"Master, Miss Gong is here."

The smiling tiger went back to talk, and suddenly everyone's eyes focused on her.

For this scene, Lin Mengya is no stranger at all.

Elegantly entered the hall with everyone's eyes, with a smile on her face, and looked at the man on the theme.

"It turned out that Miss Gong arrived. It's really a long-distance welcome. Please sit down, come and have tea."

I sent someone to stop her, but now it seems that she took the initiative.

Lin Mengya is naturally not used to this kind of behavior.

Raised the corners of her lips, smiling lightly.

"Don't dare to pick me up in labor, but Gongya doesn't know why you should let so many people pick me up. Guifu is really warm."

Don't look that she has been well behaved recently, but the rebellion in her bones does not mean that convergence can converge.

After a few words, the person who was stabbed at the scene was a little bit awkward.

Especially Long Tianyu sitting next to his master, his eyes were even darker.

I was surprised that she would appear here.

I didn't expect this group of people would dare to rob him!

"The owner of Baili, Miss Gong said, but is it true?"

As the owner of the Baili family, I have seen everything in Bailiting.

His Royal Highness Xi beside him gave him a sense of crisis that was unprecedented.

Mr. Sven had a smile on his face. He only thought that Gongya was too sensible, but he was not disturbed.

"Your Highness, please forgive me. This is because the servants of my family will not do anything. Please forgive me."

But this is not right.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at his man and said with a smile: "The owner of Baili is really strange. The person invited is me. How can I apologize to His Highness?"

Some of the people present were unable to sit still, only to feel that the girl was unconscious.

Everyone can hear that Her Royal Highness is talking for her.

Sure enough, Murong Xi frowned and opened her mouth.

嗯 "Well, Miss Gong is right."

Suddenly, everyone was speechless.

Looking at Bailiting's complexion, Lin Mengya didn't want to embarrass him for how long.

"Forget it, the owner of Baili is an elder. I am a junior. How dare I?"

A light smile was on her face, as if it was a trivial matter.

But some people in the scene were a little gloomy.

It seems that the relationship between His Highness Xi and Gong Ya is really unusual.

But they are all clear, only this thing can not be said.

The performance of Qi Fangcai Gongya and Mu Rongxi made them cautious.

"Thank you Miss Hai Gong."

百里 亭 is also a personal thing. After the initial shock, it is now stable.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled on her face, but she had deep fears in her heart.

I saw that she was seated, and then Bailiting said slowly.

"Actually, please come here this time to discuss the matter of oracles."

As soon as the words "神谕" were spoken out, Lin Mengya felt everyone's eyes and seemed to fall on her.

With the words of Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong, she is now at ease.

I was just in my heart, naturally not so calm.

"I don't know what the homeowner of Baili intended. Every appearance of this oracle will cause a disaster in the Patriotic Kingdom. Now, it is necessary to prepare for it."

I talked, a little strange face.

The face of the man's boxy face was thick and big-eyed, and his temperament was pretty good.

The snoring sound is a striking presence.

坐在 He sat in the first position, obviously walking close to the Baili family.

Gao Linmengya has studied these families before, and she has a little in mind.

The name is He Cien, who is the head of the He family.

Although the He family is also listed among the top ten families, it only occupied the last seat in the first few years.

Later, after climbing to Baili's house, this gradually grew.

He Cien is not so cunning, but he is notoriously stubborn.

He also regards the Baili family as a benefactor, and these years are the only thing that the Baili family has taken the lead by.

It is no wonder that Barry Ting will pay attention to him. Who is willing to kick away such a loyal dog?

慈 He Cien talked with her eyes at her.

Lin Lin Mengya should not see it, and she looked at Bailiting with her doubtful eyes together.

The latter sighed and said heavily.

"Every time a deity appears, the kingdom of defense will be battered with charity. I came from a medical school and I ca n’t bear to see sadness everywhere. Therefore, I think this is imperative!"

刚 As soon as his words fell, he immediately aroused a lot of approval.

Zhelin Mengya gradually realized that something was wrong. It was unavoidable, how could the disaster be prevented that day?

看 She looked at Dalong Tianyu's repressed anger, as if she understood something.

"I don't know the owner of Barry, what can you do?"

He Bailiting looked at the speaker and groaned for a moment.

既然 "Since the calamity only occurs because of the shrine, if there were no shrine, the calamity would be avoided naturally."

It turned out that the killing heart was in her!

Lin Lin Mengya looked around unconsciously, and found that both the window and the door were closed, and there were standing figures outside.

He sneered, no wonder he wanted so many people to invite her. It turned out that she wanted her life!

I figured it all out, Lin Mengya was watching their posturing, but felt that it was false.

What a pity, if you want her to finish, you have to see if they have that ability.

"Yes, the owner of Baili is right. As long as the **** is gone, then no disaster will happen."

Someone echoed quickly, and the speed was so fast that Lin Mengya had to wonder if they had rehearsed beforehand.

Everyone praised it and thought it was a good idea.

只是 "Just, how do you make the oracle disappear?"

Finally, someone asked the most critical question.

He touched the beard on his chin and said sadly.

"It is said that the shrine is only perceived by some special person. If that person disappears, the shrine will no one know."

He said lightly, but Lin Mengya was angry.

消失 "Disappeared? Is there any place in the world where the Holy Spirit cannot find?"

He Bailiting looked at her, but the smile was cold.

"As long as the person dies, return to the Holy Spirit."


Everyone's eyes convey the same message.

Like they were hungry wolves, they looked at Lin Mengya.

The killing intentions gradually stained their eyes. If it was not the temple, they were afraid that they would have jumped in to do it themselves.

"Ms. Gong, for the people of the world, you might as well go ahead."

He Hecien stood up and said with a long heart.

Lin Lin Mengya was so angry that she scolded her mother and left first, so why didn't he not take this step?

"Yes, Miss Gong went here, but for the people of Limin who defended the country. I will wait for you to write a book and let you be admired forever."

Their tone was indifferent, as if her life and death were a trivial matter.

如果 "If, what should I say?"

She laughed angrily and said coldly.

"Miss Gong, how can you be so selfish? This matter is a matter of Jiangshan Society. Why do you care about personal life and death?"

Hearing, what a sounding words.

I pushed her to death, but also made her willing.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, but only felt that these people were ridiculous.

"If it were that simple, it would be better, you would die for me. Anyway, everyone would hear the shrine, wouldn't it? Everyone would come to a group suicide. Can this kind of thing be stopped in the future? "

I did not expect, but the man said shamelessly.

"Since ancient times, only your palace family has such glory. Therefore, this sacrifice must also come from your palace family. Everyone, it is not early, what do you think of the proposal of the owner of Baili?"

The man solicited opinions from everyone, but ignored her and Long Tianyu.

"His Royal Highness, what do you think?"

He Bailiting smiled and left the question to him.

Chen Long Tianyu looked up, with a little coldness in his eyes.

"I don't think it's right."

"What's wrong? Your Highness, Your Highness, respected by the Emperor and the Holy Lord. You should have more people in your heart. God, the millions of descendants of the kingdom will be displaced, dead Do n’t you feel sad when you travel across the wild? ”

That man was impassioned.

Every word of Dandan is holding moral yoke to suppress Long Tianyu.

若 If he disagrees, he will ignore the world.

Here is the temple, they can't kill Lin Mengya in a fair and honest way.

Similarly, Long Tianyu can't take them anyway.

It was only then that Lin Mengya realized that it wasn't just her who made up her mind.

Nine Dragons Tian Yu's eyes were not good, but unfortunately the other person was powerful and occupied the moral high ground.

But they all miscalculated one thing.

He is Long Tianyu, Lin Mengya's husband, and her most unwavering supporter and protector.

"What is Manmin and me, and what does Jiangshan have to do with me? Or do you think that if you sacrifice Gongya one, you can get the peace of the whole country? Today, I will protect her, what can you do?"

He brows lightly and cares nothing.

Zhe Lin Mengya's heart, that last worry also disappeared.

She had long expected that Long Tianyu would talk to her desperately.

But she was afraid that Long Tianyu would be embarrassed by these things.

What she didn't expect was that between Jiang Shan and her, he always had only one choice.

He was surrounded by warmth in his heart, and he did so to her, and she returned to him.

"His Royal Highness, for this woman, have you actually abandoned your responsibility on your shoulders?"

Inside the family owner, the man continued to jump out and accuse him.

But Lin Mengya saw that man's successful smile. Want to come, do you think you can do both?

What a pity, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

"You guys just want to let my entire family die, so why bother doing these things?"

Now she tears up her camouflage, but those family members still need the last piece of shame.

"Miss Gong, you have been sacrificed for the people of Li Min, and you are really a model for the kindness and righteousness. However, if you bear stubborn resistance"

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