Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1373: Perception Deity

I looked around for a while, and it was too noticeable if I fell into the room.

She picked up the bowl, walked to the window, and looked around no one, and poured out the black mud in the bowl.

小 "Small medicine, have the ingredients in it been detected?"

虽然 Although she did n’t eat it, there is a real thing here, and the small drug can still turn on the detection function.

"Analysis is 100% complete! The comparison sample completion results show that the tested article contains a large amount of unknown synthetic substances, which can cause irreversible effects on the human body. The simulation results are as follows."

全息 A holographic image appeared before her eyes, but this time it was not a deformity of the human body, but a variety of crazy characters.

And beside, there is a corresponding explanation.

In summary, if you eat too much of this kind of muddle, people will completely become a lunatic, indulge in fantasy, and the damage will be permanent, even the Shennong system has no way to repair it.

Zhe Lin Mengya was in deep thought. Is the temple trying to misbehave against them and want to poison them?

Alas, she still felt a little unlikely.

After all, because of Long Tianyu's relationship, it is impossible for the saint to poison her.

In my opinion, there must be some reason for this.

After praying all day, Lin Mengya was not bored.

She has the Shennong system. As long as she is willing, the collection of books in the system is like a library that she carries with her.

However, unlike her refreshing spirit, the homeowners who came out of the other prayer rooms all looked tired.

Moreover, she also noticed that everyone's eyes seemed to be covered with bloodshots, and the spirit seemed too excited.

This is not a good sign.

"Ma Shibo, Cheng Shibo."

Amongst the crowd, she only recognized Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong.

And the two have not joined the camp of other families for the time being, but it makes her feel a little better.

Two people, like everyone else, Ma Lian hammered his own waist, with some emotion.

"We are still old, Gongya, what do you think?"

Isn't it just prayer? Why does everyone seem to be doing some physical work?

She still fools cleverly, nods her smile, and saves her timidity.

"It's still good to be young. By the way, Miya, can you feel the deity?"

Ma Lian asked quietly, and Cheng Rusong looked at her on the other side.


She looked at the book for a day, but she shook her head and showed a look of regret.

"Well, don't worry. It is said that the last person who perceived the oracle was the old owner of your house. There is no one else besides this. Sure enough, such an oracle is something that can happen Indescribable. "

This news, it really made Lin Mengya's spirit refreshed.

This matter, it seems that I have not heard from the family.

Is the original deity that made the homeowners do these unusual things?

In Lin Mengya's mind, she passed tens of thousands of thoughts in an instant, but in the end, she decided to wait and see.

"Yes, Lao Cheng, didn't you say, do you have something to tell the big niece?"

Lin Ma Lian squeezed her eyes at Cheng Rusong. Lin Mengya was a little bit puzzled. Seeing their reaction, it seemed that she had something to tell her.

Cheng Rusong is also a man who can bear it, and he groaned for a moment before he spoke.

"Forget it, let me say it first."

"You! The old gangster is cunning! Don't think I don't know what your idea is! I tell you, don't tell me about this, don't even try to talk to me!"

"Say it or not, I'll take a step first."

The two people quarreled in front of her again. In this regard, Lin Mengya is no stranger.

However, Cheng Rusong only walked a few steps forward, and it seemed that it was intentional or unintentional, blocking the eyes of those homeowners.

At this moment, Lin Mengya suddenly discovered that they had actually fallen to the back.

"Gong Ya, that rotten boy in my family has told you everything, right?"

Que Ma Lian lowered his voice and asked, while Lin Mengya shivered, and then nodded smartly.

"Shit boy, watch me go back without interrupting his leg!"

She always does a good job of selling teammates.

Ma Lian cursed his son, and then dragged back to the topic.

"To be serious, girl Gong, do you know me and Lao Cheng, why wouldn't they join them?"

"This is it." She hesitated a little, and said with a smile: "Of course, the two are disdainful of being with them and bullying my old family."

"You baby girl is weird, but I and Lao Cheng are not just for this reason."

He looked at it and determined that no one was around. Then he said, "The reason why I and Lao Cheng didn't agree is because they couldn't perceive the deities. And you are the person most likely to perceive the deities!"

瞳 Her pupil narrowed, but for a moment, she calmed down again.

"Ma Shibo is really joking. I am just a junior. How can I have such an honor?"

Who knows, Ma Lian answered seriously.

"Do you know why there is only a palace house, and women are the masters?"

"This is an ancestor's decision. What can I know as a junior?"

She was haha, but Ma Lian was not ready to let it go.

"That's because only the women in your house can perceive the deities!"

Zhe Lin Mengya's heart beats wildly, what does this mean?

"The temple worships the holy **** of our patriotic nation. It is rumored that when the ancient patriotic nation migrated, it was called by the holy god. Since the temple was built, only the deities can listen to the deities of the holy god. In a certain year, a woman from her family could hear the oracle. "

Gao Linmengya was shocked by the information revealed in Ma Lian's words. She had heard of the Holy God, and because there was no idol relationship, no one knew the respect of the Holy God.

But how did the gods make such devious things?

"Since then, that woman has become the head of that family. That's why, only the palace can have a female head."

Ma Lian continued, but Lin Mengya's confusion gave him a little hesitation.

"Shibo told me this, I don't know why."

"Gong girl, you are a smart person. Our Cheng family and the Ma family just want to be safe."

There was too much helplessness in Ma Lian's tone.

Lin Lin Mengya understood and understood the meaning of Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong.

"The two Shibos took care of me, this is what Gongya remembers. But the deities are too mysterious, and Gongya can't guarantee it, please two, please forgive me."

This matter, she has no bottom.

I saw her say so, and the two people did not see much disappointment.

"We are clear, but if you really hear the oracle, can you tell us in advance?"

Li Malian's tone was to discuss, not to ask her something.

Lin Lin Mengya considered repeatedly, and shook her head.

"Ma Shibo, it's not that Gongya didn't agree. But if there is a god, then Gongya naturally wants to tell you both. But in case it doesn't, shouldn't they disappoint them?"

Her prudence did not offend Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong.

I saw Ma Lian sighed and said quietly.

"Gong girl, you know, gods only appear when disasters are around."

Lin Lin Mengya then realized why Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong were so nervous.

如果 "If that's the case, then Gongya will notify the two as soon as possible. At that time, the two can take their families to take refuge."

Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong are rare to understand people. In their eyes, what power and wealth is not as important as living.

如此 "So, then I thanked the girl for the old man Cheng."

Ma Lian overjoyed and said that he would bow to Lin Mengya and thank him.

哪里 Where did she dare to stand, she immediately gave a hand and said repeatedly.

"No way, the junior is just holding up their hands. How can he receive such a great gift from Shibo. Shibo, why don't you break Gongya!"

Li Ma Lian did not care about these false names. After insisting on thanking him, he and Cheng Rusong were sent away by Lin Mengyamu.

虽 Although they have temporarily formed an alliance, all three know that this is not the time to be exposed.

Zhe Lin Mengya felt a little relaxed and even lighter in her steps.

She Yingzi and Taozi did not notify her. Anyway, this is the fifth floor of the temple, and no one can treat her.

Who knows, just after turning around, he was blocked by several people.

"Excuse me, is it Miss Gongya Gong?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows and looked at the people in front of her.

Their clothes are a little different. They don't look like a certain family, but they don't look like the owner.

In my opinion, it is the subordinates of several families that have joined together.

我 "I am, are you okay?"

"Our owner, I would like to invite you to talk to me in the past. Miss, please be able to appreciate it."

He is headed by a smiling tiger.

Gao Linmengya knew that such a person was not easy to deal with. She wanted to leave, but heard the smiling tiger continue to say.

"His Royal Highness is also here, I wonder if Ms. Gong can appreciate her face."

Nine Dragons Tianyu also? Subconsciously, she felt they were lying.

Alas, the man seemed to have expected it, and said with a smile.

"This is the temple, Miss Gong need not have any concerns."

What is the meaning of the word, will not be against her?

But Lin Mengya still felt that the other party was not kind.

I can't help but think about it, there is no worry about her life, if Long Tianyu is really there, it will not cause her any harm.

要 If she is gone, it will make others feel that she is afraid.

"Well, I'll go with you."

When the man agreed, she immediately smiled and frowned.

I respectfully gave way and said, "Miss Gong, please."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at these people and followed them to a yard.

This place is bigger and more stylish than the place where the palace family lives.

When Lin Mengya entered the door, she smelled a dry medicine scent, and there was some speculation in her heart.

After she entered the door, she only saw seven or eight people in the hall.

有 Several of them are familiar to her.

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