Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1400: How is good

Qi Yueqi has to cooperate with her even if she is unwilling.

After all, in the presence of Master Yuan, they were grasshoppers tied to a rope.

"Master, you are back!"

Xun Yueqi greeted her up, Master Yuan narrowed her eyes and determined that Yue Qi hadn't done anything to her. Then she smiled and took people in her arms.

"You are good, rest assured, your revenge will be reported in a few days."

Master Yuan Yuan's speech was a bit vague, Lin Mengya felt that he seemed to hide a thousand killing intentions, but at present she can only pretend that she does not understand.

"Thank you, Master, you heard nothing, Master O only has me in my heart, without you!"

I want to talk about acting, Yue Qi can also be regarded as a faction.

Gao stared at her and stabbed her a few more words, and was sent away by Master Yuan.

Every time she was alone with this person, Lin Mengya felt that her hair was upright.

"Don't worry, we will be able to leave here soon. As for your Highness Xi, I will find a way to take him away."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Master Yuan and got up and walked back to the house.

The other party doesn't care about her attitude, just tells people to continue to treat her more severely.

In the room, Lin Mengya's mood was indeed a little anxious.

She Yueqi's mind is very understandable. She just hopes that she can disappear, and it is best to die in the hands of a bad person like Master Yuan.

In this way, even after Long Tianyu knew it, she would not blame her.

Moreover, she chose to think of Snake with Master Yuan for the sake of Long Tianyu.

So I was able to use Yue Qi, but I couldn't believe her.

After all, Master Yuan Yuan now just hopes that he can do things for him, but Yue Qi, what she wants is her life!

Escape, I'm afraid it's not so easy.

What's more, if she can't take Cheng Rusong together, I'm afraid that the other party will be killed by Master Yuan.

If you don't escape, Long Tianyu may also be affected.

She thought about it and decided to find Cheng Rusong first.

If she can, of course, she hopes that the two of them can escape the birth together.

Xu Xu is because of her good performance, and coupled with Yuan Yuan's feeling that she must not escape.

She thought it would take some tongues to go out, but when she opened the door, those people just followed her step by step.

From the perspective of Xun, for the cooperation between them, Mr. Yuan quite valued.

She walked slowly. The better yard was unlikely to be used for detaining people, but when she passed by several yards, she heard the voice of women inside.

Jaina's voice is still young, at most 15 or 6 years old, similar to Yue Qi.

She couldn't help thinking of the scene when that person and Yue Qi were sticking together, and could not help disregarding that shameless guy in her heart.

But those yards are all locked with a big lock, and listening to the sound is also very pleasant, I am afraid that I have not suffered any kind of suffering.

Gao Lin Mengya thought about it, or decided to do other things first.

She quickly found Cheng Rusong, but this man had been tortured to death.

She found Cheng Rusong in a small yard. If it weren't for her sharp nose, Cheng Shibo would have to die here today.

After watching Cheng Rusong lying motionless on the haystack, she felt a little anxious.

The two tails behind Lu Ke were really abominable. With a flash of aura, she thought of an idea.

"Two, you stay ahead."

The two looked at her at the same time, she said with a smile on her face.

"I know that your young master, Master Yuan, is an extraordinary person, and he is not malicious to me. I know this person. It is better for me to persuade him and let him work for your young master. ? "

怕 Afraid that the two people would not agree, she immediately said mysteriously.

"Moreover, if he is really a useless waste, then you young masters, you just need to kill him with one stroke. Torture him into this way and have not killed him. The reason for this is not to say that you Do you understand? If he agrees, this credit will be indispensable to you. Besides, I can't run in this room. You two said, "Isn't it?"

The two men looked at each other, and were also dubious about her words.

But the desire to be successful has shaken a little in the eyes of the two.

Lin Mengya added another fire and said, "Furthermore, there are only three of us here. In case the persuasion was unsuccessful, I would have died and never been here. As long as you two don't mention it, no one knows it. Better, Let me give it a try. "

I'll give it a try, there's nothing to lose anyway.

Two people hesitated and accepted her statement.

He then kept outside the door, but Lin Mengya went in immediately.

"Shibo, Shibo, how are you?"

She tore off her petticoat and she poured out the herbs in the sachet and applied it to him.

He was nothing but a wound compared to his wound.

Fortunately, she was just trying to cover her eyes.

Xun quickly used the acupuncture method that the teacher had taught her before, and replaced it with a silver pin on her head to protect his heart.

Cheng Rusong's condition is okay. As long as he is no longer hit, the problem should be small.

She cried several times, and Cheng Rusong slowly woke up.

"Miyamiya, why are you here?"

Cheng Rusong was very embarrassed, and his face and body were covered with whip marks.

Although Yue Qi described herself so high-flying, Lin Mengya knew that she still hated Cheng Rusong because of the deprivation of her deputy.

Otherwise, why bother people to be seriously injured while doing drama?

"It's a long story, why are you here?"

She carefully lifted Cheng Rusong and let him lean against the wall.

The two guards also stood outside the door, no matter what they were talking about.

"Oh, I'm in a hurry. They've got their trapped, old horse? Is he all right?"

Qi Lin Mengya shook her head and whispered, "Ma Shibo is fine, but he is worried about you."

"Oh, my old bone, it is not so easy to go to Master Yan Yan to report. Gong Ya, do you know that Master Yuan, who is it?"

He lowered his voice, his eyes fluttered out of the door.

Qi Lin Mengya shook her head. She still had no clue about this matter.

He wants to say that he is also a saint, but she always feels that this person has little worship and due respect for the temple.

In short, Master Yuan felt strange to her.

"On the surface, he seems to be a high-level saint. But the day I was arrested by them, they killed me to meet the saints in front of me. Can I understand that? "

Immediately, Lin Mengya understood.

If Master Yuan is really a saint, even if he belongs to a certain faction, he can send his own person to pick it up, or he can deceive Cheng Rusong.

But he didn't, and killed the guard who came to pick him up.

This shows that although he is not afraid of the temple, he still wants to hide his true identity.

"I see, Cheng Shibo, take a good rest, I will try to take you out."

Cheng Rusong nodded, looked around, and said lowly, "Gong Ya, you remember, you can't follow them anyway, you know?"

She understood that Cheng Rusong must know something.

But now, this is not the time to ask questions.

People outside couldn't understand what they said in a small voice. After Lin Mengya gently instructed, she said aloud, "Cheng Shibo, in fact, Master Yuan just wants us to cooperate with him, why are you so stubborn? I will give you time Think about it. If you think about it, you can ask the other adult at the door to come over, and you can still suffer less. "

Cheng Rusong also understood her meaning, but snorted coldly.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately pretended to walk away, muttering as she walked, saying only that Cheng Rusong was so ignorant.

The two people didn't say anything, maybe they felt bad luck, but Lin Mengya told them not to tell Master Yuan about this first.

Maybe next time, she can persuade success?

The two people were persuaded by her too. After all, the young master might be waiting for this person to surrender.

If they succeed, is it a big deal?

You are selfish.

Lin Lin Mengya caught this point and covered up the matter.

I just waited until she returned to the room where she lived, but accidentally found two people.

"Sakurako, peach, how could you be caught?"

The two girls were already terrified, and fell on her arms, crying with tears.

Gao Linmengya heard it from their words. The outside world knew she was taken away by the Temple of Law Enforcement. They were worried about her. The two were thinking about the situation, but they didn't want to be caught here.

"What about others? Do you know, I was arrested?"

She Yingzi and Taozi shook their heads, and Yingzi said: "We asked those homeowners, and they all said that you were taken to the Temple of Law Enforcement. Nothing else is known. Miss, are you okay?"

She shook her head gently, no wonder Master Yuan was so fearless.

I am afraid that until now, they do not know that they are no longer in the Temple of Law Enforcement.

No wonder, things are not so big.

"So, His Royal Highness? And Your Highness, do you have any of them?"

The two people were the most weird of her.

Sakurako lowered her voice and whispered in her ear.

"Slave heard that His Royal Highness Xi is presiding over the ceremony of seeing the Lord these days, but he has never heard of His Highness."

Their news is not circulating, and if she is absent, who will tell these big things to the two girls?

I was a little uneasy, and Master Yuan said that he would also grab Long Tianyu, I'm afraid it wasn't a joke.

到底 What the **** is he doing?

Agitated, she spent another night.

There is Sakurako and Peach next to her, and she calms down.

Cheng Rusong's injury was more serious, and he had many new wounds on his body.

Although he is very good, he is very old, and in the evening of the second day, he has started to have a coma and fever.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that if she didn't intensify the treatment, she would be afraid that she would be more fierce.

She just wanted to talk to Master Yuan, but didn't want Master Yuan to find her.

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