Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1361: Settle down

I said that when you hit a dog, you still need to look at the owner. With the courage and ability of Gong Zhe, if there is no one behind him, how dare he come to the palace to make trouble?

Xun Gongzhe was dragged down.

Each person's face has different expressions, but it is undeniable that Gong Zhe's end is really happy for the Gong family.

But after the fun, it was sad.

If the palace family was not in the dark before, how could it be allowed to be mad like this.

Only by being strong can they be protected from insults by people like Gong Zhe!

Lin Lin Mengya knew that she was relieved.

Only in this way can the palace family flourish.

Luan Jiarong and Gong Zhe were held separately. Lin Mengya did not rush to interrogate, but left them overnight.

The next morning, she ate breakfast unhurriedly, and when she was walking around the yard with her baby, Li Xian hurried over.

"Miss, I'm sending someone here."

He came earlier than she expected.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't take it seriously, only caring for the baby in her arms.

"Haosheng is entertaining you, you go back and say that I am busy with other things, I will see them later."

先 Since yesterday's incident, Li Xian added three points of respect to Gong Ya.

She ordered her and turned and ran outside.

Here, Lin Mengya first took the baby to distribute enough, and then gave it to Xiao Yi who came to teach.

Afterwards, I went back to my room and changed my clothes. This time I went to the front hall slowly.


There are not many people in the front hall, so after seeing her coming, everyone was curiously watching her secretly.

They still remember the things yesterday. Everyone knows that they settled home today. They are afraid that they will come to Xingshi to ask their sin.

So I'm also curious. How can my young lady respond?

"Have met Miss Gong."

A gentle male voice came from the hall.

Gao Linmengya looked up, Oh, it turned out to be her 'old acquaintance'.

"The son-in-law does not come."

She An Ruchu smiled at her, but Swen Junxiu's face was much clearer than before.

He is just a person's growing spirit, like a sharpened blade.

"Miss Tuo's blessing, everything is OK."

I don't know if he did it on purpose or not, with a bit of stubbornness in his tone, as if he had experienced something.

But Lin Mengya had no time to guess that she always lacked enough patience for the people she didn't care about.

"That's good, who isn't struggling to survive? Now the world is not good, every family is like this."

She raised her eyebrows and drank the tea at her mouth, her tone was flat, as if she was chatting.

Wu Anru nodded with a bitter smile, but hesitated again and again before opening her mouth.

"Ms. Gong, in fact, I came here this time to discuss something with you."

She opened her eyes slightly and looked at him with a smile.

"what's up?"

"I know the people in our family were sensible yesterday and offended you. After going back, the owner has rebuked them. Today the owner wanted to let them come to apologize to you. But I'm afraid that after you see them, you will evoke bad yesterday Memories. So I sent me here to accompany you. "

She raised her corner of the mouth, showing a touch of kind smile.

"Oh? That thing, I haven't taken it to heart. Speaking of which, I also want to thank Anjia and send me back Gongzhe. Anjia helped me with such a big favor. I also want to thank your family. "

Her tone was not salty or light, and she knew that there was no sincerity.

As for what she said thanks

Lu An Ruchu did not dare to think about it. The young lady of the palace family sometimes acted like a lunatic.

"No, no."

He waved his hands again and again, as if afraid of Lin Mengya's disbelief, and his head shook like a rattle.

"Before coming, the owner repeatedly warned that the young lady must be discouraged. You don't care if your measurements are broad, how can we get in on it!"

Alas, it sounds like human words.

But Lin Mengya didn't understand. Anjia already knew her temperament, but she dared to send An Jiarong to Gong Zhe.

This spirit of death is really admiring to her.

"Don't worry, I'm not so stingy. If you are just here to apologize, then you can go back to the homeowner of Ann. Although I am young, I am also a polite person. Everyone respects me, I respect everyone You can rest assured. "

As the elder brother said before, the current Gongjia and Anjia cannot tear their faces completely.

So even if she wanted revenge, she couldn't do it now.

自然 "Naturally, the young lady is extraordinary and naturally does not care about these people. However, the owner still has an unwilling invitation."

He lowered his voice, and his eyes were watching her secretly.

既然 "Since it is a merciless invitation, then the owner of the home shouldn't deliberately embarrass others, doesn't it?"

猜 She also knew what the owner of Anjia asked for.

With anxiety in his heart, the anger burst into flames.

Zhao An's family tried her lower limit twice, and she was shameless at home.

Isn't it that they really thought that the palace family would be afraid of it, dare not really do anything to them?

是 如此 If so, they would be very wrong.

The Palace family will throw mouse jealousy, but she will not!

"I also know that this is a little difficult for the young lady to come to the office. But after all, my aunt is a person who settles down. How do you deal with Gong Zhe? Naturally, we are not qualified to speak.

Lu An Ruchu talked about how the Anjia family struggled, but heard Lin Mengya's heart sneer.

"It's hard for you to ask for me for the sake of face. But An Ruchu, I might as well say it today. If you put it in the past, you settle in with me, and there is still a three-point face. Today, it is No point left. An Jiarong said to herself that she was the daughter-in-law of our house. I accepted it. But when you want to go back, do you have a home?

She was very angry and smiled, but her smile was colder than the holy city.

She An Ruchu wanted to say something, but after seeing the anger in her eyes, she could only swallow back.

"I know, Anjia did something wrong this time. But Ms. Gong, Anjia also has problems."

He looked at Lin Mengya hesitantly, and several times wanted to continue to explain, but in the end, he could only turn into a sigh.

既 "That being the case, then it's gone."

He already knew the attitude of the palace family, and staying there was nothing more than humiliation.

Lin Lin Mengya watched him go out, but her heart raised a little doubt.

Lu'an, like the beginning, doesn't look like the kind of person who talks.

But he has a lot of ingenuity, or he may want to induce himself to delve into the things he intentionally hides.

Cross-checking, or not checking, became a rather difficult choice before her.

"Li Xian, go and do something for me."

She thought for a while, or called Li Xian.

After carefully instructing him a few words, he got up and went to the backyard.

I heard that Gong Zhe had spent the night last night, and he didn't stop until he lost his energy in the morning.

She detained An Jiarong's house and faced Gong Zhe directly.

At this moment, her presence left the people in a hurry, like if the hare had been frightened.

"Aunt An, how did you sleep last night? No, I should now call you-the third sister, right?"

An Jiarong's scorn in her eyebrows scared An Jiarong.

If she didn't faint for a moment yesterday and thought it was possible to take Gongya, now, she will not be detained here.

For a whole night, she listened to the sorrow of the man, as if in Jiuyou Hell.

I just hate that I don't have many hands, cover my ears and not listen.

So when Gong Ya came, she was already stunned and panicked.

"Gongya, I dare not!"

She said hastily, admitting her mistake.

"You let me go this time, I promise I won't dare to fight you again. Will you spare my life, okay?"

It ’s always like this. When the danger comes, you know that what you are doing is just dying.

What a pity, they just can't stop themselves.

So what can she do? Of course, it was the killing of the cockroaches and monkeys that gave them a long memory.

"Where did the three sister-in-law say? We are all one family, why bother?"

She stared at the big watery eyes and said with an innocent smile.

"No, it's all my fault! It's my admiration for vanity and abandoning my son. It's also my whimsy, trying again and again to get something that doesn't belong to me. It's all my fault, I will admit it to you, I will give you a **** It ’s not for you. Please have a lot of adults, let me go! "

He said, people will kneel.

Zhe Lin Mengya turned away lightly and cleverly, avoiding his worship.

"Isn't Misaki like this, isn't it about breaking Gongya? Get up, how cold the ground is. Mischief's legs, don't let anything go wrong."

不过 She just puts An Jiarong on the verge of collapse with just one word.

不要 "No! Please, Gongya, don't interrupt my legs! I promise you whatever you say, don't interrupt my legs!"

Luan Jiarong was already incoherent in fear, Lin Mengya sneered.

Is just a straw bag with a strong inside. In the end, what kind of self-confidence does he feel that this person can stir the situation at the palace?

"I naturally won't, but since the three sister-in-laws have entered the door of our palace house, is it necessary to think about the palace house everywhere?"

Her sight was shrouded in An Jiarong.

The latter shivered for a moment, then nodded, and asked carefully.

"Miss, what do you want to know?"

"What I want to know is very simple, for example, who asked you and Gong Zhe to come back to the house to make trouble."

Out of her expectation, An Jiarong did not spit out.

On the contrary, he looked a little ugly, hesitated for a long time, and after her face became a little bit impatient, the talent spoke.

"Yes Yes"

"It seems that there is something unspeakable about San Xunzi. Then, come on."

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