Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1365: Not too late

"What do you say, say it again!"

He was slightly agitated and pinched her arm.

Gao Lin Mengya smiled playfully, how could she say this a second time?

"Even if you don't hear it, there will be opportunities in the future."

She smiled like a little fox, Long Tianyu loved her look so much, and her heart fluttered warmly.

Hey, she is his woman, all her life.

"His Royal Highness, the Lord Cheung Wah County invites you to discuss sacrifices in the past."

When the two of them were in love, a saint in a white robe came over to ask someone.

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows, her eyes questioned.

让 "Let her wait."

Xiao Long Tianyu did not hesitate to push Yue Qi's invitation, but Lin Mengya stopped him.

也许 "Maybe, there is something very important. After all, you are the main and acolyte of the first moon festival. I know you hate her, but don't delay the business."

She is not a person who likes to make trouble with vinegar unreasonably. If it's the business, she naturally has nothing to worry about.

Xiao Long Tianyu took her and continued to walk, whispering.

"Those things don't have to worry, the main sacrifice and the deputy sacrifice can only follow a process, and other things are naturally done in the temple."

I nodded, Lin Mengya naturally thought of it.

Alas, they haven't walked long and were blocked again.

The master of Xiangxianghua County took her maid with her, and Nana walked in front of them.

Compared with Lin Mengya's calm and elegant, Yue Qi is wearing a splendid gold.

Although it is also a golden pattern with white clothes, the big golden peony is dazzling. Only under the gap can you see the white background.

Qi Yueqi saw a little dissatisfaction in her eyes after seeing the two of them.

But I soon recovered to that demure look.

"His Royal Highness."

She made a courtesy and selectively skipped Lin Mengya next to her.

"About Xianghua, Xianghua still has some questions to ask you, I wonder if you can move."

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and sneered in her heart.

I even rushed to catch a child to grab someone. Who gave her courage?

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't see it, it seemed that she was going to treat her as air.

Lin Lin Mengya has been watching the movie beside her, anyway, it's not her business.

"His Royal Highness!"

Xuan Yueqi's face was a bit grieved, but people were relentlessly blocked in front of them again.

"This matter is important, how can your Highness not pay attention to it? If something happens tomorrow's sacrifice, Your Highness is afraid to blame it!"

Well, the reason is sounding.

But Lin Mengya clearly saw only jealousy on her face.

Where is this?

Xiaolong Tianyu still looked indifferent, but gradually gathered some people around.

In order not to be the focus in the eyes of everyone, she gently pulled the sleeves of Long Tianyu and whispered, "Anyway, the business is always done, you go, I will wait for you at home to come back."

She just wanted to persuade her own man, but she didn't know where to please him.

The man smiled lowly, and there was a twinkle of stars in his eyes.

I nodded and said to my sister-in-law behind her, "Haosheng goes back with your lady and waits for me at home."

He likes to hear her say home. That's where she belongs to him. She and him are a family.

Behind him, Yue Qi bit his silver tooth.

无论 No matter what, she couldn't get a smile from him.

But now, he was so kind to her maid.

Holding her hands, she fastened them tightly in her sleeves, and she even found it difficult to maintain even the apparent calmness.

"Okay, I know. Uh, let's go."

I continued to send it like this, I was afraid he would send himself home.

I turned and walked down with my son leisurely. The two eyes behind me followed her for a long time.

She was quite cautious, and didn't say much along the way.

Only after she came down the mountain, she whispered her clothes corner and asked.

"Miss, why don't we follow?"

"Fool, a man can't look too closely. Otherwise, he will think you don't believe him."

In fact, she is also Hu Yan.

Anyway, no matter what kind of demon Yue Qi makes, the men in her family will tell her exactly.

Defend against the enemy, but also score against whom.

If everything is a soldier, then it is really worth the loss.

Nodded knowingly, Lin Mengya looked at the little girl thoughtfully and couldn't help but want to tease her.

"It seems that the little girl in my family is also thinking about it?"

Xun Er did not immediately refute, but instead flushed a face instantly.

"Miss Jingran said, me, how can I have it!"

"Also said no! Look at you, blushing is the same as monkey ass. Let's go, who is it?"

Her mouth is unobstructed, and this little girl, 向 er, has never had a half way.

I want to come to her a married woman, who has a driving license, not to mention teasing a young girl.

"Okay, okay, I won't bother you anymore. But 纭, you have to remember something from time to time."

She took 纭 er's hand, and seriously asked.

"Even if you fall in love with the first-class man in the world, you are also you. You are unique and the best in the world. Although you love him, you cannot lose yourself. Never lose yourself because of a man. What? "

Little girl is ignorant, and I don't understand her meaning yet.

Lin Mengya is not in a hurry, after all, growth is a gradual process.

"And" she suddenly approached, her eyes more serious than before. My son froze and felt that the owner must be teaching the most serious words.

"Do a good job of preventing pregnancy, try to prevent ectopic pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy. By the way, if the real situation is difficult to control, I have emergency contraceptives here. Hey? What are you going to do! You listen to me! Hey, you Don't run, wait for me! "

My sister-in-law who blushed to her neck hurried away while scolding her own lady.

How can Miss Yun be so unscrupulous? She, she's pretty good at everything!

Lin Lin Mengya chased after her, and smiled like a fox.

You, one master and one servant, chased after me, and soon came to the front of your carriage.

"Miss, please get in the car."

Tong Er stood beside the car, bowed her head, and looked like a business official.

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and squeezed her little face.

"It's still my family's goodness, okay, don't get angry, I won't mention it later, okay?"

I really do n’t know people.

Is she also actively popularizing knowledge between men and women? Really, little girl is not simple at all.

When He returned from the temple, He entered the room and did not leave the door until after dinner.

At this moment, Lin Mengya and her son were leisurely watching the stars outside the courtyard.

After so many days, Ning Er's words gradually increased.

I just do n’t know who to learn from. This word is very precious, but it is very clear.

From this point of view, her baby should be face-saving.

Otherwise, the words spoken by the big tongue will be more shameful

Her orthodox son recognized where the Big Dipper was, but the boy turned his head and would never go back again.

Alas, the little chubby hand patted her shoulder and said.

"Mother, father!"

She turned her head just to see him walk in from outside the yard to the two of them.

He bent over, Long Tianyu picked up his son.

My baby seems to like his father very much. He has two little hands around his father's neck, and a small face twitches around his neck.

Lin Lin Mengya has a taste, she was the one who gave birth in October with a pregnancy, OK?

Looking at her like this, Long Tianyu parted a hand and pulled her into her arms.

"I used to hold him like this when I was in my house."

He will spoil the child, Lin Mengya expressed doubt.

Xiao Long Tianyu seemed to be able to read minds, and continued.

"Only after he completes the task I assigned."

Alas, the rewards and punishments are clear, and he is a good father.

He continued to lie in his arms, Lin Mengya smelled him, and seemed to have a very light flavor of spices.

I want to come, it ’s why I took a bath before coming.

This smell, if it were not for her, I'm afraid it could not smell.

"Ninger, go and play with Bai Su for a while."

He put his child on the ground, this time is the age of the child.

I just put it down, just like a robot with a clockwork, da da da ran to Bai Su, grabbed his skirt, his eyes brightened.

"Don't go too high and don't run too far."

I will be a mother in the end, everything is fake, only worry is true.

And Bai Su is safe, nothing will happen.

I watched them out of the yard together, Lin Mengya sighed softly.

"What's wrong? Isn't Bai Su your most intimate girl? Rest assured, it's okay."

He continued to embrace her, but the whole embrace belonged to her.

"I'm not worried about this, but I feel sorry. In the two years that Ning Er needed me most, I seem to have missed it. I didn't see him running for the first time, and I didn't guard him all the time. He has suffered such a crime. This is what I owe Ninger and will never know. "

Sometimes she often thinks.

Why did you choose a woman as a carrier for conception?

Probably because women are weak, but they have the nature and instinct to protect children.

However, she almost let her baby encounter the most dangerous thing.

Her mother, is not good enough.

"Don't think so much, you see Ninger, can you run and jump now? Speaking of them, my father is even more incompetent. If I have the ability, I can always stay with your mother and son By my side, maybe this will not happen. "

Lin Lin Mengya knew that he was hard to say.

And, still in this situation, he knew nothing about the past.

"All right."

She patted his hand and smiled again.

"Tell me what you did today? Didn't the Cheung Wah Lord give you a hug?"

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