Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1364: Main sacrifice

But now they can't go back.

If the palace family didn't come, it would be okay to say that now that the palace family has arrived, they have also given way.

I squeezed again, but I lost my face.

In desperation, they had to look at the back of Gongya.

At this moment, a crowd came out of the solemn hall.

The crowd on the square suddenly quieted down.

Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the Lord, and the little episodes on their side are naturally covered.

He and his team all wore identical clothes, white robes and white clothes, but unlike the saints at the gate of the city, their clothes were more complicated and more elegant.

Two of them have slightly different clothes.

Sting them, they are not wearing white capes, their faces are all exposed.

Lin Lin Mengya was immediately attracted to one of them.

Whether it is in memory or here, she rarely sees Long Tianyu in white.

She only knew that her man was handsome and unparalleled.

Even if it is a star in the sky, he cannot take away the slightest glory.

Wearing a black suit, he always stood up against him.

But when he put on white, she only knew what it was like Wenrunruyu.

The white robe softened his sharpness, but highlighted his handsomeness.

He made up his mind and made a white suit for him in the future.

If she wears it, she must look handsome!

He stood at the gate of Yuanyue Temple and looked down at the crowd like the others.

Even though he was still cold, Lin Mengya could see that he was looking at himself.

I was so careful, I looked at myself side by side regardless of others.

Suddenly, she felt sweet and a little shy.

可 What can I do? She just wants to rush forward and hug him.

But listening to it, suddenly someone shouted in unison.

"Welcome to the Lord"

Lin Lin Mengya was startled, and when she returned to God, everyone around her was bending over to salute.

In the patriotic state, in the light of the rules, when you see the temple and the Lord, you do n’t have to bow down.

After all, the saint is only the supreme leader of the temple, and the emperor should be the leader of this country.

事实 But the fact is just the opposite.

She looked around secretly, and saw that Ma Lian, Cheng Rusong, and several other top ten families were all slightly owed, unlike others.

Finally, she also learned what they looked like and saluted the Lord.

Not long after, the person who came out with Long Tianyu said: "The Holy Lord has a life, and in order to pray for the national weather this year, the Moon Festival is specially held. For the sake of the stability of the country, the people live and work in peace. For His Royal Highness Murong Xi, and the sacrifice is the Lord of Xianghua County, I hope everyone will know. "

What's going on? Why is the sacrifice, the master of Xianghua County?

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't figure out what she thought. She subconsciously searched for Long Tianyu's figure, but found that the man's face was still dull.

My heart was gradually settled down.

I saw his reaction, apparently knew the matter.

That being the case, she shouldn't worry too much.

"Yes, obey the ordinance!"

A group of people continued to salute, and Long Tianyu returned to the temple together.

"I didn't expect that the main sacrifice and deputy sacrifice were them this time!"

旁 Next to her, there was everyone's voice.

Even if she doesn't listen to it intentionally, she can hear it clearly.

"It seems that this is the destiny's intention to match the pair of golden boys and girls. During the Moon Festival, the whole person and two people must be together, I am afraid that it will not be **, but you can have love for a long time."

Saying this, let her hear more and more angry.

But she believes in Long Tianyu and knows that he has no feelings for Yue Qi.

I know that it doesn't matter if you don't mind.

She felt frustrated for a while, so she didn't like anyone.

Anyway, someone came to the door at this moment.

"I heard that in Longdu, there should be someone else who is entangled with His Highness Xi, right?"

I talked about that bastard. His active concession had previously made him lose face.

Now, how can he give up such a good opportunity for revenge.

"An excellent man like His Royal Highness Xi, naturally there is no shortage of confidantes. But who do you say?"

Other homeowners, some do not know what happened to her in Longdu with Long Tianyu.

Therefore, just curious about it.

The **** Hu cast a gaze on her with no intention.

"Everyone knows this person, but it's not easy to say."

The man looked at her with a sneer and seemed to be admiring. She was ridiculed and looked like she was in an awkward situation.

Unfortunately, she really let him down.

When does Lin Mengya's dictionary have the word cheeky?

I still do what I do and treat the other person as air.

I didn't get Gong Ya's help, and even she didn't even raise her eyelids.

Deeply felt that he was an underestimated Bazihu, and there was a coldness in his eyes.

"Yes, Ms. Gong, what I said should be the truth, right? There seems to be something unusual between you and His Royal Highness!"

He deliberately spoke so loudly that everyone around him could hear it.

In an instant, she became the focus of everyone's eyes.

She doesn't really like this feeling, but who is Lin Mengya? I don't like it and I don't have to be afraid.

"Yes, she is my fiancee."

But I did not expect that before she drew out her knife, Long Tianyu airdropped a king to blow them up.

She looked behind him, the man who suddenly appeared.

I watched her walk to her side and smiled softly at her.

"Sorry, I'm late."

That way, Lin Mengya was completely irresistible.

Sorry, too sau!

She seemed to feel the surging adoration in her heart, Long Tianyu reached out and gently helped her fasten her cloak.

"You guys, have opinions?"

He raised his eyebrow, his eyebrows like a knife, looked around coldly.

It seemed like I was saying that, some people dare to say that his fiancee is not good, so he has to let the other party's blood splash on the spot.


No one dared to touch his mildew, and even the horror horror just scared.

The top ten families can not be afraid of Murong Xi, because they have heritage and inheritance, and they have their own power and status in the court.

Well, they can be counted as picking garlic.

I thought I had picked a soft persimmon, but who knew it was an iron plate.

They also want to cry without tears, and their regrets are all blue.

"Let's go, I'll send you down."

Today's tasks have been completed, they naturally want to leave.

The official Lunar Festival will begin in a few days, when they will be living in the temple.


She agreed with him with a smile. Since he announced it in public, it must be a perfect strategy.

She doesn't need to worry about her blindly, her man, she certainly understands.

Everyone is watching this pair of people silently.

Although they don't want to admit it, this pair is indeed right.

"You're angry?"

Long Tianyu asked in a low voice.

"I do not have."

I was just a main sacrifice and a deputy sacrifice, and she was not as angry as she was.


"Why apologize to me."

因为 "Because you are angry."

"I'm okay, I just feel a little depressed and panicked."

She is not jealous, she just feels bad.

Seeing her being so frank, Long Tianyu finally smiled.

"I didn't know about it until now. Before, I always thought that the candidate for the deputy would be my master."

"Do you still have a younger brother?" Lin Mengya tilted her head and asked in confusion.

She knows that Long Tianyu and his younger brother are here, but she has never seen it.

He was Ling Ling, his personal guard before, as if he was also a brother with him.

Can't make it happen, is that person in the middle of the night?

Alas, she asked where Long Tianyu had gone before.

But Long Tianyu only told her that there was something urgent in his division, so Ling Ye returned to the division to return to life.

It's hard to make a fool, is he?

"Well, not only there, but many more."

He nodded and continued to explain.

"Although the outside said that the teacher only accepted three students, in fact, the master accepted many students. However, he could not be exposed."

"Why is this again?"

She asked puzzledly, Long Tianyu only thought that she was so cute.

"That's because the teacher's identity is special. He doesn't want people to know that he is the holy deity of the temple. Therefore, he will change his identity and go out to accept students."

This is the first time she has heard of this.

In the past, she only knew that there was a private interview with Weifu, but she did not expect that there would be students receiving Weifu.

At this moment, she was more curious about the deity.

"I will introduce you to me in the future. I talked to the teacher about you and me. He wants to see you, but now, I'm afraid it won't work."

He comforted her patiently, but there was some regret in his tone.

"It's okay, isn't it going to meet anyway sooner or later, right? By the way, if you are with Yue Qi, you have to be careful about everything, you know?"

In the end, she was still not willing to be angry with him.

At first, he didn't arrange this, she couldn't afford to make trouble with him.

For the second time, if Yue Qi was safe and secure, if she wanted to grab her man, don't blame her for not remembering her old feelings.

The most important thing is that she is afraid that Yue Qi will become jealous and hate, and do something irrational, which is really bad for Long Tianyu.

"I know, there is no room for anyone except you."

He smiled and put her hand on his chest.

强有力 That strong heartbeat, Zeng Ye went to sleep with her every night.

Lin Lin Mengya was obsessed with his heartbeat because it was proof that he was alive.

"Long Tianyu, have I said nothing to you?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at her affectionately.


"It feels good"

She sighed and saw Long Tianyu's slightly distorted face.

He smiled and retracted his hand, staring at him instead.

"I love you."

Although he knew each other's intentions, Long Tianyu was still in place.

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