Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1381: Make people run away

"You, are you threatening me? Tell you that my identity is more valuable than you now, you, you dare to treat me like this, you are not afraid, will the palace family be convicted for you?"

Qi Yue's chess was fierce, and she couldn't stop moving backwards, widened her eyes, and showed the terror hidden in her heart.

Lin Mengya didn't press hard, just stood there, said softly: "Then you can try it, once I reach the extreme, or someone touches my bottom line, what do I do, You have to do it. Do n’t forget, what did I do when Sister Yue Ting died. Do you think I would care about these things? "

Qi Yue's body trembled and slammed into Lin Mengya, like a rabbit terrified, Cangjie escaped from the temple.

"Miya, wasn't it difficult for you, the Lord of Xianghua County just now?"

Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong also saw Yue Qi, but they only saw the scene where Yue Qi hit her, and they knew the peach-colored dispute between them. As elders, they were not good at managing things.

I just have a unique identity for Yue Qi. They are afraid that Gong Ya can't handle it.


She also has that courage. She had been silent before, but she was too lazy to care about Yue Qi.

Now, I'm afraid she's frightened.

"The Lord of Xianghua County, is not a simple figure. In the future, you should try to stay away from her."

Cheng Rusong, who wanted to be calm, said so, and Lin Mengya complied.

Moreover, she also knew that Yue Qi had a lot of doubts on her body.

The importance of Qing Qi to her Yue Qi is also clear. In order to plan for the long term, Yue Qi should not start against Qing Fox.

This matter, however, disturbed her heart slightly.

"Tomorrow is the third day. If the shrine shows it, it usually starts on the third day. Miya, you have to be prepared."

Ma Lian whispered, and Lin Mengya had to suppress her anxiety and cheer up.

Alas, until now, she had no signs of perception.

"Do the two Shibers know, how did the oracles come down? Are there any precursors, or how?"

I didn't expect that the two looked at each other helplessly and shook their heads.

Ma Lian rubbed his hands a little, and said, "It's not that we don't help you. It's a matter of mystery, and it's a mystery. Besides the master of the temple, the last time you lowered the god, you still have to be the owner of your house. At the time of the first moon festival. However, I do feel that the shrine should not be lowered this time. "

"Oh? Why is this?"

Ma Lian glanced at Cheng Rusong, who looked aloof and looked away. Ma Lian gritted his teeth secretly.

"Ahem, because you haven't performed the ritual of the successor now"

She nodded. This was mentioned by Long Tianyu to her, as if it was to be acknowledged by the saint in the middle of the first moon festival.

"I heard that the heads of your family can only get married after the ceremony."

He turned his gaze, paused, and continued: "I heard that every time the shrine comes down, the head of the palace family is born after the next heir is born."

Haunted for a long time, it turned out to be this.

She didn't feel anything, but Ma Lian was a little embarrassed, and left quickly after saying goodbye.

Cheng Rusong nodded at her, and his feet stunned like wind.

After Lin Mengya stunned for a moment, she could not help but pout and smiled.

These two people have been in trouble for a long time because of their embarrassment!

She also went to the exit, but did not find behind her, a line of sight, followed her closely, and she was so drunk that she completely disappeared into sight.

Lin Yingzi and Taozi kept guarding Lin Mengya, but they did not hinder her.

So when Ma Beichen visited again, they just stood at the door, Lin Mengya didn't speak, they would never come in.

怎么 "What? Your dad went home without hitting you half-dead?"

She laughed and teased, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

He Ma Beichen then let go of a hanging heart, and Jun face squeezed out a bit of chic smile.

"I have heard that I can keep my two legs, thanks to our Miss Gong. So, am I here to thank you!"

Lin Lin Mengya skimmed, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "Oh, it's your father who came to let you send your legs. Peach, take a machete, I will take care of myself and accept the goodwill of the horse owner."

Here, Ma Beichen immediately turned from a smile to a cry, and almost did not kneel to the ancestor.

"I was wrong, I was wrong! My dad said, let me thank you very much, and by the way give you reparations! If you have a large number of adults, please spare the small ones."

It's pretty quick to admit this guy.

"Well, it doesn't help me to take your leg anyway. The one who gave you the news, did you catch it?"

When I mentioned this, Ma Beichen hated his teeth.

"He probably smelled the wind and fled ahead of time. But rest assured, unless you can hide in the temple all your life, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I can catch him back!"

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and sneered in the corner of her mouth.

On that day, Long Tianyu's men tracked down and found that Ma Beichen took someone and went straight to An's house to find An Ruchu.

What a pity, but no one was found.

To be honest, Lin Mengya felt a bit surprised.

With the An Ruchu she knew, even though it was more realistic and more powerful, she did not want to do this kind of thing.

I want to come now.

"How did you get on with him?"

"Huh! The shameless villain came to me in the first place. He said that he didn't want to see Anjia continue to make mistakes, so he wanted to do something good for Anjia and clean up the mess. I hope we can at least show mercy to Anjia's men, and I will I don't think he is at least as shameless as other Anjias, so I believe him. I didn't expect him to lie to me! "

She took a sip of tea and said nothing.

It is absolutely impossible to make things as simple as Ma Beichen said. Even if he can be deceived, the Ma family's master obviously knows it.

Zhao An Ruchu could hide the sky and cross the sea, indicating that he was also the true clue provided at least before.

Even if it was this matter, he didn't lie, it was only time, and he was wrong a little bit later.

"Is he telling you personally, or is it a message from a trustee?"

Ma Beichen for a moment, then thought about it.

"He said that he was afraid to cause doubts of others, and every time he sent a little 身边 next to him to pass the message. The same has been the case a few times before, do you suspect that it was the little 厮 that moved his hands and feet?"

She shook her head. No one caught it. It's too early to draw any conclusions.

"Is he telling you, what exactly are you planning for Anjia and Baili?"

Ma Machen Chen shook his head.

But this is also true. This kind of thing is confidential. Even the homeowners they captured that night said that they were not clear, let alone others.

"Gong Ya, I heard, are you a pair with His Royal Highness Xi?"

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Ma Beichen, who showed a bright smile and resumed the former free and easy.

"I will never marry a wife after listening to His Highness Xi. Why not consider me?"

Before saying this, Lin Mengya saw the door with sharp eyes and came over to a figure.

The stomping silently, apparently intentionally.

She narrowed her eyes and pretended to be three-pointed.

"What are you talking about? I and you are just ordinary friends."

"It ’s normal now, but it ’s not ordinary in the future! I know the rules of your family, let me make it redundant! His Royal Highness will not do it. People are too honorable to be as good as me."

She glanced behind Ma Beichen secretly, the man's eyes were about to get angry.

"But you have so many confidantes, I'm afraid"

"I was acting on the scene. Since I met you, I only know what is unforgettable. You can rest assured that as long as you give me this opportunity, I will definitely change my mind and be a new person!"

Gao Linmengya lowered her face and fiddled with her clothes corner, revealing the coquettishness of the rare little daughter's house.

Bian Ma Beichen thought he had a play, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"If you agree, I'll go back and tell my dad, let him go down to the mountain and go to your house immediately to propose a marriage!"

"You don't have to go down this mountain."

Volley smashed a cold voice, showing the depression before the fury.

Bian Ma Beichen was shocked and immediately bounced from his seat, watching in shock his Highness who suddenly appeared behind him.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!"

What a mess! Digging the wall to let the parties find out!

Dan Ma Beichen instantly calmed down.

"What does that mean, Your Highness? There are rules in the temple, and we dare not violate them."

Chen Longtianyu looked at the man in front of him expressionlessly, deep in black eyes, brewing a storm.

"When you die, you can settle in the temple."

This is an honor within the family, but only if it is particularly outstanding.

"I still don't have to. Our Ma's family rules are strict and we don't let die outside. But Your Highness, my lady, gentleman is good. My Ma Beichen is not the kind of shameless man, let me tell you today. I also like Gongya. Unless you marry her, I will pursue her even if she is dead! "

After speaking, people left quickly.

If it wasn't for the firmness of his face before, Lin Mengya would surely feel that he was frightened to escape.

But that speed is too fast, right?

"Far away, what else to see!"

Apparently with an unpleasant tone, but made Lin Mengya smile and bend her eyes.

好 "Well, what vinegar do you eat, you know who I have in my heart."

She came back to her, smiling, and pushed her newly added warm tea to him.

The latter picked it up and drank it.

It's a pity that the cold breath covered her body, scaring Sakurako and Peach.

"Don't do this, beloved, I just teased him on purpose, didn't you see it?"

She took the initiative to pull Long Tianyu's hand, put her little hand in his palm, and held him tightly.

After the latter felt her fragrance, her mood gradually calmed down.

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