Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1394: Show flaws

This time, she could hear clearly.

But the body still can't move, just slacken and fall to the bed.

Alas, she felt strange.

She really believed in this voice, and didn't want to doubt it.

The mind seems to have lost her ability to think and is receiving the information that others have given her.

In the midst of the confusion, this very mysterious feeling made her a little strange, but she felt a little familiar.

I thought it would continue, but the voice disappeared.

Her body gradually recovered her strength, and when she was able to control her body again, she suddenly got up from the bed.

What was going on just now?

She mobilized the Shennong system and began to check her physical condition.

Xiao Xiaoyao examined it carefully and found that there were no abnormalities in her physical indicators.

I was weird. There was nothing wrong with the blackness, so what happened to her?

主人 "Master, Xiaoyao just detected your brain waves. It seems there are signs of abnormal activity."

其实 Actually, Xiaoya said it once, but she didn't notice.

"Recall the record, I want to see."

Soon, Xiaoyao brought up the record.

However, other than showing that I was particularly active just now, everything else is normal.

跟 Is it related to this?

这里 But here, there are no instruments or substances that can affect brain waves.

What exactly is going on?

"Miss Gong, the time for prayer is over."

The servant girl who was responsible for telling her time every day knocked on her door.

Lin Mengya was a bit surprised, and then she checked the time on the system.

记得 She remembered that she had just come in a little while ago, why was she going out?

I never thought that time had really passed a whole day.

She hesitated for a moment, then sorted out and stepped out of the prayer room.

"Miya, what's wrong with you?"

Outside, Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong were waiting for her.

She was a little confused, but Ma Lian's eyes looked worried.

"Gong girl, you can't go too far. I know you don't want to live up to our entrustment to you, but you can't force yourself."

Saying this, she was in a fog.

Cheng Rusong looked at her, looking exactly like Ma Lian.

只能 She had to nod first, but unexpectedly, she was supported by Sakurako and Peach as soon as she left the prayer hall.

"I'm fine, don't do this."

She felt weird, but Sakurako and Peach insisted.

Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong also nodded and told her to pay more attention to her body and left together.

"Miss, how bad you look!"

Sakurako asked distressedly, while Peach frowned, and whispered, "We don't allow eating too much fishy things here, but the tonic we brought from under the mountain is still there. In the evening, I stewed the lady and added a tonic Be healthy. "

Lin Mengya nodded, and nodded foolishly.

Even though everyone thinks she seems to be seriously ill, she really doesn't feel at all.

I was taken to the room by two people and almost pushed to bed. With her repeated assurances, the two girls finally let her go.

坐在 She was sitting on a chair and accidentally saw the reflection in the bronze mirror.

Auntie! Who is that ghost-looking woman in the mirror?

She touched her face, her tentacles were cold and cold, and I don't know when she was sweating coldly, no wonder everyone thought she was going to faint in the next second.

But when did this happen, how could she not feel at all?

Also, she has no problems with her body, and now she has no pressure to run for five kilometers.

What happened today is really incredible.

Even though Lin Mengya was okay, she couldn't stand the tears of the two girls and swallowed a large bowl of ginseng soup.

After the prayers ended, the first moon festival also came to the most critical moment.

They will perform a ritual of rewarding the gods. After the ceremony of rewarding the gods, the top ten families will be invited to the hall of the saints to offer sacrifices and complete final sacrifices.

Someone brought a dress early in the morning to see the style, but it was almost the same as that of the saints.

Is just more refined and elegant, the fabric is silky silk, but it is tougher than silk.

She had a slim body, she completely covered everything, and could not even distinguish between men and women.

After Grandma was dressed, she became the courier sent by the temple to pick her up.

He staggered and went to the direction of the prayer hall.

After I came to the venue, Lin Mengya saw that many white people had already stood here.

I just know that everyone is almost the same.

She got out of the sedan and stood among the crowd.

No one whispered, everyone kept a solemn and solemn atmosphere, waiting for the elders of the prayer hall to come.

Finally, several people in black out of the prayer hall, and the door closed again.

But in the crowd, she frowned and blew her nose. Why was there a slight **** smell?

Alas, the attention was instantly attracted by the elders.

"We humble you at the feet of the Holy Spirit, asking for His mercy and love ..."

The elders began to mourn a long and large prayer for thanking the Holy Spirit.

For these things, she is not interested at all.

She doesn't really like this attitude. Why does the Holy Spirit become the master of all people, even above heaven and earth?

She sniffed in her heart, but did not dare to say it, lest she be beaten.

Sudden thoughts by the elders made her drowsy. Suddenly, she hit a spirit.

A cold sight seemed to pierce her waistcoat, a sense of crisis that had not been felt for a long time, making her hair countdown.

who is it?

Lin Lin Mengya was afraid of hitting the grass and terrifying the snake, and desperately restrained her urge to turn around.

Within a few minutes, she felt her feet tingle.

But the creepy feeling did not fade away. Lin Mengya was really intolerable. She was not frightened, annoyed her, and she would not make the person feel better.

A moment before she could not bear it, the pressure suddenly disappeared. She immediately turned her head and saw only one figure leaving quickly.

I seem to be one of these family heads.

With a frown, she wanted to catch up.

At this time, the words of the elders came to an end.

She kept looking backwards, and suddenly someone pulled her sleeve.

After looking at it, it turned out that it was Ma Lian. The man quietly pointed at the elder in front, and the elder's tone was a little impatient, calling her name.

"Where is Gong Ya?"

She immediately agreed: "Yes."

Elder Puppet nodded at her and said, "It is very important to pray today for the reward of God. The elders of the temple have orders to order you to worship today. Now you can go in to find the elder."

Immediately after the speech, Lin Mengya saw Ma Lian's brows frown.

But she didn't hesitate for a moment, and the elder immediately urged.

"Not yet come in, this is a great glory! Gongya, you have delayed the sacrifice, you are a sinner!"

The more anxious Elder Xi was, the more she felt problematic.

Why is there a **** smell in the hall?

"Elder, it is not that Gong Ya did not go, but that this matter is important, and I am afraid that it is not good to delay the matter."

"Okay, let's go. The elder has been waiting for you for a long time, come here, send her in!"

Several men in black next to the uncle walked behind her quietly, and Lin Mengya suddenly thought of something.

At this time, Ma Lian was ready to stop those people, but Lin Mengya gave him a look.

He turned around and smiled and said to the elders: "Gong Ya is honored to have this opportunity. The elders are not strange. For the first time, there is no experience, so I will not trouble several saints."

I tidy up my clothes, Lin Mengya walked forward smartly.

The moment she opened the door of the temple, she suddenly yelled.

"Not good, come on, Elder, something is wrong!"

It was a terrible whisper, and immediately the people behind were dumbfounded.

Gao Linmengya sneered, at least some people have used this trick, now come again, is it possible to treat her as a fool?

When the elder in black was startled, he shouted coldly.

"What are you talking about? The elder is obviously waiting for you ..."

Where can Kemeng Mengya allow him to quibble, he immediately pointed to a certain place in the temple and said.

"Blood! Where is the blood! Come and save people!"

The fear on her face was so realistic that she had to believe it.

Suddenly, the crowd was worried that her Ma Lian rushed out.

"Yes, I saw it, it is the elder! Come here, take down these traitors and rescue the elder!"

The situation reversed, and the elders in black who had just made a name for themselves had become the target of criticism.

I guess they did not expect this situation, and several people suddenly panicked.

But the elder in black was a fierce man, and roared immediately.

"Catch Gongya first, others are not important!"

A few men immediately responded, but she was well prepared.

The Tatar quickly ran to the Temple of Prayer, and at the same time he closed the door vigorously.

There was a bolt inside the yamen, and she could not open it easily when she plugged it in with her backhand.

梦 Out of chaos, Lin Mengya did not dare to delay, and walked into the hall.

刚才 She just thought something was wrong. Although the normal process is the same, the attitude of the elder in black is too strange.

He personally helped the elders complete the sacrifice, which is the glory of everyone in the family.

But the elder in black seemed to be impatient and wanted to make him

"Elder, elder, are you still there?"

The reason why she reacted this way before was because she had been cheated before in the Lieyun Kingdom.

So she just shouted to make a temptation.

I didn't expect those people to be guilty of a thief, and suddenly panicked.

"I am here"

His weak voice for help came out of the temple.

Zhe Lin Mengya ran over immediately and pushed open the door of the deepest room in the prayer hall.

In the dim candlelight, the elder fell into a pool of blood.

When she came in before, she once had a relationship with the elder, yes, it was him!

"Elder, how are you?"

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