"He will not come in the future!"

Then, with a little childish waywardness.

Gao Linmengya didn't talk, and it's rare to see him look so jealous, never before, careful eyes can be so cute.

"No, I have to go to Ma's house to warn him! If he can't help it, I'll break his leg!"

"Well, Ma Beichen doesn't really like me. Big deal, I promise, the next time he comes, I'll let him finish talking and roll early.

Xiaolong Tianyu can definitely do it, but in this case, Ma Beichen will be miserable.

But she still needs him now, and she can't kill her for now.

"Hum! Look at the treacherous figure he looks like is not a good person!"

His face is still smelly, but his anger is not as big as before.

"Yes, yes, only my Highness in the world looks like a good person. The others are bad guys."

She coaxed patiently and couldn't stop.

This comparison is still the one coming out of his belly, much more mature than his father.

"Sit down, have you eaten yet? I happen to be hungry. Let's eat together."

In the prayer room, except for the bowl of goo, they didn't eat anything, only a pot of water.

But fortunately, they don't have to do anything, they can stand it when they come down one day.

"No, I just can't rest assured, come to see you. Yue Qi, don't worry about it."

She smiled, she believed him, and he didn't want her to misunderstand.

So, no matter what Yue Qi did, it was just a waste of effort.

"I know, Ling Ye should have told you that too. Qinghu, came here to kill me. Although you said, Yue Qi's heart has scruples and dare not expose our previous things. However, the woman's jealousy It's terrible. I'm afraid in the end, she will bite us back. I'm afraid of you, what danger will be encountered. "

A woman is the one who knows women best.

Qi Yueqi wants her life, I'm afraid it's not a day or two.

She can still control it now, but what about the future?

Sting her, don't want to leave a bomb with her.

After all, once this bomb detonated, Long Tianyu must bear the brunt first.

"No, I'll take care of it, and you're at ease."

He held her head and comforted softly.

Lin Lin Mengya also wanted to continue to persuade, but the determination in Long Tianyu's tone made her unable to speak.

"Ok, I trust you."

He put his head on his chest, Lin Mengya closed her eyes slightly, and the two were very warm for a moment.

Nine Dragons Tianyu picked her up horizontally and placed it gently on the chair.

Lin Lin Mengya closed her eyes, and let go of her hand holding his placket a little.

"I am leaving."


After a little hesitation, the sound of leaving footsteps came.

She trembled her eyelashes, and she was really reluctant to open her eyes.

Even if I can meet every day, I miss my heart.

She opened her eyes, but saw him close at hand.

"Aren't you going to leave?"

She was so surprised, he was sorry in his eyes.

Xu bowed her head and put a kiss on her forehead, but touched it lightly with lingering affection.

"I'm afraid you are sad, Mengya, we will be together soon, and we will never be separated again."

Tears were raging, but Lin Mengya didn't want him to see him crying.

He wrapped around his neck, and she buried herself on his shoulders.

"good. I'll wait for you."

Xun Long Tianyu stroked her back a little bit, and after two people reluctantly stuck for a while, she urged Long Tianyu to leave.

Sakura and Peach, who have been outside, have blushed.

I looked at her with a little shyness.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed, but fortunately she had a thick skin, and pretended not to see it.

"Miss, you and His Royal Highness Xi are a match made in heaven!"

As soon as Sakurako finished speaking, Peach nodded.

She blushed and flushed, she was gone, and she would never see anyone again!

However, the distance between the three of them was closer.

On the third day, she arrived early and felt it clearly. Today, the atmosphere seems a little different.

"Gong girl, you can come."

Ma Lian looked anxious when she saw her.

Lin Lin Mengya rushed forward, and before she said hello, Ma Lian waved her hands in a hurry.

"Come here and see what's going on!"

指向 He pointed to the gate at the entrance of the temple, stating that starting today, the prayer room must be entered by a formal family owner.

And below, the names of the homeowners are also posted.

But in this way, she can't go in.

Today, there seem to be more people.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at them, those people seemed to be some strong families, and is expected to replace one of the top ten families.

These people don't know what happened that day, they just look into her eyes, obviously with a bit of bad intentions.

I don't need to think about it, it seems that this matter is directed at her.

Zhe Lin Mengya carefully looked at the list, and then looked at the saints at the door.

Sure enough, they are all raw faces.

She probably knows who has moved her hands and feet.

"Dare to ask, whose order is this?"

After the Jain looked at her for a few moments, he replied stiffly, "It is the Lord's order!"

Zhe Lin Mengya sneered, and the saint was not a child, and it was strange to give such a ridiculous order.

What's more, this is not a big deal for the Lord.

I just played a word game. If she is now going to see the deity, you are the man in the middle.

With a blink of an eye, it is time to enter the prayer room.

新 The new homeowners, again excited and proud, took a long glance at her and left.

Finally, even Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong had to go in.

Before he left, they came over and comforted Lin Mengya.

Alas, she looked indifferent.

I soon, there are few left outside.

At this time, Barry Ting and the homeowner arrived.

"Do you think that no one can deal with you except me?"

She Bailiting looked at her, and there was a trace of resentment in her eyes.

If it were not for her, everything he had worked hard for would not have been ruined.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't look at him, she was arrogant, and she could not help seeing Bailiting pinch her.

I can't stop thinking, as if thinking of something else, the rolling emotion in my eyes gradually calmed down again.

"The prayer of the first moon festival, if you cannot complete it, you are not qualified to participate in the succession ceremony, Miya, you are finished."

He sneered and went in with the two of the owner.

Outside of her, there was no one else. Sakurako and Peach had been anxious like ants on a hot pot, but Lin Mengya was still calm.

"Miss, you have to think of a way. In case we can't get in, wouldn't we?"

Wu Yingzi whispered, but Lin Mengya just looked at the door, and there was a hint of coldness in her eyes.

Do you think she really has nothing to do?

She originally wanted to keep a low profile, and went home after the first moon festival.

Qi Yue, this is what she asked for.

"Let's go home first."

She left with a person, and behind the door, a saint looked around and hurriedly ran into the deepest part of the hall.

He found a prayer room with the largest scale. After knocking on the door, a maid-like man came out of it.

"Please tell the deputy, Gongya has left."

"okay, I get it."

The servant girl closed the door and turned to the innermost place.

"Everything is as expected by the county master. There is nothing to do with that palace."

棋 Yue Qi, who was closing her eyes and keeping her eyes closed, opened her eyes and smiled with satisfaction.

"I thought she was so capable, I just did a little trick and she couldn't help it."

There was a touch of yin, and it passed through her eyes.

Niyanomiya, all of this is just the beginning.

"Miss, what's the matter, no one?"

The three of them returned to the temporary courtyard where Sakurako and Peach closed, and asked in doubt.

"When you usually come back, are there people around here?"

The two girls nodded.

"Because the servants of each family can't follow the past, usually after the homeowner has gone, it is still lively. Why is it so deserted today?"

Lin Yingzi's words made Lin Mengya alert.

She thought about it, as long as she was cautious, there should be no problem.

What's more, she has other things to do.

"You two are optimistic about the door, you must not let anyone come over, you know?"


She turned back to the room, and from the nightstand, turned out a wooden box.

There were a dozen small green barrels in the box, and she took one out and carefully poured out the contents.

It was a pearl-sized, white-colored egg.

The tapeworm eggs slowly turned milky when they saw the wind, and the last half-grain-sized small bug appeared in front of her.

She did the same and finally poured out sixteen small bugs.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded with satisfaction, and then took out a container made of clam shells from the box.

I went back to what she had touched with a handkerchief at the bottom of the bowl after pouring out the black paste that day.

She originally wanted to take it back for research, and Xiaoyao said that this thing has a very long shelf life.

The cormorant was picked a little with a silver needle and placed inside the clam shell.

The crickets rushed up, each of them poked their heads, and ate a little black in the shell.

Then, Lin Mengya put them in the outside yard.

After a while, the little bugs got into the ground.

According to the distance from here to the temple, it is estimated that after one day, these little bugs can arrive.

Jain has a hallucinogenic effect, and it is estimated that those new homeowners today will also eat it.

This way, these little bugs will come in handy.

She narrowed her eyes and sneered.

Fight with her, Yue Qi is still far behind.

After doing these things, Lin Mengya felt that it is rare to take a day off today and it is better to go around.

"Sakurako, peach, come over here."

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