think, let the teacher see you."

Hold his big hand and hold her small hand.

The lingering lingering overlap, with ambiguity and affection.

"No rush, there will always be opportunities."

Lin Lin Mengya returned to God and heard his words, but felt that her heart was soft.

"That's right, well, you're tired for a day today. After you go back, take a good rest."

He took her hand and fell a kiss softly.

Lin Lin Mengya was fainted by him, and blushed and jumped off the carriage.

Xun Long Tianyu watched her hurried to the yard, but secretly exposed half of her head to peek at herself, could not help but feel good, the smile in her mouth flew up.

He finally knew, the girl's weakness.

Xu really is a soft and hard eater. It seems that as long as he continues, he will not worry about eating her hard.

"His Royal Highness."

The driver waited for a long time, but couldn't help but ask when the master inside gave an order.

"Go to the Edelweiss Hall."

His voice suddenly cooled down, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

I have no one, dare to disrespect her.

"Her Highness, why are you back? Your lord, Your Highness is back!"

As soon as I entered the door, Lan Xiang was a look of mistake.

Then, he ran to the second floor in surprise.

Xu Xuerou was also a bit surprised, and hurriedly came out of the deep veil.

I didn't want to, but Long Tianyu who came later was as cold as ever.

"What are you doing here?"

Wu Xuerou suppressed his emotions in his heart, pretending to be calm.

But at this time, Long Tianyu was as cold as a hundred years of snow and ice.

That's why she can't help the cold.

"Today, what Lan Xiang did, but what did you say?"

He said coldly, letting both the master and servant stumble.

Then, Lan Xiang said immediately.

"His Royal Highness does not have to misunderstand my adult, everything is Lan Xiang's own assertion. Shu Xunzi bluntly, isn't it my adult, who is more compatible with you than that Miss Gong of unknown origin?"

"What do you count?"

Storms accumulate in the dark eyes.

Xun Xuerou's heart tightened and she caught her niece.

"His Royal Highness forgive sin, Lan Xiang didn't mean that. She didn't mean to offend, and asked Her Highness to forgive her!"

Xi Xuerou's eyebrows are picturesque, like crying.

Xiao Long Tianyu only looked coldly at their master and servant, and in his eyes, there was never a moment of pity.

"I called for a teacher to come here today, why are you here?"

He was sitting on a chair, but he was so imposing that Xuerou and Lanxiang did not dare to bow their heads.


Xun Xuerou did not know, and looked intently at Lanxiang.

I didn't expect, but the man didn't dare to look into her eyes, and her eyes rolled around.

Suddenly, she understood.

How did this girl become so bold?

"It's my fault, and please ask His Highness to punish him."

Kneeling in front of Long Tianyu, she said sincerely.

Wu Lanxiang obviously did not expect that Master Xue Shi would plead for her.

"噗通", Lan Xiang also kneeled.

"You admit it fast. In that case, go get the penalty yourself."

Chen Longtian Yu condemned them lightly.

I could not see, and still fell on Lan Xiang's body.

"Send her to the temple, if you let me see her again, Xue Shi, it's not your Xuerou."

Xun Xuerou was eager to stop talking, hiding three points of sadness in her eyes.

However, she had no way to disobey his orders.

"It's Xuerou obeying."

"His Royal Highness, Lanxiang is wrong, Lanxiang will never dare."

如今 Until now, Lan Xiang knew how serious the matter was.

She immediately knelt down on the ground and scratched her head, begging Long Tianyu for forgiveness.

"Still do what you do, send her over."

Nine Dragons Tianyu was still unmoved. He sat in a chair, exuding the indifference of strangers.

There was only ruthlessness in the black eyes, except for Lin Mengya, who never left anyone a tenderness.

"Lanxiang, don't be rude."

Master Xue Xue grabbed Lanxiang and warned in a low voice.

Wu Lanxiang was like frosted eggplant, with his head bowed and pulled down by the snow master.

After a while, Xue Shi appeared alone in front of him.

"Your Highness, do you have to send Lan Xiang away? She has been with me for many years, without credit or hard work."

Master Xue Xue's eyes were sad, and she looked sadly and earnestly at Long Tianyu.

"Do you think, a little niece, really dare to tell me falsely, and lie to the teacher?"

Xu Xuerou was suddenly surprised, wasn't it

"Is she right in front of you after I left?"

问 Asked dumb, Xuerou opened her mouth without saying a word.

雪 "Xue Rou, what kind of identity do you have, you know best. People don't know if you have eyeliners installed around you. How can I and the teacher trust you in the future?"

He sneered, words like knives, without mercy.

Xun Xuerou did not dare to speak again. After all, it was her who believed the wrong person.

"I'll spare you today because the prince is coming. Treat the prince well and do your part."

After the warning, Long Tianyu strode away without turning back.

I left only Xuerou, and stood bitterly in place.

"His Royal Highness, three days ago, Lan Xiang sent a letter in the name of his family book."

As soon as Xu arrived in the carriage, Long Tianyu received the results of his investigation.

"Keep checking."

Since Lan Xiang deliberately targeted Mengya, he has noticed that something is wrong.

Later, he remembered that asking a teacher was always done by Lan Xiang.

Now that the teacher is not here, Xuerou is afraid to do so.

In this way, only Lanxiang has this opportunity.

眯 Slightly narrowed his eyes, Long Tianyu was unhappy.

人 The courage of these people is so big that even his men dare to plant people in.

It seemed to me that he was ordinary and too lax.

The corner of his mouth was bent, revealing a trace of cruel bloodthirsty.

Is it holy city? He wanted it here, and became a cannibalism!

Lin Lin Mengya had no idea what kind of **** storm his family had set off secretly.

At this moment, she also has no time to split.

The specific time for the Yuanyuan Moon Festival was decided, just seven days later.

When she arrives, she will officially debut as the next owner of the palace.

As long as she has passed the sanction of the temple, she is the official housekeeper.

After receiving the news, the palace family is still waiting.

"Master, there are a lot of things you need to prepare. Don't go out for the first few days."

The things she cares about are always handled by 纭 儿 and Bai Su personally, never taking the hands of others.

On the day of the Yuan Yue Festival, she had to have three to five dresses alone, not to mention the jewellery and so on.

"Well, that's fine. I'm looking at the baby, let's do it."

Su Ninger lay on her lap very well. Recently, the boy seems to have grown taller, and people have become a lot more lively and more fond of coquetry.

For children, the place where there is a mother is paradise, but it is not too boring.

What's more, Xiao Yi also followed, reading and writing daily, for a child, it was quite fulfilling.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't know what was going on these days, Cai Ling also came out early and returned late.

She has become a lazy person, bringing buns at home every day.

"This word, would you rather know?"

Sitting in the study, she started playing Ning's favorite game these days.

It was a book that Ning Er had read. She snapped a word to test Ning Er.

What surprised her was that although Ning Er usually didn't talk much, at this time, she would always answer her in a straightforward manner.


"What about this?"


"Baby is awesome!"

Although the game is simple and naive, Lin Mengya was overjoyed when she heard the sound of milk and milk.

Sometimes in the afternoon, it is not too boring.

While she was having fun in the house, 纭 儿 came in, her face was not very good-looking.

"Miss, there is someone outside."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her with some doubts.

"Who's here to make you so unhappy?"

"Yes, Gong Zhe."

There was a bit of caution in the words.

Lin Lin Mengya's expression was faint, she could not see her mind.

But 纭 儿 can understand, but my own lady, I am afraid that she will kill her heart.

"He is not brave enough, and dares to come now."

"If only Gong Zhe was alone, he would come with An Jiarong! It looks like a toe-out!"

No wonder, An Jiarong dare to escape back to his home again.

Noisy for a long time, did you have the confidence to deal with her?

"What are they going to do?"

"Gong Zhe said that he and An Jiarong are both family members of the palace. Now that they are in the holy city, they naturally want to live in the palace. Li Xian ca n’t stop it, please show me."

Zhe Lin Mengya turned her mind and probably had a few things.

"You are optimistic about Ning'er, I will meet them when I go."

Min Er nodded, her face a little worried.

"Miss, you have to be more careful. The two people brought the people who came home."

Lin Lin Mengya understands the meaning of the words of the children. Since the family is so shameless, the conflict between the two parties is inevitable.

If that is the case, it is even more unnecessary for her to keep her hand.

Two lessons should be learned a bit.

"Miss is here!"

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