Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1399: Conspiracy

However, Yue Qi's struggling moves are getting farther and farther. Seeing people are about to die, Lin Mengya frowned, rubbed her forehead, and stood up from the ground.

"You bitch, there is today! Fight with me, are you qualified?"

Her tone is extremely venomous, as if she really hated Yue Qi.

She saw that Master Yuan glanced at her.

Qi Lin Mengya immediately sat on the chair, as if watching a good show, admiring the process of Yue Qi being strangled to death.

"you you!"

Yue Qi, who was pinched by her neck, stretched out her hand and grasped it in the direction of her, but she just caught it, but it was all air.

From beginning to end, she dare not directly resist the young master.

Although the room was dark, she did not dare to show other expressions.

Hook your lips and smile more than anyone else.

Suddenly, Lord Yuan let go of his hand.

咳 "Cough, thank you Master for not killing."

Qi Yueqi covered her neck and coughed hard, but her first thing was to thank those who almost choked herself.

"You little beauty is too bad. I said earlier that you can't come here. You are so naughty, you should fight."

His tone was soft and soft, as if it was not him who was going to pass the killer.

Yue Qi trembled a bit, but still charmingly said, "The young master said, Xianghua understands. Well young master, it's so late, I'll accompany you to rest early. That cheap woman, I believe you must be She won't listen to her bullshit, right? "

Qi Yue's tone was a little careful, and it sounded as if she was really worried about it.

Lin Lin Mengya's palms were slightly sweaty, because what Yue Qi gave her just now was held in her right hand.

Master Yuan shot fiercely, even with Yue Qi, let alone her.

嗯 "Well, you are good. Ms. Gong, I won't compensate you for her, don't blame her. Little children, it is inevitable that I just like her, don't I?"

His petting tone made Lin Mengya's goosebumps alive.

It's like being poured into a basin of cold water in winter, making people feel completely cold.

This person is really moody.

But more, this person is afraid that he is tempting himself and warning himself.

"Since you like it, you're optimistic. You don't want to do it, and some people do it. Next time, you don't have to play in front of me. Even if you strangle her, you don't dare to touch me. Threatening me, this trick is use!"

She deliberately made her words explicit, and the other side smiled slightly, then took Yue Qi in her arms.

"Well, it makes sense. Then next time, I will kill her directly. Anyway, you will not be afraid."

Zhe Lin Mengya's heart leaped violently, how cruel and ruthless this person must be to make such an understatement.

现在 But now, obviously, it is not a good opportunity to guess people's hearts.

Her humming was regarded as the answer, and the farce finally came to an end.

As Yue Qi left, a new question came up again.

Since Yue Qi is not really attached, why is she here?

She looked at her right hand, a quaint ring, and lay quietly in her palm.

What's the use of this thing?

躺在 She lay on the bed together, and soon it was dawn.

Today, it is time for the top ten families to go to the saint to see you.

Although she is missing her, she knows that those people will definitely make up a reasonable reason to explain her absence.

Lin Lin Mengya sat in the room. After a while, someone brought breakfast to her.

Meals are simple, and they are quite full.

But Lin Mengya did not eat, but also overturned the tableware.

"You dare to bring me this kind of food! I tell you, I'm the guest of the young master, and you took it easy, and none of you can afford it!"

She rolled her eyes and marched to the person responsible for the meal.

饭 The servant who delivered the meal didn't blink his eyes, but after the ceremony, he retreated quietly.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little sullen. Why is this guy so psychologically good?

But when the lunch came, she had another pain.

人 This person is still meticulous in doing his own thing, as if he can't hear what she said.

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and felt something was wrong.

While the man was setting the table, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the man carefully.

Oh no!

Lin Lin Mengya was secretly surprised, rubbing her eyes, thinking she was wrong.

how can that be possible!

I saw the man's ear, it was actually sealed!

Lin Lin Mengya was a bit silly, she suddenly remembered that before Long Tianyu told her about the slaves.

Is n’t that related to that?

Seeing the self-righteous appearance of Master Yuan, how could it be possible to accept a subordinate of a disabled person?

But if they are just to serve as domestic slaves, this is appropriate.

After all, he can't hear or say anything, just do his thing quietly.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little restless. In the end, who is Master Yuan?

And how long do they have to close themselves?

"Young Master, today they are all going to see the Lord. Is this Gongya in our hands, will there be any trouble?"

Li Yueqi lay on the man's knee, and let the other party stroke his black long hair, and asked with a soft accent.

"There is trouble, it's not ours either. Soon we can go back, what are you anxious for."

Master Yuan slightly nodded her forehead, Yue Qi intentionally revealed a flattering sweet smile, but at the chest, there was a feeling of nausea.

"It's coming, as long as we can take Gongya back, everything can be successfully resolved."

There was a little light in his eyes that seemed to belong to desire, as if he was already holding the ticket.

At the same time, the ritual of the ten great families to see the saint is about to begin. Long Tianyu, the main sacrifice standing in front of the hall of the saint, is getting more and more complex.

之前 His previous things were a bit tricky, otherwise he wouldn't delay coming back until now.

Alas, before he left, many people were arranged beside her.

However, none of those people returned to life.

凌 Cai Ling, dressed like a saint, did not know why he appeared beside him.

Tong Qinglang's face was almost as worried as he was.

"His Royal Highness, not only Gong Ya disappeared, but even Cheng Rusong and Xianghua County Lord disappeared together."

Xun Long Tianyu's eyes tightened, and he turned and instructed.

"Follow up on the whereabouts of Gong Ya! Also, don't speak up."

Stinging his heart was like holding him tightly with one hand.

He has always been calm and powerful, but now he has a little fear in his heart.

Hit her, nothing will happen!

He clenched his fist, Long Tianyu turned around and came to the square.

Meet the Lord and start now!

别 "Don't be delusional, here, you can't get out."

Xu Yueqi appeared in front of her. After Lin Mengya glanced at her, she continued to look at the sky outside.

"He went out, he probably won't come back at night, if you want to escape, I can help you."

Lowered his voice, Yue Qi said quickly.

Lin Kemengya shook her head and refused.

"Why are you so stubborn? Do you want to die like this?"

Yue Qi was anxious, but Lin Mengya glanced at her lightly and whispered, "I know, you don't want my life for a day or two. But Yue Qi, do you know what is clever anti-smart ? "

Qi Yueqi hesitated for a moment, and immediately yelled angrily.

"I'm helping you! Who can help you here besides me!"

I thought it was a little loud, she immediately looked around warily, and then began to persuade her softly.

今天 "Today is the big day of the temple, there must be a lot of people outside. As long as you run to somewhere, you can be rescued. I tell you, except for this opportunity today, you can only wait to die!"

She turned her head and looked at Yue Qi lightly.

The latter was somewhat unaccustomed to her, and said unnaturally, "What do you think I do? Lin Mengya, are you stupid?"

"Isn't I just a fool in your eyes? Yue Qi, do you think I will be fooled by you?"

挑 She raised the corners of her lips with a slight disdain in her smile.

"Master Yuan won't kill me, but the premise is that I want to be obedient. He went out today, indicating that he is at least a saint in the temple. If I ran out now, what's the difference from throwing a net?"

刚 As soon as her voice fell, Yue Qi sneered and looked at her.

"I thought, how good are you Lin Mengya. After a long day of trouble, isn't it just a timid cowardly species?"

"Yeah, what can I counsel? But he just likes it. If you have the ability, you also counsel one to make him like it."

With these words, Yue Qi was so angry that she rolled her eyes.

"Lin Mengya, don't go too far!"

"It's too much of you! Yue Qi, don't think I don't know what your idea is. Do you think that if you get rid of me, and then give him credit, will he look at you differently? Don't be stupid, if he Can be deceived by you, when he just forgot about me, you should have succeeded. How is it now, regret it? To be honest, if he still has the memories of the time, I ’m afraid of being ruthless to you Well, after all, you are my dear sister! "

Her sarcasm left Yue Qi speechless.

Xu's face was red and blue for a while, and Yue Qi smiled at last, but there was a bit more brutality in his eyes.

"You're not afraid, will I tell you everything about the young master?"

"You have to dare, don't you? If you told him when you first came, it was a great achievement. But now? This is something you deliberately concealed. What do you think you can get?"

Qi Yueqi took a sigh of air-conditioning, she didn't know why, she always felt that everything in her hands seemed to be in her hands.

"You, don't think I can't cure you!"

Xun Yueqi was forced to be anxious, but he only had a sharp mouth.

But Lin Mengya lowered her voice and warned in a low voice: "If you don't want to die, don't talk nonsense!"

Xun turned to raise a brow, and stared at Yue Qi fiercely.

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