Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1366: For sacrifice

She deliberately pursed her lips, acting like an jealous woman.

But Long Tianyu could see that she had clear eyes without any jealousy.

This man is deliberately teasing him again.

But he likes to cooperate with her.

After a moment's groan for a moment, he shook his head and said.

"Should I have no idea, I don't know what it looks like, otherwise, can you show me?"

Demonstrate your sister!

Lin Lin Mengya gave him a look of anger, this guy is really getting worse.

"Okay, no, no, I believe you will be. But how did the Lord Cheung Wah become an acolyte, can you find out?"

She did not mind Yue Qi as the vice sacrifice, but this matter was obviously for the purpose of calculating Long Tianyu.

I can't help but be careful.

"It is not unexpected that Xianghua was able to be an acolyte. Her status is not ordinary. Even in the temple, few people dare to mess with her."

"How dare you mess with it?"

"You don't like it, why bother?"

Sunda's tone was faint, as if to say that it was not a big deal.

Lin Lin Mengya remembered that Xianghua's way was hard, but I was afraid it could not be harder than him.

家伙 This fellow's teacher, but the Lord of the Temple.

如此 "So, then I can rest assured. She called you today, but is there anything wrong?"

"Um." Long Tianyu nodded, and then said, "She did find something serious for me this time. This year's Yuanyue Festival is a little different than before. I came to you to tell you about this . "

She frowned slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"You know that the first moon festival in previous years was actually just a cutscene, but this year, the atmosphere in the temple is a little different. Everyone wants to choose the ten new families in this new moon festival."

"Why is this?"

"Because of the offering."

Chen Long Tianyu paused for a moment and looked at her seriously.

"In previous years, the number of sacrifices harvested at the January Moon Festival was countless, but in recent years, I do n’t know why, the appetite of the temple has become larger. The top ten families had exemptions, but the top ten families in order to maintain themselves They are also offering sacrifices to the best of their ability. However, the sacrifices they have provided are gradually unable to satisfy the temple. Other families who want to be superior can please the temple regardless of their desire. "

Zhe Lin Mengya remembered the content of the series of conversations between the Ma family and the Cheng family in the temple today.

Maybe, they are not just as simple as Tibetan front.

"Are those sacrifices good masters?"

Chen Long Tianyu was a bit surprised, how could she know about it.

He said, "I told Lien before I left. But what does the temple want so many people to do?"

I heard that it was the news of Lianjia. Long Tianyu was a little relieved.

After all, even the identity of the family is not strange to know these things.

"I don't know, I also asked the teacher about this. But the teacher didn't disclose a word. He just made me careful not to believe anyone in the temple."

As Long Tianyu's teacher, and also the owner of the temple, he cannot know anything.

He was able to conceal the reason for it, but it was because he had some scruples about it.

"Isn't your teacher a saint? He is the most noble person in this country. Even so, will he be in trouble?"

"In the future, you will understand. Well, I don't have much to stay. Beginning tomorrow, you must be careful."

After she gently kissed her forehead, Lin Mengya watched him leave.

"Miss, it's windy outside, you go back."

She was standing beside her, and when she saw Miss and His Royal Highness, she didn't know why, and always felt that the two were unsuitable.

But between them, they seem to block many, many things.

"Well, I know."

She retracted her gaze and patted her face to cheer herself up again.

I'm just a couple of old guys who want to make waves, it's okay, she can survive it.

"Go and tell Li Xian that starting tomorrow, the palace family must close the door of the house to prevent anyone from entering. As for Gong Zhe and An Jiarong, let him find a reliable place in the city and hide people secretly."

She always felt that it was too easy for Gong Zhe and An Jiarong to return.

I was like someone who sent them back on purpose.

This is an extraordinary time, she must not be taken lightly.

"it is good."

开始 Beginning tomorrow, their heads of household will live in the temple.

In fact, this is also for convenience, after all, it is not convenient enough to go up and down every day.

Since they live there, they are also the heads of various families. It would be awkward if there were no two to serve.

Because Bai Su and Yuner prepared for her son, this time, in addition to the two of them, the older brother bought two people from outside the house.

They are all innocent and reliable people, a slightly lively named Sakurako.

In the past, she was a daughter of a merchant. Because her family lost business and owed some gambling debts, she had to sell her daughter to pay the debts.

Fortunately, Gong Bin passed by at the time, which was considered to have saved this poor and innocent girl.

Sakurako heard this time that she was going to be a personal niece for the young lady and immediately came to register.

Lin Lin Mengya also observed her for a while, probably because she used to follow her family to go south and north. In terms of human relations, Sakurako is an excellent social master.

With a quick glance, she will know what you are thinking.

The other one calls peaches.

Peach is silent and calm.

And it is not the same as Lin Mengya's Bai 芨, Tao was once a child of a big house.

I just lost the house, and naturally sold them all.

This is also bought by his big brother, but both of them regard Gong Bin as a benefactor.

I know that the elder brother is most worried about her, so these two people volunteered to guard her.

"In the future, when you're on my side, everything else doesn't matter. The main thing is that people need to be smart, to be sensible, understand?"

She called someone and ordered it in person.

"Yes, slaves know."

These two people have deliberately inspected on the road. Although not like Bai Su and Tonger, it is worthy of her wholehearted commitment, but they are indeed two good girls.

She nodded and asked the two of them to go to the house to find Bai Su and hand in hand with her.

Holding Ninger alone, playing in the yard.

After a while, Xiao Yilai resigned from her.

"Miss, Your Highness is gone."

He was going to take Ning'er with him. Since he made up his mind to take small things with him, the couple were in the temple, so naturally Ning'er would also follow.

"Wait a second, okay?"

After arriving at the temple, no matter how close they were, she could not show concern for the child for the sake of the child.

All the people above are sloppy. If this child is only the righteous son of His Highness Xi, no one will dare to move.

Alas, he is still her son.

There are not many people who know this. Except for their family, it is estimated that there is only Yue Qi.

However, Yue Qi will never say it.

After all, she is still fantasizing about Long Tianyu

And this child, Long Tianyu is extremely loved.

If she doesn't want Long Tianyu to hate her completely, she must keep this secret.

Even so, Lin Mengya must be careful.

She must not put her child in danger.

"Ninger, do you have to know well over there?"

She kept the child's little clothes and kept telling.

"You will see your mother in the future. If your mother does not call you, you must not call your mother actively, you know?"

The little guy didn't understand what he was talking about, but he understood that he was what his mother asked him to do.

I immediately nodded a little head, so smartly she softened her heart.

还有 "Also, do n’t leave your father over there. If your father is not there, you must stick to your teacher. In addition, you can't go with anyone, know?"

Xiao Yi is a trustworthy person. Don't look at him as a scholar, but here he must be better than anyone.

Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi's reluctant mother and son, and could not help but sigh.

At first, the girl he thought was going to be stupid all his life, but now he has become the wife of someone else, and will give birth to such a lovely child.

This is still a bit sneer for him.

However, she can be happy, other things are not important.

Separation always comes too soon, perhaps because Ning Er has become accustomed to separation, and even feels that he will come back tomorrow.

Except for Lin Mengya's neck, she did not cry.

She watched Xiao Yi take the baby into the carriage, lay on the door with some wet eyes.

She Bai Su and her children also went with her, and her grand family seemed to be left alone.

"Miss, it's cold, you go back to the house."

I didn't know what happened, only the young lady's two maids were suddenly ill, so only the two of them were here to serve.

Peach and Sakurako are also a little bit stunned.

After all, the young lady has a distinguished status, what to do in case of bad service?

She looked up and saw Sakurako's worried eyes.

I waved and said, "It's okay, I'm so bored inside, I want to ventilate outside."

She was sitting alone in the yard, looking at the eaves, the boxy sky.

They will meet soon, don't worry, come slowly.

She kept comforting herself, and her mood finally calmed down.

"Let's go and pack up."

She got up, as if nothing had happened in an instant, and continued to direct them to pack what they needed.

Although it doesn't mean that you can't come down, it's always right to be prepared.

When she was alone, she packed up two carriages.

When I looked at these things, she felt the so-called sibling love at home.

哪里 Where did Nima come to participate in the January Moon Festival, the fashion show, can you change one hour?

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