Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1393: The last day

垂 Holding her eyes down, she felt that the person behind was a little stiff.

After a long time, she finally slowed down and snuggled herself into his arms.

"Mengya, thank you."

He buried his face in her hair, and the warm breath exhaled made Lin Mengya feel a little itchy.

Even though she kept telling herself, she didn't forgive him, just

I just didn't want to leave him alone for too long.

Pillowing his arms, Lin Mengya slept more peacefully than ever.

"Your Highness, is this really okay?"

When she slept the deepest at midnight, a strange voice came from her ears.

"Speak quietly, don't wake her up."

Xiao Long Tianyu's voice was very low. If it was not too quiet outside at this time, I was afraid she could not hear it so clearly.


"This is what I said. Anything that happens is up to me. As long as you remember to tell them, the three people in Xie's family will die if they dare to move!"

Sunda's tone was unquestionably domineering.

Lin Lin Mengya slowed her breathing, listening to the movement outside her ear.

"Yes, my subordinates understand. But Your Highness, if the lady does not show up, I'm afraid."

"I know, but the situation is unstable now, and many people want to be against her. I can't put her in danger and danger. You go back and pass my order. No one in the holy mountain can speak to the lady, otherwise--"

Lin Mengya couldn't be more familiar with the familiar and dangerous warning.

At this moment, her heart is already turning up the sky.

But the sound of footsteps outside left, Lin Mengya heard him come back, she had to take a sigh of relief, and continued to sleep.

I felt that embrace back to myself, Lin Mengya was fighting with heaven and man.

Would you like to ask him about it, or say you don't hear it?

But before she thought about it, drowsiness suddenly struck, and her consciousness gradually blurred.

Well, let's talk about it tomorrow morning.

She persuaded herself in this way, but did not expect that not only did Long Tianyu's guy disappear in the early morning, but Ning Er was also taken away.

I looked at the empty bed, and she suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.

I will meet soon anyway, so she comforted herself so much.

As for the sacred mountain, she thought and thought, but still felt that it was inappropriate to ask directly.

According to the personality of Long Tianyu, let alone overheard himself, as long as he doesn't want to, he won't be useful even if he catches it on the spot.

Xu stretched a lazy waist, Lin Mengya got up and finished washing.

Sakurako and Momoko slept all night without accident. They were a little sorry for this behavior, but Lin Mengya did not blame them.

对 "Yes, Miss, will she go to the Temple today?"

Sakurako patted her head and said loudly.

Gao Lin Mengya nodded. Today is the last day of the Temple of Prayer. She also needs to make an ending for the big drama in the past few days.

The return of the Xun Palace family is a big news for many people.

Especially for the two Ma Chengs, when they cooperated with the palace family before, they were still a little timid.

After all, they want to offend, but the vice sacrifice, such as Sun Zhongtian, is also the Lord of Xianghua County in the Three Kings.

But now it seems that the palace family has this strength and ability.

看来 This sale does not seem to be losing money.

She is still wearing a white dress, but today's dresses seem to be more gorgeous than before.

The flowing cloud-like dress is decorated with milky pearls and pure white sheep fat jade as accessories.

The rose pattern embroidered by Golden Thread, with its magnificence, also carries unusual nobility.

样本 Her model samples are gorgeous, and now she is indecently elegant.

一 As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Someone immediately greeted him and said diligently, "Miss Gong, how are you?"

She smiled slightly and nodded even to say hello.

The man came to her with a sneer when she was blocked out that day.

Alas, she was long past the age of revenge.

This kind of person is unavoidable. If you meet it, just ignore it.

After looking around in the crowd, she finally found the figure of Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong, and she was relieved.

"Two Shibo."

走进 She walked in gracefully and greeted politely and graciously: "I don't see you today, are the two Seco ok?"

The two horses, Cheng Ma and Cheng, also shined. They only knew that Gong Ya was a beautiful little girl.

However, everything she has today is still full of the sophistication and maturity of talents like them.

I think of what happened in the past few days, and the two of them felt the old face a little strange.

After all, their descendants were afraid that no one would dare to act on the deputy.

They heard that the reason why the girl counted the acolyte was that the acolyte was disrespectful to the ancestors of the palace family.

This girl is quite with their temper!

"Okay, much better than before. I said, Gong, you are not ordinary!"

Ma Lian praised in a low voice, while Lin Mengya smiled and pretended to be pure and innocent.

He blinked at him and said, "Ma Shibo said that the Xianghua County Lord gave me an apology? That is the atmosphere of the County Lord and he can correct his mistakes in a timely manner. I really admire the Lord's mind.

Seeing her so playful, Ma Lian didn't say anything, just smiled.

Cheng Rusong always laughed and said nothing, but Lin Mengya felt that the distance between them seemed to be much closer.

The people around you also probably knew that the return of the palace family was probably the happiest of the Ma family and the Cheng family.

They are no longer asking for themselves, after all, they used to be blind.

It was time for the prayer hall, and everyone went in pairs.

The Lin Lin Meng Ya people were left behind deliberately, and when everyone was gone, Ma Lian couldn't wait to ask.

"Gong girl, although you did a good job. But you have to think about how to deal with it."

She frowned slightly, she knew that Ma Lian was kind.

"Ma Shibo, but do you have any advice?"

Ma Lian touched his chin, lowered his voice and said, "I heard that the Xianghua County Lord was an unknown character in the past. But in just one year, he can become an acolyte. The relationship among them is a little bit simple."

She knew that.

"You gave her down this time. The people behind her may not be willing to give up. I heard that your relationship with His Highness Xi is extraordinary. Otherwise, you will marry your Highness first, so no one will dare. Move you. "

With a few words, she frowned and listened very carefully.

越 The more she said, the more she laughed.

"Ma senior, what is your idea!"

Although her relationship with Long Tianyu has been made public, Long Tianyu has not mentioned it. Obviously, this road will not work for the time being.

Otherwise, the guy could not wait to take himself home immediately.

"Okay, for the old and disrespectful thing. Your family Ma Beichen has no chance, so you can push the girl out of it, you don't know what kind of heart it is."

After Cheng Rusong broke his sentence, he looked at Lin Mengya with a smile and said, "Otherwise, girl Gong, please think about those kids in our family. Although you can't catch up with His Royal Highness Xi, you can be regarded as a dragon and a phoenix. It is a bit wrong for the girl , But at least you can get through it now. "

Lin Lin Mengya resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Where is the homeowner? It is clear that these are the two old street masters who are responsible for the introduction of the marriage of older men and women.

I was probably aware of her embarrassment. The two thought about it and smiled at each other.

"It seems that you probably despise those two of us. It's no wonder that they can be defeated by His Highness Xi. They are not injustices. But Gong girl, although the three of us have been tied together, but Arms can't twist your thighs. The water in the temple is too deep, you have to be careful. "

Lin Mengya was impressed by Ma Lian's bitter taste.

With their qualifications like this, there is no need to tell her these things.

Alas, it's just that they really care about themselves.

"Please rest assured that the two seniors, Gong Ya naturally know the depth."

She thought that the two were joking in order to ease the tense atmosphere, and just wanted to leave the prayer room, Cheng Rusong stopped her.

"Gong Ya, although I don't know the secret of your palace family. But there is one thing that you must be clear. Hearing the first deity, there are inextricable links with the palace family. But fifty years ago, it happened The deity who had caught up with the previous one is also missing. Although he did not say that, the emperor had much care for the palace family, otherwise the palace family would have been annexed. It is impossible to cope. The matter is in the presence of the Lord, and perhaps, unexpected results can be obtained. "

Cheng Rusong's words were very urgent, and after he finished, the three nodded and separated.

I returned to my prayer room, Lin Mengya was still thinking about Cheng Rusong's words.

It is a bit of a surprise to her that the holy deity favors the palace family.

In my opinion, the relationship between the palace family and the temple was not simple.

I just lost the old owner and left my grandmother, and changed and forgotten a lot of things.

If she knew, she wouldn't be so hard.

I shook my head, these parties are gone, what is she thinking about?

I don't know why, she still wants to drink those black goo.

But this time, she felt a little tired after drinking.

Lying awkwardly on the bed, she just felt a few crackling noises in her ears.

It's like the noise you can hear when you turn on the radio.

"The Son is about to wake up, and the catastrophe is coming."

The gurgling sound penetrated her ears from far to near.

She wanted to ask, but found herself all in a paralyzed state.

But she didn't feel afraid.

I was just a little accustomed to the relationship that my body was out of control.

"The Son is about to wake up, and the catastrophe is coming."

Tap the voice and repeat it again.

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