Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1392: Poisoned man

With these words, Long Tianyu now listens to his heart, and only feels mixed.

Did he really do something wrong? No, he is just to protect the one he loves.

But why is she so sad?

"I'm sorry, but Mengya, you obedient. These things are entrusted to me, you are my only and the meaning of my life. I want to make you happy, but also let you enjoy infinite glory. So wait for me."

I never expected that in the end, he was still stubborn.

Lin Lin Mengya closed her eyes and did not want to look at him again.

She closed the door behind her. She knew he would not restrict her freedom, but those things he wanted to hide would never be told again.

She worked hard to calm down her excitement, and even though Long Tianyu repeatedly warned, she still couldn't suppress her urge to know these things.

I wasn't in order to breathe in with him, but she didn't understand what was going on. Long Tianyu would rather cope with her misunderstanding and make her sad and sad, and she should keep it from her.

"Come, go and ask Cai Gongzi."

She wants to come and go, and only Cai Ling has a breakthrough.

Before the voice fell, Sakurako replied: "Miss, Cai Gongzi has just left. He also left a sentence saying that you hadn't heard what he told you before. He would look for that thing. People do it. "

Lin Lin Mengya was furious for a moment, raised her fist and slammed it on the table.

What the **** is Tianlong Yu doing? Could it be that he thought he could hide himself forever?

But she calmed down again quickly. Now is not the time to be angry. She suddenly remembered that today, Cai Ling and Long Tianyu's attitudes were a little strange.

From their words, she can infer that identity, besides being mysterious and unpredictable, she may be extremely honorable.

But the whole Patriotic Kingdom, I am afraid that there is no more respectable status than the deity?

I ca n’t believe it, she is far from qualified.

And, even if she did, it didn't make any sense.

Nine Dragons Tianyu need not hide her like this.

what is it?

As she stubbornly stubbornly angry with Tianyu, she also worried about her condition.

I thought for a while, she still felt that she should return to the temple first.

At least she can't make things messy because of a moment of anger.

When I thought of it, she said hello to Sakurako and Peach and went out of her house.

Because it's getting late, when she went to the temple, someone was specifically invited.

人 This person is not like Yue Qi, but a senior holy slave with a face.

I was very respectful and polite towards her.

Lin Lin Mengya guessed that this was probably Long Tianyu's arrangement.

There was a faint discomfort in Xu's heart. How could he seem to have guessed every step she took?

"Sir, may I ask what happened to the temple after I left?"

She saw that this person was quite talkative, and after a few words of humiliation, she pretended to ask casually.

The man smiled. It seemed that she had expected to ask such a question, and immediately replied, "Since Miss Gong went down, the priestess was punished for breaking the rules. The two hometowns of the Ma family and the Cheng family Lord, because it is only to uphold the rules of the temple, it is only being reprimanded, and it is no longer an issue. "

That guy, she always knew her temperament, so that people can first find out the situation of Ma Cheng's two uncles.

"What do you think of this old man, His Holiness? Don't get me wrong, my lord, I just have a fear. After all, people in our house are timid and afraid to offend people without knowing it."

The saint smiled, but he was slandering.

Now, I wish the whole temple knew that she was Her Highness Xi's heart treasure, and dare to move her, it was no different from death.

Who doesn't know, the saint is no longer in charge now, and all the wills of recent days are meant by His Highness Xi.

He could not say this directly.

"Miss Gong doesn't have to be afraid. The Supreme Rule is the most important. Hearing that Miss Gong is also a person who abides by the rules, the Supreme must love it."

This is tantamount to not answering, Lin Mengya understands, and asks again, I'm afraid I can't ask anything.

Xun's group reached the third floor, but she saw that in the night, several people carried several white coffins down.

怎么 Why is it so unlucky this big night?

"Did anyone want to come to the temple?"

But the saint narrowed his eyes and looked a little differently.

"No, it's just some old rules in the temple. Ms. Gong does not need to keep her heart in mind. Tomorrow is the last day of prayer. I also hope that the lady can complete the prayer smoothly."

It seemed to him that the saint was deliberately hiding something.

But she also knows that there are a lot of secrets in the temple. Even if she has a bad relationship with Long Tianyu, there are some things that she can't participate in.

I walked to the courtyard where I lived temporarily and found that it had been rearranged long ago.

She knows that this is Long Tianyu's courting herself.

Alas, she was still unhappy, and the better he treated her, the more she would remember it.

I always thought that he was trying to be nice to her because he was trying to hide these things.

"You go to rest first, you must be exhausted after working so many days."

柔 She said softly to Sakurako and Taozi that the two had to stay with her, but she declined them politely.

She was alone in the room, and looking at the moonlight outside, she couldn't sleep over and over.

I was about to get up and pour a glass of water to drink, so I could hear the sound of being tilted by the window.

She narrowed her eyes and touched the dagger under her pillow.

I was in the next second, ecstatically opening the curtain.

In the night, Long Tianyu held Ning'er and just turned in through the window.

As soon as I entered the house, Ning Er hurriedly stretched out her fat little hand at her.

Suddenly her heart softened, and her eyes were sour and astringent, as if she was about to shed tears.

Xiao Long Tianyu put the struggling baby down, and his fat, short body ran towards her.

One accidentally, Ning Er's chubby two little feet tripped, but all this, he fell into his arms.

He clenched his soft little body tightly, Lin Mengya's desperate thoughts could no longer hold back.

"Mother's baby, how are you doing recently?"

She picked up the baby, kept kissing and touching, and couldn't see enough, she totally ignored the child's father.

Sui Ning'er smiled with a giggle, holding her neck in her little hand, and yelling at her slimy, Lin Mengya was a little surprised, isn't this child not talking?

"This child is poisoned by a strange poison, so he doesn't like to talk. But now, this poison can't affect him anymore, it will naturally be like other children."

Nine Dragons Tianyu walked to their mother and son and said softly.

Suddenly Lin Mengya's doubts deepened, strangely poisonous? Isn't Ning's body the best antidote?

But then she thought about it.

The mother and child detoxify themselves, relying on blood.

She is an adult, so there is more blood, even if it is too much toxin, it can be slowly metabolized.

But Ninger is still a young child, he naturally metabolizes more slowly.

"Who gave him this poison?"

It's weird. If that person was to poison Ning'er, wouldn't poison have such a strange effect?


There was a strange thought in her head.

"I don't know, Ning Er mentioned it, saying that there was always a grandfather who gave him sugar to eat. Every time he ate sugar, he was very sleepy and his mouth was not very moving."

Children's memory is not lasting, and Ning Er loves to talk, and it should be something in recent days.

An old grandfather who gave him sugar, Lin Mengya frowned. She thought and thought, and thought it was impossible.

"Ninger, has the old grandfather you mentioned recently given you candy?"

Su Ninger thought about it and nodded gently.

Although he recovered, he still didn't like joking.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately conducted a very detailed examination of Ning Er, and after a long time of tossing, Ning Er, who was so tired, fell asleep in her arms.

Ke Kereng Mengya's heart went up to the sky.

"How can this not happen?"

Seeing her talking to herself, she looked uncertain, Long Tianyu couldn't help but worry.

"Mengya, do you know who this person is?"

She looked up at him. Although he didn't wait to see him, in the end, he was the child's father.

I thought for a while before she whispered.

"Do you know that my poison is taught by my teacher himself. He is a master of toxicology and usually likes to study some weird things. When Ning Er was born, my teachers were also clear. Yes. So if Ning Er is telling the truth, then it means that my teacher has also arrived at the temple. But this is unlikely! "

Teacher Wu is a very mysterious person. In addition, he has many friends from the rivers and lakes, and his poisonous technique is the best.

Even if someone wants to catch him, it takes a lot of effort, and it may not be successful.

Now she asked Ning'er the appearance of that grandfather, but she thought for a long time before she said that this grandpa had a big beard and smiled every day.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also thought about the old people in the hall, but never thought of meeting the goal.

Lin Lin Mengya is not surprised, after all, with the teacher's caution, he also understands that he wants to change clothes.

But she doesn't understand. If the person who feeds Ning'er is really a teacher, what's his purpose?

Leaning on the bed, she just didn't think she could see enough of that little face.

Suddenly there was a hug behind her, her body was stiff, and she moved to the child's side.

The man froze for a moment before asking with a bitter smile: "Still angry with me?"

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed Ning's little hands and feet gently, without saying a word.

Over there, Long Tianyu looked at his two favorite people with sad eyes.

"actually, I"

"You don't have to explain it anymore, no matter how you explain it, you won't tell the truth, will you?"

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