Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1362: Cheng Jia Ma Jia

Luan Jiarong stopped her immediately, shivering and screaming.

"No! I said, I said! Yes, it was Yujia, Yujia told us to do this. But, but I don't know the specifics. Just the owner told us, let us come back and look at you."

In terms of An Jiarong's character and identity, no matter whether it is Anjia or Gongjia, she won't let her know anything special.

Therefore, Lin Mengya had long expected that An Jiarong did not know the inside story.

But with the participation of Yu's family, she still felt a little surprised.

When Yu Mingzhu was in Longdu, he hadn't changed much.

It turned out that because it was not her home.

This person is really quite bearable.

"Since the Yu family persuaded you, but is there any benefit to you?"

有 "Yes! Yu said, if we succeed, then my son will inherit the position of the owner. Miss, I know I am delusional. Please forgive me!"

How Jia Mengya sent the people around her before, has made An Jiarong anxious.

Now she is just dazzled by fictional success. Now that she calms down, she is naturally afraid.

"Is there anything else?"


Luan Jiarong nodded vigorously and shook her head like a rattle.

Lin Mengya was not embarrassed by her, anyway, if she kept her head closed, she would know what to do if her head was slightly useful.

"Okay, Misaki rested earlier, you don't need to worry about other things."

She turned and left, and told people to stop Gong Zhe's mouth.

Before I met, my brothers warned her that she couldn't believe anything Gong Zhe said.

Alas, and in her mind, it felt strange.

Gong Zhe managed to escape from her hands before, but now it comes to her like this. It seems a bit too simple.

She shook her head and expelled the thought from her mind.

There is no doubt that Yu Yu's family has to deal with her.

But she didn't know what their plans were.

After all, Gong Zhe and An Jiarong were just abandoned sons that were deliberately delivered to her.

"Miss, you can make me easy to find."

刚刚 As soon as she walked out of the backyard, 纭 儿 came to her.

"What are you doing? Did the house burn?"

"The lady is still joking. Although the time for the first moon festival is set. But before that, the heads of all major families must first go to the temple to visit the Lord. It was difficult for her Royal Highness to send the news personally yesterday. Did Miss Cheng forget? "

I was so forgotten.

Fortunately, despite such a mess, it is not too late.

虽然 Although this time it was not a formal visit, in the end she was the first time to see the deity.

After Lai dressing up, she took her and took the carriage to the temple.

At this time, many cars have been parked here.

Inside the temple, they are not allowed to bring anyone other than their attendants.

No matter how much power you have, you have to go up here by yourself.

When Lin Mengya got a carriage, she attracted many people's attention.

One is because she is in the limelight, and the other is because she is one of the few women.

Here, men make up the vast majority.

So as soon as she appeared, she received a lot of contempt or ridicule.

Don't you just think she's a woman? What's so amazing about men?

Holding her head upright, everyone's gaze was okay, and she slowly stepped up the steps.


There was a sharp drink behind me.

She ignored and went on.

"Which girl are you from? How can you be so unruly! Your grown-up? Why don't you look at you!"

Suddenly his voice was a little angry, and his tone was quite proud, which also made Lin Mengya inexplicably unhappy.

She stood still, half a body behind, and looked at the nosy man.

It was an old man with a thick beard and a burly build, and at first glance he knew it was a hot temper.

"Dare to ask Your Excellency-"

She asked politely, but unfortunately the man stared at her with a pair of bullseyes.

"Girl doll, you don't see where it is, you are also worth it? If you are acquainted, go home quickly, don't be naughty, or your grown-up knows that you must beat your skin!"

She couldn't help laughing, and their only parent was a great ancestor.

It ’s a pity that the great ancestor ca n’t wait to take her words as a holy order. No matter what she says, it ’s ‘yes yes’, ‘good, good’.

阁下 "His misunderstanding, the elders of my family asked me to come."

She doesn't intend to report herself. Although some people know her identity, it seems that this person does not belong to this category.

"Your adult asked you to come?"

The man's eyes widened, and his vital capacity was very amazing. His voice was like thunder.

"Which adult is so bad? What can you do as a little girl?"

Little, little girl?

Lin Mengya thinks, is this person's standard a bit confusing?

"This senior, I'm an adult."

"Funny! Why are you a girl doll! Why is the palace family so many people who still want to learn the palace family? Is it because they think that a woman can rival the palace family?"

This made Lin Mengya frown.

The tone of the puppet man was not mixed with contempt and disdain, but there was a little respect in it.

In my opinion, this person was not as embarrassed as she had guessed before.

"Old horse, you are really confused!"

Behind the two of them, suddenly someone joked and said.

Then, there was a man who looked like a fairy, and walked to the two with a smile.

"Old man, who do you say is old?"

"Who else can you be?"

The later man seemed to be familiar with the strong man in front.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced a little, and knew that this person was not easy.

Although wearing plain Tsing Yi, every move, with aura that ordinary people don't have.

Don't look like a Taoist dress, but the man is domineering with the superior.

Also, it is the kind that is exposed in the corner of the eye but hidden in the brows.

She nodded a little and saluted.

I yelled at the other person and nodded at her, surprised by the strong man.

"Cheng old liar, am I dazzled? She is just a female doll, how can you be so kind to her? I can tell you, you are a loess buried in the loess. ! "

For so long, Lin Mengya also saw it.

Although the strong man with a surname of Ma is not polite, he is a rare straightforward temperament, just treating her as an ordinary family girl who comes here to play.

"What nonsense! This muddy man is really more and more unreasonable. This is the little girl in the palace family, otherwise do you think everyone has the courage to come here?"

Lin Mengya was not in a hurry because her identity was revealed.

On the contrary, she felt a little strange. How could this person named Cheng Cheng come to help her?

"What? She is Gongya ?!"

Ma Lian is dumbfounded, can't he? How so clever?

"Yes, Ms. Gong is just looking at you so stupidly and can't bear to tell the truth."

Cheng Rusong blinked at Lin Mengya, who later said with a smile.

"It was the negligence of the juniors that made Senior Ma misunderstand. In Xia Gongya, I have met two."

She is generous, even here, she will not lose those men.

"You, are you really Miya?"


"It's impossible! 咦? You really are Miya!"

Gao Linmengya thought that she still had to explain. Who knew that person seemed to remember something, and she patted her head with a big hand like a fan.

"My kid sent me a few days ago saying that if I meet you here, I must take care of you. It turns out that this kid actually has this idea!"

But now, Lin Mengya stopped.

"The Ma Beichen in your family has a good vision, but it should be well received. Otherwise, which woman can marry such a romantic species."

A word from the man named Cheng Cheng made Lin Mengya suddenly realize.

It turned out that the man was actually Ma Beichen's father.

"Daughter, have you ever been married?"

Attitude, suddenly turned 360 degrees.

Lin Lin Mengya also remembered that the person in front of her should be called Ma Lian.

But the other person's question made her feel a little difficult to answer.


"Don't be delusional, the women of the palace family are excellent, can they be your horse's family. The girl who is fine, the old man dare not take you any, don't be afraid of him."

Cheng Tao, who was in front of Chen Wenwen, comforted her, but Lin Mengya knew that the people here were not simple.

"The seniors talked a lot, Gong Ya thanked the two seniors for their reminders and supporters."

She was gentle and gentle, and thankfully thanked two people.

"Cheng Rusong, I can tell you that although this doll doesn't look at my kid, it also looks down on your family! You pretend to be less good, Gong Ya, let me tell you. This old kid, absolutely can't Believe."

I heard Cheng Rusong's words, Lin Mengya's mind popped out of this person's information automatically.

The Cheng family is also one of the top ten families, but it has not been exposed.

Cheng Rusong, the master of the family, is a military general.

But the Cheng family has always been Shuxiang Mendi. Only he fought bravely on the battlefield and repeatedly built great achievements.

Therefore, deeply favored by the emperor, he also has a place in the court.

However, Cheng Rusong himself withdrew from the court early.

In recent years, I have cultivated myself at home, and have become a half-minded priest.

No wonder, this person gave her the feeling of oppression.

I turned out to be a military general.

"You are an old man! You have no cover, better than ever!"

He was stimulated by Ma Lian's words, and Cheng Rusong looked very excited.

The two seem to have a good relationship. Lin Mengya stood aside watching them noisy, but also a little awkward.

"Two seniors."

She advised softly.

The two really stopped arguing, and Qi Qi looked at her.

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