Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1379: The situation is complicated

This statement is sounding, but unfortunately, it lacks credibility.

Gao Linmengya sneered and said, "Myself? When you say this, don't you feel bad?"

"The Baili family can make such a thing, they must have carried out a careful deployment. Your family and Cheng family must have received their invitations, right? The situation today makes me think that you will not be united. Get up, make a buckle and let me jump. "

Li Ma Beichen's face was gloomy, but in the eyes of Lin Mengya, there was no anger, just a little bit more sorrow.

"I know you must be so skeptical, but Gongya, our family is also in trouble. Do you think I don't want to rescue you as soon as possible? Do you know how these people who came with me called together? Are you up? This is the temple. If it was somewhere else, even if it was Longdu, I would have taken my brothers to grab someone, okay? How can you do this to us !? "

When Ma Beichen said this, his tone was really wronged.

Gao Linmeng suddenly felt frightened. Do you need to dress like this?

"Gong Ya, my horse family really wants to cooperate with you. Even if you are not willing, you can't stigmatize us like this!"

I won, in the end, she became her.

However, Lin Mengya observed carefully that she did not lie.

How can she believe in the people of the family?

After thinking about it, he said, "Even if I have wronged you, I will accompany you. But since it is cooperation, you have to show sincerity? You know, almost, I was killed on the spot If it wasn't for the good fortune, someone would have seen this scene, but I'm afraid that when you go, you can only collect my body! "

"What? No! I got the news and went to find someone to save you right away!"

He answered subconsciously, and Lin Mengya kept staring at him.

Her life was saved by Long Tianyu, and Bailiting and the owner had fled. If the Ma family really did it to cut the grass, the reaction just now should not be the case.

Even if you pretend, there are some things that you can't pretend to pretend.

Is she really wronged them?

"Yes! Who you received the news from, it's almost killing someone!"

She followed his words, and Ma Beichen clenched his lips, his expression kept changing.

"No! He shouldn't lie to me! Gong Ya, you wait, I'll ask him now!"

Bian Ma Beichen's face left with a bit of anger.

Lin Lin Mengya said softly after seeing his back.

"Follow him and see who he is looking for."

I was quiet around, even Sakurako and Peach, who didn't know who she said this sentence to.

However, Lin Mengya heard, there were footsteps leaving slightly.

Since her face is torn, she doesn't care if the relationship will be exposed.

After another night, Lin Mengya woke up in the morning, still energetic.

就是 She is like this. The more things get worse, the more excited she becomes.

"Miss, there is a letter for you at the door."

Tao Zi lowered her voice and took the envelope from her arms.

He deserves to be the one chosen by his elder brother.

Lin Lin Mengya let them comb their hair and then opened the envelope.

After a quick glance, threw it into the charcoal basin.

行 "Okay, don't be too cumbersome today, simple and convenient is the best."

The two girls responded, giving her a round comb, and wearing a round white jade crown. The clothes on her body were changed to more suitable for activities. A pair of white boots on the feet. A different kind of heroic attitude is refreshing.

"Miss, after you go in today, the two of us will stay outside."

After two glances at each other, Sakurako made up her mind that neither her life nor her life would leave her.

"Okay, but you have to be careful about everything. Remember, don't conflict with anyone. If someone embarrasses you, just go inside, you know?"

The two girls nodded, and there was no fear in their eyes.

Twenty-three people walked outside the hall, and as a rule, someone introduced them, but she came earlier today, and she saw a few familiar faces.

"Gong Ya has seen two Shibo."

She arched her hand and saluted her.

After Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong saw her, their faces eased slightly.

"Gong girl, I heard that you were unwell yesterday, how is it better?"

Bian Ma Lian raised the volume slightly, and then whispered in his back.

"Are you injured?"

Sui's voice was full of concerns, and Lin Mengya raised her voice a little bit and replied, "It's much better now, and it's not a big deal. Shibo need not worry."

Looking at her ruddy complexion, Ma Lian also didn't think she was lying.

Lin and Cheng Rusong seemed to be relieved, but Lin Mengya felt a little embarrassed.


刚 She just wanted to speak but was stopped by Ma Lian.

"This is not the place to talk, let's go in later and talk about it."

Gao Linmengya nodded, but did not want to be at this time, the Barrett who escaped from the dead, but took the owner of the home, long overdue.

It is different from yesterday's grand scene. None of the homeowners who once worked with them dare to approach.

In my opinion, Yu Wei was still there yesterday.

"The owner of Baili, it's only been a night, why have you saved so much?"

Ma Lian sneered, and came forward and shouted.

He saw him, only glanced at him, and left with the owner.

However, Lin Mengya frowned slightly.

A moment ago, Xiaoyao warned that the traces of those synthetic substances appeared on the owner of the family.

But she noticed that the man was in a good condition, only because he was temporarily in a disadvantage, so he looked down.

But the extent of this substance on him was strange.

Why is there such a substance in the body of Bailiting?

Everyone saw the two of Bailiting leaving, and they were far away from her evil star, and went to their respective prayer rooms.

This time, they were left behind intentionally.

I was just talking about three people, but it was a lot easier.

"Gong girl, I really can't hold you back. This is a bad thing for the kid in my family. You can rest assured that I will peel and cramp him when I get home!"

Ma Lian's words are not cheating. Lin Mengya knows that Ma Beichen is unavoidable to clean up after a meal.

I ca n’t think about it, but the person did not harm her.

"The predecessor talked a lot. In fact, even in that case, even if I am Brother Beichen, I can't do it in time. He can only blame the person who deceived Brother Beichen."

She doesn't pursue it, at least if Ma Beichen is beaten, it won't be so serious.

However, Ma Lian felt that an old face could not be hung up.

"Okay, Miss Gong will not pursue it. If you continue to talk like this, it's not arrogance. I know you have some doubts in Ms. Gong, but this is not the best time to explain it. Wait until the January Festival After that, we want to drop in and visit the palace house. What do you think? "

Zhe Lin Mengya's eyes lighted up and she agreed immediately.

The two people also felt that she was really broad-minded, so she felt a little bit more guilty, and her impression of her was better.

The three separated and returned to the prayer room.

照 As usual, a black bowl was put on the table, but this time she drank it.

Because there is nothing special about it.

Obviously, yesterday's blackness was also the means by which Long Tianyu invited Jun to enter.

Alas, she closed her eyes today and was going to look at the book of the monsters that she saw yesterday. Then she heard outside and heard the sound of footsteps from everyone.

I immediately opened my eyes, Lin Mengya clinging to the wall, holding a dark crossbow gently in her hand.

She didn't agree, she just stood up, saw a figure, and quietly got in through the window.

The man's dark gold shirt was tall and handsome, but he was extremely thin.

There is no expression on his face, just like a puppet.

Qi Lin Mengya's breathing was slightly delayed, and her hand gave up the organ of the dark crossbow.

She inspected her sight for a week, and immediately collided with her.

Seeing his completely strange eyes, Lin Mengya couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

The two were facing each other silently, but the man pulled out the short sword in his sleeve, but did not shoot at her.

"who are you?"

His voice is hoarse and unpleasant, never again, the clear and gentle feminine tone.

Lin Lin Mengya stood in place, but her eyes were slightly red.

The man in front of her eyes is her brother-in-law's relative.

Among the thousands of troops, she can still protect her well. Everything takes her first. For her waywardness, he has always just smiled and pampered.

我 "I, I'm Lin Mengya, do you remember me?"

There was a hint of confusion in the tea-colored eyes, but there was deep imperceptible pain in them.

He shook his head and took a deep breath.

"I'm here to kill you."

I heard this sentence, but she was not so sad as imagined.

I remember the first time they met, the other party also wanted to kill her.

But at that time, he was sober, unlike now, he was controlled and his memory was lost.

"You can't kill me, maybe the person you came to think you could kill me. But she had the wrong idea."

才 She can't do that kind of stupid thing. If Qinghu really starts to do something to her, he will be very painful when he wakes up.

So, for her own sake or for the fox, she won't let the conspiracy succeed!

"How do you know that I can't kill you? I've killed many people, better than you, many."

Even if the weapon is in his hand, he is still hesitant.

The woman in front of me didn't meet a few people, but it made him have a very special feeling.

He wasn't sure what exactly it was.

"It's true that you have high martial arts. But you also wanted to kill me before. Who knows, but it has never been successful."

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