Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1401: Twelfth floor

"It turns out you are here, come and invite Miss Gong away."

大 When Master Yuan saw her, she smiled a little more on her face.

Lin Lin Mengya felt a little bad in her heart, but she calmly walked to him.

"What does this mean, Master Yuan? Where are you taking me?"

I didn't want to, Master Yuan's eyes looked at her tenderly.

Ke Kereng Mengya, but at this moment, she felt like she was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Her subconsciously wanted to retreat, but the armed men behind her made her retreat.

别 "Don't be afraid, I'll take you home. Gong Ya, you don't belong here, you belong, we."

His voice was soft, but it was so cold.

Although Master Yuan was still that feminine, she saw the flashing madness in his eyes.

The danger was getting stronger and stronger, and she wanted to turn and run away, but rationally controlled her.

I can't, I'm running now, just to die.

She quietly gave her a hand, and then pretended to be confused.

"I don't quite understand what Master Yuan said. Go home? Is it home?"

Master Yuan Yuan reached out and gently touched her face.

Suddenly, she felt herself goosebumps.

"The palace family is nothing but ants. Gong Ya, you will never know how beautiful and dazzling you are. Come, I will take you home."

She rubbed her wrist and was caught by Master Yuan.

Secretly tried to shake away, but found that the opponent's hand strength was far beyond his imagination.

His face was a bit unnatural, but Lord Yuan walked fast.

She barely kept up with him, but in her heart she was figuring out how to escape.

"Wait a minute, can my two maids bring them too? Or, help me send them back first. They have been with me for so long, and I'm not used to taking care of them. Also, the name is Cheng Rusong Does the family owner follow us? "

She dare not mention it. Seeing what Master Yuan meant, he should be willing to leave here without taking care of him.

She is afraid that the other party will destroy the body. Now she is still useful, so at least it is safe to follow her.

Master Yuan narrowed his eyes, his expression changed.

Gao Linmengya immediately changed her face, pretending not to be happy: "Master Yuan wouldn't even have the sincerity of this cooperation?"

知道 She knows that this person's mind is unfathomable.

If she obeys blindly, it will be easy for people to notice that she has a problem.

She didn't agree. After seeing her upset, Master Yuan smiled and said, "It's okay, but Cheng Rusong's relationship with you is really good."

Lin Mengya knew before that Cheng Rusong approached Ma Lian and her. This matter could not be hidden from Master Yuan.

At first, she pretended that she didn't notice that the person who had been hung up was Cheng Shibo, but also for Master Yuan to be confused, what was the relationship between them.

现在 But now, the situation has changed drastically, and there are some things she can't care about.

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, you're working with me now, aren't you? You meet my requirements, and I can fulfill your wishes, don't you?"

Her tone is a little dissatisfied, but it makes Master Yuan feel that she really wants to cooperate with herself.

He knows better than anyone, and then treats herself as an equal collaborator before she dares to lose her temper.

But it ’s okay, let her be arrogant for a few days, and then she will succeed faster!

"Okay, don't you get angry, I'll let someone do it. Come, listen to Miss Gong's orders, and bring everyone with us. Let's go first, so as not to miss the hour."

Master Yuan seemed to be in a hurry. Lin Mengya had the intention to delay for a while, but was afraid to get their attention.

She couldn't help looking back, until she saw Sakurako, Peach, and Cheng Rusong who were being framed followed by not far away, then she was relieved.

At this time, they had already left the floor where the Hall of Law Enforcement was located and were rushing up.

Strangely, they didn't see anyone along the way today.

Even if Lin Mengya wanted to ask for help, there was nothing she could do.

what happened? Where did everyone go?

They went up all the way, Lin Mengya kept walking and kept counting.

The eighth and ninth floors should continue to go up.

Is their destination, the tenth floor?

But what she didn't expect is that these people are so bold, they are almost unobstructed and reach the twelfth floor.

I did not expect that the twelfth floor in the legend was just a very wide platform, and there was actually a huge building like a temple on the platform.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at Mr. Yuan secretly. The man's face was actually full of 120,000 points of enthusiasm. I don't know if it was because he had gone too fast. His pale face was a little flushed.

Lin Lin Mengya became more and more strange the more she thought, didn't he say he wanted to leave here? Why should you bring yourself to the twelfth floor of the temple?


Lin Mengya was forced to keep up with his pace as he grabbed his wrist tightly.

When she walked to the middle of the platform, she found that the door to the temple not far away was open.

Isn't it that they have taken a step here before they come in?

She couldn't help but expect something, but she was afraid of the people who came in, in case it was Mr. Yuan's party who should do it.

He did not expect that the temple was full of people.

They saw Master Yuan and himself, dodging one after the other, giving way.

Zhe Lin Mengya was very surprised. Are they all associates of Master Yuan?

Until the end of the crowd, several people appeared, making her extremely familiar.

Long Tianyu, dressed in black, and Cai Ling, dressed in white, and in front of them, the remaining ten family members were looking at her and Master Yuan with strange eyes.

"You, are the main sacrifice and the sacrifice this time?"

Master Yuan didn't seem to be afraid, and she took her stride to the two people.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Long Tianyu, but in the latter's eyes, there was only deep darkness, and she could not see any other emotions.


His voice is still low, but Lin Mengya can hear it. Although he hides deeply, the person who knows him best is her.

Hit him, nervous.

The reason should be her.

"Then do your job well, if you delay the business, you can't afford it."

大 Lord Yuan was extremely arrogant and powerless, Lin Mengya felt the tension of Long Tianyu hiding under the black robe.

She was extremely keen, and the current situation reminded her of some things before.

Perhaps, all the concealment of Long Tianyu is only for today, so that she won't suffer from the situation as it is now.

But the world is unpredictable. Although he has prepared everything he can do.

But today, she was brought here.

"It doesn't bother you, but what do these people behind you mean?"

He gave her a slight glance, then looked behind them.

Gao Linmengya also looked back and found that besides a few of them, there were many girls in the back wearing saint's clothes, but very slim.

They looked a little excited, not as if forced, but as if they were out here.

Mr. Yuan sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "They are all the people I want to take back. Why should I tell you?"

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes were cold, and finally she fixed her body.

"Well, what about her?"

Who knew that Yuan Yuan laughed, and motioned to the men behind him to place Cheng Rusong on the ground.

"The owner of Cheng was found outside by me, and I would like to bring it for you. As for her, she volunteered to follow me, right, Miss Gong?"

In Yuan Yuan's eyes, a bit of dangerous light flashed.

Suddenly, she felt a sting in her wrist.

The feeling of numbness and numbness, rising from the wrist, quickly flowing in his body.

Wu Xiaoyao started to warn, and her body reacted quickly.

I poisoned her, this man was afraid he was crazy.

"No, I suddenly changed my mind."

She smiled and broke Master Yuan's hand. In his inexplicable eyes, he walked to Long Tianyu's body.

"Miya, how could you--"

刚才 He just scratched the skin of her wrist while she was not paying attention, and then injected a hallucinogen.

If she wins, she will be faint and let him do the mercy.

Fortunately, these things did not work for her at all.

But Long Tianyu's expression did not appear a little relaxed.

He took her hand and placed her behind him.

"You follow the rules, you can only take those who willingly go with you. Who else is willing to go with him?"

Gao Linmengya thought that those girls would say not, but did not expect that no one would stand up and say no except her peaches and sakurako.

In the crowd, Elder Liu, who had helped Master Yuan grab her, stood up at the moment.

Furious and reverent reverence appeared on his face, and he actually kneeled at the feet of Master Yuan.

"Please bring me, I am willing to be your humble slave."

Master Yuan looked at him scornfully, then shook his head.

"You are not qualified to become a citizen of the Immortal Kingdom."

长 Elder Liu heard that she burst into tears.

Suddenly, Master Yuan was smiling with a smile, and looked at Lin Mengya.

"How long do you think you can stay here?"

Punching his words made Lin Mengya even more incomprehensible.

I just felt that Long Tianyu was secretly clenching her hand.

Suddenly, there was a bang in the depths of the temple.

Zhe Lin Mengya thought it was an earthquake, but didn't want Long Tianyu and Cai Ling to change his face, and then Master Yuan suddenly took off the saint's clothes and exposed a set of dark golden underclothes.

"I'm finally going back, I'm a subject of Immortal Kingdom!"

After speaking, he walked quickly to the depths of the temple.

His followers also scrambled to follow him, walking with him.

The atmosphere was weird, Lin Mengya saw Long Tianyu wink at Cai Ling.

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