Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1360: Want your legs

乱 The chaos in the living room was a mess. When Lin Mengya came in, someone with a sharp eye saw it and called out.

She walked in slowly with Bai Su, but she didn't even look at those troublesome guys.

"Brother Li, what happened?"

Li was so angry that his face turned red.

"Miss, Gong Zhe wants to live in. I don't want to, he spilled it!"

"Hmm! A small slave, dare to yell at the master. Li Xian, you are just a martial artist, a running dog in our house!"

Wu Gongzhe's vocal voice sounded, Lin Mengya frowned slightly and said coldly:

"This year, dogs are fighting against others, and they dare to bark at people. Li Xian, why do you still have any feelings about crazy dogs? Just hit out. It ’s mine."

No one thought it would be so when she spoke.

Jain Gongzhe also relied on his backer and smiled coldly.

"Gong Ya, you are actually facing an outsider! Don't forget, I am the Gong family. If it weren't for me, the Gong family would have starved to death!"

"Brother Li, haven't you heard me clearly? I only listen to people, not dog barking. To deal with evil dogs, you must kill and then hurry. Come, close the door to me. I think the door of our palace family wants to enter Just come in, do you think about it? "

She didn't say anything at all, but the cold tone was full of oppression.

"Miss Gong, that's not what it said."

He waited for Gong Zhe to speak again, and a middle-aged man sitting beside him said haughtily.

"Even though Gong Zhe did something wrong, the prodigal son turned back and he didn't change his money. Anyway, he is the blood of the Gong family. As the next owner of the Gong family, how can you not have such a measure? In my opinion It's better for you two to turn your gangsters into jade, and since then, there is no longer any gap. "

"Excuse me, which onion are you?"

She smiled and whispered, and the man snorted coldly and changed his face.

"Miss Gong, you're so rude, it's not like the Gong family did it. If the ancestors of the Gong family knew you didn't respect their elders so much, I'm afraid you would be unhappy.

Is this man stupid? He actually used the great ancestor to suppress himself.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, but the smile was more like a mockery of them.

"Elders? I do have a lot of parents and strict rules. Unfortunately, I do n’t know, who are you elders?"

She is not polite, and the expression on the face of the family member is frozen.

"Miya, you treat me so, don't regret it later."

"Yes, you reminded me. I offended you today, and maybe my family would hate me."

She looked at the face of the An's family and was about to get mad, so she continued to speak.

"It's better, I will kill people today. Only dead people will not talk nonsense."

Her smile is shallow, but **** is like Yan Luo.

After the people of Xun Gong's family got her order, they had already cut off the way back for this group of people.

After waiting for those people to react, the Gong family had long surrounded them.

"You, what do you mean?"

An Jiarong, who had been carrying the elders for a long time, was also a little bit angry.

She is a person who has seen Gong Ya means, and that fear has already taken root in her heart.

I just relied on Gong Zhe's sharpness, but she was still able to spoof one another.

I now see Gongya, but I am a little bit irritated.

"This is our palace family, how to deal with it, that is our family's affairs, you have to give me your opinion," he said.

She looked behind An Jiarong, the expression of those Anjias who were obviously a little nervous.

Obviously, they probably didn't expect that they were the ones who hit and beat.

Face-saving, they didn't carry it when she was willing to give it, and now she was brought to the door to humiliate her. Why is she polite?

"Miss Gong, we are the people who settle in, you can't do this to us."

I was surrounded by the people in the palace, and some of the people in the house were a little flustered.

"No? Who told you I can't? You go to the door of my palace and bully the people in my palace, no matter what I do, it should be."

"Gong Ya, if you do this, aren't you afraid that your family will avenge you?"

Wu Gongzhe is still so gloomy that it seems that Lin Mengya is just scaring them.

"Oh? I don't think I'm joking. Brother Li, without my order today, anyone who wants to get out of the palace house door, then you put your legs first and give me a discount."

She seems to be calm, but she is really angry.

The Lu'an family gave shame to her face. Certain things, she naturally would not be polite again.

"Miss Gong, you still don't have to be impulsive. It doesn't matter if we kill us. Since then, the family and the Gong family have become feuds!"

The An's family who had spoken earlier had a few breaths of anger in their tone.

But Lin Mengya still didn't take it to heart, but snorted coldly.

"Vendetta? Do you think that people in our house will be so stupid as to treat you as partners?"

Her voice was somber, with a deep-seated coolness.

"You sent Gong Zhe and An Jiarong back to your home today. I, Gong Ya, naturally remember your affection, and I will definitely give it back in the future. I can release you all. Regardless of what you say when you go back, remember one sentence, ten million Do n’t forget to tell your homeowners. If your home is torn down one day, do n’t blame anyone. ”

Luan Jiarong and Gong Zhe were panicked. After hearing this, Gong Ya apparently wanted to deal with them.

"Miya, what are you doing?"

Rong Gongzhe stood up and seemed to be running.

He was led by Li Xian, who isolated his life.

"Don't go now, are you waiting for me to have you for dinner?"

She glanced coldly at the An family members, and several people at the family looked at each other, resigned.

"I'm from home, I want to go with them!"

Luan Jiarong shouted loudly.

"People who entered my palace house are the people in my palace house, and they are the ghosts of my palace house when they die."

Several people in the Lu'an family also wanted to take An Jiarong, but when Lin Mengya said something, they dared not say anything.

I can only let An Jiarong and Gong Zhe ask for happiness.

"Gong Ya, hello, we will have a period later!"

The man at the Lu'an family gave her a resentful glance. Although she had deep fears, there was hidden revenge.

They thought that in this holy city, at least the palace family would not dare to mess up.

In the final analysis, both of them should consider each other's feelings.

I didn't want to, everyone in the palace family was crazy.

When they surrounded themselves just now, those faces had Morin's murderous intention.

They are really going to do it!

So, those people who settled down have been afraid and persuaded.

After all, this is their own business.

"Hurry up!"

Li Li opened his eyes wide and spurned angrily.

He was originally a man of rivers and lakes. He used to be patient for the palace family.

Now, with the order of Gong Ya, he feels relaxed and relaxed.


"Just, get out!"

The people in the palace family couldn't help but started to scold those people.

After waiting for those who settled down to leave, the people in the palace family became angry and stared at the two culprits.

"Gong Ya Me Me"

After Luan Jiarong lost her dependence, it was just a useless soft bag.

I was so stupid as Gong Zhe. He thought that he could rely on his family to prestige, but did not want those people to let Gong Ya pass away.

故 He pretended to be calm, but he was afraid.

After all, he knew what he had done.

"Take her down first, and lock it in the room. Don't step out of the door halfway."

She motioned around, and took An Jiarong down first.

She Anrong probably understood her situation and did not resist.

Now, the whole family stared at Gong Zhe with a stare.

跑 "Run? Gong Zhe, can you get my palm?"

She raised her brow and smiled coldly.

"Since it is in your hands today, you have to kill you, and listen to your respect. But there is something you must promise me."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and looked into Gong Zhe's eyes with a little contempt.

"Do you think, can you still tell me the conditions? Gong Zhe, it is better to recognize the situation now."

"Gong Ya, I am the only relative of my great ancestor. You have dealt with me privately, aren't you afraid of your great ancestor?"

It turned out that his biggest card was actually this.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the determination and complacency in his eyes, this man was really despicable home.

Tong Ming knew the weakness of the palace family, and then used it boldly, and he was full of anger.

In the end, the degree of shame is absolutely beyond her imagination.

"Yes, if the great-grandfather of Zengzu knew it, he would be sad. Brother Li, interrupted his legs. But it's just a fate, I just kept him."

She said indifferently, but Li Xian, with a cold face, walked towards Gong Zhe.

"Miya, you can't-ah-"

Xun Gongzhe tried to hide, staring at Gongya and Li Xian with a split look.

But where is Li Xian ’s opponent, he was caught like a chicken, and his legs were broken.

He screamed again and again, his face paled.

The family members around the palace, some, have red eyes.

Gao Linmengya knows that many relatives here have been devastated because of Gong Zhe.

I asked him to have two legs, and it was a bargain for him.

"I know what you plan to do, and you bring An Jiarong over, but you just want to fight with me, the court. The one who wants to impersonate the palace family is you, right?"

She got up and walked slowly to him.

所以 The reason why she drove the An family by thunder means, but she just wanted to hit them by surprise.

Since Long Tianyu brought this up, she has guessed who actually did it.

"Gong Ya, you are so ruthless!"

The severe pain made Gong Zhe hate her.

What a pity, Lin Mengya didn't care.

"I am cruel? Where is this? Compared to the crimes that the family members have suffered for you, one-tenth has not yet arrived. Gong Zhe, my Gongya never puts rules in mind. No matter what the master behind you is Whoever dares to move my house is a dead end. "

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