Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1380: Please let him go

When I mentioned the past, Lin Mengya's eyes seemed to be shining with stars, making people unable to move their eyes.

He didn't know what was going on. He had a blank head in his head, but still wanted to listen to her.

"You know me before?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded with a smile, and said softly, "Well, your name is Qinghu. It is the master of Taohuawu Dock, a master on the river and lake."

"Clear Fox" he murmured softly, squinting his eyes, seemingly thinking about the past.

I could not wink, but an annoyed expression appeared on my face.

"I don't remember anything, not even my name."

The loneliness in his tone made Lin Mengya feel sore and almost burst into tears.

"It's okay to forget for the time being, just remember it later. You, Lin Qinghu, me, Lin Mengya, the two of us are brothers and sisters who have a good relationship."

Qing Qinghu is closer to her than Lin Nansheng, who is related by blood.

Looking at her shyly, Qinghu was a little excited.

"Brother, brother and sister?"

嗯 "Yes, that's right! Have you forgotten the past? Is it okay, I will help you remember it a little bit. But until then, you have to keep it secret from anyone, you know?"

She seemed to be coaxing a child, but Qinghu's eyes nodded after a short struggle.

This makes Lin Mengya a little strange. The reason why Qinghu is called Qinghu is also because he is cunning like a fox.

Should such a person have their own eyesight even if they have amnesia?

Now, as naive and cute as a child?

"Clear Fox, are you doing well now?"

She approached cautiously, for fear that this guy was thinking in a lie.

But I didn't expect that she was already close, but Qinghu still stood there, her eyes straight at her, without any change.

"I do not know either."

He looked at his hands and looked a little confused.

"What do you do every day?"

"Kill, protect the young lady, eat, sleep."

This is really a simple and fulfilling day.

"What else?"


He shook his head and looked very sincere.

For a moment, Lin Mengya was not calm.

She thought that at least Yue Qi would instill in him some thoughts of resentment.

For a long time, I made Qinghu a tool.

"Then Lord Cheung Wah, don't I talk to you?"

Qinghu continued to shake his head.

"The county owner is valuable and won't talk to me. Moreover, I don't want to talk to her."

Immediately, Lin Meng Yale.

Feelings hate this kind of emotion, and it will not disappear with memory.

She was really an unexpected surprise. If she knew that Qinghu was in this state, she would be much easier to handle!

"Are you here today to kill me?"

Wu Qinghu kept holding the short sword in his hand and never let go. Lin Mengya knew that this was because he was still alert.

"But you can't kill me. Although I can't martial arts, but I have great things. You can't start, so you go."

Her smile was so bright that Qinghu couldn't help looking at it twice.

With a short sword in his hand, Wu Ke glanced coldly.

"No, I have to complete the task!"

He flew at Lin Mengya suddenly, but unexpectedly, he emptied.

He waited until he looked up, the man was already guarded by another person.

"Who, dare to come here to wantonly!"

Ling Lingye was still dressed last night, but his voice was a lot colder.

He waited until he saw clearly the appearance of Qinghu, but his expression changed slightly, but after a while, he returned to normal.

"Come, take him down! You must catch it, I want to know who is behind the scenes!"

Lin Lin Mengya was guarded layer by layer. After hearing Ling Ye's words, she felt relieved.

Apparently Ling Ye had recognized him, and he was afraid that his life would be hurt if he gave this order.

But Lin Mengya couldn't let Qinghu be caught now.

This is even more dangerous for him.

She was anxious, looked out of panic, and shouted, "No, there is still a party from his party!"

Every moment, everyone's attention was attracted to her for a moment, while Qinghu jumped out of the window and escaped.

"Catch up! Don't let anyone run away!"

Ling Ye stunned God, and immediately commanded.

Everyone chased out. Only two of them were left in the room.

"Prince, you"

Ling Ling Ye was helpless. When she was in the palace, she and Qinghu cooperated with each other.

I didn't expect that now that Qinghu has lost her memory, she can still cooperate with the princess, but still so tacit.

"I'm really sorry! Don't chase after you, hurt your people carefully. I will go back tonight and bring some medicine to you. Today, I'm in trouble."

She folded her hands and said sorry.

Ye Ling Ye was probably used to it, and rushed out without saying anything.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the door and sighed softly.

She knew before that that Long Tianyu had arranged a lot of guards around her. I did not expect that the person who came was actually Qinghu.

I don't know if he escaped smoothly.

Qi Yue chess, it's her again!

Gao Linmengya knows that only she is in the temple, and she most desperately wants to kill her.

Sometimes she is quite speechless. People like Yue Qi really don't know how the brain works.

One day of prayer made Lin Mengya a bit boring.

In fact, in front of her, there is a scripture book, but she has never opened it.

In this case, she also entered the system at will.

I had to flip through the previous scriptures to pass the time.

However, soon, the content of the scriptures attracted her attention.

this is

On the cover of gilding, there are three words of Holy Spirit.

I opened the first page and naturally wrote how to praise the Holy Spirit.

However, the later the story, the more familiar she became.

Isn't this the fairy version of the Legend of Manchurian King of Lieyun Kingdom?

Moreover, there are also antecedents and consequences.

According to legend, by the essence of heaven and earth, the aura of day and night, the Holy Spirit was born on the mountain.

Because the Holy Spirit is so intelligent, he created the afterlife.

However, the wife of the Holy Spirit is another fairy in fairyland.

They originally knew each other and loved each other, but the holy gods went away first.

Since then, they have been in heaven and one in the ground.

The holy **** became the emperor of the gods in the sky, and the queen of the gods became the administrator of the earth.

They promised that when the Queen of God fully controls all beings, so that they have the qualifications of being God's people, the Holy Spirit will open the door of the divine realm, greet all beings, and reunite with God again!

After reading Lin Mengya, she felt that she could not be calm for a long time.

She always felt like she knew something.

I thought about it for a while, and felt that she was more attentive.

I do n’t tell this story, everyone may know.

And, this myth is just myth, isn't it?

Outside, it became quiet again.

Zhe Lin Mengya regained her attention from the scriptures, and Qinghu didn't know what happened.

She is anxious and hopes that time will pass.

Finally, a maid notified her that it was time, and Lin Mengya rushed out the door, ready to inquire about the news.

I didn't expect that she had just gone out and saw Long Tianyu and Yue Qi stepping out of the temple.

She frowned slightly, knowing that they were the main sacrifice and sub-sacrifice, so she didn't care much.

After Na Yue Qi saw her, the exhaustion on her face seemed to dissipate a lot.

He turned a little proud and leaned towards Long Tianyu.

But Long Tianyu frowned, hiding further.

加快 He accelerated a few steps and came to her.


He bowed his head and asked in a low voice.

Zhe Lin Mengya stopped talking and Long Tianyu immediately understood her embarrassment and was ready to take someone away.

Qi Ke Yue chess, but stopped them.

"Her Highness, have you forgotten, shall we go to the Lord?"

Nine Dragons Tian Yuli didn't care, and he was leaving.

I didn't want that Yue Qi to die, and a little louder yelled, "His Highness will not delay the important event! If you let the Holy Spirit wait for a long time, I'm afraid it will miss the good times."

Gao Linmengya looked at Long Tianyu in doubt, the disgust flashed in her eyes, but she lowered her head and gave her a gentle look.

"I'll go back to you again, don't panic, it's okay."

He then strode out of the temple, and Yue Qi shouted angrily.

"His Highness is waiting for me!"

After I said, I had to catch up.

Lin Lin Mengya grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing? I warn you, this is a temple, you can't help it!"

Qi Yueqi was a little alarmed. After all, she was a person who had seen Lin Mengya's means.

Gao Linmengya gave her a cold look and said, "You better not let Qinghu get into trouble in the future. You remember, if he loses a hair, I will rip you off.

Qi Lin Mengya's tone was so cold, even if she was wearing the thickest and warmest fur, Yue Qi still shivered.

However, Yue Qi still said stubbornly: "Do you think this is your Prince's Mansion? Tell you, when I go back, I will give him thousands of swords, I see what you can do!"

I didn't want to, Lin Mengya sneered, and the murderous eyes of the beautiful eyes were directly pressed down. She was like a demon in the world and could kill everyone in the world.

"Believe it or not, you dare to hurt him, and I will let you taste all the hardships of this time, so that you cannot survive, you cannot die."

Qi Yueqi couldn't help trembling her teeth, but she was still stiff, but the fear in her eyes was not fake.

"You know I'm good at poisoning, right? Do you remember that year when I dropped a person whose intestines had fallen out, saved it?"

Lin Lin Mengya pushed forward, and Yue Qi stepped back.

In the end, she retreated and was pushed into a corner by Lin Mengya.

Gao Linmengya's lips smiled and she was full of charm, but that smile was comparable to poison.

She lowered her head and leaned against Yue Qi's ear.

"I can dig your eyes, peel your skin, and soak you in the medicine tank. Rest assured, you can't die. But you will be in great pain, and then I will peel off the skin of your limbs and take you I took out a little bit of the internal organs, went directly over the boiling water, chopped it, and fed it to you. "

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